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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by sandi_022

  1. I'm not gonna lie... I'm totally okay with people asking how much weight I've lost. Most of the time they're shocked to know that I've lost over 70 lbs in 10 months. I'm super proud, weight loss surgery or not, of my weight loss. I'm proud of the 194 I weigh now. Yes, I've got a lot to go, but most people can't even believe I weigh what I do. Hell I'll even tell them where I started, where I'm at, and what my goal is, and usually they'll congratulate me. For me I think it's a head thing.... I want people to be proud of me, I think that's what helps push me to get to my goal weight.

  2. Ok, so I've lost 60lbs so far, I've got the "Tina, the talking tummy" issue, or the "apron" stomach. It hangs, and it's disgusting. Since losing the weight, and having a baby prior, I absolutely hate it. I always feel the need to explain to men about my situation. I already know the "if they love/like you, they won't care" so I'm not looking for that answer, but what do you women tell men, or visa versa, or do you not tell them at all? I'm just afraid of being rejected I guess. Does anyone else have this fear?

  3. I'm having issues. Grr. What things help you guys?

    This is what I've tried in the last 24 hours:

    Stool softeners

    Over 64 oz Fluid

    Fiber One Bar

    pop corn

    A few Gummy bears (don't judge, ONLY in hopes that the sugar would dislodge anything, like it would any other time. Lol)

    I've also been trying to eat anything high in fiber, yet low in sugar.

    And going to my sisters (I swear every time I go there i have to go....except this time, dang it!)

  4. Sleeved on 4/8. No issues, no complications. Took the prescribed Zantac after surgery. About 2 days before my two week appt, I've been getting heart burn. The doc, which isn't my normal doc said it wasn't normal since I didn't have any issues immediately following surgery, and prescribed something stronger. Prior to the surgery, it wasn't an issue either, what gives?! Does anyone that has been sleeved have to take meds daily for this dreaded heart burn?

  5. So its not 100% official (doc appt tomorrow) but my at home pregnancy test says I'm pregnant. I called my band Dr and the nurse said id have to have it taken all out :( but then said the ob usually wants it taken out.... I don't like that answer specially since I'm afraid of gaining wayyyy to much back. Sooo my question....how many of you had your doc leave your fills in? Did you have a choice? What are the risks of leaving it in? I'm sure I could get this from google but id rather have real answers :)

  6. I seriously feel your pain!!! I was banded, lost 90 lbs... realized it was because my band was to tight and all I was doing was throwing it up. I got my band in Mexico, so I didn't have a regualar doctor. Finally got a job with insurance, and realized it was too tight. He took out all of the saline, and I had to start over. I gained 50 lbs back, and I just can't seem to stick with anything :( When it was to tight, it was like I could eat anything I wanted, (in little portions of course) so I never really learned what to eat and what not to eat. And now, I feel so depressed ALL of the time. Its like i'm obsessing about food all day long. And it was never like this before the band, or when I was losing the 90 lbs. One thing I'm learning though, is to get back into the forum, its like support, and I think this is what I really need right now. Also I am really curious about the 5-day pouch diet... I'll have to read up on it.

  7. Hey guys, I was banded on March 8th... I've lost about 55 lbs so far. Whats weird, is that I don't feel like I've lost anything. I still have the same amount of energy and everything.... very strange. But anyways... I've only got 2.4 cc's in my band... and It is very uncomfortable to eat. I had 3 cc's, but I couldn't swallow anything for a week, so I had some removed. I don't know if I'm still to tight or what... Some things are okay, like chili, but others are very very uncomfortable, and I throw up, but Its not real throw up, just flem. I'm still losing weight, but its almost as though I'm afraid to eat anything because I'm afraid I'll throw up more flem. Any one else have this issue?

  8. Hey guys. I just got my third fill yesterday. He put in 1 cc, so I'm up to 3.4 cc's. He told me to gulp the water.. so I did. It didn't feel to bad, but after I left, I had the feeling I needed to throw up. So I didn't drink anything for a few hours. Then I drank a few tiny sips of some juice, hoping it would make me feel better... Well, about an hour later I threw up foam. I didn't want to try anything else for a while, just in case. Then I started slowly sipping some lemonade, and that seemed to go down fine. Well, last night, I felt like I couldn't lay all the way down... I just had a feeling, I'm not sure how to explain it, just felt like i was going to throw up so I used a huge pillow that propped me up. Well all through out the night I kept waking up coughing just as soon as I fell asleep. I felt like I was throwing up, not realizing it and it would go down my trachea. It hasn't happened since I've been awake, and I haven't drank anything more out of fear than anything. I'm not sure if this is an overfill or what. anyone had the same issues? I'll call my doc as soon as they open... I'm just curious if anyone has any ideas? Or is it just the swelling of my stomach?

  9. I'm so glad I've got this site!! I've been reading about bandster hell, and just thought that it was after surgery until we get the 1st fill. I had thought I made it through... until I read this.... I just realized its only just begun to be bandster hell!! lol I just got my first fill on Tuesday (3.4 cc's), and I feel hungry a lot, but I try to ignore it and not eat just to be eating. And I've been measuring my food, well, pureed turkey chili, 1/3 cup today. I've already lost 3 lbs, so hopefully I'm doing something right.

  10. I got my fill on Tuesday... When she first put the needle in, it wasn't that bad, but unfortunately I didn't feel anything after she put in 2 cc's. It then took her about 30 minutes of feeling around to locate the port again. It hurt a little bit, but it wasn't to terrible. The craziest thing was hearing the needle clicking on the side of the port. Finally she got it, and put in another 1.4 cc's. I felt a little restriction, but not a whole lot. Now I just have bruising in a circle around where she inserted the needle.

  11. i'm having the same problem, sandi. i live in cleveland but had my surgery in cincinnati. my free fills are now expired and have begun searching closer to home for maintenance. i did call the University of Akron and was told they only do fills on patients that were banded there. so i'm very interested in the responses you get!!

    I'll let you know if I find out anything. If I can't, maybe we could carpool if we both need to go?! We could just split the gas or something, cuz its like 190 miles... eek.

    Also, Fill Centers has a promotion that if someone refers you you get like $25 of $50 off your first fill. Might be something to look into, if we can't find any thing.

  12. Got my band in Mexico (ins wouldn't cover). Going to Fill Centers USA for my first fill.... Heres the issue. I'm always hearing, for at least the first fill, it should be done using flouro... wellll.... I live in MI, can't find a doc that will even work with me (basically I get thrown under the rug because I'm a self pay) and Fill Centers USA's closes flouro is in NJ, and thats probably 13 hours away, not to mention another $300. According to the lady I spoke with, my BMI is now under 39, I can feel my port, I have xrays from when I got the band, and she says that it shouldn't be a problem filling me.

    Has anyone not used flouro and not had a problem? Am I just worrying for nothing? Any encouragement would be appreciated. Thanks!

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