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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by humnbirdnut

  1. humnbirdnut

    September Bandsters

    I thought I'd sent my date in before...maybe I didn't. LOL!! Anyway, my date is 9-13-06 -I am "twiceblessed1014"s sister. We had our bands done on the same date. Can you please add me to your list? Thanks!! Humnbirdnut
  2. I was banded 9-13-07 and have lost almost 70 pounds! :whoo: :help:My concern/issue is with fills. Almost everytime I get a fill is turns into an ordeal for me. On my first fill, after being stuck multiple times, my md finally sent me over to the hospital where she did the fill in xray. I had a bruise for a few days and the site was tender. Thankfully, they will usually numb me up before starting. About 3 fills ago, after much manipulation of my port, she was successful but I started bleeding - it ran down my side onto the exam table - luckily it stopped in just a minute or so. However, the last time I had a fill (3 weeks and 2 days ago), he had to push on and manipulate the port, plus 2 sticks then he went to get a longer needle before he was able to do the fill. Then once again, I started to bleed...quite a bit. He got some 2x2 gauze pads, held pressure then applied a large Band-aid. By the time I ate the cracker, walked to the car, pulled out and got about 5 blocks away, I looked down and was bleeding thru my shirt. My sister was driving, so I grabbed some Kleenex, folded them multiple times (about 1/2" thick) and applied pressure. I bled all the way thru those and a couple more before I got it stopped. I was extremely sore for a couple of days, had a UGLY bruise that has not completely faded yet. My question is: has anyone else had this type problem? Honestly, I dread going to each appointment because of this. Thanks for any input! Susan
  3. humnbirdnut

    Bruising & Bleeding with fills

    Well, my sister was banded at the same date that I was (9-13-06) and she never bruises or has had any problems as far as the fill procedure. I certainly hope that as I lose even more weight it will get better! As for other patients - I don't know but I haven't heard any conversation about it. Thanks for all the input.
  4. humnbirdnut

    Bruising & Bleeding with fills

    GOOD GRIEF!!!! I was banded in 2006!! My fingers just hit the wrong key! Sorry for the confusion!! Susan P.S. there are no other drs in this area who even do this surgery. I like my docs, it's just that fills are a dreaded thing for me at this point.
  5. Beef is the absolute hardest thing for me. Only one or two times since my surgery (9-06) have I been able to eat beef. Sliced white bread (toasted or not) ALWAYS gives me trouble. I can eat toasted wheat bread sometimes and have eaten cinnamon/raisin breakfast bread toasted.
  6. humnbirdnut

    Ice Cream?

    According to my instructions, yes. We also give ice cream on full liquid diets in the hospital where I work. Susan
  7. humnbirdnut

    September Bandsters

    :update: I can't believe it because it's gone by so quickly but today is my 1 year bandiversary! I have lost 64 pounds so far!! :whoo:I have a long way to go still but every pound is a victory!! Thanks to all of you for support and insights - but a very special thank you to my sister for all of her support and encouragement. :car: Have a great day! Susan
  8. humnbirdnut

    Do I have to much restriction??

    Terri - I am SO glad it's taken care of too. I was really beginning to feel pretty low...even hard to concentrate!! After he had me drink some Water and eat a cracker with no problem...I went straight to a drive-thru and got a glass of iced tea! Boy was it good!! Yeah, I've been taking it really easy...yogurt, DanActive yogurt drinks yesterday. Today I had some really really tender moist chicken (chewed extremely well) and some stewed squash. Thanks for your help! Susan
  9. humnbirdnut

    Do I have to much restriction??

    Thanks, chickatee - I'm happy to have the loss but it was a hard way to do it! Susan
  10. humnbirdnut

    Do I have to much restriction??

    Hey jmcambra - getting stuck is a BUMMER!! I'm not black and blue - just a little blue - but mighty sore. Thanks for everything! Good luck to you!! Susan
  11. humnbirdnut

    Do I have to much restriction??

    Hey ya'll!! Well, the co-ordinator for the lap-band program at my md's office called me back just after she got the message. I told her everything that was going on, she talked to the md, and said for me to get there ASAP. So my supervisor let me leave work early and off I went. They took me right back - weighed me (lost 7 pounds since Monday!) then right into an exam room. When he came in, lots of questions on what was going on, etc, and he said that some fill needed to come out. So he stuck me trying to access my port - I could feel the needle moving around, etc...but he couldn't gain access. It was really beginning to hurt so he numbed me up and after 2 more tries and lots of maneuvering/pushing on my port - success!!:clap2: I had just a "tad" over 9.5cc in my band (nurse told me the max is 12.5cc) so I was pretty full. He took out almost 1cc so I have just over 8.5cc's now. He had me drink some Water and eat a cracker before I could leave. I could still feel some restriction but thankfully no pain! :whoo: I left the office and headed for the nearest place I could find for a glass of iced tea! I ate a little when I got home and did fine! So I guess my "problem" has been fixed! Thanks for all the input, advice and support! You guys ROCK!! Have a good night everyone! I plan on crashing soon and getting plenty of :notagree . Love you all - Susan
  12. humnbirdnut

    Do I have to much restriction??

    Thanks for all the feedback! You guys are great!! I took 2 little sips of a DanActive yogurt drink and the dash for the bathroom was on!! :think Even though I took really really small sips, there was extreme pressure when I swallowed - the pain remained and slightly intensified just before the dash to the bathroom! So, I have called the office, but got their answering service. So I left a message and hopefully I will get a call back soon. I work at a hospital and get off work at 3pm (Central time) so if I need to head over there maybe my supervisor will let me leave early. I will let ya'll know....... Susan
  13. humnbirdnut

    Do I have to much restriction??

    I still feel like I'm choking and have not even attempted to drink anything else. I am so very thirsty and my tummy is rumbly - but I don't want to hurt again, ya know?? I have not heard from my dr yet so I am still unsure of what to do. It's a 60 mile one way to their office but if that is what I have to do so be it. Don't get me wrong, every 3 or 4 pounds is a :whoo:happy happy thing! It's 3 or 4 I'm not carrying around anymore. Thanks for the input. Good luck!! Susan
  14. humnbirdnut

    Do I have to much restriction??

    :help: I was banded 9-13-06. I have the 11cm VG band. I've had several fills. I had little restriction until 2 fills ago and then I could tell there was some restriction there. I had my last fill Monday 8-27-07. I now have 9cc's in my band. Since that time, I have been extremely tight. On Monday afternoon/night I was not able to take in and keep down anything, not even liquids. On Tuesday, I drank 8oz. fat-free milk with Carnation Instant Breakfast mixed in it and a 3.3oz DanActive yogurt drink. I tried Crystal Light - tiny sips - and it hurt so bad then came back up. On Wednesday, I drank just enough fat-free milk to take my blood pressure pill and again the pressure was almost unbearable. It felt like my chest was going to explode! :phanvan For lunch I brough a Campbell's Soup To Go (tomato with nothing solid in in) - I finally got it down although it took almost 2 hours! I was able to drink a 3.3 oz DanActive yesterday afternoon. Then after that nothing would go down without severe pressure, then it would come back up. Even room temperature tap Water would not stay down. This morning I mixed up a CIB with fat-free milk and managed to take my blood pressure pill - again with tons of pressure. I am worried about becoming dehydrated. I want the restriction to be there because I'm tired of losing only 3 or 4 pounds every 6 weeks, but I don't want this to go on and on either. I've lost 7 pounds since they weighed me on Monday but it's been a rough road. SO...my question is this: do you guys think I'm too tight and need to have a tiny bit removed or suck it up and wait this out? Thanks for the help!! Susan
  15. Hey Green! Scotch huh? Me - l love a frozen margarita! Haven't had one in a L O N G time, but it sure sounds good! LOL!! The water here is ok, but if I am going to drink water, I usually buy bottled. My "saving grace" so to speak is Crystal Light...yummo! We are fortunate enough to have a refrigerator in our breakroom at the hospital so I keep a pitcher full all the time! We are going to be building a new hospital (hope to be in it in about 2 years) and I sure hope we are as fortunate there. Susan
  16. I was banded 9-13-06 by Dr. Keilin and Dr. Hekier at Wadley Reg. Med Center in Texarkana. Their instructions regarding drinking is this: nothing for 30 minutes before meals, nothing with meals and nothing 30-60 minutes after eating. However, they want you to drink 64 oz. of liquids a day. I really really try to comply, but in my mind I don't understand what drinking before a meal harms...like someone else posted it looks like it would help fill up the bigger part of your stomach. I do understand why they don't want you to drink with meals or for a while afterwards. I have sipped with meals sometimes especially if I'm eating out with friends but I certainly do not - can't - "guzzle" anything to drink anymore. I work at a hospital Mon.-Fri. and sometimes it is hard to drink enough at work!:rolleyes Anyway - just my thoughts! Susan
  17. humnbirdnut

    September Bandsters

    Um...challenge? Please fill me in...I thought I was joining the September banders but sounds interesting. As for stats, I will get all the details to you soon, but my highest pre-op weight was 374 and I'm at 318 now! That is 56 pounds! WOO-HOO! Please don't get me wrong, I am THRILLED to have lost 56 pounds, but I truly was hoping the weight would come off faster than that. I know, I know...it didn't come on overnight and slow, steady loss is best, but you read about folks who have lost more than 56 pounds in less time and I just wonder "why can't I?" ya know?? I hit a "bump" in the road - I went for 12 weeks without losing but not gaining and got so very discouraged. When I went for a checkup I spent most of the office visit in tears. I got a fill, and when I had my last visit on July 16, 2007, I had lost 4 pounds! I didn't get a fill then because I'd been having on and off problems keeping food down but that seems to be better. My next appt. is on August 27 - we will see... Good luck all! Susan
  18. humnbirdnut

    September Bandsters

    Hi Diane! Right - #13 ROCKS! Even tho like you said we are a year apart, it's our lucky number! Gotta run! Nice to meet ya! Susan
  19. Personally, I didn't care for anyone knowing that I was having lap-band done. I work in a hospital and received a lot of support and encouragment from my co-workers. I am sorry that your boss is being so negative about seemingly everything. If you have decided and believe that this surgery is what you truly want and is best for you, don't let anyone's negativity change your mind. Good luck!
  20. humnbirdnut

    September Bandsters

    please add me - humnbirdnut - I was banded 9-13-06 at Wadley in Texarkana, AR/TX by Drs Hekier and Keilin. Thanks!
  21. humnbirdnut

    Where is everyone from?

    Hi! I am from Nashville, Arkansas (southwest corner of the state).
  22. humnbirdnut

    Who Drinks soda?

    I was banded in Sept. 2006. So far I've lost 50 pounds! WOO-HOO!! My docs said to stay away from the sodas (I LOVED my diet Coke, especially at work). I've had maybe 3 or 4 since surgery and the only "problem" was burping the carbonation. I did not, however, drink straight from a can or bottle - the sodas I drank were over ice.
  23. humnbirdnut

    Can you eat peanut butter, yes or no??

    I, too, can eat peanut butter...with no problem. I usually put some on a graham cracker. It's a great source of protein and that combination seems to keep the hunger away for quite some time.
  24. humnbirdnut

    Coke drinking poll

    I drank Diet Cokes before my lap-band and up until the day it was done. My surgeons, Dr. Keilin and Dr. Heicker (Texarkana, TX) said no carbonated anything for at least 1 year after surgery.:faint: I had the worst "caffeine withdrawal" headache for the first few days, but after that no problems. I won't lie to you tho - I just HAD to have a Diet Coke once since 9-13-06 - I got one at the local Sonic, over ice, and let it dilute some. Then I sipped on it - no problems! I've not have another one since then but I do still miss them. Now it's tea and Crystal Light.
  25. humnbirdnut

    psoriasis and lap band

    Hi there! I'm pretty new here - I had my lap-band surgery on 9-13-06. As of my last office visit on 11-20-06, I've lost 40 pounds! I am so happy with losing that much in such a short time. I, too, have psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. I've been to dermatologists - the only thing they have ever prescribed was some kind of medication mixed with Vaseline (of all things!) that I was supposed to apply 3 - 4 times a day. Can you honestly imagine greasing yourself up like a pig with Vaseline and then going out to shop or work? Can you imagine what your clothing and linens would be like. I bought a pair of sweat pants and t-shirt that I slept in but it felt so absolutely horrendous that I stopped after a short time. I couldn't tell any improvement either. Then another doc put me on methyltrexate (a chemotherapy drug) that is supposed to help the psoriasis & psoriatic arthritis. The side effects were awful - my doc finally took me off. My arthritis isn't bad, thankfully; it mainly bothers me when the weather changes - rainy and cold are the worst. As for my skin - right now I just keep lotioned up really well. I am trying the Dermarest products tho to see if they help at all. I was worried that my scars would become new patches of psoriasis but so far they haven't. My psoriasis is pretty wide spread. Have you found anything that truly helps without horrible side effects? I'd love to know! Thanks!

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