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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jennlee36

  1. I had my surgery march 11th and yesterday I cheated and I ate a piece of popcorn chicken, I chewed it really really really good but I have to say I felt so guilty and scared that I was going to mess up my band. It wasn't worth all of that for me and I am going to stick to my doctors rules. I do have to say it is frustrating that every doctor is so different, I did 3 weeks liquids pre-op and will be 2 weeks liquids post op and when I read on here that people are on mushys already it doesn't help me lol. My husband advised me to stop reading this because its giving me ideas that I don't need to have. I suppose we should all just follow the rules. However not listening to my husband telling me to stop coming on here lol it has been so helpful and provides so much support I appreciate it!!!
  2. jennlee36

    Copy of Copy of DSC 0498

    Thank you very much!
  3. jennlee36

    Copy of Copy of DSC 0498

    From the album: Me

  4. jennlee36


  5. jennlee36

    3 days into the Pre - Op diet

    I totally understand how you feel! I am scheduled for surgery 3/11 as well but I have to do 3 weeks of optifast :wink2: it is a plus that they taste really good. But I have had moments of needing something salty and needing to chew something. The upside is I have lost 11 pounds which means its working and worth the pain! I hope your surgery goes well and remember what someone else said above we can do anything for one day and lets tell ourselves this every day :laugh:
  6. jennlee36


    Woo Hoo! I have mine scheduled March 11th! Your absolutly right it is very exciting but I also have some nerves.
  7. I also have PCOS and surgery scheduled for March 11th. Currently on the optifast shakes. My husband and I have been married for a little over a year and after my surgery (well after) plan to try to start having children. I wish you all luck!

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