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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by green

  1. green

    A Canadian "NSV" Thread

    Big people have to be careful about track pants. So many of us end up wearing them everywhere, eh.
  2. green

    A Canadian "NSV" Thread

    Congratulations Cloe! Cotton Ginny is one of my favourite stores. They always have good sales and their clothes are made of natural fibres. That is a big deal for me because I tend to sweat a lot. And I am one of those people who is a true Winter and only looks good in black, white, gray, and red - they always have clothes in black and gray, even in the summer! Yep, I love Cotton Ginny and I know you are going to love it, too.
  3. green

    Vagina Monologues

    I saw the play performed live some years ago with a girlfriend, her daughter and her daughter's friend. I loved it. It is a great play to see in the company of women. There were no more than a handful of men in the theatre that night. The audience reaction was noisy with the laughter of self-recognition. I wouldn't take my mate if I was going again. He wouldn't get enough of it and this would slow me down.
  4. green


    I would like to go shopping but am enjoying wearing my very baggy clothes. They remind me that I have lost weight.
  5. green

    A Canadian "NSV" Thread

    Here's an NSV that is important to Green: I can now put my clothes in the dryer without worrying that they will shrink. Yippee!
  6. green

    Poor Guy!

    The guys at work told me that you can light 'em....
  7. green

    What color/race do you see?

    As for language and the new immigrant, one can end up in deep water so easily. It is very easy for the English speaker who is visiting France and who only has rudimentary skills in French to announce that she is "in heat" or horny when all she wants to say is that she is too warm. And while I was there I heard about a Frenchwoman who tried to order half a kilo of c*nts when she was in Italy and what she really wanted was figs. I myself watched a Danish girlfriend ask for poison instead of fish in a local restaurant. An American girlfriend of mine was in Paris on an exchange visit when she was only 17. The poor kid wanted to find the train station but asked an old fart where the "war" was. He was kinda nasty with the kid and hissed at her that the "war" was over! And there are these regional differences within a language as Isabel, etc. discovered. In England a "shag" is not a hair cut nor the length of your carpet's fibers....
  8. green

    What color/race do you see?

    It seems that there is a difference in Black and White attitudes towards the female body and a lot of black women believe that White attitudes are not altogether healthy. They may have a point. The first time I heard about this was many years ago. I had read an interesting article in the New Yorker about weight issues. Many Black women are puzzled by the White woman's obsession with being thin, thin in the case of the tiny sizes - sizes 0 to 6 - to a point of unhealthy fragility. Black women generally prefer to look strong, healthy and curvacious. The actresses who appear in South Asian (Bollywood) flicks also appear much juicier and much healthier than the twig-like Callista Flockhart. This fascination with skinniness may well be a White grrl thing. On the other hand, obese women of colour court the same grave medical problems than White women do and then some. They are even more prone to suffer the ill-effects of hypertension and this is for reasons that are purely physiological. The article had other interesting things to say about weight. It seems that much of the problem of excess weight has to do with one's genetic inheritance. Some of us get many more miles to the gallon than others of us do. Folks whose distant ancestors came from regions where food was scarce are built to survive on little food. This was an advantage in the survival game those many, many thousands of years ago. In this time of plenty this translates into a big arse, health problems, and plenty of social humiliation.
  9. green

    Neenagh's Nutty Nattering

    I need more restriction as it now turns out! I can eat anything, dammit! Good thing I am going back for my second fill on the 31st. On the other hand I would have been humiliated if I had pb-ed while the skinny Frenchman was living in my house. I wouldn't have wanted to explain this in English, and it would have been impossible to explain in my poorly remembered French! There are no obese French people for some reason. I am happy that I managed to lose 13 lbs before he arrived. My boobs now stick out further than my gut, thank gawd.
  10. I was there in the morning at the clinic for my first fill. She put in 5cc and I asked her to take 1cc out after a cup of Water got stuck in my gullet. I get my next fill October 31st.
  11. green

    Wayback Machine...Time traveling

    Some of my regrets involve not going out with more guys before I got married and after I got divorced. Green coulda sowed a lot more wild oats than she did! I also regret refusing to learn how to sew, knit, cook and type when I was young. I said I didn't want to get trapped into doing women's work. Big mistake! Now I have to buy my fat clothes, I can't throw a proper dinner party, and I am slow on the computer. I regret not taking my studies seriously when I was at university. Lousy grades last forever.
  12. green

    Good Luck Green!

    Thanx, Cloe.
  13. green

    Good Luck Green!

    Yep, there are two different clinics. I am not with Dr. Coburn (who sounds like a honey, by the way). I am with the Toronto Lap Band Clinic and they are situated at St. George and Bloor St. which is in the center of Toronto. This works out well for me because I live in the city and I don't drive. I never learned how to drive!!! Dr. Coburn's practice sounds very sensitive to the needs of their patients. Just phone to book your fill and don't worry, be happy.:biggrin1: Let us know how your fill goes. Now that I had my first one I am even more interested in the process, ya know.
  14. green

    What color/race do you see?

    Wheetsin, I find your story fascinating. Thanks for sharing it.
  15. Argon, I know that you can do it. Just keep that little crock pot cooking interesting and healthy meals, stay away from the starches and the sugars, and you will be cool, girl.
  16. green

    Good Luck Green!

    The TLBC booked three appointments for fills before they sent me home from the hospital after the operation. Each of these appointments is roughly 2-3 weeks apart. The last one is mid-November. The weird thing is that I am starving right now. I have never been this hungry since the operation. I could eat my cat.:paranoid I am smoking far too many cigarettes because I am that hungry! This is really bad!:help:
  17. green

    September Bandsters

    I am a September Bandster who just went for my first fill this morning. They gave me 5cc and asked me to drink some water before leaving the office. This was a good thing because I PB-ed on the water - what a horrible sensation!!! - and then had them remove a cc of fill. I think I am feeling okay now except for a little gas and a desire to burp. I also had my first weigh-in since the morning of my operation and discovered that I lost 13 lbs! I don't have a scale at home because I know that I can drive myself crazy with one. Hearing that I had lost this weight was really sweet for me.
  18. green

    Chronicles of Cloe!!!!!

    You are always welcome to visit Canada in real time. As for Doritos and salsa, Canadians love them as well and salsa is the least fattening dip! Tex-Mex cuisine is well liked in the city where I live. You will find a few items on a lot of menus and 30 years ago there used to be some restaurants entirely devoted to the food. I love it! And the hotter the better! Oh yah, we've got lots of Taco Bells, eh.
  19. green

    Good Luck Green!

    Thanx for your kind words. That missing 13 lbs sure does feel good! I kinda wish I hadn't got my fill today, though. We have a French guy staying with us and I am gonna be on liquids for the next 24 hours. I don't want to get into explanations for this. He is here for a conference and I am hoping that he won't be home for dinner tonight. Then I will be able to drink my soup in peace. He is, like all the French people I know, extremely slender and can eat like a wolf. I want one of those metabolisms when I grow up! Oh, well....
  20. green

    Chronicles of Cloe!!!!!

    I love vinegar chips. I love Miss Vickie's vinegar chips. I just got filled, it's raining, and I would kill for some right now!
  21. green

    Good Luck Green!

    Well, I have just returned from having my first fill. I did take one of their Demerol because I am a sissy. This turned out to be a blonde move on my part because I didn't need it, but then I am a blonde! I was given 5cc and told to drink four paper cups of water from their water cooler. I began to salivate half-way through the first cup. The water felt like it was sitting in my esophagus and it simply wasn't going to move. I wanted to sick it up but couldn't and I wanted to burp. I finally did this and felt much better. After all this personal drama I came out of the washroom and asked that the nice lady remove one cc of the fill. I was able to drink after that. I also discovered that I lost 13 lbs over the past 6 weeks. Yippee!!!!!! Green is very happy about that. I hope that I can keep this up. While I was there I met some nice women and found out that some of them are still tender in their port sites, too. My next fill appointment is on October 31st.
  22. green

    Another Phony E-mail Refuted

    Well, Green smokes and she isn't very clean.... *not exactly a joke
  23. green

    2 computer questions

    At the bottom of each email are two addresses, one to unsubscribe to that particular thread, and one to unsubscribe to all of the threads
  24. I think that all citizens should pay for the educational system. We all profit from having a citizenry that is well-educated and prosperous. Lack of education, poverty, criminal activities, and, well, just generally dysfunctional neighbourhoods all seem to go together. I don't have kids but I am not resentful of paying taxes that go towards the education system. Better the kiddies are in school and learning than loitering in the streets looking for someone to mug, eh.
  25. Our property taxes support much of the infrastructure of the city that I live in. The property tax covers pretty much everything including our school system and the welfare safety net: the safety net would include public housing and welfare payments. Our income tax, provincial and federal, is collected by the feds who in turn give the provinces their share. The poor provinces receive transfer payments from the wealthy provinces. This is in the nature of welfare at the provincial level. The provinces are responsible for maintaining the universal health care programme inside each province and for the school system in rural areas and small villages. They are also responsible for welfare in these areas. And of course they are responsible for the provincial police and for the provincial roads and highways. We also have federal and provincial sales taxes. These amount to fourteen percent in my province. This is our tax system simplified. We pay much more tax than you do. You might be interested to know that I pay union dues and that these are tax deductible.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
