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LAP-BAND Patients
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About TheCurvyMermaid

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 10/23/1980

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About Me

  • Biography
    I started over with my band in February of 2013 at 284 lbs. I'm committing myself to doing things right this time, and I am learning all I can about nutritionally sound weight loss.
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  • City
    Las Vegas
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I was banded in June of '08 and had a serious rollercoaster ride with my band, almost from the start. About six months after surgery, I started having problems finding the proverbial "sweet spot." I either had too little restriction and wouldn't lose weight, or I had too much, and would start upon a horrible cycle of sliming, throwing up, and eventually being so swollen that I couldn't eat or drink.

After three years of that, chronic heartburn and misery, I'd lost almost 50 lbs, but I was so miserable that I couldn't take it anymore. I had my band completely unfilled. In the year and a half that followed, I regained all of the weight I'd lost, and I've decided to try it again.

I now realize that I didn't work my band properly, ate the wrong foods, and generally relied on my band to curb my bad behaviours and eating habits. I have decent restriction most of the time, and I can eat most foods. I get stuck occasionally, but I haven't thrown up once. I'm really trying to use my band as a tool, rather than as an internal disciplinarian.

Age: 43
Height: 5 feet 9 inches
Starting Weight: 284 lbs
Weight on Day of Surgery:
Current Weight: 243 lbs
Goal Weight: 170 lbs
Weight Lost: 41 lbs
BMI: 35.9
Surgery: LAP-BAND
Surgery Status: Post Surgery
First Dr. Visit: 04/01/2008
Surgery Date: 06/26/2008
Hospital Stay: n/a
Surgery Funding: Financed
Insurance Outcome: n/a
TheCurvyMermaid's Bariatric Surgeon
Gastric Band Institute, Las Vegas
3802-A Meadows Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89107

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