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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by neyad

  1. neyad

    2nd Fill - Feel'in Good Now

    I always like to follow-up with the status after putting entries in that are somewhat alarming. I survived my first STUCK! The doc said I probably will never eat pizza or bread again. I think he is right! Anyway, just want to say, I feel great today. I was on liquids for 24 hours and tonight I had mashed potatoes and meatloaf! It tasted so good. I was so ready for real food. The meatloaf is real soft. I actually bought that big honking thing at COSTCO, so it should last days..... I did find that I could eat quite a bit....more than I should...so tomorrow, back at it! Even if my band let's me overeat, I gotta not do it! You can't wait to be fully filled before practicing control. So there! Got my AB ROLLER from Walmart ($20.00). I plan to use that, along with lifting the barbel weights with hands close together on the bar, so I can work my upper flabo arms. Back to walking again, now that my stomach is feeling better. Walked 1.6 miles. I walk so darn slow....takes me 30 minutes to walk 1.6 miles. Everyone is passing me up...I will get there. Still hauling a lot of weight around. It was also very warm today. So, back at it! Come on lbs...melt off!
  2. Indio Girl, When you eat a taco, is it soft or crispy??? Is your enchilada cheese? I only eat with cheese...wondering if I can tolerate it?
  3. Leigha,

    Your new profile pic is really cute! Look'in good!!!!!!!!



  4. neyad

    Second Fill

    I only had .5 cc's taken out, so let's cross our fingers! Just remember, when you drink the water after the doc fills you, if it feels funny at all (like your throat is heavy etc). take some out! I would have been okay had I not eaten that dang pizza! It would not have been so bad. Worse case you go on liquids until you can see the doc. He happened to be away for a week, so I had a tough week!
  5. neyad

    Second Fill

    I received my 2nd fill on June 17th (2 CC). When I sipped the water after the fill, I felt a lump sensation in my throat - that should have been my first clue! The doc said he would take out some fluid, but I thought I was ok. I waited around for 1/2 hour and drank some ice tea and thought I was okay. I was able to eat okay for a few days and then DRAT! I ate a bite of pizza (too big) and it was downhill from here. The next AM I tried to eat breakfast...a couple bites of turkey bacon and some scrambled eggs - they came up. It is now June 29th and I am going to get some fluid taken out. The doc was out of town at a seminar. It has been a L-O-N-G week. I have used papaya pills, pineapple juice, meat tenderizer - to no avail. My stomach has been hurting in the middle of the night just about every night. This has not been fun! I am sick of soup! Cannot wait for today to be done and feel good again. On the plus side, I am loosing weight! Yeah! Not as much as you think for being on mostly liquids for a week.
  6. neyad

    2nd Fill - Follow-Up

    Well, drove 60 miles to La Jolla to have the doc take some cc's out of my band. He took .5cc's out. The real problem is I ATE PIZZA! WHAT WAS I THINKING! The doc said no pizza, no bread. I forgot to ask if I can have toast. My husband lives on pizza and pasta. Drat! The price you pay for loosing weight with the band. I keep telling myself, there are a hundred other things to eat that are good. So, starving on the way home as I had not eaten (it is now 2:00 pm). I stop by home and have chicken noodle soup and spoil myself with a malt (since I have to be on liquid). Since I have not eaten in days, I had to have a malt. It was yummy :eek:...but I drank way too much of it. I hope I feel ok again in the morning. The doc is very happy with my progress (down 33 lbs!) YEAH! NOTE TO SELF: NO PIZZA AND QUIT EATING WHEN YOU ARE FULL!
  7. You look great! How did you keep your arms tight????

  8. neyad

    Restriction & Exercise

    Well, I really have no restriction, so it is tough right now. He said it will take about 3 tries. I am asking if I can come in earlier than 1 month. So, I am eating too much..mostly at 5:00 pm and after. This is the tough time for me. The good side is I am walking 30 miles 5 days a week. I walk on my lunch hour around town. It is pleasant and am glad I am doing it. I ordered a pedometer, so I can see how far I am going. Just made the best vegetable for dinner from bariatriceating.com. It is cauliflower with olive oil, kosher salt, pepper and parmesean cheese baked for about 25 min. I broiled it for about 5 min. So good!!!!!!!!!
  9. neyad

    Restriction & Exercise

    Hi Thinatheart, Thanks for your update. I did not see your update until now! Good luck to you!
  10. neyad

    I'm Moving The Body

    Well, I am now walking 30 minutes a day (1.6 miles), 5 days a week. I love where I am walking...it is around a lake with homes, ducks and very pretty. I bought a pedometer, so I could track what I am doing. I hope the scale starts moving in the right direction. Breakfast and lunch I am eating in control, but dinner I am eating too much. I cannot wait for another fill. I did not realize that a fill a month and you have to wait about 3 months before the fill is right....slower process than I though. Kind of disappointed I am not going to loose 10 lbs/month now in time for summer.
  11. neyad

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    CommittedChick, I understand your frustration. I am dealing with the same issue. I was banded April 7th - lost weight before/after, but the last two weeks have been so difficult. I got my first fill, but no restriction yet. He told me it would take about 3x to get it right. So, I am trying not to pig out...but that is why we signed up right, cause we had a hard time eating small amounts...so until we get the correct fill, we have to struggle. Can't wait till the fill is right! Until then, just trying to exercise and eat right, even though my portions are larger than I am suppose to eat.
  12. neyad

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    You guys hit the good places! I hang out regularly at "The Swing"! My girlfriend owns the nail store a few doors up. I will have to check out the Travel Agency (after weight loss!). "Touch of Soul"??? Phyl, "The Cowboy" steak house changed ownership just recently. Heard it was not that good before. Another great place is "The Public Place". Excellent food! The guy owns a catering business called "The Forge". So good! I also love "Rosa's Cantina". The best tacos and salsa! Ok, enough about food now!
  13. neyad

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Janet, Did you win at Pechanga???? I love Old Town also. There is a store called Le Menergie. They have great purses, jewelry and clothes! It is next to Rosa's Cantina. Terri
  14. neyad

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Thanks Janet for letting me know about Oregondaisy and also the advice! Terri
  15. neyad

    My First Fill

    Well, I drove 60 miles to Scripps in La Jolla to have a checkup with my surgeon, Dr. Bhoyrul. I was not sure if I was going to get my first fill or not (I had surgery on April 7th!), due to my port being very sore last doctor visit. I was kind of down, because I have been stuck loosing weight and fighting my appetite. I was SO GLAD to get a fill :smile:. I have the best surgeon ever. He takes out the fill needle (I did not look at it) and fills it with saline. He tells me to put my hands by my side and raise my head up. He takes the needle and sticks it into my port (OUCH!) Some blue dye comes out when there is enough saline. I believe he said 2 CC. It hurt but he hit the spot and done...in seconds! Talk about a PRO! :wink2: I have been able to be brave, because I trust my surgeon. I need to work on my exercise program now (no excuses). My port is fine and will start back with the elliptical and the weights. I will do push ups against the wall, to work the flabby arms! The weight loss journey continues......
  16. neyad

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Oregondaisy, Just curious why you are changing from band to sleeve?
  17. neyad

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi All, I was banded April 7th. My port was very sore from the start and took a long time to heal. I could feel the muscle tissue pulling. It is almost healed to the point where I do not feel any pulling. I go today for a checkup. The doc said he may not fill me because of my port area. In the meantime, I do well with Breakfast and lunch, but am eating way too much for dinner. I am not starving and I really do not want to. I am trying to maintain until I get a fill. I need to get my exercise in gear...started walking a couple days a week, but not enough. Need to do some weights and arm presses. Now that I am feeling better, I should be able to jump on my ellyptical. Good luck to all in this journey! :scared2::grouphug:
  18. neyad

    Complications - 1 year out

    Elcee, Cute update!
  19. neyad

    very BLOATED!!!!!

    I am Day #32 post op and I got relief around Day #29. I bought a homeopathic pill from Henry's. The box says "Gas". It helped and then I take Miralax in my coffee in the AM. I still get bloated after eating sometimes - perhaps too when I eat too much. Gas-x did not really help me. I am now wondering if the bloating/gas lasts for some people. Let's hope not. It, however, is not the really bad bloat that hurts because your pants are so tight.
  20. Hi nr1946, I am so sorry for all the problem after so long. I wonder why the band would cause problems after 3-1/2 years. I do not have a rash. I can't believe another surgeon will not talk to you. That is not right. Can you call the surgeon who did your surgery and see if he can talk to a surgeon in your area to see you? Maybe an x-ray? One doctor visit with an x-ray should not be too expensive. Or call around the area with various surgeons....someone would surely see you!! Don't give up......are you getting your fills? Got to not get that weight back on...you worked too hard for 75 lbs!!! Good job!!! I hope you can get some help. No one should have to suffer. I guess when we install a foreign body in our stomach, we never know what will happen. Please let me know if you get help and your status!!!
  21. I have read all the threads regarding bloating, and pain in the abdomen. I am 22 days Post-Op and these are my symptoms. I have also let the doctor office know. I have a burning sensation when I touch my abdomen to the right of my port (port is on the left side). I have a feeling of perhaps stitches inside pulling the muscle where they are attached. From Day #1 I had problems with my port, getting up and out of bed. It killed...and is much better. The doc checked it and all is well. I am bloated after eating in the AM by afternoon my pants are tight and my burning sensation is worsened. All my stips are off and my incisions do not look infected...not red, hot etc. Last time I was checked he just heard a lot of gas. My port was sore then, but not this burning thing. I am using Miralax in the AM for the gas/bloat. I also have irritable bowel syndrome, so that is probably not helping. I got a list of things I am not suppose to eat, so will have to start cutting out cottage cheese etc. I am starting to watch this too now. Ideas?
  22. In case in the future anyone follows this thread. I read a lot of threads and I never hear the outcome, so it makes it very frustrating. I would like to report that it is Day #29 post surgery and my burning is gone! Yeah! Let's hope it does not come back. They had me go on liquids for 24 hours and that seemed to help. My bloating is better. The gas continues. I bought pills from Henry's and they are called "Gas" on the box. They are homeopathic. It got the idea from a bander that was sitting in my doctor's office. I also use Miralax in my coffee daily. I did heavy gardening yesterday and my port was a little sore but was so happy!
  23. Socalchic - where did you get your binder? Thanks! Terri
  24. K-Rod, When did the tearing/burning pain in port go away from you? Thanks!
  25. Hi JadaCamp, I have the same symptoms you have. How long did it take for the port side pain/burning to go away for you? Thanks!

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