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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dontgoggilme

  1. hey all. i'm getting banded in early march and this is something i've been thinking about and am worried about. i have a friend who had lapband done over a year ago and our relationship has changed since she had it done. it's not like it's bad or anything now but just different. we can't shop together anymore since she's regular sized and i'm plus sized. her attitudes towards larger people have changed, too. it's just kinda wierd. so now i'm concerned about the relationships i have with my sister (she is plus sized) and some friends (who are also plus sized) and how it will change things with us. i'm also worried and wondering how it's affected people's marriages. my husband is supportive but he's worried i'm going to leave him after i lose the weight. i kinda take offense to that statement because to me it's almost like saying i'm not attractive enough to get anyone else right now as a big girl but once i'm thinner i will be. does that make sense to ya'll? can anyone share about thier experience and if it's changed their marriage, friendships, or other relationships?
  2. dontgoggilme

    sugar free stuff

    i do believe my surgeon will have me meet with a dietician first and asking him/her about it is a great idea. i'm supposed to do shakes and that is the part i'm worried about. i think it's wierd, too, that i have issues with the sweetners. i first discovered it as a teenager when we had sugar free popsicles and i got sick off just one. then i kinda noticed it happened everytime i had something like that with aspartme and saccharin and all that in it. i've tried and tried to drink diet sodas instead of regular and eat sugar free foods time and again and i always get icky. hopefully the dietician will have some helpful insight. thanks ya'll for your responses.
  3. i'm going to be banded in early march and will probably be starting my pre op liquid diet in a week or so. i'm worried about something though. of course, we are all supposed to go with sugar free everything as much as possible and the protein shakes we choose are supposed to be sugar free. i have problems with artificial sweetners. they make me sick. literally. i've tried them all (sweet n low, equal, splenda, and some other wierd ones, too) and get the same results everytime. upset stomach almost vomiting and headaches. even if i just have a couple of sips of something like diet coke it happens. i been trying to drink shakes and eat things with artificials in them to try and acclimate myself to it but it's not working that well. so my question is this... do any of you have this issue? and what did you do? did you drink shakes that had sugar in them and did you still lose? i have been watching a youtube video of a chick that had this problem and she drank shakes with sugar in them and still lost just not as fast as she prolly would have if she had been doing sugar free. but that's only one person. i wanted to see if there were more people out there facing this problem.
  4. dontgoggilme

    relationship changes

    all of you have given some really great responses but check this out. my husband saw me on this post last night and asked me about it. i told him it was just a forum i'm in and i said ok. well, this morning he logged onto my computer to get on here and see what i had typed. he confronted me about it but lied and said he had read the whole thing last night which i knew wasn't true because he didn't see it long enough last night to have read the whole thing. so i confronted him on lying about it and invading my privacy. he's very low self esteem. he thinks i'm going to leave him all the time even before i talked about getting lap band. he was all in my browsing history and maybe evcen my email. i'm just like wtf? and totally password protected my puter now. sigh.
  5. i haven't been banded yet, but the first thing my doc told me about when i went in was about failure rates. he said that most of the folks that find the band isn't working for them are those who don't come back for their fills like they are supposed to. they stressed and stressed to me how important and vital it is for a person to get their fills and continue the follow up care. the band is a tool and that includes the dr and nurse who give you the fills to get your restriction. i would never get a surgery and then not go back for routine follow up care which is essentially what happens when someone gets a band and never goes back for fills.
  6. dontgoggilme


    i checked out ya'll's blog links. i just started my own,too. kinda nervous about it but here i go: That Magazine Girl
  7. so... after the all frustration of my doc's office not submitting the referral request fast enough for me... i logged onto the website today and checked to see (for the millionth time it felt like) if it had been submitted. i was expecting to see nothing there but omg. there it was! the referral pending approval. i was like yay. finally submitted. thinking i had to wait the full three days to find out if they approved it or not i didn't think about it again for the rest of the day. then i decided to check again tonight (something just told me to give it a look see). and omg again! it was approved. APPROVED!!!! I AM GETTING BANDED!!!! FOR SURE!!!! i bet my doc's office doesn't even know yet since it didn't actually go through til after they were closed. i can't wait to talk to them on monday and get scheduled for all my pre ops and set my band date!!!! they were saying the last week in feb. but i wanna push it out til the first or second week in march. so i'm gonna be a march bandster! woohoo!!!!:thumbup::thumbup:
  8. dontgoggilme

    Did you name your band?

    i like this idea of naming my band. i'm not yet banded and will wait til after to choose a name. i want to see what kind of "personality" my band has first. lol
  9. dontgoggilme

    relationship changes

    wow! ya'll sure gave some awesome responses. every single one of them was so helpful in different ways. i just found out earlier tonight by checking my insurance provider's online site (thank you lord for the internet) that my surgery got the final approval. i'm so excited and hope that no matter what relationship changes might happen, that everything turns out ok in the long run! =)
  10. dontgoggilme

    Can I eat pasta?

    a friend of mine who is over a year out says she can't eat any bread or pasta at all. not even tiny bits. i'm sad about this becuase i love bread and pasta (mac and cheese!!!) but know that losing those (if i have to) will be well worth it. guess i'll just have to relish in them before my pre op diet. lol
  11. dontgoggilme


    i'm so glad someone started this thread. this is something i have been debating about for a while. we own a scale now but i only get it on it very rarely. too depressing. i was thinking about getting rid of it after the surgery but wasn't sure. normally when i am trying to lose weight i get obsessive and weigh daily and didn't want to go through that with the band and possibly get disappointed if i'm not losing as much each day as i'd prefer. but i thin i will keep the scale but only weigh once a week like another bander mentioned. =)
  12. i thought it was a kinda jacked up idea for a movie when i first saw the trailer and figured it would probably be offensive to some. i chose to see it later anyway just to see and it was entertaining although i think some parts were going overboard with the whole "fat thing".
  13. hey ya'll. so i'm getting ready to start my pre op diet soon and my doc only wants me to drink protein shakes made by bariatric advantage. you have to order them online and they are pretty pricey ($40 for one tub/24 servings with shipping). i'm worried that i'm going to put out all this money on them and then hate them. the doc office doesn't have any samples for me to try either. has anyone tried these? are they horrible or ok? i was thinking about getting chocolate (the only flavor that sounds good to me) and unflavored cuz they said i could mix the unflavored with other things like tea and broth. any thoughts would be great. thanks.
  14. dontgoggilme

    Questions about protein shakes!

    see, i would prefer to get the walmart shakes, too. i mean, i've already tried those and they weren't great but were doable. the money is also a concern for me since we are living off one income right now. at first my doc's nurse said that other brands besides BA would be ok but now they are saying only BA. they also give you these comparison sheets trying to show how BA is actually cheaper than walmart, but i did the math and there's no way that's possible. i'm gonna look into the inspire stuff that betty mentioned and just think about things and figure out what i wanna do. i think i might do the BA a little but then use something else, too, so it's not as expensive. i dunno. maybe i'll talk to my doc again and see what he thinks. i would think that as long as i'm getting the protein i need then it should be ok.
  15. when i was asking my doc about this he said that he sees no need to stop taking it before unless i have known clotting issues which i don't. so he said it should be fine. i guess it just depends on the doctor and what their policies are. he also told me that since it's so small there won't be any issues with it fitting through the opening of my pouch afterwards.
  16. dontgoggilme

    Questions about protein shakes!

    this is exactly what i needed to hear. you are sooo right. i did do this to myself and now i'm gonna do what i gotta do to make positive changes regardless of how it tastes or how cheap i am. lol
  17. dontgoggilme

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    i love that foxy mammas idea!!!!
  18. i see that folks have signatures on their posts of like "feb's funky bandits" or "december delights" or whatever.what are these groups and how do you get into one? lol:confused:
  19. dontgoggilme

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    hello everyone! so i am pretty sure that i, too, will be a feb. bandster. i am waiting on insurance approval of the procedure but my doc says i should get approved easy and he says my surgery will prolly be the last week of feb. here's my info: #1. Surgery date? PROB THE LAST WEEK IN FEB. #2. State you live in? LOUISIANA - THE BIG BOOT! #3. Doctor/Surgery Center? DR. WILLIAM NORWOOD #4. Insurance or self pay? INSURANCE - TRICARE PRIME #5. Age and height 28 YEARS OLD AND 5 FT 3 IN #6. Current weight and goal weight? CURRENT IS 232.5 - DOC SAYS GOAL IS AROUND 130 WOW! #7. What was your deciding factor for having this surgery? BEING UNCOMFORTABLE EVERYDAY AND REALIZING IT'S DUE TO MY WEIGHT (I WAS IN DENIAL), NEVER BEING ABLE TO FIND CLOTHES THAT FIT AND LOOK DECENT WITHOUT SPENDING A FORTUNE AT PLUS SIZE STORES, GETTING TIRED OF GETTING WINDED DOING SIMPLE THINGS LIKE WALKING TO MY CAR FROM THE WALMART OR TRYING TO PUT MY SHOES ON... AND THE LIST GOES ON AND ON #7. Do you have the support of family and friends? YES #8. Concerns and questions? I'M NERVOUS AS HECK BUT KNOW I'M MAKING THE RIGHT DECISION. .......................and anything else you would like to add! I REALLY HOPE THAT I CAN STILL EAT A TASTE OF MAC AND CHEESE EVERY NOW AND THEN. I LOVE MAC AND CHEESE AND SURE WILL MISS IT! IT'S WORTH IT THOUGH!!!! I'D RATHER BE THINNER AND HEALTHIER THAN HAVE ALL THE MAC AND CHEESE I COULD EAT! LOL
  20. dontgoggilme

    Feeling Alone with no support

    i'm so sorry to hear about those who have unsupportive husbands or no one to support them at all. i have a supportive friend who had the lapband last year and my sister is real supportive, too. my husband says he is supportive but sometimes i wonder just how supportive he is cuz he makes comments and stuff that contradict being supportive. i agree with those who mentioned support groups affiliated with your surgeon or hospital. those would probably be a good place to start. and here at lbt... well, it's great here. i wish that i could be a rock for anyone who needs one. maybe we could start a thread of matching "pen pals" for folks who want a kind of "partner/friend" through this journey. it would be on a more personal level than just posting threads and comments. =)
  21. dontgoggilme

    stuck food

    i asked my doc about stuck food cuz that's a big worry of mine. he told me that he prefers to have another doctor (a specialist who's title i don't remember) go in and retrieve the stuck food rather than let fluid out of the band. he said it's like doing scope down the throat and they just grab the food and pull it out. he said this one lady swallowed an olive one time and it had to be retrieved.
  22. after reading this post, i freaked out and asked my doctor about it. thank goodness he told me i can still take my bc both before and after the surgery! sigh of relief!!!!
  23. i can't offer you any advice on what to say or not to say to your doc as i haven't even been there yet myself (my consult is on 1/25). i also can't relate to the medical issues you have. what i can say though, is that you are not alone in worrying that you will be told "no". i'm so freaked about the dr saying i'm not a good candidate or something similiar and dashing all my dreams. i wonder if this is a fear a lot of folks have before their appts? guess we will find out as more folks post. keeping my fingers crossed for you and for me.
  24. dontgoggilme

    Pre-op overeating?///

    omg. i am overeating, too. i have an appt with my surgeon on the 25th and will probably be banded by the end of february. i know that that doesn't mean i'm done with food forever or anything like that but i just find myself wanting to eat more as i know i will be on liquids for a whole month (two weeks before and two weeks after) then mushies for two weeks after that and then after that never be able to eat a full plate like i used to. i can feel my clothes getting tighter and tighter but refuse to buy new ones since i'm going to be banded and losing soon anyway. i keep reminding myself not to eat so much and that i will eat again just in smaller healthier portions. on the upside, i have been weaning myself off cokes and drinking much more water. at least i'm doing something right! lol
  25. dontgoggilme

    One step closer! Yay!!!

    i'm so sorry to hear that your referral was denied by your pcm. my pcm said that once you hit the bmi of 40 or more, there's no meeting other requirements... that they automatically let you go for a consultation. mine didn't even want to read my weight loss medical history or anything since my bmi is 40. you might try doing a pcm change and then asking the new pcm for a referral. if your bmi is over40 then no, that is not "too healthy" and your pcm is wrong in my opinion. you could also try filing a complaint with patient advocacy, too, if you want. i mean, the pcm is supposed to at least try to give you the referral and then it's up to tricare to approve or deny. and i am pretty sure you'd get approved since your bmi is over 40 and meets the tricare requirements. but good luck with it. =)

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