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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NewYearNewMe2010

  1. I am 4 months out but I would say the main thing is getting into a routine. I don't know if you have children but it's alot easier for me to eat the same things breakfast & lunch then I can splurge on calories for supper. My breakfast is a Protein shake & a banana. Lunch is a snack size ziplock bag of Special K Cereal, sugar free Jello, & a piece of fruit. Then at dinner I try to make wiser choices but my family eats out alot. Both my kids play ball so we have dinner at the ballpark 1-2 nights a week. Most of the time I choose butterless popcorn & a Water but I have had a slice of pizza. I don't consider anything "cheating" because this is a new lifestyle. The things I would really like but know I can't have anymore are big pieces of meat. I can see a commercial for a steak & my mouth waters but I can't even bring myself to order it out somewhere. The times where I have gotten stuck have always been when I have taken too big of a bite & for me it is usually the first bite. I guess I am so hungry that the old self takes over but I soon realize that I am the new me & I can't do that. Breads usually always get stuck with me also. The other part is exercise- just like eating you have got to get into a routine to be sucessful. The majority of my exercise comes from a stationary bike that I ride in front of the TV at night for about 75 minutes. With the warmer tempertures I have been walking more, my goal is to run a 5K in September. I think I can, I think I can =) I feel all in all I have done well (55 pounds in 4 months) but there is still more to go. Good luck!
  2. NewYearNewMe2010


    Congratulations! I had that experience not too long ago also size 22 down to an 18. I broke down in the dressing room. It is a fabulous feeling. Way to go!
  3. I was told vodka or any liquor was fine but beer could cause pain with the band. I haven't had beer post-op so I don't know if that is true but I know vodka is ok. :thumbup:
  4. NewYearNewMe2010

    What is the risk of a round of golf?

    I think in 5 weeks you will be ok. After your first post op appointment & fill you will know if your port is secure. I would take it easy until then. Any big golf swing might disrupt your port early on. I was told at my 4 week post op appointment to return to all my normal activities. I hope all goes well for you!
  5. NewYearNewMe2010

    Has anyone had there port flip???

    My port flipped also. I went in for a fill & my dr. couldn't access the port. I went in to surgery 3 days later. I didn't have any pain at all. I wouldn't even know it had flipped had I not gone in for a fill. I went back to work the next day. It was a simple procedure. The dr went in through the port incision, restitched the port & meshed the surroundings & sewed me back up. It was 20 minute procedure he said. The one thing I will advise you on- if you are self pay have this fixed quickly. I was self pay - the dr & hospital covered the cost since it happened so soon after surgery (less than 45 days) I'm not sure about insured patients. I hope your port issues are resolved soon-
  6. NewYearNewMe2010

    Lap Band and Tanning Beds

    I have tanned several times & I have had no complications. I think it is fine. I never even thought it wouldn't be. If you are uneasy about it give your doctor a call.
  7. NewYearNewMe2010

    Port flipped

    My port flipped in a similiar way. I did have pain but I had the liquid pain medication they gave me from surgery. I was 4 weeks post op. I had it fixed within a week of my doctor discovering that it had flipped but I am self pay & my doctor covered the cost. They procedure to fix it wasn't bad at all. I went to work the next day.
  8. I am 3 months post op, I have had 3 fills, & I still can't feel my port. I know about where it is because I have seen the doctor fill it but I can't feel it at all. I don't really think you are supposed to-
  9. NewYearNewMe2010

    The Last One Eating

    I feel like I am the first one finished because I get full so quick. I end up leaving alot of food on my plate & watching everyone else eat.
  10. NewYearNewMe2010

    Anyone banded December 11th ish??

    I was 12/30- lost about 45 lbs total.
  11. NewYearNewMe2010

    Sex with a New Man

    Well??? Have you heard from him?
  12. NewYearNewMe2010

    So Upset

    That is GREAT!!!! I agree but I am sorry you are going through this now.
  13. NewYearNewMe2010

    What do you eat for lunch?

    I usually have the same thing everyday. I am a creature of habit.(I just have to make good habits now ) I eat 1/2 full snack size ziplock bag of Special K (that's as close to measuring as I get), sugar free jello, & a tangerine. It fills me up & it is very easy. I can keep all of it in my classroom so I don't have to worry about fixing lunches everyday.
  14. NewYearNewMe2010

    Cheating or Good Planning?

    I would say you did great! This is life- there are times when you can't have exact portions with perfect nutritional value. There are going to be times when you eat cake. Have a few bites & move on. Be mindful or what you do eat but don't obsess. Great job- keep up the good work!
  15. I have been banded 2 months & have lost 30 pounds. It is very possible. good luck!
  16. NewYearNewMe2010

    I had a moment today!

    I haven't been less than a size 20 since high school (15 years ago) so I really don't have clothes. The ones I have been wearing will get me through till it gets warmer & I can wear skirts. I normally do shop consignment or clearence racks but there was just something about that outfit that I "had to" buy. It is just a blue tshirt & black pants but it is definately special! Thank you all for the encoraging words, you have all brightened my day. It is good to know I have supportive friends out there!
  17. Hello Bandsters! I am 2 months post op (banded 12/30). I am down about 32 pounds. I was a tight size 22 when banded & my clothes are fitting better. I pulled out some size 20's a few weeks ago & they fit well. My bras are really bugging me because they have gotten so loose, so I decided to go to Lane Bryant today & get fitted for a new bra. Well long story short, Lane Bryant is changing locations in our town & they were closed so since I was already in the mall I went to a large department store. I got fitted for my bra & was down from a 42D to 40C!!! But that isn't even the best part- I had to go across the store to the fitting room to try on the bra- well walking through the "regular" department I thought while I am trying on clothes I might as well try a pair of pants & shirt. I tried on a size 18 pant & an XL shirt. THEY FIT PERFECTLY!!!!! ok I know an 18 & XL aren't small but to me----- WOW!!! I just cried in the dressing room (as I was surrounded by skinny teenagers trying on prom dresses :wink2:). I was a bit overwhelmed. I just can't believe that here I am not even 2 months postop & I can shop in the "regular" women's section. I think I had my saddest moment soon after the joy I felt from my accomplishment. I realized that since I have kept my WLS a secret I didn't really have anyone I could call to Celebrate this victory with. My husband was out in the car with the kids (because he thought I was just running in to get a bra) so when I got back out there (with the outfit & bra) I told him & he was excited but not nearly as excited as I know a girlfriend would be or even my sister if she knew. Anyway - I really wanted to share with some ladies & fellas who might really understand what a victory this feels like! Thanks for reading-
  18. NewYearNewMe2010

    December Bandsters How much have you lost?

    I was banded 12/30 & I have lost 30 pounds.
  19. NewYearNewMe2010

    Port Replacement Surgery

    I was banded on 12/30/09. I just went in today (2/11) for my check up & first fill. My port has flipped. My doctor wants to schedule this procedure for me soon. Since my appointment was at the end of the day, the hospital business office was closed. He is going to get with them tomorrow to see if they will waive charges. He has already agreed to waive his & the anithesiologist fees since I was self pay. This is all very frustrating though! Thank you for your post. It does give me hope that it won't be too bad. On the bright side, when I weighed in today I had lost almost 30 pounds! I just hope this doesn't set me back.
  20. NewYearNewMe2010

    Superbowl Sunday Food

    Yes! I did that with a brownie this week! One of my students brought brownies for their birthday & I have been really good since banded 12/30/09 but I don't know something about that brownie was calling my name. I took a large first bite & man it was good! I swished it around my mouth then spit it out. Yumm-O! I took one more bite & repeated the same thing. Then I threw the brownie away. Anyway sorry to relive my moment but I think you (we) are normal. You've lost about 25 pounds & that is outstanding. This band we have isn't around our brain. We have to train ourselves to think differently about food & not beat ourselves up when we don't live up to what we think we should be doing. Enjoy the Super Bowl & Go Saints!!
  21. NewYearNewMe2010

    Feeling like a $15,000 failure!

    OK - You have got to snap out of the poor me funk you are in. I was self pay, banded on 12/30 & I have lost about 12 lbs since surgery. We are in the same boat. 12 lbs is great in a month. Think back to preband - Did you ever lose 12lbs in a month? Probably not..... This is a lifetime journey. *Remember slow & steady wins the race. Don't beat yourself. Keep exercising & try to make wiser food choices. This isn't a ""diet". This is the rest of your life. You really sound like you are on the right track. BE PROUD OF YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS!!!
  22. NewYearNewMe2010

    Pre Op Questions

    Honestly, I don't know how it works but I do know it seemed to help. Maybe it was just mental but it seemed to calm the pain. I'm not sure but I think it must be absorbed by the intestines or somewhere in the digestive system because of the burping & wind breaking.
  23. NewYearNewMe2010

    Pre Op Questions

    Yes it is normal to feel something inside of you. It took me 4-5 days to sleep on my side & about a week to sleep on my stomach. The gas last about 3 days or so. Just walk,walk, walk. Chewable Gas-x & a heating pad help also. Good luck-
  24. NewYearNewMe2010

    questions for post surgery

    1. I've watched a few videologs on Youtube and have heard several different people talk about shoulder pain after surgery. What is this caused from? This is caused frm the gas they use during surgery. 2. Some people say they can't sleep in their same position in bed after the surgery. Why You are sore for a few weeks. I am 2 weeks post op. By the end of week one I could sleep on my side & now at 2 weeks I can sleep on my stomach 3. If you are from Massachusetts please let me know. I'd like to talk with someone who is local. Sorry I am in TN 4. Is it very painful after surgery? I'm a baby about pain. It's not too bad. I have had 2 c-sections & gallbladder surgery & this was nothing in comparison. 5. I am hoping to get it done over April vacation. Is it reasonable to feel better in one weeks time? I was back to work within a week & I felt fine. Thanks for answering my questions :w00t: Your Welcome - :drool:

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