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Posts posted by pnw218

  1. Fruit salad

    Three guys who were lost at sea ended up landing on an unfamiliar island. After wandering around for a while, a group of natives picked them up and took them to their hut. The chief came up to them and said, "We will let you live, if you can go out into the jungle and bring me 10 pieces of fruit." So the men agree and take off. The first guy brings back 10 apples and places them before the chief. "Now, you must stick the apples up your ass and not show a bit of emotion, or else we will kill you." The guy got one, and on the second, he flinched and was killed. The second guy walks up and shows the chief 10 berries. He is given the same task and makes it up to 8 and then begins to laugh histerically. He is also killed. When the second guy gets to heaven and meets up with the first, the first asks him "You almost had it! Why did you laugh??" The second replies, "I couldnt help it. I got the 8th up there and saw the other guy walking up with pineapples."

  2. Are caterpillars good to eat?

    Johnny: Daddy, are caterpillars good to eat?

    Father: Have I not told you never to mention such things during meals!

    Mother: Why did you say that, Junior? Why did you ask the question?

    Johnny: It's because I saw one on daddy's lettuce, but now it's gone.

  3. I was thinking about how I would have reacted had it been her with the news and I admit I would be jealous. However, I would have wished her will and offered her any support she needed. I guess she needs a few days to let it marinate. At least Mom took it well!

    I still have to tell my husbands family and do not look forward to their reaction. They have a daughter who is overweight and I see them making comments to her all the time about her eating and her weight. Yesterday they were giving her a hard time because I was eating a salad and she was eating ramon noodles. I got on to them and told them that if they wanted her to eat better, they should try supporting her instead of picking on her and then went into a tirade about how picking on her would just push her to eat more etc. I was pretty hot but I bet they wont be picking on her anymore in front of me.

    I worry about how hard it would be for her if they just see me dropping weight so I think I need to tell them but they are newly moved from Pakistan and it will be harder to explain to them what is going on.

    There is truly no reason to tell them "before" the surgery, especially if their response is going to upset you. I told three people before my surgery - my husband, my youngest daughter who still lives at home, and my sister. Everyone else got an email a couple of weeks after I got back. I wanted to wait until I had recovered from the surgery and lost a few pounds, so I would have something positive to share.

    My 24 year old daughter is still mad at me. Maybe she will ease up at some point. And yes, she is 5'9" and slender. :confused1:

    Now, over two months out, I tell almost everyone. I have decided that it is more important to share the sleeve surgery so that more people will benefit from it, than to be worried about what casual friends or aquaintances might say.

    Also, for you in-laws, I would suggest printing a description of the surgery from a website that also includes a drawing of what is being done. I did that for my primary doc because she was familiar with the band and bypass, but not the sleeve : )

    Congrats on your plans! I am so glad your parents were supportive!

  4. Good for you!

    It takes alot of moxie to go into a class with skinny chicks!

    The soreness will eventually go away ... in a month or so! LOL and j/k Your hard work will pay off!

    My advice: ice for 20, off for 20, heat for 20, off for 20, and repeat! Bio Freeze is amazing! It is like a cold icy hot. My chiro sells it. If all of that fails, a bubble bath with a class of wine : )

  5. I am taking the same med as you. I broke them in half the first 2 days and then started taking them whole. I had asked and it wasn't a problem. I didn't have any noticeable issues, either physical or emotional. Maybe if you needed to do it for an extended period, it would be different. I probably could have taken even the first two whole. I was just chicken to try : ) I take several meds and Vitamins daily, and have been able to take them easily since day 3.

  6. Thank you! It is pretty darn exciting! People are finally starting to notice, it is nice.

    I do lousy on the days I am home, there are just too many temptations and too much food around. A bite of this and a bite of that. LOL Or I get totally sidetracked with a project and forget to eat for hours! Then I feel dizzy!

    At work, there are fewer and better choices, altho we do keep a variety of Snacks around for the employees.

    Exercise is not big on my schedule yet, altho I am getting there. The desire is mostly back, now I just need to make it happen. Going to PT twice a week has helped tho. Last week I asked for some specific exercises to work on the love handles that wouldn't irritate my back. Starting to think summer!! :wink1:

    And I am ready for that belly ring date anytime you are! My stomach is doing well. I really don't think I will need surgery to remove any extra skin.

    You got to your goal weight quickly! I hope my loss continues and I don't slow down below 2 lbs per week. I am really getting excited to be thin again!

  7. I usually just order a grilled chicken thigh from KFC and at Taco bell I've had just one crunchy taco. This is crazy compared to how much fast food I used to eat.

    I can relate to that! I probably had fast food for lunch at least once a week and ate out for dinner 1-2 times per week, sometimes more, depending on our schedule.

    I ordered the fish sandwich at Jack in the Box, only ate 1 of the 2 pieces of fish. Taco Bell is great because it is so cheap. I have gone there a couple of times (chicken soft taco or bean burrito). I can barely eat half tho!

    What I would really like is a salad. Will be nice when that is back on my list of foods!

  8. Not often that I love Monday mornings, but two weeks in a row????

    I ate weird all weekend, some good, some not so good, since we were at the regional volleyball tourney both days.

    But it happened!!!! I am in the 150's!!!! Just barely, lol but I saw 159.8 this am!!

    My youngest daughter and I are going to the mall later today for new jeans, nails and pedi's! She was exhausted to the point of tears last night. We decided today was a stay home, sleep in day. She does have to finish any homework first tho : )

    So, I may have only lost 2 pounds in the last week, but going from the 160's to the 150's makes it feel like so much more!

    Gotta always look on the bright side!

  9. Jillian,

    You are sure getting a wide range of opinions : )

    Since I always seem to be the rebel around here, I am going in a different direction.

    I totally agree with you that reducing your stomach to a normal size could be a great solution for you. Hopefully you will be able to find a couple of surgeons to discuss it with and see if it is a feasible, realistic solution. I am sure there have been similiar cases before and someone will know the answer.

    Most of us have eating issues or we wouldn't be where we are or were. I personally don't feel that you have any more issues than anyone else. I know that the mental side of the sleeve surgery has been much more difficult than the physical. Truly, one day at a time, one meal at a time. It is a work in progress and for me, the more success I see, the easier it is to accept the amount I can eat. The mental will adjust and correct over time, just like most any habit to be changed.

    I would compare your situation to the many women who have bladder issues. This is coming from a laymen's view, not a medical one :smile1:. I have heard about many women encountering bladder problems after having children and getting older. This past year I noticed a change in myself. If the bladder was full and I sneezed, it was time to change clothes! LOL That was going to be my "next project" to discuss with my doctor. However, the weight issue shot to the top with the sleep apnea and back problems. AND, the best part .... I no longer have bladder issues after having the surgery because my bladder never gets too full now :thumbup:. Bladders get stretched out, drop, whatever - very similar sounding as your stomach being stretched out.

    People have surgeries for many different reasons. Many people here have talked about having cosmetic surgery after losing weight. I really don't see this as being much different. Cosmetic surgery also isn't going to cure any deep rooted issues and how many ever consider counseling after having their breasts lifted, reduced or augmented? Lots of people have cosmetic surgery expecting miracles. I know it made me feel better about myself however it certainly didn't change my life or make stress go away.

    Do your research, talk to a couple of doctors and then make the best decision for you. Good Luck! Would be interested in what drs advise you and what you decide! :wink0:

  10. I'm home. My surgery (revision from band to sleeve) took about 1.5 hours very early yesterday morning. I was in recovery for another 3. Lots of nausea. But finally got it undercontrol by about noon.


    Glad you are home and doing well! Today and tomorrow are kinda yucky, then you should see a huge improvement.

    Darvocet is a great med. Almost as good as Dilaudid : )

    Happy Recovery to you!:001_smile:

  11. So the spinal block is optional? I have had many surgeries and have a high tolerance for pain, only time i had the block was for C-sections so that i could be awake of course. The ONLY issues I have ever had with surgery is when they wake me from surgery, I get nauseous. They usually give me phenergan which works great but knocks me back out for a couple more hours.

    yikes!! I would have opted out on the spinal block also! really don't want any part of those post-op headaches. I had an epidural once for my hysterectomy and that was just fine. The recent lumbar injection could have been with or without sedation but I opted for not knowing the 8" needle was digging around in my back.

  12. That would drive me nuts!! June seems forever away but since Saturday is May 1st, I guess not!

    Think positive. Now you have a little more time to get organized before the big day : )

    Ya know, I took 5 days of prednisone and never even thought about adding it to my history! I had to complete an updated med list the day of surgery .... but totally forgot about that! It was 3 weeks before my surgery and after I had already submitted my original medical history. oops!! If I had gotten sick, I couldn't have blamed that on anyone except myself! Now I wonder why the prednisone is an issue or if it matters how long you take it .... I also had a lower lumbar steroid injection about 10 days after surgery. hmmmmm?

  13. please feel free to add your own!

    this one is about Water, and since we drink so much, I felt it was appropriate. :001_smile:

    To paraphrase W.C. Fields, "I don't drink Water, because fish screw in it."

    To my friends who enjoy a glass of wine... and those who don't..

    As Ben Franklin said: In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria.

    In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli, (E. coli) - bacteria found in feces.

    In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop..

    However, we do NOT run that risk when drinking wine & beer (or tequila, rum, whiskey or other liquor) because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling, filtering and/or fermenting.

    Remember: Water = Poop, Wine = Health

    Therefore, it's better to drink wine and talk stupid, than to drink water and be full of shit.

    There is no need to thank me for this valuable information: I'm doing it as a public service!


  14. I think guys feel more pain than women. After all they are built to manage the pain of child birth.

    A smart man if I do say so! :001_smile:

    It does still vary alot tho by person ... some women have a epidural asap. I delivered three 9lb babies with no meds in 8hrs, 2 hrs and 1.5hrs start to finish.

    Mind over matter and if that doesn't work, by all means ask for meds. No sense being miserable when your body is trying to heal :smile1:

  15. I am almost 5 months out and have been really discouraged that I have stalled for weeks! I just lost another pound today but I was feeling like I was through the honeymoon period and only lost 47lbs. Tiffy mentioned myfitnesspal for tracking your foods and well, an eye opener. I was NOT keeping my carbs low and my calories were certainly not good. I thought I could just slip in few crackers, sports drinks, a little slice of bread with Peanut Butter...well you get it. I have been very careful and accountable for what I am putting in my mouth, and I lost a lb. Also, not drinking enough Water. My body responded very quickly and hope I will get back on track with wt loss, I want to lose 45 more pounds.

    Tracking your food/liquid intake is very enlightening! I was using www.sparkpeople.com because I could also access it on my droid. It has alot of foods entered and you can manually add other items.

    I have done Atkins so much over the years that after tracking for a month or so, I quit. I have a pretty good pattern established and am doing ok. If I hit a big stall, I will start it up again.

  16. I am very happy to hear you will be getting this surgery! It will be a huge blessing to you!

    Good for you for bonding with your sister. While my parents are still alive, they are not your typical supportive parents and it crushes me that my children basically have no grandparents to spoil them. I have a 6 month old granddaughter and am already planning her first trip to Disneyland, etc! My sister, brother and I are very close and talk almost every day. We only have each other. When one of us needs something, the other two are there to help. I am sure you sister is very grateful to have your support.

    I am sorry to hear about your mother passing away during surgery. I am sure that has a huge affect on you now. Being sedated is always a bit scary and that is normal. Some of my 9 surgeries have been more elective than required, and I often think I am being very selfish when it comes to not waking up and leaving my children.

    However, keep in mind that doctors do this every day. Over 145,000 surgery are performed every day. From what I have read, the risk of death is less than 1%. And the condition of the patient going into surgery has a huge impact on that, so probably even less for a medically stable person.

    The anesthesiologist only puts you out as far as needed and will monitor you very closely. You will fall asleep very quickly. The other good thing about anesthesia is that it has a great amnesia effect, meaning you will also not remember anything from surgery or for the first portion of recovery.

    You will be well taken care of. The doctors will do everything they can for a safe surgery; they don't want to lose you any more than you want to pass.

    If you are very nervous before surgery, ask for a relaxant med. They can usually give you something in tablet form or valium in your iv. It will really help!

  17. Are leaks actually caused by overeating or are they just something that happens???

    My guess would be yes and yes. From what I have read, the risk of a leak goes down tremendously after the first 7 days. So you are pretty darn safe! :svengo:

    After that point, it would seem to be a very unfortunate instance of a weakness in the stomach seam or extensive over eating. I really don't get the overeating tho, just on personal experience that even a bite or two too much causes great discomfort.

    Relax and enjoy the ride. There are plenty of other things to worry about. :rolleyes:

  18. 10 weeks today ~ and halfway to goal!! ok, not exactly if we are counting tenths but pretty darn close! :svengo: 32.2 lost, 32.8 to go!

    Next week I should be in the 150's. Just amazing!

    I needed a boost this am; haven't slept good all week, was going to spend an extra hour or two in bed this am just watching tv. Then the housekeeper showed up! Oops! Its Thursday! LOL So - it was great to see I was down another pound since I didn't get my quiet morning :rolleyes:

    Long day at work today. Have to finish quarterly reports. yuck. Tomorrow I am out of the office most of the day with meetings, PT, etc. A party at our house tomorrow night. Then 2 full days of volleyball for our daughter's club team on Saturday and Sunday. Life in the fast lane! It's just really "not fair" that calories don't get burned for being "busy". :blushing:

  19. I love fish and most any seafood! And being here where it is fresh is a bonus! Also the reason I love to go on cruises and to Alaska.

    I have had fish a few times, both frozen breaded and grilled. And shrimp - breaded and sauteed. Has gone down just fine each time.

    I may have to eat some today now that I am thinking about it! : )

  20. You are just a couple of weeks ahead of me, and I can tell you that I have had a few of those days too.

    This morning, I decided to do a little shock treatment. I only had Protein shakes during the day, and half a small bean burrito tonite. I am hoping to see a change tomorrow. I have had a down week, ovulating on the left side and the cysts are acting up so quite sore, and just kinda cranky. Haven't accomplished hardly anything at the office. Really makes me mad. I keep saying I'll do it "tomorrow".

    It must be that #13 curse for you. I guess we can't feel perfect 100% of the time.

    You are about 2/3 of the way to your goal already. Be happy! That truly is something to celebrate! If all else fails, have a shot of tequila and go to bed ; )

  21. Tiffany! Seriously???? ugh. I am so gonna buy a ticket and fly to Chattanooga! lol

    Measure out 2 ounces. 1 bite, wait 5 mins. repeat. if you feel full along the way, stop eating and don't finish! : ) Later you can speed that up but it is soooo early now.

    So many times I really wanted to finish all 2 ounces, and that last bite or two put me over the edge. And then I suffered with the tummy ache for an hour.

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