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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Bklynike

  1. Hi, Miami - I'm in North Miami. I was banded on June 21st, just 6 days ago. I am feeling really well. I have lost 7lbs 4oz since the 18th. How are you doing? Who banded you? I used Hollywood Bariatrics, Dr. Thomas Bass. Keep in touch.

  2. You will do great. Keep walking and sipping your water to break of the gas after the surgery. Watch your diet and enjoy your journey. I am happier than I have been in years. This will be a great year for you so enjoy and keep us posted as to how your journey is going for you.

  3. I wish you the best of luck tomorrow. Monday after my surger I was sore, mostly in the incision by the port through Tues. The gas was really the worst part, so walk, walk, walk and if you have a significant other ask them to massage the area that hurts. I walked back and forth in my condo, sipped my water and rested the first 2 days. It is wonderful. Good luck and keep in touch.

  4. Thanks for your reply to my blog. I am going to check out the website you suggested for food recipes. My husband does most of the cooking, but I will forward him stuff I would love for him to try.


    I returned to the gym today. My last visit was on the 18th, just before my surgery. Today I weighed myself and to my great happiness and surprise I found I lost 7lb 4 oz. OMG. Thanks again.

  5. Are you drinking the fluids? That will also help you be less hungry. I also had about 4 oz of another protein shake late afternoon because I was hungry. You can do that to stave off the hunger.

    Walk, walk, walk to get rid of the gas. I am off to the gym right now to use the treadmill - I am in FL so it is so hot here you can't walk around outside.


    I really hope you are feeling better today. If you don't, please call your doctor in the morning. I have to return to work tomorrow - I wish I didn't have to and not due to the lap-band LOL. Please keep in touch and let me know how you are doing.

  6. Have you called your doctor? You seem to be in much more pain than I am. How many incisions did you get? I have one through the belly button and 2 others - 1 at port site and the other is higher. My gas has subsided and I haven't had to take pain medication since Tues, the day after surgery. Everyone has a different tolerance for pain - mine is very high. I have had so many operations that this one was a walk in the park.


    I have a 4 oz protein shake in the morning for breakfast - about 13.5 grams of protein and a cup of decaf with 2 tablespoons of Coffee Mate. For lunch I have been having 1/2 an Isopure (20 grams protein) and a cup of cream soup - 2 gp. Yesterday I was hungry so I added a jello cup. Last night's dinner was another cup of cream soup (the 2nd part of the can) and the rest of the Isopure and an ice pop. I had coffee in the evening as part of my water in take.

  7. So how are you doing today? Are you maintaining your diet alright? I am so sick of soup and protein shakes. I can't wait until next Friday to eat some real food.


    Let me know how you are doing.

  8. Hey, Cris:


    How are you feeling? My gas is gone and pretty much the only pain I have is when I roll over in bed during the night. I am feeling amazingly well.


    Your doctor allowed you to eat much more food than my doctor has allowed me. I don't get mushy/pureed until next Friday. What are you eating? How are you holding it down?

  9. Hi, glad to have you as a new band-buddy.


    You will be able to make the drive. If you start feeling gas or any pain, park and walk around the car a little bit. It will do you good to get out.


    I had my surgery on Monday and today my father-in-law went into emergency with a bowel obstruction. We drove 45 minutes up to where he lives and sat in the hospital for about 5 hours. When my gas, and yes I still have gas, started bothering me, I walked the hall of the emergency room.

  10. We are band sisters now because we share the same date of surgery. 2excited is also a mutual friend of mine since she is also a June 21st bandy.


    To answer your medication question, my surgeon gave me liquid Hydrocodone. I only took it the night of the surgery, nothing during the day yesterday or today, but I did tkae a teaspoon to help me sleep last night. I really feel great. A little tender when I stand up and some gas, but that is really it.


    Are you as excited as I am? This is the greated gift I could have given myself. My insurance did not cover anything but the nutritionist - at least that was something, right.


    How are you feeling? Everyone tells me the same thing, sleep and rest - eat and sip slowly and we will come through just fine.


    Keep in touch so we can follow eachother's story.

  11. Good to hear you are doing so well. My surgery was also at 8:45 and I was released around 11. The gas is mostly in my left shoulder and side of my neck. But I am walking back and forth in the condo and it seems to be helping. I see my doctor on July 6th. I am on liquids until tomorrow and then full liquids for 10 days. I can't believe you get to eat pureed already. You go girl.


    I am in North Miami, FL. I just visited my twin sister in Great Neck NY for a week at Memorial Day. I go up every year - we call it our twins weekend. It is just the girls and it is a great get away. My husband holds down the fort here.


    Please keep in touch since we are now band-sisters. My name is Eileen, by the way.

  12. How did your surgery go yesterday? Things with mine were great, and I expect the same with you. How about that gas? I feel pretty good today because I think I have walked most of it off and my husbands has been rubbing my shoulder and back. The pain I am having is when trying to get up from a seated positon at the port site, but that too shall pass.


    Please let me know how you are doing. I hope you are doing great. It is the start of your new life so enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

  13. 4lbs in 6 days is amazing. You keep it up. How are you feeling? My surgery is tomorrow, any suggestions?

  14. Tomorrow is the day - my re-birthday. I am so excited. I am also a little nervous. I would be so happy to look back a year from now and see I lost 100 lbs like you did.


    How are you doing? Any words of advice?

  15. I am so glad the fill was so easy for you. I think I am more nervous about the fills then the actual surgery. How crazy is that? My doctor said they don't want any eating between meals, if possible. But if you are hungry after 3 hours, perhaps you are right and needed more than 2cc's. I don't know, but don't get upset. Everyone calls it the sweet spot and you will get there. Try keeping track of when you eat/drink and see if there is perhaps something you are missing or forgetting. You will get it all worked out, so get scared the sweet spot is out there and you will find it.

  16. Hi. I am doing great - 2 days into the liquids and looking forward to Monday. Hope all is well in your little part of the lap-band world and you are continuing to do great.

  17. How did you do with your fill yesterday? I hope it went really smoothly and you are doing well. Are you back on a liquid diet? If so, how long does you doctor want you to stay on liquids after the fill? While I haven't had the surgery yet, my doctor says 2 days on liquids after every fill. Monday is getting close - I can't wait!

  18. I would love to be band buddies! I already accepted your friend's request.


    I start my liquid diet tomorrow, the 14th. I am a little worried about it, but I will do it. All of you who have been banded and blog about it have given me the encouragement and will to make it happen for me too.


    Any advise you care to offer would be greatly appreciated.

  19. My surgery is one week from Monday on the 21st of June. I can't wait...Liquid diet starts on Monday.

  20. You look terrific and appear to be doing so well. Keep up the good work.

  21. I am so glad you are doing better. I saw the surgeon's assistant today and everything is on track for my June 21st surgery. I lost another lb - not really dieting, just exercising. I am really enjoying the gym. Do you exercise at all? When you say pretty hungry, have you told your doctor?

  22. I will be seeing my surgeon tomorrow for my final visit before my surgery. I had a protein shake for lunch yesterday and it was fine. I am going to get some unflavored protein so I can mix it in broth and use my own flavors. Have you tried that? This is the tough time, the liquid part, but that too shall pass. I have several friends who have already gone through this and gastric bypass and all are doing really well. Keep up the good work. I'd love to stay in touch with you, if that is alright with you?

  23. Hi, you commented on my blog for which I thank you. It really makes things easier for me to write - as they say in our educational meetings journaling is important, so I blog instead. This is a great site.


    I wanted to wish you the best of luck. You are where I can't wait to be! How are you doing, so far? Are you on a liquid diet? I'm a little nervous about the whole surgery thing, but I have confidence in my surgeon that it will go alright. I need to lose this weight and this is the only way it is going to happen. Please feel free to reply to me any time. Again, the best of luck to you.

  24. I wanted to check in with you to see how you were doing? I hope you are feeling better. Has some of the gas left? Keep walking is what I hear everyone say.

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