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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by jaxmom

  1. @reallyrosy- I appreciate you sharing your story- I really do. Sometimes it's good for a newbie like myself to hear from the veterans like yourself how it's not always sunshine and happiness. It is work. It sounds like you are committed to getting back on track though. I will keep your story in mind, trust me, moving forward. Take care.

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  2. My kids are my biggest cheerleaders. I was a little worried about my son Owen who is 10 because he hates to see anyone in pain. I explained I was having surgery so I wouldn't be in pain with knees, back etc. and that I wanted to play more golf and tennis with the family. He was on board.

    That being said, Owen loves to hear gossip and I'm no dummy... Those that like to listen like to tell. ;) I explained this was one of those family things that don't leave the house. He's keeping it in the vault and has thrown away the key. :)

    His favorite thing to do when he gets home from school is give me a "test" hug. He wraps his arms around me and at first he could just touch them.. Now he can hold his wrists. He beams up at me and says "yep, you are shrinking mom. I'm so proud of you". It makes me want to cry.

    Kids today pick up on so much more than we give them credit for. Just be honest. It's much better than them overhearing something and drawing their own (sometimes scary) conclusions. Your son will be so proud of you. Best of luck. :)

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  3. I'm just starting my journey, but I once lost weight and kept it off for 5 years and on and off for another 6 by using a few tricks.

    1. I kept my mouth busy with sugar free gum and exclusively drink water- no juice or soda.

    2. I recited food is fuel not fun everyday

    3. I didn't say goodbye to everything I liked to eat, so I knew there was nothing I couldn't have. I just had to wait until a scheduled day in the week to have a "cheat meal." A lot of weeks I didn't have the cheat meal bc I didn't want to mess up my progress.

    4. I worked out regularly 3-5 days per week

    5. I shopped often and stayed out of gym clothes. Stretchy clothes don't tell you when you are gaining, so only wear them to work out

    6. I trained for events (100 mile bike, 5k, wedding, trip)

    7. I made friends at the gym so I had people to look forward to seeing.

    8. I ate on schedule so I didn't have a chance to feel hungry

    9. I kept my trigger foods out of my house and resolved not to drive anywhere to get any food I was craving or send anyone out for it either.

    10. I made myself a priority. I went places I enjoyed, I tanned, I wore nice clothes, i took time to feel good. Hen it was my time I enjoyed it, and I made up for it by giving my family their day for something special too.

    When I stopped all of thy I gained weight and lost my satisfaction with my life. That was my recipe through trial and error I discovered it. You just have to find what works for you and be ok with messing up a little as you discover what that means for you.

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    Wow, what a super list. I just read an article that said you should write down 10 things to do instead of eating... Things you really enjoyed. Your list is fantastic and I can't wait to incorporate a few of my own into it. Forget it, you covered them all!!! I especially love the make friends at the gym to get you there. I know when I played tennis at the YMCA there was no way I would miss a chance to hang out with my girls! So looking forward to getting back to it. Thanks for sharing.

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  4. @@reallyrosy "Is this a sustainable life? I hardly think so".

    Wow.... I just came home from a weekend trip to Daytona Beach with my family. I'm a little over 3 weeks out and I'm sure you could claim that it's all rosy for me now, I'm in the honeymoon phase. Fine. That being said, for the first time in many many years I spent the day on the beach playing paddle ball, riding bikes and playing in the ocean. In the past I hid in the room reading a book. My husband and I saw a concert on Friday night. In the past I bellied up to the bar to get tipsy enough to not feel self conscious. This time I was IN A CONGA LINE completely sober. My kids and husband don't know what to say. For the first time I posed for a family picture (my standard line in the past I was like the Lockness Monster- I existed but no photos) and they all have their mouths hanging open in the picture they are in such shock.

    Anyway the point I'm trying to make is with this surgery I FEEL LIKE I GOT MY LIFE BACK. "Is this a sustainable life?" What a sad way to look at it. This is going to be hard work but I'm completely committed to fighting the fight so I live this life not just exist on the fringes.

    I hope you find the willpower and fight to give it your all with this amazing tool you have been so fortunate to acquire. I wish you the best.

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  5. Hi there! I had a band for 6 years and it broke. Overall I did ok with it.. Went from 197 to 162 and was quite happy. Was very bummed to hear it was broken. Actually, I was horrified. My surgeon told me not to worry- he would revise to a sleeve. Two months later, I was sleeved (April 20th). I was a self pay in the Dominican Republic for my band but my insurance picked up the entire thing this time. I didn't have to go to any classes or counseling. My BMI was 34 when revised. I will say this in retrospect- going back to classes is a good thing. The band is very different from the sleeve and the rules are different. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my sleeve and feel fantastic. Tons of energy and down 15 pounds in 3 weeks. I'm thrilled. I wish you the best, let me know if you have any questions!

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  6. Facelifts Suggestions? Stories?

    last year i had a neck/face lift :rolleyes:

    i had talked to 3 other PS before i chose my doc

    this guy is considered one of the tops

    hospital of excellence too

    his work is wonderful

    i've always had my mothers double chin!!!

    thanx mom!!!

    i would NEVER had had plastics before WLS

    too expensive and possible scary/bad results

    i was prepared to buy stock in paper bags if they screwed up my face!!

    105 lbs gone

    double/turkey neck now even worse

    i deserved to splurge on ME

    everything went great

    spent one night

    doc told me the first 3 days are the hardest PO

    he wasn't kidding!!!

    bandages wrapped around my whole head

    under my chin 24/7 for 3 weeks!!!

    hubby changed nightly (little blood etc)

    2 drains removed after 3 days - phew

    my horrible neck looked/looks great

    one neck/chin is better than 2

    the absence of my wrinkles on my face is wonderful

    i had another "stage" of the face lift a few months later (no cost)

    doc had to wait extra long because BP wasn't co-operating!!

    doc wanted to improve a couple of things he wasn't satisfied with

    spent the night (less bandages, 2 weeks on)

    then a 3rd time in and out to get rid of dog ears

    we weren't expecting this last in and out but....

    DONE (again no cost)

    Now i'm wearing a "net" pulled from chin up to dog ears area, that are now gone!!

    see him on monday - he will take net off, as my stiches continue to dissolve (have worn this for 2 weeks)

    doc said this is all in his original cost since he felt he could have/should make a couple improvements

    2nd and 3rd stage were much less painful!! walk in the park LOL

    just like the sleeve

    i don't regret this for a minute!!!

    very happy

    still "cute as a button" :D

    that's my story and i'm stickin to it!!!


    I LOVE your story!!!! GOOD FOR YOU. I absolutely love how candid and honest you are about the procedure. Great info!

    Now I have to know though....

    What are dog ears??

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  7. Oooooo the dreaded duck lip look. That's why I will never go there. Sounds like she may have dabbled in the fillers or found a doctor who just gives her too much Botox. I play tennis with a woman who cannot move her face. She sat across from me at lunch before the other ladies got there and asked me if she had gotten too much Botox. I told her to make a face. She stared at me. I said no, make a face face! She stared at me.

    This is an example of an overfill... Hahahaah!!!!! That's why I err on the side of caution and just get a bit. I also noticed it helps with headaches which is strange but I swear it does.

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  8. I was just reading an article in the paper about the last surviving person in the world who was born in the 1800s. They asked about her diet and she said she had a biscuit and milk for Breakfast, 2 eggs during the day (one raw and one cooked) some minced meat and for dinner a glass of milk. She also drinks a glass of homemade brandy every day. I'm so glad I read the article. I was worried milk or energy particles were going to be the death of me... Now I don't have to worry about at least one of them!!!

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  9. I found it!!!!!! Hooray!!! I'm 44 and I love my Botox. I had a very deep crease on my forehead and my doctor told me overall I have face muscles like a man (gasp!) they are strong and I pull a lot in my forehead. I get the minimum done- I hate the vacant or overdone look. I just look well rested. My husband also said now I don't "make faces" when I listen to people- it's something I can't help!!! When I get shocked surprised or angry my face says it all without me opening my mouth. Botox has enabled me to sit with my mother in law and listen to her. ;). I get my forehead done and my crows feet. Notice a huge difference. My mom is 73 and uses retin a religiously. We are from the Florida keys (pre sunscreen years :) ) and the retin a has kept her face smooth and helps with dark spots. I use it on my upper lip - my doctor does not like fillers in or around lips so this is his recommendation and it's a huge noticeable difference. I look at it this way... We have done surgery. Come so far. Don't we deserve this???? :) :) :)

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  10. Mane2016 glad surgery went well!!! I had mine done 3 weeks ago and I feel fantastic. The first 3 or 4 days where tough (I had 2 c sections too and felt it was similar) but after that I got a huge surge of energy and haven't stopped since. My poor family is exhausted by me. I weighed today, down from 177. 4 to 163.4. I will take it allllllll day. I think slow and steady wins the race and just to feel this energetic is worth it. If you can walk those gas pains out- they were the worst. Keep us posted!!!

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  11. I'm still learning how to navigate the site. When i log on its always on my iPhone and I read "unread" messages. I'm now realizing that some of the things I've responded to are set up in specific forum areas. And I'm kinda mortified. I happily whipped out a comment to a thread that I now know was posted on a guys forum! I must have come across as crazy lurker lady from hell. Can you say hell on here?? Anyway, if someone starts an injectables thread I will happily join in. I love me some Botox. And I did research on cool sculpting today and supposedly, it HURTS. I'm a "no pain no gain kinda gal" (as evidenced by allowing someone to cut out 85 percent of my tummy bubble) so I'm up for it!!!

    If someone goes first.

    Please send directions to the thread! :)

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  12. Here are some other topics that always inspire forum participation:

    * Alcohol: Pro-choice, pro-life or pro-Long Island tea?

    * Managing your appetite mindfully with marijuana, tobacco and cocaine

    * Birthday cake: But what if I scrape off the icing?

    * Jerky and pork rinds: The benefits of sodium and lard

    * bread, potatoes, Pasta, rice and matzah balls: Carbs, vey!

    * Fruit: Worse than coconut cream pie?

    * Ketosis and quinoa

    * Avoiding caffeine: The case for Mormonism

    * How long must I wait before having sex? Protip: Longer than your parents did! Ba-dump!

    Well thanks a lot!!! I just emitted a very unlady like snort that got the attention of several people in the doctors office where I'm waiting for my Botox appointment. Hey let's discuss Botox! For, against, etc.

    Woohoo I'm next, bring on the needles! I just hope I can stop giggling long enough for my doctor to get a few good jabs in.

    Thanks for making my day. :)

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  13. Just a thought... I've been on pristiq for years and do very well on it. (It may account for my annoying cheerfulness now that I think about it). Anyway after my surgery a pharmacist came to my room to go over my meds... He said I needed to see my GP immediately because my pristiq was slow release and could potentially be a big issue due to my plumbing changes. Other members (you guys rock) really encouraged me to go and I did. Doctor did a lot of research, we discussed it and decided to keep me on it till the end of the summer unless I had an issue. Thank god i don't because it took forever to get a head med that worked. Sounds like you should discuss your med with your doctor because what you are feeling is horrible. I'm three weeks out and exactly the opposite- when I wake up and realize "I have a sleeve!!! It's not a dream!!" I'm so happy. I feel like I finally have control over my life and the feeling... I can't put into words. Please, please call your doctor because you have a lot of people who want you to feel better!!! :)

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  14. I'm so glad the carbonation issue has been raised... Does this apply to the carbonation in wine coolers? JUST KIDDING!!! Kidding!!! I'm going to be good and go outside and admire my plants. The members who take their time, especially the veterans to give advice rock. I'm sure the OP has the info she needs to make her decision. :)

    Everyone enjoy the day!!

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  15. So today I woke up and took my normal morning tubby. When I went to dry off the strangest thing happened... The towel went all the way around me and I was even able to tuck a bit in to hold it!

    This is proof that towel gnomes exist and they must have come in the night and magically made all my towels longer and bigger. The husband says it's because I've lost weight but he's a silly man. I know who's a work here. Now if they could just give up the underpants and sock gnomes that infest this house I'd be ever so grateful... ;)

    Is this one of those NSV thingies?

    Wow. What a gift this surgery is. Every day I'm amazed and thankful.


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PatchAid Vitamin Patches
