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Posts posted by stcyt

  1. Hmmm ... it would seem to me that the new suture line would be inside the old one thereby removing the old suture line. That would seem to make the most sense to me to avoid additional scar tissue.

    Definitely talk to your Dr about this and ensure they have done re-sleeves.

    Yes...it looks like I have lots to discuss with my doc. At first it just seemed like, "why not", but the reality is setting in. Mexico is nice for a lot of reasons, but the real good preop doc discussions often don't happen till the day of surgery. I haven't let my coordinator know my concerns yet... it's just starting to hit me that I am really committing to going through this whole blasted process one more time. I kind of want to get some exrays here in the states or something, just to have someone confirm that the lack of restriction isn't all in my head. Or.... If I stretched it out myself am I just going to do it again? Thanks for you input. I remember when I did my first sleeve I was on here all the time.... its sooooo helpful to have a community :-)

  2. Wow, Thanks PdxMan. This really tells me alot. I am 2.5 years out and was wondering if maybe the restriction just goes away after a while. Its good to know you keep the restriction even after 2 years.

    I am pretty set on the re-sleeve, I really really dont want to go through that all again, but I really really want to be at goal weight.

    I read on here that the resleeve carries a higher complication rate because the stomach itself is thinner and the suture line has to go accross the old suture line.

    I dont know if this is true and it's not a very common procedure, so I'm not sure where to research. I, of course, will ask my new surgeon about this, but I like to do independant research whenever possible, especially when getting care in another country. I dont want to do the bypass or d-switch because I dont want the malabsorption. If it's safer though... maybe I should go that route. Just not sure where to find the information on all this stuff.

  3. I dont know about the Bougie size. I think he was using as a general practice around a 34-36... and then I asked for bigger.... so its anyones guess. I had an excellent surgeon and would recomend him to anyone... he was just honering my wishes by going bigger.

    I try very hard to eat right and exercise, just hired a personal trainier and am trying to build some core muscle strength. I am feeling quite defeated and had a little Taco Bell Pity Party yesterday.... ate 3 taco supremes with no problem and could have easily eaten much more (not a habit.. just a lapse).

  4. Hello all,

    I was sleeved in 2010 and lost 40 lbs. I worked out like crazy and followed all the rules. turns out I had undiagnosed hypothyroidism. Also... I was pretty scared at the time of surgery (in Mexico) and asked for a little bigger pouch (mistake).

    Anyway... I have gained 10 lbs so overall weight loss ='s 30. I am scheduled to be "resleeved" in Mexico with a differenct surgeon (original surgeon too pricey, although I really liked him). I am hoping to have a better result now that my hypothyroidism has been corrected.

    I really didnt think much about it.... other than what a complete pain in the ARS!!!

    But then I read on here that it carries more risks.

    I don't want to freak myself out.... but does anyone know anything about this?

    Has any one else been resleeved?



  5. Perhaps I should start a new topic for this, but I have approached Dr. Aceves in Mexicali for a recommendation to a plastic surgeon. He gave me a name of the only doctor he recommends & I've made first contact with the plastic surgery doctor a couple of days ago. He wants me to send nude picture (with my face blacked out) so he can see the areas that I'm concerned about. I laughed & said I'd never done anything like that before and my husband would have to be in the shots (then I pictured my hubby making a threatening gesture to the camera like 'this is MY wife dammit!').

    I guess I'll go ahead and do it. Take the pictures I mean. Then he is going to tell me exactly what my choices would be and how much it would cost. I've got to admit that I don't know where I'd get the money. There are many more important things on our list that I need to find the money for -- like a blood panel to see how my nutritional levels are doing; getting a cavity taken care of; a falling down, rotting, back porch....

    But I figure I'm just getting informed about my choices and the costs. Maybe down the road.....

    I am booked with Dr Gutierrez.... full arm lift for 3800. He said not only do I have to have the full scar (elbow to arm pit) but because of the excess skin I will have to have a 3-4 inch T at the bottom (the full arm lift is 3800 and he's throwing in the extra incision). I am doing a virtual consult with one more surgeon just to make sure he says the same thing. Here's my pics..... after 12 laser treatments (pics are no different from "before" pics



  6. That sucks! I'm trying this Velashape thing starting tomorrow, on my inner thighs (the only area it's been tested on, with results for 70% of pts). We'll see how it goes. I got it practically for free, and I've already received so many "if you don't do this just right, it won't work" warnings from the stupid office, that I honestly don't expect any results, but given that it cost me less than a drop-in gym fee per session, I decided to just give it a shot. I'll keep you guys updated.

    Vela shape is what I was doing. I did hear that it was approved for inner thighs and the tecs that worked with me said that is where they have seen the best results. I think I have to revise my thumbs down evaluation. The procedure has done absolutly nothing for my loose skin.... but..... I did loose an inch in my arms at a time when I'm not really loosing any more and I havent lost any inches anywhere else. So... I guess for actual reduction I have seen some movement.... its just the excess skin thing. I hope yours works.... It sounds like your not out much if it doesnt'

    good luck

  7. thanks breezy

    It is pretty maddening.... its not like there was a little it of progress... just not enough...

    there was NO progress. Geeze... an arm lift in TJ is $3800.00... what was I thinking.


    Hopefully I've learned my lesson about impulse buying. I'm the worst when it comes to this.

    take care


  8. Well guys.... I was going to wait until I finished my treatments (I bought a pkg of 15) before I gave my final verdict, but, unless a miracle happens in my last 3 treatments I am going to go with a big fat thumbs down on this procedure. I have had 12 treatments and NO results. UGH.... what a waste of money.... Well... hopefully none of you will get sucked in now... its so alluring to believe that you can rid yourself of excess skin with just a few laser treatemnts.... don't buy the hype.

    I guess its back to Tijuana for surgery.

    take care all


  9. What about for men? I already have Moobs. I am very fearful of sagging skin on my chest.

    check out barenecessities.com. I saw they had a mens section. Its just shapewear... but I think you will get the compression you want. I just went to Walmart and bought the old school girdle.... they don't really have such things for men.

    good luck


  10. I read that working out in the morning before you eat can force your body to use up it's fat stores. I know you will get through this stall!!!

    I have been a painfully slow looser. I decided that I would be content with 2 lbs per month... at least it was coming off.... right? Last month I didn't loose ANYTHING!!! I started doing 40 minutes of cardio before eating (fasting cardio as perscribed by the "fit for life" guy). Yea.... 2lbs this week... and I'm actually eating more because the cardio makes me kind of hungry. I'm a believer

  11. Just over 10 months out and I have a tiny scar where my drain tube was that is no longer visible. A tiny scar in the center of my chest (1/2 inch) that is barely visible. I have a scar about 1 inch long just over my belly button and another 1 incher to the left of my belly button. The 1 inchers you can see... but not bad at all. Really... my boyfriend has never even noticed. I'm sure its different for everybody... but its pretty minimal for me.

  12. so....

    I need to do something about the extra sking on my arms. It is all pooled around the top of my elbo and it looks like a rhinoceros' knee.

    Now... I do have batwings... but here's the thing. I think I can live with that. They are not horrible and I've had them my whole life so I guess I'm used to them. It seems like a trade off.... batwings or a big scar from armpit to elbow. six one half dozen the other in my book. Anyway... I feel like I just need a little tuck under the arm to pull up the rhino skin. Is there a name for this procedure? Is this a common procedure? I would probably have it done in Mexico so I need to be specific about what I want before going down. Any direction would be appreciated.



  13. We have so many fears.... all along this journey. Its weird how used to failure we all are.

    I was a binge eater before surgery. I would do pretty good all week but then I would eat massive amounts of food on the weekends. It was my coping... my a way to self sooth and manage my lonliness. I have had a few 2 "binges" since surgery. The first one... in hindsight... I think I was just testing the limits. I ate a good number of calories accross the day... lots of sliders etc. I consumed a fraction of the calories I did in a pre surger binge and I felt absolutly awful. For the next three days food just sounded abhorant to me (I am a food lover like you have never seen... food NEVER seemed abhorant to me in the past).

    Binge number 2 was a real live binge... with all the accompanying out of control feelings. I ate icecream and Cookies.... I was doubled over with what I can only attribute to be a "dumping" syndrome of sorts. Sweating nauseaus etc. I will NEVER do that again.

    Bottom line... even though sliders go down pretty good... binges just dont have the same reinforcing value they used to. Also... the weight loss is so motivating that it really helps you stay on track. I have looked for other ways to nurture and self sooth... hot baths... a little wine with friends...a message.... aroma therapy.

    Being thinner has given me alot more confidence now too.... so I'm dating someone and I spend much less time alone thinking about eating and much more time out living my life.

    I know its scary... but this process really is amazing... even for those of us with serious eating disturbances.

    good luck


  14. Moderation was always my problem pre surgery. My fantasy was that once I lost the weight, I would eat what ever I wanted, only in moderation (forced moderation... but moderation).

    I'm really close to goal and have had a few forays into the real world of food (taco bell being one of them). I have had such guilt and remorse after these times.... I am really going to start working on a healthier relationship with food... one that involves small indulgences without guilt. I mean, seriously, its not like we can eat enough in one sitting to do any real damage. I know we have the potential to regain if we decide to "eat around" the surgery with mushies and milk shakes... but NORMAL MODERATE eating has always been an illusive dream.

  15. I recently consulted a surgeon about excess skin on my arms. The damage is already done in my case, but he said to use compression garments when I excercize, especially high impact. He said the jarring of impact yanks the skin away from the body and can tear at the connective tissue. Hmmmmm this is a very interesting topic.

    by the way.... I just wrap my arms in ace bandages when I run.

  16. I didn't know what to post this under. I finally decided on success stories because I figure its a great success that we even wory about these things.

    So..... heres my question.

    How much have pants sizes really changed. I am 5'7'' and weight 143. I wear a size 6. Now.... about 10 years ago I weighed 132 for a short minute and when I was a teenager (way more than 10 years ago... I guess it was the early 80's I weighted 135) I don't rememer EVER wearing a size 6 before, not even an 8. The difference is, when my weight was low before I was not in good physical shape. Not sickly, I just didn't exercise and was sort of soft. Now I run and lift weights (not hard core) and do yoga. What are your thoughts on the difference.... how much of it is our expanding definition of what constitutes a size 6 and how much of it is having a different body composition? Any thoughts

  17. Very true! I think the best gift we can give ourselves is TRUE freedom from food. That being if I decided I wanted a Taco Bell Taco for dinner, by golly I'll have one and move on. One taco does fill me up and I have to take off any excess tortilla. I usually get the chicken and they put a good amount of meat in it. It holds me all night long too. To me, that makes me *happy* not *guilty*!!! Besides, I don't even think I've had Taco bell in a very long time. Maybe even only once post op.

    My only suggestion would be if you can feel satisfied on one taco, then let that be it. No reason to eat more if you don't really need it. Try not to push the limits if it's possible. Also, Stacy - you are at a very good weight for yourself. You have done very well, and if it takes you awhile to hit your desired weight then it does. You *are* a success story here, but you have to believe that in yourself for it to be so!!! Just my opinion of course, and you know what they say about opinions!!!... :lol:

    Thanks Irene..... I have to really work at seeing myself as a success sometimes... I know I really am fine... its just so easy to frame is as a failure for not loosing the last 8 instead of a success for loosing the first 49. Its weird how we are so nurturing and supportive to others and so mean to ourselves sometimes.

    thanks for the reminder


  18. wow thanks

    that kind of stuff is sooooo helpful for those of us who spin ut from time to time wondering if we can really make this work for the long term. I'm 8 lbs from goal and I am going to work like crazy to maintain!!!!!! At 10 mos out I take one PPI in the morning and have no problems. At first I took two a day but had no trouble cutting back.

  19. I get kind of nervous when I hear how little others can eat. I really feel like I can eat pretty big portions. Thank goodness for the dumping. You guys are right though.... 2 tacos are better than the 4 I used to snarf.

    My weight stayed the same this month which was pretty dissapointing since I'm about 8 lbs from goal. Clearly.... its my own darn fault since I went to taco bell (there were two other indescretions that I am embarrassed to admit here) I did do 40 minutes of cardio every morning before Breakfast and lifted at lunch almost every single day.... I was kind of hoping that would offset the bad behavior. Not so..... theres no rest for the weary.

    thanks for the input guys


  20. I can eat 1 taco from Taco Bell, but I still have to pull off the rounded part of the tortilla. If I tried to put in more than that, I'd be burping up food.

    I have noticed at 20 months out that if I eat meat and say bread or a tortilla together, I can fit more in. I usually take 2 bites with the tortilla, then dump the cheese/lettuce/meat out eat that, then maybe a couple more bites of tortilla.

    I can only eat 1/2 of a bean burrito with sour cream and I pull all the folded tortilla away and can not eat that much tortilla. The Taco Supreme is just a regular taco with sour cream, right? There isn't extra meat or cheese. The sour cream is what makes it "supreme".

    Yea... I think the only difference is the sour cream. This actually probably makes it a little more of a "slider" than a regular taco.

    The nice thing is.... I have never been overly tempted by these foods... fast food... potatoe chips...etc. They are nice once in a while.. but not really my thing. My thing was sweets. I loved cake and Cookies so much... mmm. Now... I think I have a dumping syndrome of sorts. I know we are not supposed to get that, but if I eat a sugary treat I am nauseaus and doubled up over the toilet. It takes about 45 minuets fo me to get back to normal. I know this sounds like a bad side effect, but I'm thankful. Its a swift and harsh consequence for forays into the danger zone.



  21. I dont count calories or carbs for the same reason. It triggers the most amazing dysfunctional process around food. Its hard. Sometimes I have to actively fight the urge to "diet". I am a very slow looser too and that doesnt help because I panick that it wont all come off or I want to speed up the process.

    Your specialist is right though..... we have to be "normal" around food or we will always have these issues. One of the ways I combat the anxiety is that, although I never count, I am very careful about WHAT I eat. I eat only foods that I know wont put weight on me. For me this is whole foods.... nothing processed. I make all my own Soups using lots of high Protein Beans such as pinto or black Beans. I dont eat potatoes or bread or other starches that break down quickly. My sister calls it "eating close to the earth" If its been alterd by humans I avoid it. You may find a different plan.... there are options out there that dont require counting things.... South beach for instance. I just like eating 100% whole foods and its working, although slowly.

    I still have a little anxiety around food and eating as much as I want.... but if I know its wholsome and will nourish me (no empty calories) I feel better about it.

    I dont know if this helps... but it does get better.

    hang in there


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