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Everything posted by JeweI

  1. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Evening ladies and tx. Just got some grades in and I am soo excited. I got a perfect score in calculatiing IV meds and rates, and a 95 A on my final on monday. My teacher mentioned that we should all try to get jobs assisting nurses after our 1st semester. All the nurses I talk to seem to agree. I am concerned about adding more responsibilites to my plate. I was also sent an invitation to join the honors society. You have to be invited to join. I would love to do all this stuff. Just not sure if I can handle it all. I am hearing that it is hard to get a job in my area as a recent grad because there are 7 nursing schools in my city. I gotta fiqure some way to make myself stand out.
  2. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Hey everyone, just checking in. I miss you guys. School is going great. Jacob is doing well on his new dose of adderall. Hubby is working nights lately not so great. My brother and I are going to run my first 5k on Dec. 11th. I am so excited. My Dad is gonna come cheer for me too. Can't wait. I started at the hospital last week. Took vital signs and gave an elderly woman a bath. She was so grateful. She wanted to be clean so bad. I have an exam in the morning so I need to get to bed. Sorry to hear about the cc fraud. Just a little smudge though compared to the great ime yall had. The hospital I am at will hire some students that pass their first term finals. I am hoping to get in on that starting in January. Also the book fair I was in charge of raised 3500 dollars for the school library. It feels so awesome to be able to do something so big. Night everyone.
  3. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Thanks guys for celebrating with me. Love the animations.
  4. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    I got a 92 on yesterdays 1st exam for concepts and a 98 on my simulation today. I had to give 2 shots and insert a catheter. Also ran for 5 min straight last night. Doing awesome today.
  5. JeweI

    Couch to 5K ?

    Hey guys, Thought I would join this thread. I start week 4 tommorrow. I can't believe I am running 3 minutes. Can't wait to see how I tackle the 5 min runs next week. I walk at 3 mil/hour and run at 4 mil/hour. My speed has increased since week one though. I began walking 2.5 mil/hour and running 3.5 mil/hour. I actually have gone through my first pair of running shoes. I decided to get a higher quality shoe this time. I am looking at doin my first 5k in dec. They have one at night that is lit by luminaries.
  6. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    I tried to post pics and couldn't let me give it another shot. Thanks Phyll it means alot to me that you guys are so supportive and happy for me.
  7. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Hey Ladies and I see we have a gent now too. I am just checking in.So my doc really got onto me friday about beating myself up. Also told me to enjoy my new shape. So wed I decided to dress up and wear heels to school. Boy did I get alot of attention in those heels. Everyone said how great I looked and some of the other ladies started cat calling me. Even a man in the local hobby store commented. It felt great. My grades are really good. I have 3 exams on monday and tuesday. Next week I will actually be in the hospital. We went to disney last weekend and had a great time. That place just amazes me. We had dinner at a resturaunt called T-Rex. It was full of animatronic dinosaurs and was decorated to make you feel like you were in a forest. Every 15 min was a meteor shower. I was able to ride on the childrens rides with my son and didn't need to stop for a rest at all. I can't believe I sat in a childs ride and was able to buckle in. Sometimes we even sat 3 to a seat no problem. I can run for a full 3 minutes now no problem. I wore my bikini in the hotel pool. The other day at school the elevator broke and I hauled all my books up to the third floor. Everyone was moaning and groaning and I was just happy that I could do it.
  8. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    1day, I am so glad you are working again. It was a tough transition but I hope it was worth it. Hey Ladies, Just thought I would check in. I forgot ya'll were going to vegas this week. I hope ya'll enjoy it as much as I did the orlando trip. My first 2 exams I earned a 90 and 94 percent. I am doing really well in school. Jacob is doing ok on his new meds for adhd. I would like to see him doing better though. He may just need a little bit more. I went and saw my surgeon today. I lost 1.5 pounds since my last visit a week and a half ago. He talked to me alot today. He said I am not enjoying the success of losing over 50 pounds. I beat myself up and need to give myself more credit. I cried the whole appointment. He brought up my mom and asked about the horrible things she did to me. I really don't talk about that EVER. So I am just raw right now. We are going to disney sunday. Hopefully we will have a great weekend. I know those of you in Vegas will. Talk to yall later
  9. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    I got a slight unfill today. I feel so much better when I eat. Jake is doing good in school the past 2 days too. His birthday is sunday and he designed his own cake. It has chocolate cake, chocolate icecream with oreos in it and marshmallow filling. Got it ordered today. Doc wanted to show me exacctly how much my weightloss has made a differnece. He had me carry 2 bar bells around a bit and put them down. Almost threw my back out. He reminded me that is what I use to be walking around with and I fought back tears. This journey is amazing and we are all amazing.
  10. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Good morning, I have an exam this morning and got very little sleep last night. I decided to call my surgeon as soon as his office opens this morning. The pain is just too much. I was trying to wait out the weekend but now it's monday and I gotta find out what is going on. I am a bit nervous about what is going to happen. Jake has been on adderall 2 days now and he is just a huge grouch. He talks to us like he is very angry. He is just not himself. We can tell right when it starts to wear off. We went to a gathering in a park last night and played soccer. A little boy was trying to play with us but he couldn't kick the ball to us. He kept kicking it away. Jacob was getting so mad and vocal about it. I feel bad for him. I will be calling his doc today too. I am wondering if he just needs time to adjust to the med or if we should just try something else. I can't imagine how he is feeling that would make him be this way.
  11. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Well gang, sorry I can't keep up right now. Just a 15 months to go and I will be a nurse. I am getting so tired. I am so busy canstantly on the go. I do still wanna let yall know I am thinking of you and let yall know how things are going. I had 2 exams last week. I passed them both. I have another one monday and I am feeling confident. I learned how to give shots this week and I think that is pretty cool. Book fair is going well. I gotta have a meeting with the volunteers to get schedules aligned. Which means public speaking, scary. My son was diagnosed with adhd this morning. I am trying to deal with it when really I just wanna cry. I have tried to work with adhd kids before and I know how difficult they can be. I am scared. We are going to try a combo of meds and therapy. I am already feeling a bit frustrated. My husband worked night shift last week. It was just me and jake all last week. I had to check myself a few times after snapping at him. I did some research and contacted his teacher about getting some assistance with the IDEA IEP or 504 plan. They give a student extra assistance in school. All the lingo about these plans are in legal jargon so I am struggling to decifer it. I emailed his teacher asking for contact info for the ese specialist. I told her 3 weeks ago I wanted him evaluated but have yet to hear anything. My fill is really tight. I can only tolerate liquids in the morning and very little soft foods in the evening. I have lost 6 pounds the past 7 days. Last time I asked for a slight unfill things got out of hand and I ended up having no restriction for 3 months. Gained 15 pounds too. I am getting frustrated in that area. I can barely get in 4 ounces of food a day. Besides the 6 ounces of Protein shake I get in for Breakfast. This may be contributing to why I feel so run down. I also get a sharp stabbing pain in my throat when I eat solids. I am trying to stick to soft foods just because of that. I keep thinking I am doing something wrong like not chewing well enough. I feel like I am wearing a shock coller. I am so tired I can't even determine if I spelled coller right. I am gonna go to bed. Got lots of studying to do this weekend.
  12. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Hey Gang, I am having so much trouble with the internet and haven't been able to keep up. Our apt community all shares the same wifi and it has been down atleast 3-4 days. Jakes teacher said someone would be coming to evaluate him in a few weeks. I decided to go ahead and talk with a pediatrician. She said it is a possibility that he is adhd. So we filled out a questionaire and asked his teacher to do the same. I just never thought of his behavior as being inappropriate. Filling out the questions though a pattern was starting to show. I just think maybe we are just so patient that we never considered his behavior might be a problem. I got a fill yesterday too. I have restriction again. My doc apologized for somethings but then we agreed to make sure things get back on track. I finished week 3 of 5k training but will be repeating it till I am more comfortable running for 3 min. Read, read, read and meet, meet, meet. I am so busy. I am heading up the book fair at my sons school, and I joined the PTO. Why do grown people act like middleschoolers? Drama, drama. I am just taking care of my part and then won't be stepping out to lead again. I struggle enough with socializing, I am not gonna deal with drama queens. I gotta go, Panera is closing up.
  13. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Afternoon ladies, Just taking a break from all the textbooks. This week has been packed full of activity. I went to a tattoo convention sat and afterwards went and played pool with my Dad and his girlfriend. She has been Jacob's babysitter. My Dad asked me to find someone else because the relationship is going south. I signed him up at a local before/after school program. I talked with the teacher and she sounds like she is gonna be good for Jacob. Also had a PTO meeting thursday and I am now in charge of setting up a bookfair. Don't ask how that happened. Jacob is still bringing notes home about his behavior. I am waiting to hear back from the teacher about having him screened for ADD. If I don't hear in the next day or two I am gonna talk to the front office and see if I can get more help. I really don't believe it is ADD. I think he is bored. His behavior is fine everywhere except school.
  14. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Tonite was open house at his school. I went just to see what she is teaching. I didn't want to discuss the issue because I was too hot. She is teaching things that he learned in prek last year. The alphabet, colors, shapes and numbers. He has already been taught those things. He is already able to read some and do a little addition. I told her that and suggested he might be bored. She agreed and said she gives him a little extra work to try and keep him from getting into trouble. She also said he was not just looking out the window. He was getting up, moving the curtains aside to look out side and knocked the tension rod down. I understand not all the children are at his reading, and math level and that they need to learn these basics. My concern is for my child. I don't want him just doing worksheets to be busy I want him to be taught at the next level. Taken from where his skills currently are and adding to them. When I was in school I worked with and advanced teacher. She would work with me where I needed it and move on when I got it. She came a couple times a week and I worked on her assignments after I completed my regular class assignments. I did keep me busy but it also kept me learning. And once I hit middle school they had whole classes of advanced kids I went to class with. I am gonna ask his teacher at our conference if they have a program like that available at his school. I don't want him to get a negative attitude about school. I wouldn't want to go if I kept getting in trouble. Mrs. Bubba, I am doing great. Learn to make a hospital bed today with a patient in the bed and without one. Also learned to turn patients. I read all the assigned reading and seemed to be a step up from the other student I worked with. She was on vacation and didn't get the reading assignments in time. She kept making mistakes but I didn't feelt uncomfortable correcting her. So I just let her do it wrong until she asked for help. I gotta work on my social anxiety. When I am around people I feel like the dumbest person and I am so scared to say something cause it might be questioned or be wrong. I start shaking and can barely talk. I may need to talk to may doc about getting back on the anxiety meds. I can learn this stuff and execute it I just can't remember my own name to introduce myself. I did do week 3 of 5k training today. I ran for 3 minutes straight twice and for 90 sec 3 times. I got a calf cramp on sunday and stopped but I did it today. I am so excited to be pushing myself and learning how to keep myself going when I am wanting to stop. My muscles feel good when I am done and I am so excited. I never thought I would be able to run again.
  15. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Sorry girls but I gotta vent. Jakes teacher has been sending notes home about his behavior every day. Today her note had a yellow straight face and said much improved. Then the yellow straight face and note was crossed out and she put a red sad face and said he was looking out the window too much. Seriously? Are you fing kinding me. We have been putting him on tv restriction each nite he brings home a red face. Am I really suppose to put him on restriction for looking out the window? We requested a conference. I don't feel like that was a big enough offense to wash away his whole day of "improvement". She is being way to picky and I am afraid she is just picking on him. She has only sent home a couple pages of his classwork. They were all coloring pages and one page where he wrote his name 5 times. He hates coloring and has been writing his name over a year now. Sounds like he could be bored and tired because he isn't napping any more. I am so frustrated trying to fix a problem in his behavior when it might not be him at all. Yesterday her note said he colored all over his desk. Why would he do that? He doesn't do stuff like that with our family or us. These little notes aren't clarifying what the real issue is. Do they just not get along? Is he bored? tired? angry?
  16. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    So glad to see merry is healing so well. Congrats Janet on the opportunity to represent all of us. Good luck. Welcome Marie, glad to her your doing well on the plan. Just jump in and tell us about yourself. I have been reading since friday. My teachers have all posted their reading assignments for the first week of class. Gonna take a break though in a minute and start week 3 of my 5k training. Jacobs bowel issue improves and then goes to pot. Right now we are in the "goes to pot stage". The doc said I could adjust his dose of lactulose how I see fit so I increased it 3 ml. 15 is too much and 10 is not enough. He still has accidents at home but hasn't had any at school. Thankfully. It is always about 4 so I am gonna watch him more closely around that time. The doc said it could take years to correct. I feel so bad for him. Well, I am off to do week 3 of c25k. Have a great week. Hope I will have time to check in but if not just know that it's school work keeping me busy.
  17. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Nysparkle, I had the same feeling. Like this was something we all should work on. Not just send home a note and expect change overnight. I really think it was his nerves making him act goofy. I have seen him get nervous before and he does some strange things. I volunteered again in the clinic today and she came in and told me that he has been doing awesome since we talked with him. I do think it has helped too that he knows I am in the clinic. I think some people expect me to bring him home and tear his butt up and then he won't do it again. That may be why she sent the note home. I just don't spank him. He is the kind that you can talk about things and put on restriction. He really is a great kid and in prek we never had a negative word said about him. Atleast now she is raving on his behavior. Thanks for your input. I am still new to this school thing. I just finished week 2 of my 5k training and it feels good. I want to get my speed up a little bit. I am running 4.5 miles per hour. I'd like to get closer to 6 so I can finish the race before they close the gate. All in time. Volunteered again today and it went well. A first grader told me I had a double chin. I thought that thing was going away. In 2 weeks hubby and I are going to a tattoo convention with my dad and his girlfriend. My Hubby and Dad both want tattoos. Dads girlfriend has 3 already and loves them so it should be a fun intresting night getting to see all the art and think about their designs. Plus there will be some local bands. Mil wants to go to the beach with us on labor day. I couldn't come up with a good reason to say no. I told her Don would probably be working but she still wants me and Jake to go. There have been alot of shark bites this year too. 3 this month just in our area. Not looking forward to being around Don's family by myself.
  18. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    School was much better today. Teachers note even said he did better. It's just all a little confusing. The staff is still trying to figure out how to get the kids in and out of the building. I did volunteer today. I didn't even think of putting it on my resume'. Thanks apples. They are in desperate need of clinic help. One lady is a semester behind me in school and said she felt like she wasn't ready to handle it. You really are limited to what you do. We can't just give them tylenol and send them back to class. We can't give any med without written permission. So mostly we just call their parents. I just sat with them and chatted them up till their parent came. Just simple first aid stuff. Wasn't as big a deal as I was expecting. Band-aids and time out was mostly what they needed. Tomorrow I will have to remember to take a couple school books. When I finally went to get Jake the cafe was so quite. They really are trying to keep the peace and be more efficient. Also over heard alot in the office. I worked right next to the principals office all day. She is working hard to take care of the pickup problem. I also suggested they take donations of clothes for the children who have accidents. She was so excited about it. So grateful too that I was there. Helps ease my neves about meeting all these new people. I really think the principal used to be my highschool softball coach. I worked out with them a little before I moved so I don't remember it. She just looks so familiar. Oh well I am rambling. It just feels good not spending your whole day home alone. So happy Merry is doing so well. I thought it would atlest be a week but she sounds wonderful. Oneday, I hope your doc can fix you up. Get well soon.
  19. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Wow Cheri you have a big decision. Alot of hard work for being retired but I do understand when family calls we get in gear. I am glad that you are able to do this for them. My hubby and I have had a few talks about what to do with his parents when they get there too. They are still taking care of his 40 year old sister. They insist that she is not gonna live long enough for it to be an issue when they retire. We just couldn't manage all 3 of them. It is such a tough choice but you are such a smart and caring lady. Hope that you know that and it will give you a little peace in making the right decision. You will always have us for moral support. Jake asked me this morning if he could have Breakfast at school. So independant. Now he wants to buy his own breakfast. It's just $1.50 so ok. He is getting to be so big. They made an announcment yesterday that they needed volunteers in the clinic. I am gonna look into it and see what all they need and if it will fit my skill level. It would be great if I could work with another nurse.
  20. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    Things got just a bit crazy picking Jake up from school today. They could not find him. Finally they escorted me inside to look for him and the poor thing was scared to tears. He heard his name on the intercom but didn't know that it meant I was ready to pick him up. Where was his teacher? I don't know. He was left in the cafeteria with alot of other kids who were being loud and he has never been in a situation like that before. The principal asked me to come inside and get him tomorrow. Then I found a note in his backpack saying he needs learn to sit and listen to directions. Then he tells us someone hit him with an orange traffic cone and that nobody likes him. It makes me sad to hear him say that but I keep pushing him to try. This is our best option until we can afford private school. Hubby is feeling so guilty for not being able to put him in private. He is taking it really hard. Telling me about how much he was picked on in school and stuff. I keep trying to tell him this is not the same. It is only the second day of school. He has all these negative feelings toward public school and I don't want my son to get those same feelings. I think he should keep trying so I keep asking my husband not to talk about it in front of my son. We need this to work out. If it doesn't hubby will want me to homeschool. Which means we will be stuck on this tight budget life forever. I just see that the 3 of us are a family and we all need to participate in the cost cutting for a bit so we can reach our goal as a family. In the end it will make life better for us all.
  21. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    I actually considered writing his name on all his pencils but relized it would be considered ocd so I didn't. I just bought alot of them to replace what he loses. Yes he was still a napper. He slept so good last night though. Fell asleep right away. Usually he "reads" in bed before he falls asleep. It took forever yesterday waiting in the pick up line to get him. My car was begining to over heat and I was being so careful with it. He tells me he didn't have any recess. I can settle for not have nap time but I am gonna make sure this boy gets some exercise. I def don't want him to miss out on learning the importance of exercise. I am hoping once they get settled they will incorporate it in. The school is brand new and they still are doing some construction. The field behind it is all torn up and there is no gym. I may just take him to the park or pool for 30 minutes after school if it isn't raining. I am thinking maybe sometime this week (since I am out of school) going and doing volunteer hours in the class or something. They require 20 hours a year from the parents per child. Thanks for the gold medal guys. Peas, I have a change of clothes in his backpack just in case. Mainly because he has the bowel problem. He is my only child too. I worry and keep my phone by me. Do the best you can and let him grow ya know. When my dog patrick was hit by a car it made me so sick to see him afterwards on all the pain meds. He barked at us with his tongue hanging out. It was all slurred. He was just fine after a few days. It may take merry longer but pretty soon you will worry that you can't keep her still and she's overdoing it. We kept patrick in the crate to keep him off his leg. Mrs, Bubba, Don't know how you can handle all those sweets. I will eat them if I don't trash them. My MIL brought over 20 apple cinnamon bagels from panera. I thought about it for hours before I finally trashed them. It was so hard to get rid of them. I trained again for the 5k today. I am pushing through the times I want to quit running and just walk. Afterwards my muscles are all warm and loose. It feels good. Next week I will go up to running 3 min at a time. right now I am only doing 90 seconds. I am learning though how to get over the hump and into the zone.
  22. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    I want my baby back too. I just dropped him off at kindergarten. I stayed a couple minutes then asked him if he was ready for me to leave. He said yes but can I hug you. So sweet and no tears. I felt a little naive. I asked the teacher if he would be needing anything for nap time and she told me they don't have nap time in kindergarten. I saw the daily schedule and he will be soo busy. I hope he isn't cranky when he gets home. So I am just home by myself now. Reading through my school books. Trying to be prepared for my first day of school. As I am reading I am getting more confident about doing this. I find this stuff intresting (not like the film class I took). I think I am gonna ride the bike this afternoon. It is a down day for the 5k training so I will take it easy but still get to moving. Hubby's boss is out of town so he will be busy all week. No day off this week. I was hoping to get in a motorcycle ride but then his boss had to go to some training. Jbflorida, Have fun meeting with your "puppy".lol Mrs. Bubba, Glad you got some rest.
  23. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    I just wany to say congrats and that I love you. I am so glad I get to use your experience and wisdom on my journey. Thanks to you for supporting me. Bill Cosby is doing a new show online. He will be interviewing kids. It is called OBKB. I just got back from the gym and actually did week 2, day 1 of C25K training. I made it through the whole thing. This is this first time I made it as far as week 2 without injury or giving up. My husband is going to start the training too. Hopefully in the end we will be able to do 5k's together. I ran for 1.5 minutes 5 times. So excited. I am studying for my first dosage calc exam. I took the practice one and it was so easy. These are things I use to teach the 7th and 8th grade students when I was a teachers assistant. I just need to memorize a few things so I can convert from standard to metric. Don's boss actually bought Jake some back to school supplies and a monster truck. I thought that was just so sweet of him. Every bit helps around this time.
  24. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    I was doing fine with skipping breakfast until I increased my exercise. Glad to see I am not the only one but now that I am working out so much I think I need to make sure I get something in me far enough in advance to be of some use. I was thin too until I moved in with my Dad and stepmother. She ran a daycare and was required to cook certain things at each meal. I just ate whatever she made for breakfast, lunch and dinner. That was the first time in my life I was over weight. Never thought of it in that way. Atleast check into the ultra sound thing if it is really what you want to do. Then you can make and educated decision on if it is worth all the work or not. Also apply for some financial aid at FAFSA.ed.gov. I got most of my money from applying there. Good luck with it. Not much going on here today. Just went swimming this morning and worked out while in the pool. I lost 3 pounds this week too. I can feel my core and leg muscles after each 5k training session. I called yesterday and made a fill appointment. There is a tattoo convention coming up in 2 weeks hubby wants to go so bad. My dad was also talking about getting a tat so I think I am gonna invite him to go. We can ride our bikes down there and hang out. Also I believe it is llkb4me's birthday today. Happy Birthday.
  25. JeweI

    I'm here to help...

    I have heard so many great things about Dr. Davis. Glad you got to use him as your surgeon. I really learned alot from his book. I saw you talking about him but I didn't know it was the same one. Hitting the books today. I started studying for my Medical terminology exam last night. I know alot of it already from taking Anatomy and Physiology and Microbiology. I was a bit surprised to know 45 of the 50 flashcards already. I just can't believe where I am in life. I am actually walking this path. I had given up 4 years ago when they told me I was mentally ill. I didn't expect to ever do anything like this. I know this is a little out there but my doc actually encourages us to skip Breakfast. I am totally not making this up. He says it keeps us in Ketosis longer and helps us burn more fat. He says if I am not hungry for breakfast then don't eat. He encourages us to use things he calls "bridges" To help us get over the hunger. They are things like SF Gum, and black coffee (which is his personal favorite). My last visit with him he told me he lost all his weight without surgery by just stopping eating. He said it in a way like I was suppose to follow suit. I know my body needs Proteins and Vitamins and minerals. So I am disagreeing a bit with him on some things. I have to remember this is my journey not his. I hate to disagree cause I pay him for his educated opinion. I just feel like he crossed the line implying I should stop eatting. He has a new partner and I am hoping to work with him more now.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
