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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by White06

  1. Yes. I dont take them regular just on the days where I think Im gonna eat the furnitre...ha ha ha I am also hoping they will make me thirsty so Ill drink more water. Thats one of the hardest things for me.
  2. White06

    Xmas weight gain

    We can all relate thats why were here. You are not a failure. It took a strong person just to have the surgery!!!!!!! Stop beating yourself up. It honestly takes a while for your brain to realize a new lifestyle. Take it one step at a time. You can do this!!!!!! Last night I ate a piece of cake with ice cream, it it almost killed me, but today, I have learned thats a no-no. Try to do better. Sometimes I feel like Im in grade school all over again....today were gonna learn this...tomorrow this...ha ha ha ha
  3. White06


    I really suffered a lot with depression for the first 5 or 6 weeks. Im sure it was a combination of a lot of things that brought it on. Negative comments, missing solid food, expecting to lose 100 lbs in a day, no energy. BUT...it all let up and now I am feeling lots better. Trully the thing that helped the most (besides God) was reading. The more I educated myself on how this thing really works the more confident I felt. I guess it finally clicked. I have to go slow and wait on my body, because it doesnt respond like everyone elses. Sometimes its slower sometimes faster. Hang in there its a bumpy ride but in the end hopefully a ride worth taking!!!!!!
  4. I have started on occasion taking Phendimetrazine, is that the same thing? They are a small pale yellow tablet.
  5. You will lose lots more. Your doing great!!!!
  6. White06

    Protein Drinks

    FINALLY........I found a mixture that I can stand to drink!!!!!! I mixed 1 scoop of Unjury unflavored protein powder, 2 spoonfuls of Nesquick no sugar added powdered drink mix and 8 oz skim milk and it was actually good. It smelled a little funny but was great. (Also two cubes of ice) All of the protein drinks have been gross, and I wasted so much money on them. Maybe I can stick with this. Hope everyone had a great holiday!!!!
  7. Does anyone out there have psoiasis? I have had a mild case since high school. Since I have had the band, I am breaking out all over with painful spots. I also have moderate to severe scalp psoriasis, which was almost totally gone before the surgery. If anyone else has psoriasis, do you have any suggestions on how to keep this under better control until my recooperates from the shock of surgery?
  8. White06

    Drugs - What am I doing to my body?

    Not to be a religious nut or anything but here goes......... God is a forgiving god, who knows our every need. He already knows your needs before you do. As far as you avoiding church, everyone has to come to repentance. Which simply means, they are all in the same boat. Maybe not this one today, or this one tomorrow, but "all" sometime. Hold your head up high and do this for you. We all are addicts in some form or fashion or we wouldnt be here. I love food sometimes more than my family, and dont even get me started on my OCD issues, but just like you I have to keep on trucking. Saying these things to you and listening to everyone else here keeps me going. Lots of times if it wasnt for this forum I couldnt go on. We all need friends and I too have a best friend who has moved on, but your new friend will show up soon. Sometimes we have to be our own best friends, which is sooo hard. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! I dont even know you and already I can feel your strength. Hang in there and dont give up on yourself. YOUR WORTH THE EFFORT!!!!!!
  9. White06

    Lump In Your Throat Then...

    Thanks I needed that laugh!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  10. White06

    Lump In Your Throat Then...

    Thats probably the million dollar question for a lot of us bandsters...ha ha We have all had to take a long look at our selves thru this journey, Lord knows I have. Hang in there and quit being so hard on yourself. I dont know what I would have done if it hadnt been for this web site. It has really been my saving grace. Theres a lot of information and support on here that I otherwise wouldnt have received. Stay with it. Your gonna be fine. Famous Quote...."Tomorrows another day Scarlett" Ha ha
  11. White06

    Nsv ...

  12. I am strongly considering a detox for my colon. I have heard all good things about it. But...How does this work with the lapband. Has anyone tried a detox, if so what was the name of it? Did it work?
  13. White06

    Hair Loss Products

    HAs anyone else had any experience with Nioxin Scalp Therepy? I purchased this with the shampoo and condictioner. After I put it on my hair is so sticky and stiff that I cant even get a comb thru it. Any suggestions??????? Im afraid Im losing more haair using it. Its almost like trying to comb a brillo pad with honey on it...ha ha ha ha ha :)
  14. White06


    Ive not been in this very long and am surely not an expert ha ha But for me this is normal. I cant puke either. On the other hand a friend of mine said if you try you could have slippage. I'm not sure how true that is. Im curious to see what your responses are.
  15. I was banded 6 weeks ago this past Thursday. My family and I went on vacation for Thanksiving this year. I was thrilled, I wont be here to worry about all that food. I left Wednesday and came back today, and I cant tell you how big of a mistake it was. I weighed a minute ago and I have gained 6 pounds in 5 days. But....let me tell you what I ate.... In the 5 days: gravy and biscuits, eggs, open faced roast beef sandwich with mashed pot. and gravy, a whole pecan pie ( 1 piece at a time) ribeye steak, hamburger, baked Beans, cole slaw, potato salad, popcorn, BBQ, fried green tomatoes, onion rings, lots of sweet tea, baked fish, virgin strawberry drink, baked chex mix, hotdog....this is just what I can remember. I ate small amounts at a time, but I kept working on it till I got it all down!!!!!! I dont know what I am gonna do with myself....I went to te Dr before I left and since I lost since my surgery he doesnt want to even talk to me about my first fill until afteChristmas....what do I do....I cant continue like this?????? I have even considered taking some left over diet med's to knock off my appetite....what do I do? Has anyone else had an appetite like this 6 weeks after banding? :help: :help: :help: :help: :help:
  16. White06

    Desperate/Considering diet pills

    Shawn, My Dr said he has been having a lot of people calling him for a fill, I dont know if he does it or not. I'll be glad to ask him on Thursday, or I can give you the #. Send me a private message if you decide to call. Thanks!!!
  17. White06

    Desperate/Considering diet pills

    I know..but, this feeling of no control, and the mind games I'm playing with myself is crazy. I keep thinking everyone is staring at me and will know if I have lost or gain even one pound. I have such low self esteem, I wont let myself get away with anything which is part of the reason I'm fat to begin with.
  18. White06

    Desperate/Considering diet pills

    If I had known this I guess I wouldnt have done this. I have mourned food so bad this week...I am going to try my best to go on total liquids tomorrow, but honestly I dont know if I have enough will power to do it.
  19. White06

    Help, please....first PB

    How long after you eat before this happens? And, is there anything you can do to make the food move down (or up)?
  20. White06

    Help, please....first PB

    I know this sounds stupid, but what exactly is a PB? What does it feel like...etc.....:omg:
  21. What are some examples of foods you can eat during your 4th, 5th, and 6th week after banding? I ate some chinese food yesterday and it made me feel horrible, I hope to never do that to myself again!!!! I am so tired of this liquad stuff. Please share some of the foods you eat during these last two weeks. I've got to get back on track, NOW!! Also, can you have a slippage before you have a fill because of eating "chinese crab angles"?:omg:
  22. White06

    Daily Food Diary...

    I'm having a brain fart...ha ha What is 1 CIB?:omg:
  23. Hang in there!!!!! I felt the exact same way you do. I'll tell you just like everyone here told me...It will get better! Dont give up. :(
  24. White06

    Are You In The Green Zone???

    I am definetly in the yellow, and I havent been banded very long. For the last two days I cant get full. Im eating more than I should. Is it too early to get a fill? I go back to the doctor for my checkup Friday, will he do a fill after 5 weeks? I'm a little scared!! Maybe, a lot scared.....:cry :cry

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