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Blog Comments posted by SoccerMomma73

  1. So, I'm new here, just found this world earlier this week when I googled "2 weeks post lap band and starving" and boom, here you are, and 'lo! Apparently everyone 2 weeks post surgery is starving right along with me!!! I was starting to have my doubts, "oh my God, I"m going to be hungry forever?!?" but now am on mushies and while not full or satisfied, no longer starving and anxiously awaiting my first fill in 11 days. I lost 12 pounds in the 2 weeks pre-op and now have lost 12 pounds post-op, so 24 pounds since Dec. 3, not too shabby! I jumped up to get something off the ceiling at work earlier this week and almost lost my pants (much to my co-workers amusement).

    Oh, and a little about me in case you're curious. I'm a divorced single mom to an amazing 5 year old boy. My ex was verbally and on a few occasions physically abusive. But we got out and never looked back and our lives are amazing. I've been overweight forever, in fact, my mom got yelled at when she took me to my 6 week check-up because I'd gained too much weight...My mom had a gastric bypass almost 30 years ago, I think I am a combination of genes and learned behavior. My family loves to eat, it's what we do to celebrate, it's what we do when we get together, it's what we do to show our love...and we can cook too...bad combination to be a good cook and a great eater!

    So...I'm cruising right along, feeling great, little to no pain unless I do something stupid (lift something too heavy, etc), hungry, but not starving, exercising/walking 4-5 times a week, and happy and excited about my future (something I haven't felt in a long time), not to mention well on my way to a healthier me. I'm happy to be here and thrilled to have someone to ask my millions of questions to when I need to!

    Best of luck on your journeys!


  2. Melissa, that's what we're here for! I am 2 weeks and 2 days post op so I'm still new to this. I had my surgery on a Wednesday and went home Thursday, took very little pain medication while in the hospital (I'd take a hit before I got up and walked). If I was laying in the bed I was fine, once I was up I was fine. It was the act of getting out of bed that hurt (not terribly but very similar to how you felt after your gallbladder surgery) then once I was up I was fine again. I was sleeping on my tummy by night three, at first with a pillow propped under 1 side to support some of the weight, now flat on my tummy. My surgeon apparently puts the port deeper than some others and I can't feel it at all when I'm laying down, I have to really search to find it at all actually. I did have 3-4 days of that "bloated pressury gassy feeling" but my docs nurse had told me to smuggle gas-x into the hospital and I lived off of it for about 4 days and I think it saved my life...that and move, walking, stretching, the more I did, the better I felt. I was back at work (tired) the following Monday. I haven't had any nausea at all. The first week I never felt hungry, then on day seven I woke up starving and stayed that way for a week THEN I got moved up to mushies and now I'm fine, I can get satisfied on the mushy stuff and stay that way for a couple hours. I can eat more than I am supposed to but much less than I would have previously and I can gulp water with no problem but I've continued to lose weight so that's all that matters! My first fill is on Jan. 12 so hopefully that'll reduce the amount I can eat a bit.

    Like I said I'm 16 days post op and can do pretty much anything I want. I have to remind myself I can't pick up my five year old because I actually forget I just had this done. I feel great, almost had a pair of pants fall off this week at work, and am slowly learning how to not think about food 24/7...that has been the weirdest part for me. I think I've spent my life planning what I would eat next. This morning I sat down to a breakfast 1/2 the size of what I would have normally ate and couldn't finish it...it's an amazing feeling. I have no regrets except wishing I'd done it 2 years ago! Take care and don't worry too much! And ask away! That's why we're here :)

  3. I am so happy for you and hope this is the beginning of a thinner, healthier (and eventually pregnant) future for you. Getting approval, pre-op diets...it all gets frustrating as all get out but (2 weeks out) I can say it is so worth it! Good luck, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

  4. I'm fairly certain 4 weeks would kill me, seriously :Dancing_wub: I am incredibly proud of you for sticking with it, I broke down and started mushies a couple days early from my 2 weeks of liquids...and I will confess...am doing much better now, not starving all the time, although I'd love a slice of pizza! Go chocolate medi shake go!!!!! You can do it!!!!!

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