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Everything posted by green

  1. green

    Neenagh's Nutty Nattering

    My advice was going to be the same as Lila's, almost word for word in fact. You say that she was yelling at you in front of other people; this means that you have witnesses. Maybe they will help you out. And not only that, a woman who behaves like this to you is behaving like this to others. There may be a number of people who would like to bring her down and will speak up about her behaviour if you all go together. This woman is definitely a bully and is out of control. I really feel for you.
  2. green

    Chronicles of Cloe!!!!!

    Hooray for the hobbies, Cloe! Where do you find the time?
  3. I used to be on the "see food" diet.
  4. Jesus clearly states that the Old Covenant must be upheld, that it, too, "was instructed by God": see also Matthew 5:18-19 RSV. This does raise difficulties for Christians of course because the Old Testament is not particularly user-friendly for modern times. I imagine that Christian scholars may have figured out some kind of compromise between the two halves of the Sacred Text. I myself would be curious to learn how they have resolved this issue. I know that when I was at school the nuns merely told us to "be nice," follow the Ten Commandments, say the Lord's Prayer, go to church, and pray. It was much later in life that I began to realise that the Bible is a complicated and often somber text.
  5. green


    Perhaps it is time that you speak to your son about the situation.
  6. We must remember that Jesus was a good Jew and respected the tradition and teachings of His tribe. There are a number of places in the New Testament where He states that the Covenant of the Old Testament must be upheld. "Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets." Matthew 5:17 NAB "...the scripture cannot be broken." John 10:35 See also Luke 16:17 ("...not an iota, not a dot....") This would indicate to me that the attentive Christian cannot cherrypick his or her way through the Bible. Much of the Old Testament is hard slogging, steeped in violence and revenge. The Commandments, which we have boiled down to ten, seem to me to be a fine set of laws, ones that are designed to keep the peace within a settlement of people. They would be particularly needed in those violent times.
  7. green

    Neenagh's Nutty Nattering

    Yep, you got that right. OHIP no longer pays for eye exams. My last one cost me 80 bucks.
  8. green

    Argon's Activities

    Yah, congratulations on the job offer, Argon. Your line of work does sound totally cool. Any chance of seeing your work on TV? Sometimes I watch Comedy Shorts on the Comedy Channel. These are all short pieces and some of them are cartoons or done in claymation.
  9. green

    Green's grumblings

    I kinda hate to admit this but I signed the consent forms without reading them. I was really anxious to have the surgery. Anyhow, TLBC didn't mention anything about my giant liver so I guess that when it is looked at up close and personal it looks healthy enough. Otherwise they would have said something, right??? If you were to meet me you would say that I am a very healthy looking woman and yet lately it seems that my health has become my hobby. Not only do I have this business of depression, and I have been assessed by a number of specialists over this as well as regularly seeing both a psychologist and a psychiatrist, I also have a torn rotator cuff. This hurts and I can't go to the gym. I go to physio twice a week for that. They say it is going to take a long time to fix it. I had two root canals done in a six month period. For awhile my eye doctor thought I might be a candidate for glaucoma. I had two false positives for kidney disease and had to have 'em unltrasounded and that was when they first saw my big liver. The kidneys were fine. One of my blood tests came back weird and so I had to see a specialist over that! It turned out that there was nothing wrong. That was a relief. And I go for my second fill this week on October 31st. All of the above translates into a lot of appointments and a lot of worry. It is a good thing that I have just opted to take early retirement, eh? LOL Too bad my hobby is such a boring one....
  10. green

    Goodbye to Sarah

    This is a very sad time for you and your husband. My heartfelt condolences.
  11. green

    Women's stocking sizes are EVIL!

    Coloured bras will show through white or light blouses. White bras look nice when new but can look dirty when they get old even though they have just been freshly laundered. Black clothes look best with black bras. Nude bras never match your skin tone. Coloured bras are cute.
  12. green

    Argon's Activities

    My eyes are so middle-aged bad that I have to have prescription glasses. I am blind otherwise. This is a real drag. *sob*
  13. green

    Green's grumblings

    Last night my mate updated my computer. He spent hours working at this. Now everything looks different. Change is not cosy.
  14. green

    Rush Limbaugh has crossed the line

    It is always easy to claim to feel the grief of others. We don't feel this grief because we can't until we have experienced something akin. BuSh's comments are cheap and meaningless. They are also in bad taste exactly because they are meaningless. Neither BuSh jr himself, nor his immediate family, have had nor will have war experiences. "Spin" seems to have become a substitution for genuine communication and for thought itself. Now this is a tragedy that affects all of us. This has become the culture of the "sound bite," sloganeering, and "spin." These are manipulative tools, of course, and they tell you what you are supposed to feel and think. And we do. We grunt and think that BuSh actually feels our pain just because he has told us so.
  15. green

    Chronicles of Cloe!!!!!

    Welcome to Canada.
  16. green

    Argon's Activities

    Doesn't matter if you are going cheap on the frames. What matters is how they look on your face!!!!!!!!! And whether you can see outta them! LOL
  17. green

    Neenagh's Nutty Nattering

    The executive director doesn't use the lab. It is totally inappropriate for her to make this decision. Wow! I would have been furious!
  18. green

    Argon's Activities

    I think you are right to get the new frames. The right frames can seriously improve one's looks. And you wear your glasses all the time so you may as well spend the money and have the best ones.
  19. green

    Chronicles of Cloe!!!!!

    I love spicy stuff and don't have any problem with it so far.
  20. green

    Dallas debates new crack law...

    Ah, the always graceful and feminine burka....
  21. green

    What happened to Tired Old Man?

    Yep, TOM gives good post.
  22. green

    Moral Dilemma

    Now that you have given us more info, the caretaker is starting to sound a little sinister.
  23. green

    Rush Limbaugh has crossed the line

    WOW! Looks like there are a lot of wily weasels out there.
  24. green

    Moral Dilemma

    Yep, that's what I mean. Often these arrangements are made with the collusion of the dying wife. She wants to make sure that her husband will be happy and well looked after upon her death. It is a strange act of generosity but it is an act of generosity all the same.

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