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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by honk

  1. honk

    how much food?

    I would say the Fiber bars have to go. Really more like glorified candy bars. My doctor really wanted no Snacks from day one. If you must have a snack try plain chicken breast. My doctor says to beware of creating food habits. Its one thing to keep an emergency Protein bar in your car planing 2 fiber bar snacks is a food habit. I do recommend weighing your protein. I bring my lunch everyday. When out for Breakfast most places will make you egg whites or eggbeaters. Choose 2-3 egg whites and one pancake vs 2 French Toast.
  2. honk

    exercise with bad knees

    I have a bad knee but 170 pounds later it is Sooooooo much better. Can not bike reg. or recumbent really hurts.
  3. I sometimes do about a tablespoon. I would say 2 oz is too much ( that's 1/4 cup). Could you brush you teeth? I personally chew gum. Yeah Some frown on that but my doctor never said not to.
  4. honk

    exercise with bad knees

    Water aerobics or lap swimming. I use a snorkle. Water proof MP3 is a must. If you are uncomfortable in the water there is a flotation belt you can wear. Lost 100 lbs before surgery with diet and lap swimming.
  5. I did the treadmill for about 45 minutes at about 2.5 mph no incline.
  6. honk


    Try flavorless fiber powder. Also I take vitafusion fiber gummies go everyday.
  7. honk

    how much food?

    Yes bandster hell. Are you weighing out 3 oz protein? If not you will over eat. This is a will power diet for now.
  8. Everyone's pain tolerance is different! I went window shopping day 2 and was back at the gym day 4. Only took liquid Tylenol. NO gas pain a all. I was tired after the gym and needed a nap.
  9. honk

    When did you...

    Full disclosure I don't drink ever. Personally I would say you're way to close to surgery to consider drinking. Would you eat ice cream cone or candy bar? I'm not trying to be mean spirited I just think at this point living anew type of lifestyle in regards to food and drink would be in order.
  10. Most doctors say 1 to 2 pounds a week is expected with lap band so I would get use to that level of loss. Some of us lose even less than that. Remember when you first started you were going from eating regular foods ie McDonald's to eating low fat low cal. I wish doctors or more upfront with people about how fast they will actually lose. Some people do lose large amounts for weeks on end most people however do not. I'm not trying to be mean spirited I just think you need to put the rate of lost in perspective.
  11. I would call your insurance company and make sure everything is fine with your policy for covering weight loss surgery specifically lap band. In the 3 years I've been on the site I've read more than my fair share of stories of people planning on getting surgery and their insurance telling the last minute that they would not cover it. I'm not trying to be negative but you are the customer of the insurance company not the surgeon.
  12. honk

    Sushi after banding??

    I'm at restriction and can eat rice I just don't like it, never have.
  13. If it makes you feel any better I do an hour of cardio 7 days a week and I'm in a major stall. And yes I do watch my calorie intake. My doctor wants an hour of cardio everyday so it could be that at your weight you need to be doing a lot more exercise in order to lose. Remember at lower weights your basal metabolism will burn less calories than if you weighed more.
  14. honk

    Banded 2/5

    Okay I know this is not what you want to hear. You may or may not feel any restriction on your first fill. This is a white knuckle willpower diet until you start to feel restriction. For now continue to follow your doctor's orders. I recommend buying a food scale for once you are on mushies and solids so that you can weigh your protein. Took me 6 months before the band did me much good. I wish doctors were more upfront with this fact.
  15. honk

    Body detox

    I agree odd. Also remember your intestines have good bacteria. Using some cleanse will probably kill them.
  16. honk

    Muscle milk?

    If your using ready to drink make sure to choose the light version. The regular version is very high in cals.
  17. Even with a very helpful neighbor who used his Bobcat to dig out my mailbox and do 3 quarters of my driveway I spent 2 hours digging out my back pass to the oil tank, my front walkway, and the huge mountain that the town left me at the end of my driveway. I do have a snowblower but with the snow drifts it was about 4 feet high. Took all my strength to shove the snow blower through the snow.
  18. honk

    Blizzard Blues

    If you can do some snow removal it will burn calories.
  19. Southern NH. I keep my house at 60 so spent the day under my electric blanket on the couch.
  20. honk

    Help with exercise please!

    If you're not afraid of water you could consider water aerobics. Most water aerobics classes are done in the shallow end . You can also speak with the instructor and ask them for ways to make the workout harder or easier depending on your ability. My gym also has these flotation belts that they use for water aerobics classes they hold in the deep end of the pool. You could wear 1 of these belts even in the shallow end if you are concerned. Lost my first 100 pounds through diet and water based exercises before having lap band.
  21. What exercising are you doing? At 365 I started swimming. I highly recommend a waterproof mp3 player makes time go by a lot faster. Swimming or water based exercise is very good for heavier people because you don't have the joint pain. Even at my heaviest I was able to do an hour a day 7 days a week. I've always been a slow loser so I feel your pain. Recently I Met with a specialist to discuss potential hormonal issues affecting my weight loss or lack thereof. Has your doctor done any blood tests to check hormones? My personal opinion is that my primary care physicians hasn't been that interested in looking into hormonal problems. Considering the significance effort I put into losing weight I think she needs to cut me some slack. Seems like her attitude is that I'm fat and I'm just looking for an excuse. To give you a point of reference at my highest I was at about 380 and now I'm down to about 215.
  22. honk

    weight loss

    What is your current weight. Lower BMI bandsters loose slower than those of higher weight. Pre and post op I'm down about 170, and am in a major stall. I eat around 1200 cals and do 1 hr cardio 7 days a week. I'm awaiting tests to see if I have thyroid, PCOS, or cortisal issues.
  23. honk

    phase 2

    How many days post op? Do you have any fill? My doctor says if you can't eat 3 oz solid protein you are to tight. If you are less than 4 weeks post op I would scale back to a mushy protein so as to ensure 3 oz.
  24. honk

    Snow storm

    18 inches and it's not supposed to stop for another 4 hours. I usually wait to start removal until my neighbors come out. Just saw a report that my town got 24 inches. I don't know how they can say for sure, the wind is crazy and the drifts are so high.
  25. My surgeon fies not to fills; the nurse practitioner does them.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
