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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by reverie

  1. Awesome!! I love seeing people successful without fills. Congrats on your 107lbs gone! Amazing!!
  2. No it's not normal nor is it healthy for you or your band. You're risking slipping your band. You need to: 1. Chew more and eat slower/less at one time. 2. Get a small unfill if you're too tight. 3. Talk to your surgeon. 4. Drink something hot before you eat. 5. Combination of above.
  3. reverie


    Probably a combination of dehydration/lack of calories. Focus on drinking more. Sip sip sip.
  4. I've heard the plans that provide you with food are horrible tasting. I've never had experience with those programs. I figure I paid enough for my band, why am I paying some company to tell me how to eat when the literature is readily available to me..for free?
  5. reverie

    Is this gas pain??

    It is. Try moving around and using a heating pad. It goes away in time.
  6. reverie


    Are you dehydrated possibly? It may just be your body's reaction to the food you're eating. Be sure you're getting your water in. If it doesn't stop I'd call your doctor just to be sure.
  7. I see mine clear as day and I was even given a low profile port. I hate it. When I have PS i want to have it moved or removed completely; the latter being more favorable for me. Talk to your surgeon about it.
  8. Nope. Not one fill.
  9. First 6 weeks aren't about weight loss. Stay away from the scale and let yourself heal. You're complaining when you're down 2 pants sizes why? What exactly are you expecting, over night results?
  10. Glad I could help! I too re-read those 15 things almost every other day. Even though I am so close to goal, I still get too hard on myself; go figure!
  11. reverie

    Gaining Weight

    I highly doubt you've gained a true 4-6lbs in a week. That means you had to have eaten over 14,000 extra calories, and that's doubtful. Note that the scale can go up 10lbs in one day, for various reasons. Have you eaten a lot of salt? Eaten a lot of carbs? Are you getting your period soon? All of this can cause weight gain on the scale; again, not a true weight gain. More than likely it's Water weight. I wouldn't sweat it. Stay off the scale for a few days and re-weigh.
  12. reverie


    Exercise :wub:! I'm glad you found something that works for you! It's all about LIKING what you're doing.
  13. Exactly! It was and is worth it for ME, that's all that matters. It works for me on a daily basis. My band has given me so much more than just that "I'm full" feeling. I swear it somehow triggered a switch in my brain -- the one that said get up off your lazy @$$ LOL.
  14. May bandsters have the best luck I've heard Good luck on your journey! It'll be a year before you know it.
  15. I bet you will; you're half way there already. Amazing!!
  16. Down 116lbs in a year, wow. At 122.5lbs I'll be half of what I was. Amazing!

  17. Maybe have a fill under fluro? I dunno. Your band seems overly-finicky, IMO. Maybe go in for an endoscopy to ensure it's still in it's proper place, your pouch isn't dilated, etc.
  18. First 6 weeks are about healing. Put the scale away and focus on feeling better and giving your body the time it needs to heal. You just underwent invasive surgery; your body right now isn't looking to shed fat. It needs calories, nutrients, and everything else to heal properly.
  19. reverie

    Third Fill - NO LOSS!

    Yes, I didn't say that they didn't help, but they aren't going to make you lose weight. Having a fill decreases the amount of food you take in, which decreases your overall caloric intake. Start measuring and tracking your food. Maybe you're eating too little or too much; test the waters and see.
  20. reverie

    Weight Loss

    You've lost weight, take pride in it. The average weight loss per week with the band 6 weeks post-op is 1-2lbs a week. Are you tracking your calories? Measuring everything? What type of exercise are you doing?
  21. reverie

    First week post op

    Don't worry too much if you aren't getting all your Water in. While it is important, don't force yourself if it causes you discomfort. Remember to take small sips. If you're drinking ice cold water, try drinking something warm like tea. It helps. A heating pad may also help with the gas pains as does walking around every so often. Happy healing!
  22. reverie

    Third Fill - NO LOSS!

    Fills don't make you lose weight. Be sure you're tracking/measuring everything you eat. Are you exercising? If not, start. Even a smile walk a day can make all the difference. Maybe ask your doctor to check and see if you have a leak since you seem to be experiencing restriction and then a complete loss.
  23. If you have 50 to lose and you've lost 15 already, that leaves you with 35lbs to lose. I wouldn't have surgery for 35lbs, that's just me.

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