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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by HAD_ENOUGH

  1. I am on the same boat. You are definetely not alone!!! What part of CA do you live at, if you don't mind me asking. I was banded on 9/21/10 and as early as 3 days after surgery, I was STARVING. I ate, and nothing happened, so I keept eating, and eating and eating. I have lost 15 pounds since surgery, but with all the eating that I am still doing to this day, I have not lost any more, I went down 4 pounds more but of course I regained them. I honestly do not think you are ignorant in posting this thread. Some people just keep this struggle to themself (and please notice I did say SOME, I don't want nasty comments later. :lol:)It is a reality of waht goes on with some of us. For me, it is the lack of ideas, I hate cooking with an immense passion, and I hate going outside of my home. I try and try but I end up giving up in the afternoon. I have considered diet pills, and I even went down to TJ and bought a nut that is very popular right now, I forgot the name of it. It is supposed to supress your appetite and to mel your fat away. But after reading (yes I do my research before doing things) this nut has natural occuring arsenic and other poisons, so of course I was not willing to put poison in my body to make me lose, honestly I rather stay fat!! Well if your pills are working so good for you, good for you, and if you don't mind sharing he name, I would appreciate it. I need some extra help that I am obiously not getting from my surgeon due to my vocals being damaged but I think I am getting better. I have to wait until I get referals approved for tests that I need done to pin point the problem, which I already anticipate it will take a month or more. So with that being said, I wish you the best, and hope that you feel much better. ;)

  2. Ok, first take a deep breath. Second, you knew when you got the band that it was not a magic wand that would just make you skinny. It is a tool, so use it. Have you had your first fill yet? It will take awhile to get restriction; therefore, you have to make sure you make a conscious effort to NOT eat like you did before. It won't be easy but you can do it because if you didn't think you couldn't, you would have never had the surgery done in the first place.:laugh: People around you are going to eat the way they always did, they didn't make the decision to change YOU did so the only person that can hold you accountable is you.

    I am glad that you are looking for a workout buddy, it is always easier when there is someone around to help keep you going! As far as recipes go, treat the internet like your best friend. There is a plethora of meal ideas out there. I just want you to realize that you CAN do this and no one needs to hold your hand. Take charge of your future, health and jean size. You already took the big leap now just start walking. Positive thoughts and hard work will get you exactly where you want to be. :lol:

    Hey Teacher07! I want to thank you for your words of encouragement, God knows I do need them. As far as my first fill, it has not happened, and by the looks of things I will not have one until January!!!!:lol::mad:

    You see I have had a really bad cough since about a week after surgery, it left me literally breathless. I would wake up in the middle of the night gasping for air! Not a good feeling at all. I still have the cough know, and I am able to tweek it where I hold my breath so I wont cough. Now that I look at it, I hope I am not left with some kind of brain damage from all that oxygen depravation, LOL. Well I have to wait until I have test done to see what is wrong with me, but my primary already has a feeling that my vocal cords were damaged when I got intubbated...OUCH!! It has been a rocky start for me, that is another reason why I am so discouraged. NO RESTRICTION, is hell!! especially when I prepped so much before my operation. I do want this, and I do feel guilty every time I eat unhealthy food, so I know there is something deep down inside me that really wants this to work. HOpe I find a workout buddy soon!! :thumbup:

  3. Hello all, I have been banded since 9/21/10. I have lost about 15 pounds since that day, and I feel awful about it. The story is that it is now almost two months after and I have completely lost faith in the band and not to mention myself. I eat the same way before being banded, candy first, and maybe some food if I am up to it that day. I know I did not have this surgery to go back to my old nasty habits, but I feel there is much more I am lacking besides motivation and commitment. You see, being obese my entire life, I have made a dependency on other when I need to go somewhere or do something. If I need to go to the store I lug around either my husband or I will literally drive 30 minutes away from home to get my niece to go with me. I know this is no excuse and I hold myself accountable, but this is a trait that I have formulated for myself and I cannot (not that I fdon't want to) break free from it. To make my story shorter, I basically need someone who can "hold" my hand through my process. LOL. My DH is not a big help. He eats what he pleases and when I have asked him to help me, he insists that he is helping. Realistically, he cannot offer much because he does not know anything about the band.

    If anyone is intersted to join a gym and share recipes with my I would totally love it and appreciate it! I am in La Puente, CA, and I am willing to go as far as a 20 mile radius around my home. IF interested send me a pm or e-mail at trofila@hotmail.com. Thanks and I wish everyone success in this though journey!

  4. I had the LAP-BAND® placed 7 months ago. I lost 20 lbs pre op, 30 lbs post op, but stopped losing 3 months ago. LATELY I have been gaining wt. I have been exercising for 8 months.

    I don't know what the LAP-BAND® is suppose to do. I have the same bad habits I had before the band. I eat the wrong things and eat too often. These are my cravings and the LAP-BAND® has not changed that.

    I lost weight because I was motivated to because I had the LAP-BAND®. It was pure psychology, not any physiological effect of the LAP-BAND®.

    I've had fills until I can hardly eat solid food. Nothing helps.

    I can see that the band can help those that eat too much at a meal, but not a habitual grazer like me.


    I am in the same boat as you with a slight difference. I do eat everything I want, and there are times that I refrain from eating unhealthy foods. I was banded on 09/21/10, and since then I have lost only 20 lbs. I know I could have easily lost at leat 20 more by now, but my unwillingless to change MY bad eating habits has sabbotaged my good efforts. The band is not a magic device that will change the way you think. You should really work closely with a registered dietician so they can guide you on the foods that you should be eating. Talk to your doctor, they are always our best resource. I have managed to get back on track most days, and I really do understand where yo uare comming from, but sometimes we just have to stop making excuses and DO what is best for us, even though it will be hard most of the time. Also, I have heard that planning and making your meals ahead of time will definetly help you in making good eating choices inteasd of grabbing a bag of chips. I wish you well, and I am here for you if you need me. :thumbup:

  5. Hello, I was banded 9/21 and I am on the same boat as you. I cough so bad t the point where I can hardly breathe. I also have been short on breath when I am talking, I have to stop and recompose myself and get a good whip of air down my chest. It is so anoying especially when I am around people, it is not like I can stop the coughing and vomit sound, they are automatic. Another thing that has been happening to me since being banded is that I make moaning sounds in my sleep!:thumbup: No nightmares, no erotic dreams, what is happening to me? I just don't understand why all this is going on with my system. My hubby tells me that he thinks this cough will stay with me for the rest of my life, I honestly think so too!:w00t:

  6. Hey everyone,

    I am just here updating from yesterday, and glad to comment that I was able to tough it out today. I did chge my shake Protein to Liquid Protein. I just imagined it would make a difference taste wise, and it did! I like it a little better, but I wonder if that is because I have been on the chocolate shake for so long that I am starting to hate it. Who knows! Well thank you all for lending a helpig hand in my time of need =). I want you to know that it is greatly appreciated, and I have been using some of your suggestions today:thumbup:.

  7. Hello all,

    I need help, I was just a banded a week ago, and yesterday and today have been HELL for me. I am so hungry, I ate yesterday afternoon, and today, but today was much worse. I know many of you will question why I did this surgery in th first place if I was going to cotinue over eatig, well I am genuinelly hungry!! I do not he healthy food to eat (at least) so I gave in. Now I feel like a self-sabottaging monster. I have cried, called my husband at work for moral support, and for the first time, I contacted OA (overeaters annonymous). I did not get the answers I needed at the moment, because there were no meeting today around my area, but I am for sure going to look into it, as I feel this will help me gain mental strength.

    My question to all of you is, Is anyone out there in the same boat that I am? I can handle morning huuuuger quite well,

    but when it comes to 3- or 4 in the afternoon, my hunger strikes with a vengence!! Any suggestions or opinions ar emore than welcome, but please don't try to scold me, like if I am a minor, I would appreciate some useful information or tactics that worked for you instead. Thank you in advance and have a blessed day!!!!!

  8. Hi Everyone!!! Had my surgery yesterday and it went perfectly!! I was sore as expected the gas-x strips work wonders and i found liquid adult tylenol at Walgreens and i am able to manage the pain with that. My biggest challenge so far is taking my pills(Rx) i have crushed them in water....YUCK!!!!!:lol: and tonight I tried to crush them in sugar free jello....double YUCK!!!!!!:smile2::thumbdown: any suggestions on how to crush the Rx and not have to taste the bitterness of it? Hope everyone else is doing well too....:)

    I hear ya! Especially the nausea medicine, makes me nauseaus lol. I had it with strong decaff coffee and sweetened it with splenda/hazelnut flavor. The sugar is already mixed with the hazelnut you can get it at Walmart. Oh and try to hold your breath, and drink your medication with only a spoonful and do a second spoon to wash out the flavor before you breathe. It worked for me. Good Luck, and Congratulations:thumbup:

  9. Hi everyone,

    Surgery was Weds. 22nd. I'm moving around a lil better but my stomach is very very tight and extremely sore. I don't have any shoulder pain or gas pain. On Sept 16th, I weighed in at the nutrionists at 272 after surgery I was 275 3lbs of Fluid I guess. Today 24th, I am 268, so I lost at least 4 of my own lbs and all the surgery gain.

    Can you all tell me just how much the pain is for you in your stomach and around incisions? I'd say on a scale of 1-10 I am at 6. Day after surgery I was a 9, this has been my toughest part but I haven't seen many complaints about the pain, wondeing where I stand next to the rest of you....

    Thanks, Brenda


    Well my pain is minimal, something like a 3, and mind you I had no rest. I took the kids to school the next morning-so painful- and I had to cook and clean because when I came home from surgery the house was a complete mess. I thought I was going to have some physical support from my partner, but I guess I was wrong:crying:. I got into it with him today because he drove me to the store, and he did not have a care in the world when he passed a speed bump. What is the deal? And he still has the nerve to ask why I am screming when he passes the bumps, hello idiot! I just had surgery!!!! Sorry needed to vent, but I am so glad that you are doing better everyday!:lol:

  10. Good Luck to all getting banded tomorrow, you all will be in my thoughts and prayers...

    I have my pre-op tomorrow and then surgery on Wed.., I am getting soooo very nervous but I know this is the right decision for me.

    Today I thought oh I will have my last mcflurry from McDonalds but I didn't:thumbup: I said to myself I don't need it and I don't want it because I am where I am because of all the junk I ate without thinking....

    Thank you mom05, I will be in there in about 5 hours, but I had to wash my kids uniform so (thank goodness for 24 hour laundromats) I am still up when I should be asleep!! I am scared but I know God will be there by my side.

  11. Hi guys, (and gals..lol)

    I have jumped through the hoops of getting approval for surgery, tomorrow is my big day, and while I am so excited:thumbup:, I can't shake the idea out of my head that my surgeon will cancel my operation:cursing:. You see, I was supposed to lose 15 pounds pre-op, instead of loosing, initially I gained 6 pounds, and now I have lost those 6 pounds and 8 more for a total of 15 puunds but I am still 6 pounds over what the doctor requested:eek:. My question I guess is: Has anyone had surgery cancelled for not loosing their required weight? I have been trying to call the hospital to get some advice, but I guess it is too early in the morning and no one is picking up:bored:.

  12. Oh, husbands! I've got one too :thumbup: I think you just have to be direct and tell him what you would like for him to do to support you, since he is clearly interested in doing that, and the things that are really mentally unhelpful to you right now. You're not looking for a food coach, and I'd tell him that straight up when you're not angry because he just did it :) But there might be other things he could help you with that might make him feel useful-- like maybe going on walks with you and being your exercise partner, or agreeing to temporarily restrain from eating your biggest trigger foods right in front of you. Sometimes people (especially men in my experience) have a hard time just listening and being a support that way rather than trying to jump in and "fix"-- so maybe you can have that talk with him too.

    You have to do this. He can't do it for you and those little comments that are meant to be helpful and caring can be undermining. I guess you'll probably have to have that conversation maybe even a few times. Good luck!

    I think you should feel fortunate that your husband is a nagging motivator,:P(lol) and helps you stay on track. I on the other hand, have a husband who is "supportive" of my desicion, but yet when we go out, I am ready packed with my Protein Shake and when it comes time for dinner, he starts getting fuzzy because I can't eat anything and just "how are we going to eat (him and the kids) with me looking at them?, it's not something nice to do.":sneaky: so basically I have to end up eating with them or my kids have to wait until we get all the way home, which is always after 8 p.m. to have their dinner, and yes right after they have to go to bed-unhealthy- and I end up eating with them.:(*sigh* what's a girl to do? Like they say the grass is always greener on the other side, but I truly wished my hubs was more supportive in a healthy way like yours. Good luck!!

  13. Cograts... We have the same band day!!! Come on 21st....it isn't coming fast enough for me. :thumbup:

    Well congrats to you too!! Looks like we will be in it together. I am having anxiety, what if this is MY way of taking the easy road? I am scared something bad will happen when I am in surgery, and I think, think, think, so much about my kids. I guess I am focusing too much on the negative, but I suppose it's "normal". Let me know how things turn out for you, good luck, and may God be with you every step of the way.:tongue2:

  14. :confused:Just wondering if anyone is going through Altamed in Los angeles area. I am and It is quite difficult to deal with them because they make me see a different doctor almost everytime I go. My insurance is requesting an approval from an endocrinologist. I have just been diagnosed with hypothiroidism 2 months ago, and now I am scared I will be denyed. Anyone in my same situation that can guide me?

  15. I go today to tell the girls in the office that I'm having the LAP-BAND® done. We are all overweight, and that would be from years of who's b-day is it tomorrow snacked filled days. We have all talked about the LAP-BAND® and how wonderful it would be. So, why did they come at me like a pack of wolves saying that I am taking the easy way out and that all this is going to do is cause me emotional and physical problems? I kind of lost it and told them, Hey who here is the only one with the gym membership, who walks just about everyday and lifts weights? Who's followed Weight Watcher to the tee and still has problems? ME! So when you are ready to come down off your cream puff cloud, and yes, that outfit does make you look fatter yet, I will be losing weight, and feeling better about myself. And also, that shade of jealousy green, really doesn't do much for you.

    I guess, I kind of went over board a bit, but how two faced! We all talked about how we would support each other and blah blah blah... Oh well - my date is June 24th and I am just giddy with joy!!! So there, stick that in their hoagie sandwich and eat it!!!! WHEW!!! I feel much better, thanks for letting rant! LOL :(

    You tell them!! How dare they try to bring you down instead of cheering you on? That always seems to happen, why, I do not know but only you know when you are truly ready!! Good Luck.:smile2:

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