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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by candyglg

  1. candyglg

    January 2010 bandsters...

    Av- Thats exciting that you can eat normal foods. I wish my dr had given me those instructions. My "nut" said I could be on mushies now but my dr said he'd prefer I wait to give more healing time. I have been wanting a burrito! And they're not even my favorite. hahaha, maybe spagetti and meatballs. I'm going to call my "nut" in the am and see what she says. Thanks for the imput, its greatly appreciated and always interesting to find out how each dr and patient is so different. ---God Bless Us All----- Candy
  2. candyglg

    January 2010 bandsters...

    Avril- what kind of normal food? Like chicken and fish and good stuff like that?
  3. candyglg

    January 2010 bandsters...

    I was banded in Suffern, NY, About an hour south of where I live on Jan 18th. Yes, I'm thinking what a crazy thing to have done and thinking I wish I didn't do it... I'm thinking I should have tried ..... but then I slap myself back to reality and remember this WAS my last resort. Nothing else was working and that next thing I tried still would not have stopped me from eating what I wanted... just this once..., yet again. I still have pressure too and belch like a 15 year old boy in compition with my friends, but it too is subsiding. Claudia-I don't think you should be lifting things or pushing and pulling. You just had surgery! My dr said not to lift anything heavier than 30 lbs. You can make yourself have to go back into surgery. Please be careful!!!! DB - my Dr told me to stay on fluids because we were still healing. He was hesitant about me even taking the cream soups. He wants me to stay on clear fluids with protein shakes. That is different than what I was told originally by the nutritionist, please check with your Dr first before you take your mushies. If its still ok -lucky you and I hope it works. ---God Bless Us All---Candy---
  4. candyglg

    January 2010 bandsters...

    Ranch417- Yeah, it was bad. I can't understand it. I should not have been released. But I was. Oh well.... I'm in a better place today. I feel pretty good. Still a little sore. 2 of my incision sites seem to have gotten a little infected. The one under my breast has cleared up with ointment and a bandaide but then the site right below it started in. I think I'm getting it cleared up- I caught it on time- its not as tender today. lol- its always something! As of this past monday when I went to the dr I had lost 7 lbs. I don't have a scale. I didn't want one in my house. Now I wish I had one. hahaha. I suppose thats a good sign- looking forward to losing the weight instead of being afraid I gained more! Avril- yes I feel like I can eat regular food. With the smell of fried chicken, burritos, and fried onions in this house from everyone else, sometimes I feel like I'm starving to death! and I get even hungrier with those Heavenly scents! So..... I went to Hanovers and bought 3 boxes of organic cream soups. I bought split pea, tomatoe and broccoli. They have other flavors too. That helps ALOT! I have EAS AdvantEDGE carb control protein shakes. They're not bad. I prefer the vanilla and carmel cafe but they also have strawberry, chocolate and rich chocolate. We are allowed to drink these. The ready to drink ones are 17 grams of protein 0-1 carbs and 110 calories. Between the soup, shakes and 4c individual powdered drinks mixes to get enough water into me it. I am so far making it work. The shakes and 4c singles can be gotten at Walmart. I don't know about the soups.-----We will succeed!!!----God Bless Us All!----Candy
  5. candyglg

    January 2010 bandsters...

    ranch 417-Yeah that nausea was awful! They gave me 6 different meds to control it. none worked! they gave me a prescription which didn't work either. I too had those uncontrollable shakes. They released me that day (around 5:00pm . I was there at 6am) I could hardly walk. I couldn't move all the next day either from the nausea. I kept waking up with the shakes, freezing and nausea. I don't know why they didn't keep me that night. It wasn't 'till the 3rd day that I could function. I'm still sore and was banded on the 18th. Thank God every day is better! And I DO feel way better! I too was shocked at my reaction to everything after reading how everyone feels so great and going back to work so soon. Also I've had anesthesia before and never reacted like that . I was kinda scared, let me tell ya!! Well for sure I will watch how I eat. I don't want band slippage or anything! I'm NOT going through that again! Well at least its done now. Onward we will go and success is what lies ahead! God Bless Us All! ----Candy---
  6. candyglg

    January 2010 bandsters...

    I have not posted anything because I don't feel very positive either and I couldn't be very encouraging! hahaha! I'm sorry you're feeling like this but It's good to know i'm not the only one! I was banded on the 18th and i'm still sore. It took 2 days to stop having nausea. The 1st day I thought I was going to die. Now even with the protien shakes, cream soup and flavored water I want food!!! Oh well.... One Day at a Time, Sweet Jesus...... My daughter did this 2 years ago. Jenn has lost 90 lbs. She said it was hardest for her too that 1st month.Sometimes she would put food in her mouth just to taste it then spit it out. lol. I know another girl who did this too! So I think we are all within the normal range in our thoughts and feelings. We need to remember where we are going. We need to remember the past. Thats the only way we won't repeat it! We will succeed!!! -----God Bless Us All---- Candy
  7. candyglg

    January 2010 bandsters...

    Hi all! I'm glad you're all doing well with your recent surgeries, it sure makes me feel a little less nervous. I'm sceduled for the morning ( the 18th) I have to leave at 4:30 in the am. It was freezing rain here earlier but it switched over to rain. I hope it doesn't freeze overnight, I have an hours drive in the morning. We're allowing an extra half hour. Good Luck to all up-coming surgeries. I've got to get some sleep, only 5 1/2 hours until I need to get up.... I hope I can get some sleep.... I hope I don't oversleep.... Breathe in... breathe out... hahaha---- Thank You all --- Goodnight and God Bless!
  8. My son is called double g by his friends, that was funny to see that posted, I had to take a double look! hahaha. Luann I'm sorry you won't be getting it done on the 18th. but its very nice of your dr to go down there. Is he part of "doctors without borders?" Its absolutely horrible what happened in Haiti! It stinks about starting that diet all over again but you did it once you can do it again!!!! I've been drinking 3 or 4 protein drinks a day. Thats only 330-440 calories and about 40 oz of flavored water. If you drink alot of protein along with alot of water you may not be so hungry physically and the protein will aide in your healing process too. Although, I know emotionally its harder to do. I'm going in to surgery on Monday and I had pizza today and not just 1 piece! :/ But I didn't have any soda, I had sugar free fruit punch! It doesn't seem like much to omit a glass of sugared Pepsi know but if I stay away from sugar by drinking the sf koolaide the cravings aren't as bad. :w00t: small steps.... Ostmost- How did your surgery go and how have you been doing since? Sillybandster- good luck Monday. Angie, Marilyn, Peaches- good luck Tues. Habby,Taybjb, Jossie, Tamra and Doubleg- good luck weds. Navy-wife and Mindiv- goodluck on Fri. Everyone else- also goodluck on your day, in case i'm not back online (don't know if we'll feel up to it for a few days- i've never done this before. lol) If I forgot any one from this post going in the next few days I apologize , it wasn't on purpose. Luann- Yes, please, let's keep in touch. Everyone let's let each other know how it goes, and remember---everyone is different! But heck, lets face it, its fun to compare!!!! ---May God watch over, bless and protect us--- Candy
  9. Luann- I wish you the best of luck Monday morning! I'm nervous and excited too! Last minute horror story to tell--- My primary didn't send in my medical clearence letter to the surgeon until friday @ 4:30! I went to see her on Jan 4th for a medical clearence letter and she said she'd fax it right over to them. On this past weds morn the surgeon's office called to let me know they hadn't received it yet, so I went right over there to my primary doctor's office and she wasn't in ( she had a substitute dr. working that day) After about an hour or so her staff got ahold of her, she said she'd fax a letter to her office then they could fax it to the surgeon. She didn't fax that letter to her office until almost 4:30! Her nurse called to let me know she forwarded it on to the surgeon. Well... on Friday afternoon I called my surgeon to confirm (even though I knew everything was fine.) Wrong!!.... My prime dr faxed over a referral!!! what the heck!!! I went over to her office AGAIN and she had a substitute doctor. Her staff tried for 90 minutes or so to get ahold of her (her phone mailbox was full) One of the staff got her by sending a Text message to which she sent a text message back, (not even a phone call back!) and said for me to have an exam with the sub Dr and he filled out the paper and the faxed it over to the surgeon's office and I called to verifiy they received it. (they did around 4:30 in the afternoon!) Now, for someone who sees signs in everything this is VERY nerve wracking. I starting thinking maybe I shouldn't do this, maybe there is a reason....you know. But then I had to stop and remember I NEED this, nothing else has worked, I'm getting older and things are hurting. hahaha. The pains are not going away. They are getting worse not better. This is my last resort. I'm tired of being fat. With that I have found a sort of peace. I'm ready now. I can do it. I'm not even so nervous. This is a good thing. Onward and upward. Here we go. We CAN do this. We will do this. We are doing this! May God Bless us all as we start our new journey. ----Peace and Love----Candy
  10. candyglg

    What do you all do?

    I am a Certified Nursing Assistant at our county nursing home.
  11. My date is Jan. 18th. I started the process in Nov. I need to be at the hospital at 6:15 am for 8:00 surgery. That means I have to leave my house by 4:30 :biggrin: because I have to pick up my daughter. Her car is on the fritz! I wasn't told to go on a liquid diet either but it was suggested that I go on a kind of diet for 2 weeks. 1 egg, 1 cup of whole grain cereal, 1 cup of milk and lunch and dinner are no better! I was so hungry, needless to say it didn't work very long!!! (like a day) I'm going to go on a liquid protein diet for the next few days though and hope it works. Ever since I started this process I have already lost about 15 pounds but I put 10 back on!!! Maybe I can lose 5..... My daughter had the LAP-BAND® 2 years ago and she's lost 90 lbs! She's 33 and happier than I've seen her in a while! Its nice to see...... Good luck to you and the rest of us too! May we all be success stories!!!!:thumbup:----------Love to you all--Candy

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