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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by jaxmom

  1. Wow..... Just wow..... I've only been on this site for a week. I'm amazed by the NEVER EVER EVER AGAIN attitude of some people.... If you watch thin people, they eat carbs, fruits, enjoy a drink now and combine it with a healthy amount of exercise. It's all moderation. Not living off Protein shakes and sugar free Jello. Initially is that what needs to be done to get the weight off? Yes. But after reaching a goal, isn't the REAL goal to lead a healthy life that includes nutritious, real foods that may include a glass of wine? I read the back of my Protein Shakes and shudder. It's all chemicals and crap. Oh so back to the point.... A nice glass of white. Grapes and Mother Nature. I. Can't. Wait!!!! Oh and good for you fancystephanie- it sounds like you have got the moderation thing all figured out. Yey!!!!

    Ok I'm done.... Fire away!!!! :) :) :)

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  2. I love you all more than I used to love jellybeans... And I LOVED jellybeans. Thank you for these tips... Who else is going, without making teenage boy jokes all these suggestions? No one but fellow sleevers! Da hubby is going out for prune juice now. It's 11:43 at night so if he slips and cracks a potty joke I'm going to forgive him. ;)

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  3. Ohhhhhhh the shakes.... The Protein shakes. Horrible. I can eat yogurt no problem so I am eating ones with high Protein low sugar and feel soooo much better, have energy to spare. I'm going to get on scale tomorrow and we shall see what's what. Thank goodness no hunger at all but I'm super thirsty and have been trying to drink drink drink. I'm so glad you are doing well!!!

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  4. Gee.... I thought the photo was posted to give others an idea of what to eat for din din.... How in the heck did that all happen????? Wow props to all of you who handled that so well. Cool and calm. I want to be able to engage in a discussion without having to empty my wallet into my self imposed swear jar but, alas, her I I @&$@% am. ;):) Oh and btw I'm totally trying to replicate that meal from the original post when I go on solids. Thanks so much MzStockton!!!

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    Gee.... I thought the photo was posted to give others an idea of what to eat for din din.... How in the heck did that all happen????? Wow props to all of you who handled that so well. Cool and calm. I want to be able to engage in a discussion without having to empty my wallet into my self imposed swear jar but, alas, her I I @&$@% am. ;):) Oh and btw I'm totally trying to replicate that meal from the original post when I go on solids. Thanks so much MzStockton!!!

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    Gee.... I thought the photo was posted to give others an idea of what to eat for din din.... How in the heck did that all happen????? Wow props to all of you who handled that so well. Cool and calm. I want to be able to engage in a discussion without having to empty my wallet into my self imposed swear jar but, alas, her I I @&$@% am. ;):) Oh and btw I'm totally trying to replicate that meal from the original post when I go on solids. Thanks so much MzStockton!!!

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  5. Twins2016.... Reading this made my heart hurt. Listen.... You need to do this. Your children who you obviously adore are going to get such a happier, healthier version of you and so will your hubby. One that will be around longer because there is less weight to carry around. Emotionally.... God I just want to hug you!!!! I have been fortunate enough to have an awesome support system with my hubby and kids (10 and 12). They know mommy needed to do this so I could come to swim meets, go camping, play tennis and golf with them again.... We are Team Morris! When i first found about surgery my husband was skeptical though, looking back it was because he knew nothing about it except that "isn't that what the chick from the show Cheers did and gained it all back?" (I think he means Kirstie Alley). He just had no clue what it entailed and what the after part looked like. I did research and presented it to him in a short format (he's good but still a man ;) ) and he was on board. I also let him know there was no way in HELL I was not going to get it done, period. He had never seen me so driven. I was a self pay and flew down to the Dominican Republic by myself a few days after the New Year in 2010. I got banded btw which while it did work pretty well for a while, it did eventually break and last week I had it removed and was sleeved. I wish I went the sleeve route to begin with, weight comes off so much faster and no fills, etc. And btw I feel AWESOME. Yesterday went to the mall, target whole foods and planted plants outside. One week out from surgery. I know everyone is different but I went in with the mindset I will make it work and be ok and know what? It has been. Sometimes things do work out. Please keep us posted... Here is a hug for support!!!! O

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  6. I discussed Snacks with my doctor the other day. I'm not a huge snacker- sometimes I will work all day on one of those single sized hummus with carrot chips or green peppers. A few olives. An apple (love apples for a snack when paired with a mini brie bite from trader joes- like a mini meal! ) When I mentioned nuts he shook his head no no no. He explained that nuts can add up way too quickly as a meal- he said he even once did his sugar before and after a snack of nuts and it really was like a big meal (HIS WORDS ) and I was thinking when I can eat again, scaling way back on nuts. They just make them too darn good!! Wasabi smoked almond? Yes please!! Toasted coconut almond don't mind if I do have one or 3! Dub wins the PRIZE on giving up nuts though... I suggest you search the site and make sure you don't have a gulp of shake going down because it will come up in laughter.... ;)

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  7. NYC!! Lucky Duck! I wish I knew a class. I'm stuck down at the end of the earth, Jacksonville, Florida. You are so lucky- NYC is a hotbed of yoga. I would just google anything with the terms gentle, flow or beginners in it and see what pops up.... It's not fair you have all those options!!!! I also love BigViffers suggestion of a rec center or even a Y If you have one. Lots of good teachers, good prices, all kinds of people trying it out. So how are you doing 2 months out from sleeve??? Good timing on your part- you are gonna need all new summer clothes I bet... I'll hoping that was on purpose on your part ;) ;) ;) ;) Hey is it still cold up there or has spring finally arrived?

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  8. Hey there! I've practiced and taught yoga since 1994. I've seen so many "new" types of yoga evolve and I think that there is a now a class for everything. Fitness yoga, weight loss yoga, classes on paddle boards, the list is endless. While I think these can be fun, they are very far removed from what yoga really is. Traditional yoga evolved so the body can sit in meditation for long periods of time. It's main focus is pranayama (breathing) and bring focus and clarity to the mind. The West fell in love with yoga for its benefits of reducing stress, gained flexibility, and I'm some cases, transforming your body. A great place to start with yoga is a standard hatha yoga class. A good teacher should gently guide your through a series of of postures that include forward bends, back bends, deep seated stretches and balancing poses. I think it's funny how some people hear or see a hatha class and think "that's too easy it looks like my grandma could do it..." The reality is it takes serious core muscles to do these poses. But its perfect for beginners because in a good class, with a good teacher the focus is on YOU and where ever you are is where you should be. Period. It can take some people 3 years to touch their toes, others less. That brings me to bikrim- yes, it's a hot class. There are heaters set up all over the room to make it hot. And people sweat. And it can be competitive. Very competitive. I've had students who have gotten very very hurt trying to keep up in bikram classes- and as a highly competitive person myself, I get it!!! I guess if you are familiar with basic yoga and are in great shape and like a challenge, go for it!!!! If you are just starting out you may find it frustrating, overwhelming and downright dangerous. If you do go plan on several bottles of Water before, during and after class. Another great class is vinyasa yoga- it's a gentle flow series, no heaters. :)

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  9. Had the band removed last week, revised to sleeve. I'm on my way to the dog park with the cutie in my profile picture. I feel incredible. Going to buy plants on the way home. Yes, I feel that good. I think so much is mental because that broken plastic band is goners. I am, however, incredibly glad for the people who have them and they work. I mean it. Good for you and good for your band- whatever gets us there! :)

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  10. Just wanted to chime in.... Got banded in 2010 and it was a 6 year pain. Just issue after issue and marginal weight loss. I felt like such a fool going through all the hoops of having wls just for it not to work and I WORKED IT. Anyway I went for a fill and my doctor said "it's broke. Done". After freaking out for a moment he said it was no big deal at all, he would remove it and convert to a sleeve. And he did, within a month!!!! He had a hard time getting it out because it was all scar tissue and as a result I have a smaller pouch but I think that's a good thing!!!! And I've already lost more in the week I've had it than I lost with band- what does that tell you? And i feel awesome. Walking dog, running errands, weeding. I'm so glad that plastic is out of me... Can't tell you. You have really been incredibly impressive with all the homework you have been doing- wish I would have done the same. And it's hard to stand up to doctors sometimes- good for you for staying strong. You are well informed and seem prepared mentally. You have so got this girl!!!!!!!!!!!!! XOXOX

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  11. "A ball of 232 neurotic energy". Hehehe..... Ok I had my 2 second chuckle and now I'm done because I really and truly do feel for you because I really and truly do think you are freaking out!!!! But good news!!!! You had the 3 best people on this entire forum chime in with great suggestions so you don't even need to read anything else after this- so here is it is: As per Dub, ask for a Valium. If they know you are this anxious they will WANT to give it to you. Makes their job soooo much easier, your job a piece of cake. You take pill and nod and smile weakly, wake up with surgery done. Ta da! Per Jamie, the chance of you needing that stuff so soon are slim to none. If you can sip Water you will be doing great. Finally, Montana Girl confirms you won't need much, and suggests using your big voice to tell them you are a hard stick. Something you said at the end especially got me- your iv fear actually kept you from doing this. I get it but in a different way. The whole idea of giving birth to a person put ME off so much I almost adopted. Just. No. All. Of it. Nope. Well wouldn't you know I finally got over my fears, had 2 kids 18 months apart (and by c section no less- my biggest fear!) and i honest to god don't remember the actual procedure for either kid. Some people say that's sad. I say it's AWESOME!!! I think your mind has a way of forgetting the scary stuff and allows us to enjoy once in a while. And trust me.... You are going to enjoy this big time. Life is gonna change my friend! It's quite a ride but we are here and the results are so so so worth it. Wish I could be there to squeeze your hand. Here is a huh, ok? O. Be well.

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  12. I think the sleeve is a great way to go. I went for a fill for my band a few months back and my doctor announced "it broke". And that was IT. It was a horrible feeling to be on that table with something completely worthless (by no fault of my own) floating around inside me. I called it my "space junk". Insurance was awesome and within a month I had it removed and converted to a sleeve easy peasy. I feel fantastic and feel very confident about meeting my goals. My BMI sleeve day was 34.4 and is already coming down. So glad!! :) :) :)

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  13. Okiedokie checking that now.... For the Tomato basil it's 280mg. I'm looking at a can of Campbell's chicken and rice and its 820mg (yikes!) and a box of low sodium organic free range chicken broth that's 130. Yep, that's why it tastes like Water. So anyway, it's got sodium but I don't think it's outrageous. Wow now I'm going through the cabinet and I really need to clean this out.... If the sodium content won't kill me the botulism from being expired will. Heh.

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  14. Hey all! I was sleeved on 4/20 and am trying to get my liquids in. It's been fine but I get tired of all the sweet drinks and blah broth. I remembered something I used to enjoy in the winter and got it out. It's called Millie's Savory Teas and they are awesome. They come in a tea bag form but are in savory flavors like Tomato Basil, Indian Spice, Spicy Tortilla, Snappy Butternut and my favorite, Smoky Facon. They are all natural and vegan. 15 calories a cup (I don't know how but ok) and you just heat Water and pop bag in cup. Let steep and enjoy. They are great for on the go and a life saver if you have a craving for a bit of savory. And no, I don't work for the company! :) :) :)post-77434-14617092687758_thumb.jpg

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  15. Just a word of advice... Whatever drinks/shakes you get try to sample them first. GNC was great about this in store. I had heard great things about Isopure clear drinks, lots compared them to Gatorade. Oh my. Not any Gatorade this girl has ever tried. I'm just glad I didn't make a huge initial purchase because they are kinda pricy. Granted, when drinks are your only source of nourishment there is no price to put on one you love. :)

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