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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by StevieVieth

  1. StevieVieth

    Port feels like a 5lb weight

    I have the Lapband not the realize, and I am nosey and cannot feel it. I understand what you mean by its really heavy, depending on where I am laying and how is when I can feel it pulling.
  2. StevieVieth

    Port feels like a 5lb weight

    Now, I am also recently banded i was banded 1 week ago today as well, and I can not feel my port, but my port incision is the last to heal yet and it slightly painful. I still have to be careful when going up the stairs and such and sitting down and I cannot yet sleep on my stomach. Has anyone else had the problem with not being able to feel their port under their skin yet?
  3. Thanks, How are you doing? Since tomorrow will be a week post op I believe I am doing great! Lots of walking, just trying to figure out when i am hungry or not. I am still a little confused!

  4. I was only 120 lbs when I met my husband. I gained all of my weight when I got pregnant with our son. My husband is still with me today and I am only 6 days post op, he is already nervous about other guys looking at me! But I know he is only joking, because he was with me when I was thin and he knows and likes the old me. Unfortunately he can tell that over the last 2 years my self esteem and attitude have changed for the bad, and he cant wait till I am back and normal like I was before not the whole depressed me that I have been !:biggrin:
  5. StevieVieth

    Spring into March 2010 Bandsters

    Good Luck Jodi, Ill keep you in my prays and I hope you have a safe and exciting journey. Just remember to WALK WALK WALK after surgery, or the gas pains wont go away!
  6. StevieVieth

    Spring into March 2010 Bandsters

    First I want to say congrats to finding me for being able to stick with it even tho financial issues became a cross road. Missnell, I had nightmares that I was to "fat" to get it, but im usually one of the smaller individuals at the support groups. I guess I had nightmares because of my worse fear was being told I was too fat. I am under the 200 lbs mark and I am only 6 days post op!!!! I had lost 8 lbs the week before going into surgery. They didnt weigh me till after the surgery and it was at like 3am.... I had just gotten up and used the bathroom and did my little laps around the bariatric wing and they were like good you are up! let me get your weight. This was after they have been pumping me with Iv fluids alllll day and the extra gas from the procedure. so I was 201 when I got there and then I was 202 that night. I was like I have not gained a pound in 13 hours not eating or really drinking anything! The nurse was like its all the extra Water weight from the fluids, and the excess gas in my body! I was like woooooo!:biggrin: GoodLuck to everyone whos procedure is coming up! I go for my 1 week post op on wednesday!
  7. StevieVieth

    Spring into March 2010 Bandsters

    The pre op diet is a lot harder to do then the post op, because once your banded you dont feel the need to really eat food. I am 5 days post op and I dont fell like I am hungry ever. Its confusing because time will go by and I will have eaten nothing all day. I know that is nto goodd so I make sure I eat something. But I never know when I am hungry or not. But with the pre op diet, just think. It is to reduce the size of your liver for surgery, and if you cheat on your diet you could be cheating yourself out of surgery. SOme surgeons will not go through with the surgery if your liver doesnt shrink.:smile2:
  8. StevieVieth

    Spring into March 2010 Bandsters

    I got the Lap Band. not sure what CC it is or anything. But I too as well can not feel my port. My incisions are healing starting to get a little itchy. I am still having gas pains, but I am feeling much better. I believe that I push myself really hard throughout the day and cause pain and irritation at night, cause thats when I really feel it. I have no problem sitting in the car. My husband and I went to his bestfriends Gmom's funeral service yesterday, it was an hr away but we got lost for another hour. So I was in the car for about 3 or 4 hours. I was fine. I did bring my tylenol so I was prepared. My husband is going back to work today so he is going to bring me home some homemade soup to enjoy! He is a chef at a well known( in my area) Italian resurant.
  9. StevieVieth

    Spring into March 2010 Bandsters

    I am doing well. Today had probably been my worst day for not feeling well. I am confused as to when I am hungry or not. Not sure what all the gurgling and such is from my belly. The worst is the gas pains in my shoulders from the surgery. That and the fact that I need to clean my house but im not allowed to vaccum because of the constant motion. I am doing alright I am mobile. As for eating and drinking, i havent really eaten much. I am not hungry I do sip on water and crystal light all day. So that is not bad. I am well in the car and I dont find it to be too uncomfortable, but sometimes i get dizzy and dont feel too right. I have moved on to full liquids because my Dr. only required 1 to 3 days on clear post op. and since I am day 4 I have held down some protein supplements and such. If I over do it, that is when I do not feel good.:smile2:
  10. StevieVieth

    Spring into March 2010 Bandsters

    My incisions are jusy dermabonded(superglue for your skin) my Dr. is the director of bariatric surgery for the hospital that I went to. And he said for the best clearing up and chance to rid of all scarring he uses dermabond, Said that I should barely see anything and eventually withing the next year or two they will be completely gone. Day 3 im a little sore. My shoulders are killing me. Ive been up and around a lot and I am going to my mothers for a little bit so she could see my son.Jayson(my son) is too young to know what is going on, he doesnt understand that I can no lift him right now. I tell him mommy has a boo boo. My husband has been wonderful support for me throughout the whole ordeal. He spent the night at the hospital with me even though he has serious issues with the hospital. Hes been changing and taking care our son.:w00t:
  11. StevieVieth

    Spring into March 2010 Bandsters

    I love the fact that you updated youtube even though you just had surgery. Kudos! Now your incisions look a little different then mine, mine are hardly there. I do have the 5, and one is longer.are yours stitched or did the Dr. us dermabond as well?:smile2:
  12. StevieVieth

    Spring into March 2010 Bandsters

    :thumbup:So at home, I got sent home yesterday at 10:30 am after my swallow test. They had me sipping broth and eating jello only 4 hours after surgery. It wasnt bad, just a lot of discomfort. I also found out that I had a hietal (sp?) Hernia that the Dr. took care of while in the OR. I was up and walking like a champ right away too. And they didnt even need to tell me that I needed to walk. SO far everything is great. Ive been a little confused whether I was hungry or full or anything. But I am getting the hang of it. My husband had me make him a bagel this am. And boy did I want a bite, but I didnt! They only perscribed me some liquid Tylenol with codine. Which is ok, it makes me super tired, and the incision site doesnt look bad at all. Im super excited to begin this journey and I hope everyone else is as well.
  13. Thanks, cross my fingers . Procedure is tomorrow morning at 7:30am

  14. StevieVieth

    Spring into March 2010 Bandsters

    I am not sure about the protein shakes. I have Isopure liquid for my clear liquid days, then I have huge tubs of Isopure powder that my husbands aunt gave me since she is 2 years post op. The are still good till next year. And the ticket price on the tubs is $68.99 so luckily I am saving this money. I know Isopure is not the most appetizing stuff on the market, but I looked up bariatric protein shake recipes and someone said 1/2 c. low fat chocholate sorbet, 1 banana, 1 1/2 TBSP low fat creamy peanut butter, a dash of skim milk, and 1 1/2 scoop creamy vanilla isopure protein powder.. Blend in a blender and no only is it low in calories. but it tastes delicious. I just used plain milk with the isopure powder and it tasted awful. So this is it, count down, in 12 hours I will be at the hospital. I received my phone call confirming what time I have to be at the hosp in the am. 6:30 am. Ugh not looking forward to having to shower tonight and again at 5am. :w00t:
  15. StevieVieth


    From the album: Old

  16. StevieVieth


    This one is an older one. I was 120 lbs here. I go in for my procedure tomorrow morning!
  17. StevieVieth

    Spring into March 2010 Bandsters

    Thanks, I figured it out yesterday. I decided to fully read all off my information which I received Thursday, and in my little surgery pamphlet it tells you what the urine sample is for. Thanks though. Im in the clear though. Just finished the TOTM yesterday. Som im sure Im good. Well less then 24 hours and I will be in the OR. About this time I should be almost finished with my surgery if everything is performed on time. Good Luck all of you other March 2nd Bandsters. I probably will post a few times today as updates come in, but tomorrow I wont be able to. My Laptop does not work so I dont have a computer to bring with me!:biggrin:
  18. StevieVieth

    Spring into March 2010 Bandsters

    Jodi, sounds like you had a wonderful day with your daughter. And the continuous weekend as well. Hope you enjoy the meal tonight! So I am going to do a big house cleaning today. I was suppose to do this with my husband yesterday but he had to go to the Doctors and when he got home he wanted to play call of duty modern warfare 2.... SO that killed the day for me. It was alright though cause I went to the store called FADZ in the mall right across the street and they sell my single pieces of jewerly. I think im set, the only thing I need to do tomorrow is my assignments for this week or atleast anything that is due by friday, and hand them in. :wink2: Going to school online is fun, and easy. im just about halfway through I only go for 1 yr 9 mos. plus this was the first week for my new block of classes so next weeks work shouldnt be a problem. :laugh:
  19. StevieVieth

    Spring into March 2010 Bandsters

    Im not allowed to drink or eat anything after midnight as well, but at pre-op education they gave me a little pee cup and said to collect the first urine of the day. I dont know why? They just told me to go buy some dial antibacterial soap.this showering at 5:30am is not gonna go over very well. It is worth it though. :wink2:
  20. StevieVieth


    From the album: Old

  21. StevieVieth

    l 3e3614fccdc0461b924dba0dcce62776

    From the album: Old

  22. StevieVieth


    From the album: Old

  23. StevieVieth


    From the album: Old

  24. StevieVieth


    From the album: Old

  25. StevieVieth


    From the album: Old

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
