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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by green

  1. green

    Chronicles of Cloe!!!!!

  2. Applying the Bible's teachings to homosexuals but not to divorce, nor to slavery nor to eating a ham & cheese sandwhich sounds like cherrypicking to me. There must be a separation between church and state. How people choose to conduct their personal spiritual lives is of course another matter and should lie between themselves and their God.
  3. Bush showed compassion to your young relative, Chris. Clinton got a BJ from someone who was not his wife. What does either act have to do with being a competent president?
  4. green

    Rush Limbaugh has crossed the line

    Hey, Vinesqueen, thanx for the website. I've never heard of Oberman before - I'm a Canuck - but I have spent some enjoyable time loitering on this site. This guy is good!
  5. Faithful Muslims have accepted God in their hearts. They are anxious that we do, too.
  6. You might be interested to know that there is a website devoted to the antics of BuSh and company. It is called the Smirking Chimp and indeed he does look rather like a smirking chimp.
  7. Folks who live in other countries never really understood the big deal that was made over Clinton's sexual infidelity. This was not an issue that in anyway interfered with his political abilities. It was an issue that lay between himself and his wife.
  8. green

    Neenagh's Nutty Nattering

    Hey! Cute kids!
  9. green

    Argon's Activities

    Skinny legs jeans at Penningtons, eh. I have to go see. Congrats on your new size. Have fun at the soiree.
  10. Not everybody is the same. Homosexuals are a minority. Should their rights be respected or not? Should the rights of those who are atheists be respected or not? And what about the rights of Muslims, Jew, Buddhists, and other individuals who live in this country and whose beliefs are not specifically Christian? Is this country ruled by civil rights or by the Bible's teachings?
  11. green

    Canada Or Mexico?

    The Toronto Lap Band Centre charges $16000 Canadian for the operation and all aftercare, including unlimited fills. Taking into account the weaker Canadian dollar this price seems to be on a par with the most reasonable of the U.S. centres and cheaper than many of them. Of course this equation always changes when you live far away from a centre that offers lap band surgery for then you have to factor in the cost of airfares and the added problem of finding a local "fill" doctor. From what I have read on this site the Mexican centres are terrific and provide great patient care. The two doctors who are the TLBC's surgeons are also terrific and provide great patient care. Do the Mexican centres include free aftercare, including fills, in their fees? And what about getting there? Is it easier, cheaper, and faster to get to Toronto? or does it not matter? I find myself asking you these questions because I know that you are living in an extremely remote part of Canada. It may well be cheaper for you to fly to Mexico than to Toronto. (My husband and I wanted to fly to the Canadian north; it was much cheaper for us to fly to Paris!) You have a lot of research to do. I hope that my post has helped.
  12. green

    Lots of questions NEWBIE!

    Hello, Newbie. My operation was day surgery and the surgeon promised me that I would be feeling functional within a few days. He was right. I had the operation on Thursday around noon. The surgery itself takes 30-45 minutes. By 6 PM I was home and in bed. I was still pretty heavily sedated from the operation and so I found myself drifting in and out of sleep. Moreover, in order to forestall any possible future pain, my husband was feeding me the demerol that had been prescribed by the surgeon. In brief, I was in lala land and enjoying it. At the time my biggest concern was that the cat wouldn't try to sleep on my stomach. By the next morning I was feeling much, much better though very tired. To tell the truth the only real pain that I experienced was from the gas that they pump into you during the operation. I did spend Friday, Saturday and Sunday in bed though; I was enjoying the time out. I read and slept a lot. By Monday I was up and feeling great except for those gas pains. During the first week I drank nothing but clear fluids which was what my surgeon wanted and I used a pill crusher for my meds. This is to give your stomach time to recover. I didn't feel hungry. The following couple of weeks I lived on soups (Gardenay) and yogurt and then I moved on to soft foods. This wasn't difficult because the menu plan called for a lot of snacks and so it seemed that I was always eating. I found the experience to be both interesting and positive. I've lost some weight and am feeling much better about myself. My eating habits have improved. I continue to lose weight at the rate of 1 to 2 lbs per week.
  13. green

    Argon's Activities

    Yep, a number of my posts are missing.
  14. green

    Chronicles of Cloe!!!!!

    Cloe, did you get my answer to your PM?
  15. Be careful, Wheezy, from what I've read on these boards too much pb-ing is very bad for your esophagus. It will become inflamed. (Pb means productive burp; this describes when your food comes back up the same way it tried to go down.)
  16. green

    The Twilight Zone

    I am relieved that you got my PM. I was wondering about that. And I am even more relieved that you are fine. (By the way, my wife-in-law is my ex-husband's wife. She is one of my best friends.):biggrin1:
  17. green

    The Twilight Zone

    Yeah, and the site ate some of my final posts before it went down. Oh, and I can't feel my second fill yet.
  18. green

    Chronicles of Cloe!!!!!

    It would be really cool if Gatorade was fluorescent green, eh.
  19. Green has cats instead. Less work, eh.:heh: Litter box work ain't nice, though.
  20. green

    Green's grumblings

    Nope, it ain't me. This is the only website that I loiter on. I wonder if I know her? Nah, probably not. Bombardier is a big, big company.
  21. green

    Green's grumblings

    Too bad we didn't connect. Did ya see many women with giant feet and big livers?
  22. green

    Airlines Charing Extra!

    Hah! Flying overseas in economy these days is always a torment. The seat is narrow and there is no leg room. I am not particularly tall, only 5ft6, and I have trouble stretching my legs. Anyone taller than me, and that means most men, is in for a nasty journey. I'm not allowed to smoke anymore but the cabin air is dirtier than ever and I usually leave the plane with a brand new virus. The best flights that I have had recently have been in third world countries. They have purchased our old planes - the ones with the seat room!
  23. green

    Green's grumblings

    Yah, too bad they're working on my shoulder.... *sigh*
  24. And here I thought that Neenagh was a charming Irish name! LoL This is a good question, Yoda. I find myself always wondering what the stories are behind the user names. Mine is really simple. Green is my surname and it is the colour of growth, you know. It made sense to use it as my nom d'internet.:kiss2:
  25. Holy $hit! What a drag! Well, for starters you have got to make sure that the girl is on the Pill. This is critical. You might want to make friends with the boyfriend, too. Teenagers often lose interest in anything that their parents find acceptable. My wife-in-law's daughter went through a rebellious period. She dropped out of school when she was 16 and got a job at a Roots' store in the Eaton Mall in downtown Toronto. My ex-husband and his wife started charging her rent and she quickly discovered that the fun of earning minimum wage didn't last for very long. When she came to her senses they enrolled her at a different high school. She ended up completing university, got an interesting job at City TV, then got married and now has a couple of kids. She is back in school; this time she is studying landscape architecture. Now I dunno if this story is going to help you at all but it does seem that girls do go through a rebellious stage when they are between 16 and 17. Maybe what you want to do is let them nibble on a reality sandwich without letting them get in too deep - no pregnancies or whatever - and you need to keep the lines of communication open. This is much easier said than done. Perhaps you and your husband can play good cop bad cop? My heart certainly goes out to you. You are in for a rough ride. For what it's worth, I was a wild teenager, too, and yet I eventually turned out okay. The important thing is that you don't want to see her get pregnant.

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