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cat lady

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cat lady

  1. cat lady

    Jonathan from New York City!

    Johnathan: Try not to get discouraged....I think you've done great so far. Not being banded yet 25.5 lbs down seems fantastic to me. You are just 1 week out! Maybe going on the scale every day is not good.....just saying! I probably would be curious and scaling every day too. Keep up the progress......I'm sure you will be down some more by Friday. How did you do with the car ride after your surgery? Any problems?
  2. cat lady

    BCBS of NC

    Hi Kristalynn: I have BCBSNC also. Did everything they asked for and was denied last summer bcause they said my HBP was not considered a comorbidity since it was under controll. I appealed with the help of NC dept of Justice.....they are great. They helped me thru the appeal and I was approved in March. I am planning to have the surgery in July when I get some time off. They did not specifically ask for a 6 month nutrition class. I did have to see a nutritionist and, psycologist, pulmonologist, cardiologist.....also needed to show diets from the past 2 years showing how I tried to lose the weight (WW, Jenny Craig, etc). My primary dr sent them a log of my weight progress for the past 2 years also. Once they get everything sent to them from your weight loss dr they either approve or deny very quickly. Good Luck & don't hesitate to appeal if necessary.
  3. cat lady

    Jonathan from New York City!

    Hi Dropsizes: I too am a patient of Dr. Geiss. When are you thinking of having this procedure. I'm hoping for the end of July.....since I have time off of work and time off of babysitting my grandkids. Need some time for me. Maybe we will call ourselves the 7/11 Bandits......hope I don't chicken out. Finally approved after a denial ....fought them for a year with this. I need to do some testing again since it has been a year. Going for Cardio clearance today. Good Luck and hope we can do as well as Johnathan from NY.
  4. cat lady

    Jonathan from New York City!

    Hi Johnathan: So glad to hear you are doing well. I am using Dr. Geiss in Syosset also. Hoping to have this done July 25th. Going for another stress test today at the Cardiologist office. Dread it! I cannot run at all and hope I pass. Have done it in the past but they want another one done closer to surgery date bcause of my age.....I'm old. How long did you stay in Syosset Hospital. Was the pain bad and did they keep you comfortable with meds? Sorry for all the questions but scared right now. Thx
  5. cat lady

    Jonathan from New York City!

    Good Luck Johnathan: So glad all went well with the surgery yesterday. I only hope I can be as lucky. Planning to have it done in July. Approved by insurance and excited about that but hearing some bad stories on complications that are scaring the heck out of me. so glad to hear you are doing well. It is what I need to hear right now! Keep us posted.
  6. cat lady

    Bunny Bandsters - April '09, MASTER THREAD #1

    Is this typical for all people with the band to experience indigestion, vomiting, etc.....Have not had it done yet but I'm getting concerned about all the problems after 2 years out. If you take out some of the fluid from the band do you at least get some relief from your symptoms? I do need to loose the weight but also don't want to live a life of misery with the band. Was very excited to do this but now I just don't know.......any comments please
  7. Please make sure you stay hydrated. I know you can't keep liquids down but try ices and ice chips. If it gets too bad go back to the ER and insist on earlier surgery. My prayers are with you.
  8. cat lady


    why do you need an endoscope???Is this required by everyone??? I have had all my pre op tests done and no one ever mentioned an endoscope? Hope I haven't missed this one.
  9. Beautiful and amazing.....enjoy every moment of it......you surely deserve it....
  10. Just wondering if too much protein can be bad for the kidneys. Has anyone had any problems with all the protein consumed after the surgery.
  11. cat lady

    Hello - 67 and Just Starting

    Hi all: I finally got approved after being denied. I had my date for last summer and then BCBS of NC denied me. I put together a strong appeal and just got approved. I just have to repeat my cardio clearance and pulmonary clearance. I don't think it should be a problem So now instead of being 62 and getting the band I am 63. I hope I am making the right choice. I do have a concern with all the protein we are supposed to have after the surgery. I know it can affect the kidneys to consume too much protein. I will ask my dr. about this. Good Luck to all of the baby boomers. I am planning on getting this done in July. Will keep you posted.
  12. cat lady

    Insurance Denied !

    Definately appeal.....I got denied by BCBS and won my appeal. It is discouraging after you did all they asked. I was denied bcause they said my high blood pressure was not considered a co-morbidity. I had my three doctors write letters to support my appeal. I attached documents showing how my HBP could be helped by this surgery. I was so glad to be approved. Planning to do this in July when I have vacation time. Good Luck with your appeal.....I'm sure you will be successful. Don't give up.
  13. I take pills every day and also PM products to sleep at night. Are you able to swallow the pills. I know some cannot be broken because of the time release effect of the meds. Do you take a daily vitamin in pill form?
  14. Just wanted to know approx how long it takes to drive back to work at an office job. I'm figuring about a week. Is this estimate correct. I hear some people up and about in a couple of days while others need more time. Just wondering.
  15. cat lady

    swallowing pills

    Amazing weight loss Knaroz....wow. Jenn -- great for you too. Thanks for your helpful hints on swallowing the pills. Will try to choose wisely when I need to purchase them.
  16. Thank you all for your honest replys. I think one week should be okay......hope I can do as well as all of you. Congratulations on your weight loss. It is really inspiring to see that this lapband really works for most people. Hope it does for me too. I am not a youngster any more and need this done for my health issues. Praying for no complications. Thank you all.
  17. cat lady

    Progress Pictures

    Bobbi: Great pictures....you look teriffic. I hope to be getting the band in July and hope I can do as well as you did so far. cat lady
  18. I am planning to have the surgery in July.....just got approved and waiting for vacation time to do this. I have only told my husband and daughter. Will tell my immediate family members but that is it. I also do not want to explain and justify my reasons and I have thought long and hard about this procedure. My boss is a health nut.....exercises in the office every day and always tells me I have to lose weight or it will shorten my lifespan. I know this is true but don't want to hear it from him. He is in great shape in his 80's so I do not want to tell him. He will tell me just to exercise and cut down on what I eat and he will think this is not necessary. I know it is! I have lost and regained the same weight many times. I am still deciding what I will tell him. I need a week off of work. The gallbladder story sounds good.....only I'm afraid if I do need the gallbladder out in the future, what will I say then. I was thinking saying Hiatial Hernia repair or Appendix removal....but the same would apply if God forbid I need this type of surgery. Am I worrying too much about what to tell this exercise buff?????? Maybe I should just get the flu for a week....lol
  19. I just got approved after a year of appeals.....have to do another stress test and hate to do it. I really cannot run at all ....my legs and ankles hurt. Did anyone else have a problem with doing the regular stress test. If you get your heart rate up to the required target rate can you tell them to stop??? Last time I did 6 minutes and was labored and breathing hard. Hate the feeling.

  20. Hi Toni: I also have a BMI of 35-36 depending on the day. I have some co-morbidities but the first time my ins denied me last summer. They said my high blood pressure was under control and therefore not considered a co-morbidity. I appealed it once last summer and was denied again. Then I got some assistance with a Level 2 appeal and they approved me last week. Hoping to get this done in July. Now that it is a reality.....I'm getting nervous. I have to repeat some testing b'cause its over a year since I did my cardiac clearance and pul. clearance. Can't believe its approved. Keep after the ins company if you get denied.......but I hope you get approved on the first go-around.
  21. Just found out I was approved and so glad b'cause it was a fight with the insurance co. to get it. It took me a year & a half for this whole process. Now they are asking for another Stress Test for cardiac clearance.....since the original one was done 2 years ago. Also need another Pul. clearance. I am concerned about the Stress test b'cause the last time I took it I really had a hard time finishing it....especially when they make it go fast and inclined. My legs really hurt at that point and they finally stopped it after about six minutes. They said everything was fine at that time. Just working myself up b'cause its not my favorite thing to do.....since I never really run at that pace. Has anyone else had a tough time with this test. Wondering if I should ask for a "resting" stress test? Has anyone had that done? Any replys would be appreciated.
  22. After being denied by BCBS of NC I appealed twice and was finally approved. Please do not get discouraged if you are not approved on the first go-round. It is possible to change the insurance company's decision. I received some online help and gave some detailed information about myself and had my Drs write letters supporting me. So happy I continued for the second appeal......I was actually so discouraged after the second denial I was about to throw in the towel. Now I am approved -- horray! Going to see my surgeon on tuesday since it has been a long time since I've talked to him. Want to update him on my fears and concerns. Good Luck to all waiting for approval.
  23. cat lady

    Approved after Level 2 Appeal

    Thanks girls for your support and congratulations on your wonderful success with the band. Cocobean you have done teriffic in three years and kept it off for so long. This is something I have never been able to do. I am now about 225 and hope to get to 170 with the band. Hope all goes well for me with no complications. What have you heard about erosion with the band. This is something I am concerned about and will address with my Dr. Amanda you also are doing great for such a short time with the band. Can't still believe I'm approved after a year and a half. Persistance pays off in the long run. I only hope I can be this persistant with the band. cat lady

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
