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Posts posted by Karlzmom

  1. Still plugging along. No fill scheduled, as I am only just starting to get hungry during the day and have thus far been able to control it [or its right at meal time] and I am still satisfied on slightly under 1/2 of food for my meal. Added in more calories and the scale keeps ticking down. Funny how the 1-2 lbs a week really do add up over time. My big problem is my digestive system has slowed way down, so the bathroom is a constant problem. Yesterday was the 3d time I have resorted to milk o'magnesia...yuck! I'm adding benefiber into my liquids, but guess I need to up the dose...add in just general tummy gas and I'm an uncomfortable and unhappy camper. Anyone else having the same issues?

  2. I'm doing well. My energy is back and even a bit of the endurance, which really took a hit immediately post-op. The scale continues to move down, but this week was only 1/2 lb...had to fight the irrational panic that this is a failure too...so, I have to accept the NSV of wearing a dress, with room to spare, to a party yesterday that I couldn't fit into for a wedding the week before surgery. When I got home a reflected on the party, I was amazed that food was not the primary focus for me, and that I enjoyed myself tremendously.

    I've started back at Curves, slow..but doing my routine. Still not eating more than 1/3 at any time..not really interested in food, so no fill scheduled yet. Journaling a lot and trying to deal with some of the emotional issues including friends who are clearly not dealing well with my changes.

    I've been reading Confessions of a Former Fat Girl...good read, lots of food for thought. Still settling into the new eating patterns, finding something that will work is a bit tricky as I go out for lunch as part of my professional comittments, but it just keeps getting easier to make the right choices.:)

  3. How hard is it for people to leave you the h*ll alone and let you eat in peace? I love my family dearly, but something has got to change...and soon! I make everyone's plate, mine last...always have. I have historically been disappointed that no one seems to care that I'm not eating yet when they dive in, so I'm usually last to finish. Now with the new slow mode its even worse. I'm sitting chewing, pausing - they work through their plates and leave...DH promptly starts cleaning the kitchen [a good thing, I know] and I find myself fighting to not "hurry up" so my dishes are ready for him. My DS4, who has no doubt asked for 6 things since I sat down finishes and starts hounding me for what's next, again push to rush....push to rush.....Darn it, this is hard enough to slow down, can I get a little help here??? In the end, I don't even eat until "satisfied" because my gut tightens over the stress of trying to make it all work.....Can anyone relate?

  4. Skinny - what an adventure! Isn't it sad how many people won't help someone truly in need? I guess thats why we have video of a guy dieing on the sidewalk and people only stop long enough to snap a phone pic.

    A bit about me, I started cutting portions on my own when I started the process of geting approved for my surgery. I was at a high of 265 when the whole this started the 1st week of 2010. I count my "start" weight as 260, as that is what the surgeon got me at on my 1st consult in February. During the run up to surgery, including my 10 day liquid fast I got down to 247. Surgery was on the 19th of April and as of yesterday I was 231.2..so I've lost about 16lbs since my operation.

    I'm not sure I'll get back to post the whole day, but here are the post lunch stats: I am allotted 28 points [not the previously anticipated 23] per gender/age/ht/wt.

    1 believe caramel latte in black coffee [protein shake] = 2

    2Tbl Hummus = 2

    1 crab cake [baked] = 4

    1Tbl cocktail sauce = 0!

    1C FF choc milk = 3

    so, at 1:30p I'm at 11 points or less than half the days allotment....I should do ok today unless I mainline a Jack-n-the-box Oreo cookie shake before bed :confused:

    The hardest part of all this is getting "ALL" of the band rules put together and still having something to eat LOL! by the time its soft, easily digestible - but not a carb, or sugar, or fried..gets me my 80-100g of Protein for the day and still get in my 64oz of Water....gee its exhausting just listing it, let alone trying to cook and eat it!!! KWIM?

    Anyway, I may check in later, but if not I hope the weekend was good for ya'll and will check in later this week.

  5. i was not BC/BS, but my appproval flew through in part because I provided all of the journals from WW that I still had [i'm kind of a paper pack rat :)], copies of my credit card statements for jenny craig meals and my gym memberships. Heck, I even photocopied my key ring with my gym and Curves member tag-card on it! LOL. Of course, not everyone she deals with had been "really" working on the issue for as long as that, as some decide surgery and then "build the record"...but in any event the paper proofs worked. The coordinator said she'd never sent a packed that big to my carrier before.

    Perhaps you already have "evidence"...do you have gym memberships that you have canceled checks or credit card statements? WW? Jenny Craig? other weightloss purchases?

    Good Luck. Try not to look at it as just a "tactic", everyone wants us to suceed..our doctors, our programs and even our carriers..albeit for different reasons. Ensuring that we are truly committed to the process and willing to expend effort, not just espouse good intentions is the way our carriers become satisfied we are doing what is best. After all, we are going to have make the same efforts after, so we may as well get a head start. [also known as "I choose to view things in a positive light"] No, I don't work for an insurance company...

    I am sorry that you got your hopes up and now have to wait. It must be difficult to deal with in an already emotionally draining process. Hang in there, it sounds like your doctor will help guide you and in no time at all you will join the ranks of Bandster!

  6. It really does get better....day 3 was about the worst for me. After 3 days, the carbs and sugars began to leave my system and the cravings subsided. I also got a bit more creative with my allowable diet...no one said broth had to be plain chicken broth from a can..so I would get minestrone or albondigas and only skim the liquid off it....flavor to spare and still legal. The other thing to consider, is that you are doing pre-op with no help. Its all you, and its the worst it will ever be [except for "bandster hell" as after surgery you likely won't want to eat and the shakes will be more than enough for you at the start.

    That said, only you can truly know if this is the right thing to do. We can all over opinions and support for what ever your decision is. I think you will find the overwhelming majority of us here will answer "YES" to the question "are you glad you did this, even with the tough Patches that you went through?". Best of luck to you.:)

  7. I have a question for those of you have "been there...done that" on sliming. Does it happen right away when you eat something that you shouldn't or does it come out of nowhere later? Not that I 'm looking to try it, but was curious if it clues you in right away, or will I potentially be done eating..moving on with life and WHAM! TIA.

  8. so....for today, I used:

    2 - caramel Latte Protein powder

    1 - 1/2 C ff Milk

    0 - coffee, black

    1 - sm carb free Isopure

    3 - 1 scrambled egg [only ate about 1/3, but rounding it up to the whole point value]

    2 - 1TBL hollendaise sauce [to get egg down]

    2 - 1/4 C ricotta cheese

    0 - 1 Tbl of marinara

    so my day worked out to 11 points consumed. I am allotted 23.....I guess I'll have another Protein shake before bed, as I'm lite on Protein too.

    No exercise today, except got dressed and went to work for the 1st time since banding. UGH!

    I need to track my H2O as well..so much to do.....:thumbdown:

  9. My doc explained the reason why it is standard protocol to fix them if the doc sees 'em is because a small hernia when you are obese will open up as the weight reduces and pressure comes off the organs....I was one of the "lucky" 10% who had a hernia that didn't show up on the pre-op barium swallow.....

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
