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Posts posted by SoccerMomma73

  1. Why did cream of wheat make you dump? I'm scared of dumping too. I'm 9 days post op and had a mini dump of just poo and almost puke from dipping juice broth from chicken dumplings, . I assumed it was from the fat because I didn't eat anything

    true dumping is related to carbs and blood sugar crashes. Cream of wheat is almost nothing but carbs. I now know I'm carb sensitive so boom, down I went. Dumping from fats is an entirely different creature and is more gastrointestinal misery....it sucks, but for me the carb crash dump is much much worse.

  2. So, I'm the girl that woke up after band removal only to discover they couldn't do my revision to RNY....too much damage and inflammation, too risky to revise at that time. Six months later I got my RNY. The first few weeks in between totally sucked. I was an emotional mess. Mad at my body, mad at myself, mentally a mess.

    But time moved on and next month I'm 1 year post RNY. I have lost much slower than my bariatric surgery virgin counterparts. But I've lost and it has been so much easier than my band ever was. At 5'6 and 195', I'm about 40 pounds from a healthy weight. I can eat small amounts of almost anything. I never get stuck, slime, throw up. I never have pain. I do dump and still get random bouts of nausea from time to time. I no longer feel starved or deprived. It has been fabulous.

    You'll do fine and are normal to have fears :). You'd be crazy not to!!!!!

  3. It really really depends on the individual food and what else you've eaten. I've only dumped off fat once (explosive poop dump, lovely stuff) but I don't eat that much fried/greasy stuff...carbs and I have a problem. The first time I dumped it was on cream of wheat and I thought I was going to DIE. I was a couple weeks post op and absolutely eating straight off my diet plan....and ended up laying on my kitchen floor shaking, too weak to walk. I've since discovered that I CAN eat cream of wheat (a tiny amount) but must have Protein on board to level things out...same with rice, Pasta, etc....small amounts, with protein, and I'll be okay. Sadly, I've had to give up grapes. Of all things. They kick my butt every stinking time I eat them.

  4. The biggies for me immediately post op were all natural juice (mixed 50/50 with Water, I was required to drink 32 ounces a day for several weeks, if I didn't, my energy was GONE) and broth (I prefer homemade so had it made in the freezer for post-op) along with yogurt (Greek), creamed Soups, retried Beans (thinned to a liquid with broth), and sugar free Jello and pudding. That would have been the majority of my first week post-op, but every plan is different :). Congratulations on being so close!!!!

  5. Attempting to be a good mom and prepare him, I warned my son (then 5) before I got my lap band and he fretted like crazy so I ended up not telling him the day I was going to have surgery, my dad picked him up after school and said 'oh btw your mom's doctor decided she needed the surgery early so he went ahead and did it today' and told him I was fine and he was cool with it. They brought him to visit on day 2 after I was up and moving but didn't keep him there long, just enough to show him mom was okay but tired and no need to worry. I absolutely don't think he needs to be there during your surgery or immediately post-op, it would have scared Connor to death to see me looking like that. Whole different story for my bypass when he was 8. He was concerned but also wanted all the gory details so, gory details he got! He did go to school like always on the day of my RNY, came to visit me the next day. Pushed my IV pole for me when I walked. He was the worlds greatest helper. But, there's a big difference between 5 and 8....he was definitely emotionally ready to know more this time.

  6. Your docs job is to educate you and do what they can to keep you physically and emotionally healthy. They are not there to judge you or impose their moral standards on you. If they are, LEAVE!!! I've worked with some docs I thought were wonderful fabulous people but then treated their obese patients like they were less than human (this while thePA at they're side was 300 + pounds). I've also worked with real ass hole docs who judged everyone. But MOST have simply wanted the best for their patients.

  7. SoccerMomma73: I actually got a call from UHC on Friday last week, saying that they were referring my "case" to another dept to follow-up on my surgery. The rep told me that, regardless of anything else, the MD agreed to accept whatever was paid as "payment in full" (by out-of-network provider), so I am entitled to either what I paid OR what insurance paid them. She said the dept they are sendig it to will have more time to pursue it than the Customer Service Reps do, so they should have some kind of answer for me within 60 days MAXIMUM. So, I'm in a holding pattern for now. But at least it appears they are in agreement with my viewpoint and will try to get the office to refund some of my money!! YEAH! :) (The hospital and anesthesia never billed me a penny beyond what I paid up front...only the surgeon!)

    awesome!!! Actually sounds like you're where you need to be now. Evil me wants to see a bunch paid back to you for his misbehavior :)

  8. I was self pay with my band and ended up getting some money back post op from the hospital because insurance covered my barium swallow and chest X-ray and some various things....but the hospital paid me back....there's got to be so done in that hospital or hospital system that can see this is total fraud.

  9. How much do you eat at one time? It seems that either the fat grams or the sugar grams are too high when I look at yogurt. according to my doctor I can only have 3 grams of fat and 5 grams of sugar

    i do the dannon light and fit Greek, it's 5 ounces, 80 calories, 12 grams of Protein, zero fat, but 6 or 7 grams of sugar depending on the flavor so that is slightly about your cutoff (FYI I'm a dumper but this does not bother me at all)

  10. Well in no way will I defend my husband's abuse, but your perception is askew about me having the surgery alone.... He works out of state and if he misses, he loses the job. He was scheduled to be out of state that month and I knew that all the while I was planning. He woud have stayed had I asked him, but I didn't want him to for many reasons.... but moreso, I didn't NEED him to. I am not suggesting that anyone can get through this surgery on thier own, but I knew I could and I did. There were contacts I made here and other forums and even through my surgical center who offered to come stay with me. I declined. In retrospect, I was lucky that everything went well. He never wanted me to have it, and when he knew I would anyway, he certainly didn't want me to do it alone. I didn't want him there. You are correct in that he is NOT supportive. He is selfish. He is emotionally immature. On the flip side, there would be those who would have said I was selfish to have a surgery my husband didn't support and couln't be there for due to work. He also didn't "allow me" - I never asked his permission nor needed it - I know this is a play on your words, but I was going to do what I wanted FOR ONCE - and I did :D

    my apologies, from the message you posted above about him being against it and friends dropping you off I got the impression he'd just totally abandoned you for the surgery. My bad, I'm out of this (but you deserve better).

  11. I think we all have those thoughts to some extent. I was a band to bypass revision and oh the mental conversations I had with myself in the days before the bypass. I mean, I failed a band, why will this work???? But it DOES work :) (and you will be bitchy! Be prepared). You're worried, you're taking this seriously, you're concerned about the future...all good signs that you'll do great!

  12. Sadly, although I do believe this marraige can be saved, my husband doesn't want to do his share... he continues to remain stubborn which results to me as immaturity. He is verbally abusive in the subtlest of ways on a daily basis, resulting in compulsive and constant criticism. The stronger I become, the more I recognize it. It's so sad to me because all I ever did was love him - and all my negativity is a reaction to his abuse. If the abuse would stop, my attitude towards him would improve. I never wanted to end the relationship, I just wanted the abuse to stop. I am approaching a 100 lb weight loss. He never wanted me to have the surgery, was never supportive of it, and he actually wasn't even there when I had it. If you search some of my EARLIEST posts, you might find the ones about how I went through the entire surgery alone - it was secrative; no one knew. I had a friend drop me off and a different friend pick me up. I did everything on my own from the first consultation. It is a HUGE secret that I bear the weight of carrying and also worry that IF our relationship should go splitsville, he will expose me. We spent the day fighting and I am drained, or else I would write more. I'd offer you my direct email, but he reads it. This is one place he doesn't come to - and I clear my history at times to be sure he isn't snooping in my computer visits.

    I said it months ago when you were pre-op, but ASS HOLE. Sums it up. Selfish, thoughtless, uncaring, and undeserving of your concern and worry. NO ONE sends their spouse to have major surgery alone. Even if he doesn't support the surgery, his job as your husband is to support you (and worry and care). That he allowed you to have major surgery completely alone speaks volumes on his character (or lack there of). Please know you deserve someone that dares about you and know we're here if you need us.

  13. I've been carb sensitive since day 1. I work around it and occasionally suck it up and deal with it because there are times where I'm just gonna eat it. Period. (And when I say eat it, it's not really bad stuff....it's a bowl of oatmeal or occasionally a cookie). I've always been curious about dumping off fats. Seemed weird to me! I understood the sugar crash from carbs and symptoms associated with it, but the fat thing sounded different. Well, Waffle House kicked my butt this a.m. And I now know the miseries of dumping off fats. My butt is not amused. (Although, overall, it's not as miserable as carb dumping, at least for me). (FYI cheesie scrambled eegs and bacon, the bacon was super fatty, almost certain it was the culprit)

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