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Posts posted by prdmommyof3

  1. It has been 24 hours since I had my surgery.

    I feel surprisingly well...aside from the bloating gassy tummy and sore incision sites.

    I'll try to be brief about my experience, but for anyone wondering, here is how yesterday happened.

    My surgery was scheduled for 6:30, so we had to be there (Tempe New-Day Surgery Center) by 5:30. Once we arrived, I confirmed all of the information they had for me on file, and was escorted to the prep rooms. I changed into a gown, complete with an adult diaper, and got my IV in & blood drawn. Then Elmo, my husband, was allowed to sit with me until Dr. Simpson & his crew arrived. Elmo thought I looked especially sexy, especially in the diaper, and I had to agree.

    First I met my surgical nurses, then Dr. Simpson came in to explain the procedure again and answer any pre-surgical questions I had thought of. I asked him to take a picture of the lap-band once inside, just so I KNEW it was there. I know, I have trust issues! And, last but not least, the anestesiologist came in to introduce himself and ask his own set of questions. I told him that I was prone to throwing up after surgery, and so he assured me that he would make sure it was not an issue with this surgery. Throwing up with thelap band is HIGHLY discouraged.

    At about 6:40, I was wheeled into an OR by the very nice and cheery staff, who assured me that they would take good care of me. They put some compression bands on my legs to encourage blood flow, put an oxygen mask on, and the last thing I heard was the anestesiologist say, "OK sweetheart, take some deep breaths. You're in good hands."

    The whole procedure took about 20 minutes, and then I was wheeled into the recovery room. It took about 30 minutes or so for me to be able to open my eyes...and I think it was about 7:30 when I finally could focus on the clock. I was asked if I wanted to take a couple sips of Water, which I did just the same as I always had. I guess I expected it to feel different...but it didn't.

    A few minutes later, I got up to walk a bit and go to the bathroom. I was assisted in getting dressed, and asked (without pressure) if I felt like I was ready to go home. I asked for a little more time, as I was still pretty groggy. My husband came in and sat with me until I felt like I could go. I was wheeled to my car & drove home.

    Once I was home, I took a nap in my recliner. I got up, had some pretty nasty gas cramps but my incisions didn't hurt at all. I sipped on some chicken broth and used the little breathing machine tool to force myself to take some deep breaths. They hurt and made me cough.

    I did a lot of walking in circles around the house to try and relieve some of the gas, but it didn't seem to work. My kids came home from school and all wanted to see my owies. I have to say, I was very upset that I had 4 incisions, when I was expecting to have a single incision (plus a tiny one from the camera site). They seeped all day, so this morning I put bandaids over them to save my shirt. 2010-03-31_15.25.18.jpgLast night I tried to sleep in the recliner, but it wasn't very comfortable. I ended up sleeping in bed, alternating from my sides to back throughout the night. I was a long and uncomfortable night, but I managed.

    This morning I woke feeling pretty sore and very bloated. I tried to wear some jean shorts, however after going with my husband to drop off our toddler at preschool, I realized that just wasn't the best option. It's a little depressing seeing myself initially FATTER than I was before becasue of the bloating, but I have to remember that it's only temporary.

  2. WOW! I can't believe it's REAL!

    I met with Dr. Simpson in Phoenix, AZ today and already have a surgery date. I am so excited...and nervous...and thrilled...and sort of sick to my stomach!

    How many emotions can one person have at a time? We're about to find out.

    Thank you to everyone on this board. Thanks to you, I didn't even have many questions for Dr. S today, because I knew so much about the band & procedure & after care.

    I am so looking forward to the 31st!! I just now realized that is right before Easter, but what's missing one holiday in the name of being happy, right?!?!

    No questions...just wanted to share my good news!!


  3. Lisa,

    I DO!! I want to lose this weight SOO badly! I would estimate I have between 80-85 pounds to lose, and I can't get going fast enough to make it happen.

    I am very active...working mom of 3 kids under 10...they're all in sports and I do boot camp 3 nights a week for 90 mins and (used to) walk all other nights ~ 3 miles. I've kind of pushed that to the side as the kids have been more busy, but it's something that I need to pick back up, especially as the surgery nears to get in the habit of moving and not getting clots!

    I wanted to ask you...did Dr. S do the single incision on you or multiple? I ask because he advertises on his site that he does the single incision, and that would be awesome!!

    I want to thank you for your support. It really means a lot. I've only told my dad, sister, husband and one close friend that I'm doing this, so it's really comforting to be able to talk to someone who not only has gone through the surgery but also deals with weight issues...as none of them are.

    Congratulations on your amazing weight loss to date. I can only imagine how great it must feel! I too manage to lose ~ 30 pounds, and then get all happy it's gone, lose track of my goal, and then gain it back. It's just such a terrible cycle. In the past 5 years, I've probably lost 100 + pounds, but gained it all back and then some! Terrible....

    Anyway, I'm so excited for Thursday! I have the money in hand to schedule the surgery...and hope to have it the last week of March/first week of April.



  4. Lisa ~ Thanks so much for the info! It was very useful!

    I have butterflies in my tummy for the consult on Thursday. I have so many questions, but can't focus enough to write them down to ask him!

    I am in a particularly good mood because I have my finances in order and am ready to pay for the surgery! I am so overwhelmed that this is actually going to HAPPEN to ME!

    I know that this is not an instant weight loss fix, but a tool to change your life forever. Still, I can't help having that looming feeling of "it's not going to work for me", since so many things I've tried in the past either haven't worked or lasted. Did anyone else have that feeling?

    I am HELLBENT to make sure that I follow EVERY BIT of instruction from Dr. S, who I can't wait to meet, but I am sooo scared that I still won't lose weight!

    Grrrr.....It's such an odd feeling I have right now...so excited, yet scared & doubtful that THIS will work for ME!


  5. Hi Ladies!

    I just read all of your posts since May 09...Congrats to you all with your weight loss & baby for one of you!

    I'm in the very beginning stages of researching the Lap Band procedure & costs. My insurance does not cover anything weight realted, so it's CASH baby for me.

    Dr. Simpson's office has quoted me $17,444 for the WHOLE thing, including 18 months of fills & insurance for complications.

    This sounds like a good deal...what do you think?

    I'm in Litchfield Park, so not too far from where he would perform the surgery, and according to his office, it is about 2 weeks from the initial consultation to the actual surgery. If I had my way...I would go to the consult TODAY!

    In the "real world" though, I have to get funding first!

    I really appreciate all of the feedback/suggestions/experience you all have posted thus far...and can't wait to be a part of this group...the BANDERS!!


  6. Welcome! Best of luck...keep us updated on your progress!

    I'm just starting to look into the procedure, and will be paying cash...darn insurance won't cover ANYTHING weight related...grrrr

    Anyway, can I ask you...what is the surgery like? Pain? Scars? Hunger? All that good stuff!



  7. thank you to you all who have responded!

    Some questions...

    Abou how slow/fast did you (anyone) lose the weight...1 pound/week, 5 pounds/month??

    once you lose the weight...do you keep the lap band for life? How does it wear over the years...in other words, will it ever become a "rotting" issue?

    Once you lose the weight, what percent of you have felt the need to have tummy tucks/other plastic surgery?

    Thank you so much!!:tongue_smilie:

  8. Hi there guys!

    Let me introduce myself...

    My name is Melanie, and am from Litchfield Park, AZ. I am 31, 5'6" and am currently 212 pounds. I joined this forum because, after YEARS of trying what seems like EVERYTHING on this planet, commiting myself to rigorous work out routines 3 days a week, walking 3 miles 4 days a week, watching what I eat, and focused every second of every day on my health, I still can't lose the weight.

    The real kick in the face is that, while physicians have no problem vocalizing and labeling me as OBESE, I feel that I have no support or viable options to help myself be removed from that category. My BMI (according to online calculators) is 34.2...just shy of the required 35 BMI, IF I had some sort of Morbid disease...which I don't. I am as healthy as a horse...never even catch the flu...which to a "normal" person would be FABULOUS, but for me....well, (and trust me, I know how terrible this sounds) it's almost a curse.

    I plan to pay for my surgery out of pocket, and hubby is 100% supportive.

    So, the reasons for my joining this forum are as follows:

    1. Did anyone on here ever find themself in the predicament I'm in? What did you do?

    2. Should I meet with a Dr. to see what my options are...ie. GAIN some of the weight I HAVE lost over the years?

    3. Are there any members on here who live in the Phoenix area who know of a reputable surgeon that they would recommed?

    4. On average, how much did this surger cost you if you paid out of pocket??

    Thanks so much!


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