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Posts posted by White06

  1. I havent been on here in a very LONG time. Be sure if Im not on here Im being bad. Its almost like you people can see into my house, and see Im being BAd...lol

    I have gained 5 of the 11 pounds I lost but I am hoping to get my mind straight again. Tomorrow night I have my quarterly lapband support group meeting and am hoping to get some refocus with that. This is so hard. Why can I support everyone but myself????? Why do I LOVE sugar so much? I know its all in my head but so far I havent learned the whole lesson. Ive got to talk myself into staying on this site so I am made to be accountable...I am my own worst enemy.

    Hope everyones doing well, I have really missed you all!!!

  2. Just checking in for the night. Hope evryone is doing great. I have had 3 bad meals in the last two days. I went way over my calories. I started my same old crap, Ive cheated so Im gonna just quit. But.....my goal is to stop being my own worst enemy. I just want to dust myself off and finally realize that I cant be perfect all the time, IM HUMAN. Tomorrows another day Scarlett. I can do this but for me I just have to dig deeper than others. I accept that, and now I am gonna pick myself up and press on to a healthy life.

    My goals for tomorrow are to first get all of my Water in, some exercise and journal every bite that goes in my mouth. I havent done that in a few days and Im sure thats where I went wrong.

    Okay...Im done venting. Hope everyones well, and KEEP POSTING, it helps me sooooo much!!!!

  3. Thought I would check in before going to bed. THANKS so much for all of the comments, you all motivate me to press on. I guess thats what we all need to do.

    Several people have asked me what Im doing to lose. The only thing I can think of that Im doing different is I finally got all of the sugar out of my system and made my mind up to take one day at a time. After 4-5 days of measuring and suffering I think my band just shrunk a little, because I cant eat over 3/4 or 1 cup at a time now. Believe me before I cut down I was eating 4-5 cups at a time with no restriction.

    I dont know what else to tell ya, but since getting the sugar out of my system, Im not craving it all the time..............thanks goodness.

    Hope everyones well.

    (My uncle came off the ventilator tonight, thanks for the prayers):grouphug:

  4. I havent posted in a fews days, hope everyone is doing well. I have been back on the program since Dec 30th, and am still doing great, which is an alltime record for me. I have kept my calories between 1000 and 1200. I need to work harder on getting my Water in but baby steps are my goal.

    I have been at the hospital with my family for the last 3 days and have managed to still do well, so Im proud of myself. For the prayers out there remember my uncle who has just found out he has leukemia.

    Thanks to everyone who has posted, it has really motivated me.

  5. Tabithan-Just reading your posts motivates me...but...

    To answer your questions, I have had about 6 fills. Most of the time they werejust 0.25 or so. About 6 mos ago I had all of the Fluid taken out because I was PB'ing all of the time. I was stuffing myself all of the time. I had gotten to where I didnt care if I got sick as long as I got to eat what I wanted. Anyway...talked myself into trying again and went back to my doc and got two more fills (I am at 1.25cc in a 4cc band) The commitment lasted till the next day and I was back to my old habits....I cant seem to find the strength to move on. Every time I eat something Im not supposed to I feel horrible...but just not bad enough to stop!!

    Tomorrows another day Scarlet...lol!!!!

    I am barely 5'2" so I always show every pound. As we speak I am planning my menu for tomorrow. That has to be a step in the right direction. I HAVE TO DRINK WATER!!!!!!!!! GET IT IN MY HEAD!!!! ha ha

  6. LOVED,LOVED,LOVED this thread. I feel like I havent ever posted any good news on the site. I have totally failed my band. I had surgery in Oct 2006. The only real weight I have lost was during the resticted diet after surgery. Once I was able to eat again, I never really stopped. I have steadily gained all of the weight I loat back and then some. I weighed 199 the day of surgery (I am barely 5ft 2in.) Today I weigh 203.8 lbs. I have never felt like more of a failure. The weight gain has made me feel horrible. My fibromyalgia pain has increased along with my appetite.

    Of course, I have vowed to restart for the new year. I am SOOOOO sick of my weight being my new years resolution for the past 17 years. Enough is enough already!!!!

    Today, I am rereading all my lapband stuff, trying to find some encouragement or motivation. This thread has been great. For those of you who weigh and measure your food for each meal, what are your goals with that...1 cup...etc...??????

    Thanks for letting me vent......

  7. Has anyone ever had a skin reaction after having a fill? It seems like everytime I get a fill whether its in the office or under floroscope I get what looks and feel like a bee sting. It comes up as a red bump and burns and itches, kind of like a sting......Has anyone else had this happen or anything similar?:laugh:

  8. Wow, some of these stories are scary. I guess you can say that Im not a success story. I had surgery in Oct 2006, and lost around 30 or so lbs. I kept PBing until the dr sent me to therepy and the therepist thought I might be developing some signs of bulima, which I was because I was constantly overeating and getting sick, knowing better but did it anyway. So...the dr took all my Fluid out until I could get a handle on my food issues. 6 months later I went back in and had gained all of my weight back except for about 6 lbs, and he put 1/2cc in my 4cc band. Thought I was gonna do good this time, but just as soon as I got out of the dr office I got some devastating news about my daughter and even tough I got the fill I can still eat about anything in any amount. Stress/Depression totally rules my emotional eating. I go this afternoon the see the dr again, its been 6 weeks since my fill and I have gained a few more pounds. Actually I weigh 4 lbs more today than I did the day of my surgery. I am hoping he will give me another fill today, so that I can have some restriction anyway, and hopefully get back on track. Im so sick of feeling bad about my self, my kids and husband deserve better and dang it so do I!!!!!!

    I refuse to think the band is the reason for my failure, every regained pound I have is from me eating the wrong foods, SUGAR, and overeating. Im just gonna try to find something inside of myself to push on, because I know I deserve better. I dont want to be stick skinny I just want to feel better about myself, and not be afraid to be seen in public.

    I dont know if anyone has had the same experience as me but oh well..pray for my appt this afternoon.......

    Whatever any of you do, DONT HAVE GASTRIC BYPASS SURGERY!!!! My sister in law is 40 yrs old and had it 5 yrs ago and has been in and out of the hospital for 2 yrs from malnutrition, her body just wont absorb anything.

  9. Just because some of us are not doing too good doesn't mean you cant. Dont get discouraged like I did. You fight like he.. and overcome any addictions you may have to food. The band works if you do the work. It's really hard but I would hate to see someone get in the shape I have been in.

    The best advice I can give you is....journal your butt off, especially your calories and stay on top off it. It will work!!! You CAN do this!!!

  10. Waiting all weekend without knowing something is going to drive me nuts. On top of the discomfort I feel so weak and fatigued. I havent done anything all day except lay on the couch. Everytime I get up to do something I get so winded...this just started yesterday too......Im really scared!

  11. I got up yesterday morning with a very sore port site. It feels like the day after youve been hit in the stomach. It hurts when I put any kind of pressure on it. It also kind of feels like I have pulled a muscle. This is the wierdest thing, and it truly scares me because its nothing I have experienced before.

    I guess in the back of my mind Im wondering if I have hurt myself, because I have been doing a lot of overeating lately?????

    Help, what could this be......slippage, erosion, flipped port.....those are all the things I have read about.....what do Ya'll think?:thumbup:

  12. I would love to have an answer to this burning question. When I am successful its because I leave it completely out of my diet and when Im failing its because Ive let it back in.

    This is my experience, it may be different for others.

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