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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by White06

  1. White06


    I have read something somewhere about not taking ibuprofen or limiting the amount you take. Does anyone know the reason for this? I have fibromyalgia and Tylenol just doesnt cut it. I called my doc's office this morning and ask the nurse, she said that you were only stop taking it days after the surgery. Does anyone know?
  2. White06

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Today is the first day in months that I have stayed on my diet. I know that sounds crazy but I have had such a battle with this since surgery. But today I have really done great. I even turned down ice cream cake, which I consider a VICTORY!!!!!!! I am 16 oz away from all my water, which is a first since 2003. I know its only one day but for me its a great start. Hope everyone is doing well...! Have a great rest of the weekend!!!!!
  3. White06


    I take Miralax, which is by prescription. I think its the same as the one above....maybe. Do all banders have a problem with this? Ive had this problem all my life but it seems to have gotten worse since banding.
  4. White06

    Is This Product Any Good?

    This is my first time seeing this...How much is it?
  5. White06

    Alabama bandster

    Kelley, Hey, Im from Alabama also. Do you live in Anniston, if so Im about 20 minutes from you. If so I have a million questions for you. It would be great to be in contact with someone close by. Talk to you soon.
  6. White06

    Can't eat bread!

    It is so weird that some of us cant eat bread, but can eat other things. I cannot eat bread of any type unless I want to have (or feel like Im having) a heart attack. But what really freaks me out is that I can eat reese cups, doritos, etc....without one problem but other things make me so sick. I finally understand what one person was talking about when I first got banded....they considered taking a spit cup around with them....ha ha ha
  7. White06

    Increased Appetite...

    ok Jack...you always make me laugh. So...how do we do the reprogramming...seriously.
  8. White06

    Gut Pain/Back Pain

    I went to the doctor and he thinks Im just constipated. He just didnt get excited at all. If I have a fecal impaction, how do I fix it? After reading the research it sounds like I am a total text book case. Let me know what you think??????????
  9. White06

    Gut Pain/Back Pain

    This is a little embarrassing but here goes....I have been doing two protein shakes a day for the past two weeks. I put one scoop of Unjury unflavored protein powder, 8 oz. Hood Calorie Countdown Fat Free Milk Beverage, and 1 scoop No Sugar Added Nesquick Powder....what a mouthful. For the past three days I have had very loose stools, which has been okay because from the moment I became overweight I have had a problem with constipation. But, Last night I started having the most incredible gut pain....When I would go to the restroom, it would hurt just to sit down, almost like in the pelvic bones. Today I have had incredible back pain. I dont know if its because of the protein shake I have added or something else. I remember a couple of years ago, having to go to the ER for similar pain, and had a cat scan of my abdomen and it was decided I had a lot of stool to get rid of. Also, I had a colonoscopy a couple of years ago and it didnt show anything. Could it be a gut problem, a gas problem, the shakes, or something more serious. The pain seems to be radiating from my pelvic bone all the way to my side and back. Anyone else had a similar problem?
  10. White06


    I crush my tabs and add a little pineapple juice. Gross sometimes but the liquad form of some of my meds is expensive.
  11. White06

    Special K Protein Water

    Hey, I want a copy of those band rules.
  12. White06

    Gut Pain/Back Pain

    Funny you should ask, I am feeling a little better but I still have frequent attacks. I am going to the doctor today to see whats going on.
  13. White06

    prayer requests for LBT'ers

    Great thread!!! Its strange how God is always on time. My name is Tina too, glad to meet ya!!!!!!
  14. White06

    Tomorrow is my day!

    Good luck to you!!!! Dont be nervous just remember tomorrow will be the first day of your new life, IT"S GONNA BE GREAT!!!!!!!
  15. White06

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    How is everyone this morning? Hope everyone had a great weekend......I ate entirely too much this weekend. I got a little exercise though...which is unusual for me. For some reason I cannot get motivated no matter how hard I try on eating right or exercising. I have got to find a support group, but there doesnt seem to be any around my house. I guess Im gonna have to do a little researching. I had a protein shake this morning with 2 scoops of powder. Cross your fingers it holds me till lunch. I have got to make this Easter Challenge. I want to be successful at something one time in my life. Again, cross your fingers I want sabatage myself...again!!!! ha ha After looking at the posts this morning, seems everyone did a little bickering with family this weekend, Glad to see I wasnt the only one. HA HA HA HA HA :clap2: :clap2:
  16. White06

    Hair Loss/Wigs

    Okay, Ive lost my hair so bad now Im considering a wig. Anyone know a good place to buy or order one. I dont want to look like a freak?
  17. White06

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    I havent been on this thread in a few days and I have missed a lot. Especially all the hoop lah about Jimboss and the hair incident....I too had my DH read it. I think he thinks Im in a cult or something....haha He's just jealous...ha ha I am so thankful for you guys..this always lifts my spirits. I still have only lost one pound on the Easter Challenge, but Im going walking with a friend this afternoon. Trying to do better. Hope everyone has a great week.
  18. White06

    Gut Pain/Back Pain

    My pain is better, but i am still having a few issues. after the response Ive gotten, I am going to call my doctor today for an appt, and this straightened out once and for all. Thanks for your concern......!!!!:clap2:
  19. White06

    Hair Loss/Wigs

    Sorry it took so long to get back. I have lost almost half of my hair and Im looking really thin. I am taking Biotin, Folic Acid, Multi Vitamin, Nioxin Shampoo & Condictioner and Rogain. None of the stuff works. I think its from the shock of surgery. From what I have read it should be coming back in in another month or so. Im still really glad I had the surgery. If I had it to to over with my hair already being thin I would have started the Rogain a month or so before my surgery to help the thinning.
  20. White06

    Gut Pain/Back Pain

    What could this be?
  21. White06

    Bummer.....I am shedding.

    Man can I relate. Im having the exact same problem. Evidently after 6 months it should start coming back in, or so Im told. Keep your fingers crossed.
  22. White06

    God's Design

    Good Luck and hang in there, were all here for you!!!!!!
  23. I think if you try hard enough you can find something bad in everything. We all have had some sort of problem with the band. You have to change your thinking or it wont work. Head hungar is a powerful thing but with the band as a "tool" we can overcome it. Look at all the positives.....inproved health and happiness, improved self esteem!!! Those are all worth this journey of self improvement, dont you think!!!!!
  24. White06

    Muscle Milk?

    thanks. How do the Atkins shakes taste? I tried the chocolate a long time ago and it was a little too strong for me.
  25. White06

    Muscle Milk?

    Do you know what the cals, carbs, sugars are? I'm trying to decide between that and Isopure Zero Carb.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
