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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by reverie

  1. Happy one year to me. Yayy!

  2. No fill and no secret I've been banded for a year tomorrow. I believe it took me pre-op and then about a month post-op to reach onederland. I think my calorie intake + the exercise helped most. Besides, you do often lose quickly in the beginning.
  3. I eat 1700 calories a day. No one here, nor any online program/database, can tell you how many calories you need to eat. There are so many variables that play a part (height, weight, goal weight, daily activity amount,e tc) so using those tools/comparing to others is quite useless. My advice is to start off with a number and go from there. I worked my way up from 800 calories to 1700 calories. When I first began I ate about 800 calories a day. Seems like a small amount and a drastic cut from 1700, but when you have excess fat to lose, a 1,000 calorie deficit is acceptable (I'm sure some will disagree with me here.) Maybe start at 1200 calories and add 100 calories each week; re-evaluate at the end of each week to see what the scale is doing. This is how I worked my way up to 1700. Also, are you weighing/measuring/tracking everything you eat? If not, start. Buy a digital scale and fully know/be aware of what you're taking in calorie wise each day. Sometimes we're eating a lot more than we expect. I learned this when I went into my Peanut Butter phase. A "tablespoon" of peanut butter is not a true "tablespoon," so to speak. The same goes for most/all foods. In the end it's calories in vs. calories out; I don't care what anyone says LOL.
  4. Papaya enzymes may help. I'd also advise putting yourself on an eating schedule; eat before you get too hungry. I find if I eat smaller meals more frequently I am able to keep hunger at bay, therefore I am not desperate to scarf down my food like there's no tomorrow. I eat every 2-3 hours, for hunger's sake, not for any false "it's better for my metabolism" reasons. Good luck!
  5. reverie

    Anyone not losing weight?

    1. First and foremost, the word "only" should be removed when talking about weightloss. That is 10lbs gone, and hopefully 10lbs you'll never see again. While it may not seem like much, those "only 10lbs" soon add up to 50lbs, maybe 100lbs gone. So, congratulate yourself and take pride in the 10lbs you have lost thus far. You said it yourself. You're early out. The first 6-weeks are not about weightloss, it's about healing and allowing your body to heal inside. Stay off the scale for awhile. You won't gain weight, but during this time you may not lose any either, and that is perfectly normal. Even though you're doing everything right, keep in mind you didn't gain it all overnight, and you're not gonna lose it all overnight either. It takes a lot of time, patience, and will power. Keep in mind post 6 weeks, the average weightloss with the band is 1-2lbs a week. Some weeks you'll lose within the range, sometimes less, sometimes more, and sometimes none at all. I say this in almost every reply to most thread, remember, weightloss is not linear nor constant. Keep that in the back of your mind. Also remember that your weight can fluctuate 10lbs in one day. 2. Per the starving issue, focus on getting your Protein in. Protein really helps with hunger as does healthy dietary fats. The "full" feeling is personal. I feel full eating 1 cup of food, sometimes more. Others feel full eating 1/4 cup; it's all relative and differs from bandster to bandster. Not one of us here has the same "full" feeling. I personally don't seek it. I portion out my food, enjoy it, and then I'm done. Restriction usually isn't met on the first fill, but then again, restriction is all relative as well. I have no fill and have enough restriction to keep me satisfied for 2-3 hours; that's all I want/need. 3. Port pain can last for a few more weeks. The port is sewn to your abdominal muscle so it will take more time to heal/feel completely normal. Try using a heating pad. 4. I'm not sure alcohol this early out is safe, advisable, nor a wise choice. Just my 2 cents. Good luck!
  6. reverie

    How much time off work

    Took off 2 weeks; could have gone back in a week.
  7. Sometimes eggs can be tough; they have caused me problems in the past, especially early in the morning. I too have no fill. I'd advise drinking something hot before you eat anything in the morning. Tea/coffee work fine. Bands are often tighter in the morning so you may have to drink something hot to help loosen it up a bit. Also, be sure you are truly taking small bites. I am known and still am known to shovel in food, as I like to call it. You may find using baby utensils can help or using a teaspoon as opposed to a tablespoon. Make sure when you take a bite that it is a pretty small amount. Big amounts, while you may chew well, can slip down before you chew them, which may be causing the sensation you're experiencing. Good luck!
  8. One day 'til one year banded - wow time flies!!

  9. Is it inflammed? Leaking anything? Hot to the touch? Call your surgeon if you're worried. Blood clots can occur at anytime, which is why doctors/health professionals tell anyone, surgery or not, to get up and walk around after a few hours. As long as you're not sitting for hours on end, you're probably okay, though it never hurts to get up and walk around for 10-15 minutes.
  10. Stick to your post-op diet. I wouldn't drink too slowly but small sips are best; you don't want to be gulping down liquids too fast, especially early on post-op.
  11. reverie

    are you kidding me????

    Not much. Many of them just compliment me/say I look great. They don't treat me any differently, IMO. My brother will sometimes pick at me, ie. last night we went to dinner for Mother's Day and I told the chef I didn't want rice with my meal and my brother said something like "ohh no rice she can't weigh it" or "she'll gain an ounce." It bugs me a little but I laugh it off; he does know I weigh everything I eat and I guess he finds it funny; doesn't bother me much!
  12. reverie

    Gaining weight...

    Maybe seek help from a counselor. Are you tracking your calories/exercising? What kind of "diet" are you on?
  13. The shape. http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/realize-band/realize-band-faq.html You may find that link to be helpful.
  14. reverie

    Gas pains post op

    Walking, Gas X strips, and a heating pad, otherwise it's nothing you can avoid; it's all part of the journey. Good luck to the both of you.
  15. Yay @ no guilt. That's how it should be. Food shouldn't be viewed as good and bad.
  16. reverie


    Thread hijack? Lol. Where do you feel pulling?
  17. reverie


    Eating too much too quickly maybe?
  18. Happy Mother's Day everyone!

  19. reverie

    TOM weight gain...

    It's water weight. You don't gain 7lbs in a week.
  20. reverie

    A BIG NO NO!!!

    Proof that the band cannot/will not/and does not stop you from eating. Will power is and will always be part of the equation.
  21. I freaking wish. I have crazy restriction..with no fill. Oy vey. My episodes are very far and in between however.
  22. Just my 2 cents: 1. Congrats on your loss! It's good that you're exercising. Exercise has been key during my journey. 2. Carbs are carbs; it doesn't matter if they come from cream of wheat or oatmeal. Eat foods you enjoy, not foods that a doctor deems "healthier" than another. Your body doesn't know a carb from pizza compared to a carb from an orange. 3. I'd say your too tight. The fact that you stated you're eating "soft" things is a lightbulb. Get an unfill. I don't care what you can or cannot eat as the poster above mentioned, but to me, eating should not be a chore. To me what you have to do to "eat" is abnormal and not something I'd want to have to do for the rest of my life. Eating should be quick, easy, fun, and..enjoyable. 4. Are you measuring what you're eating? Seems silly but buy a digital scale and track your calories. Get an idea of how many calories you're eating now and go from there. If you're low, add 100 calories each week. I did this slowly, starting at 1200 when I stopped losing weight. I eat around 1700-1800 calories nowadays and I am almost at my goal. 5. Eating more/smaller meals does not increase your metabolism. Long-time running dieting MYTH. I do eat throughout the day but only due to the fact that I do it so that I am not ravenously hungry. Eating more often keeps my hunger at bay, nothing more. No other benefit to it.
  23. Man that sucks! At least you're all fixed up now
  24. Everyone is different most definitely. I too have not needed/wanted a fill and I am not hungry for the most part. My stomach will growl if I wait too long to eat so I eat often before I get that super-hungry feeling. I will say post-op for about 2 weeks I had no appetite at all and my appetite today is there but I am definitely not craving the huge portions I used to eat pre-band.
  25. reverie


    It is banned but can be purchased/imported here. I've seen others use it successfully though it needs to be taken in moderation and shouldn't be taken for a long period of time. I've also seen people do what is known as an EC stack (ephedra + caffeine) to help boost the heart rate during exercise. It works but I can't say it's the safest. Good old intense exercise works for me.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
