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LAP-BAND Patients
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About megill

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 07/05/1973

About Me

  • Occupation
    HR Analyst
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  1. Happy 40th Birthday megill!

  2. Happy 39th Birthday megill!

  3. megill

    are your fills....

    I'm not lying flat or standing up, just tilted back a bit, so in the middle I guess.
  4. Whatever I can tolerate. They told me to try mushies first and work my way up but no set plan. Good luck!
  5. I had my first fill yesterday and it was a piece of cake! They put me in a reclining chair, gave me a shot of numbing medicine which did sting a little but nothing unbearable and then did the fill. I didn't even feel the needle go in! I was in and out of there in less than 15 minutes. I was told to eat what I could but to chew, chew, chew! I expected to be on liquids for a few days but nope! I haven't lost any weight from my surgery yet either but they told me to be patient and I would get there. I got 3cc's and my band holds 10. I go back on 3/30 for my 2nd fill. I ate less than a cup of food last night and was really full. I was so excited!! Good luck and try not to be nervous! You'll do great!
  6. I was banded on 1/15/2010 also! I have my first fill tomorrow so I'll let you know how it goes. I'm terrified but I'm sure it will be fine! I haven't lost much weight since surgery and have no restriction at all. I am ready to feel some restriction!!!! Good luck!
  7. megill

    Newbie - help please!

    Awesome BelindaLu! Glad I could help!
  8. megill

    Newbie - help please!

    I had the same pain in my side and was told that it was gas. I'm just now getting over all of the gas pain and it's been almost 2 weeks since my surgery. I tried the Gas X strips but they didn't work for me. Walking should help and I was also told from a friend that's had the band for over a year to lay on your stomach. I tried it and it helped! Also, the nurse from my surgeon's office said some people say that rocking in a rocking chair helps. Not sure about that since I don't have a rocking chair but if you do, it might be worth a try! Good luck!
  9. Ditto! I was banded 1/15/10 and I haven't lost any weight. In fact, I gained a few pounds right after surgery and lost it, but have gained it since! How is that possible??!! :confused: My Dr told me not to worry about it too, but come on!!!!
  10. Brinabrina77- I would love the shrimp recipe if you don't mind posting it. Thanks!
  11. I had a 10 day pre-op diet and the first 3-4 days weren't fun but I think it was because I cut out caffeine and practically lived on it before. I can e mail you my diet plan if you'd like. Just send me a message w/ your e mail address. I got a little bit of food because I am diabetic, but it was all high protein and very small quantities. I lost 21 lbs in 10 days on the diet though. Good luck!
  12. I was banded on 1/15/10 and I'm just starting to be able to get the water down that I'm supposed to. I had the hardest time this past week because it hurt so bad to drink. I think it's probably from the gas they use during the surgery. It hurt around my diaphragm every time I swallowed. I think it will get better for you soon. Good luck!!!
  13. megill

    Easter Challenge Anyone?

    I'd love to join if it's not too late. I was banded on January 15th, 2010 so I'm new to this. I would love to lose 30 pounds by Easter. I'm going on a weekend getaway with my immediate family, grandparents and cousins Easter weekend so this will really help keep me on track! I scheduled my first fill today at my one week follow-up appointment and it's on February 16th. I'm super excited!!!
  14. My surgeon said if it's bigger than an M&M to cut in in half...
  15. megill

    Sleep Apnea?!?

    I also have sleep apnea and have been using a CPAP for about 3 years. I cried as soon as I found out too and most of that day. I did my study in one night. It was severe enough that they woke me up after 2 hours and had me put the mask on. I was waking up more than 60 times an hour. Scary! I don't like the mask either, but it is SO worth it! I feel so much better and am not near as sick as I had been. Before the CPAP, I always had a cold, a headache, etc. I haven't slept a night without it since I got it. If you get a mask that you don't like, don't be afraid to speak up and tell them you want another one. I went through several before I found one I liked. I had surgery last week and hope that when I lose some weight, I can quit using mine. Good luck!!! :biggrin:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
