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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by swizzle

  1. Dude you will be great! Just breathe and imagine the "after" pic Good luck!!!
  2. Well, I'll disclaimer that I'm still learning a lot, but from what I've heard Peanut Butter in moderation is a good fat and totally bariatric friendly! (I think apples and peanut butter are pretty much the perfect snack.) Also I am of the mindset that coffee is okay as long as you're meeting/exceeding your daily liquid requirements, and I'm a huge advocate of cheese and I do a low sugar greek yogurt daily. As far as bread, rice, potatoes, ice cream, etc... I'd say to steer clear of those for the most part.... Although I did just discover an amazing low carb/calorie "ice cream" called HaloTop and it's amazing! But I could see it being a slider or trigger food. How far out are you from surgery? What surgery did you have? What's your daily protein/water/calorie range look like usually? It sounds a little to me like you're giving yourself a lot of unnecessary anxiety and should just try and follow the program your NUT has given you, and you'll do great!! <3 Now for foods that I'm "scared of" and basically can't keep in my house (even for my daughter) because I will devour them at whatever cost: Junk-food pastas like macaroni and cheese / Top Ramen, ice cream, frozen junk like chicken nuggets... these are all things I've pushed the boundaries on post-surgery and paid for it, but I don't trust myself with them!
  3. swizzle

    Protein Powder?

    Oh yes, Syntax is nice too! I like the Cappuccino and Fuzzy Navel ones
  4. swizzle

    What To Do Instead of Overeating

    Thanks for this!!!
  5. swizzle

    Protein Powder?

    My go-to is Unjury. Their powders aren't too sickly sweet, and I even like to add the unflavored to a lot of stuff! (like coffee and in cooking)
  6. A typical day for me is a protein shake for breakfast, hard boiled egg with hummus and fruit for lunch, Greek yogurt for snack, dinner I'll usually have a lean protein like ground turkey or chicken and I'll just prepare it the same way I make my family's dinner but I'll just have that. I haven't been able to add much else to each meal, and veggies take up a lot of space for me! But spinach is okay or cucumbers if I chew really well! Lol! For exercise I am kind of addicted, but I try and do 60 minutes at least 5x a week... Most times more. I used to be really active (even when I was 120+ lbs overweight) but it took a few months after surgery to get really back into the swing of things, because my energy level just wasn't there yet!
  7. swizzle


    No. Nope. No. Air in any form does not stretch the sleeve. What about gastric bypass? Much of these soda (or beer) vs carbonation abstinence conversations seem to be about the sleeve, but is that the same for the bypass?
  8. Great job!! Yes, I am basically in ecstatic mode almost every day. The first month or so were rough emotionally, and just adjusting, but WOW am I so happy I've done this!! Down 61lbs since my surgery date March 15th, and yours and my stats are pretty similar @cdeisroth so that's so nice to see! LOVE that I can fit into all the clothes I thought would be impossible, I even bought a cute bathing suit that has cutouts and though I jiggle, I LOVE IT! Finally have figured out the energy and what I'm able to do exercise wise (tennis, crossfit and backpacking are my primaries) but I totally still have trouble making my Protein goals, averaging about 60g/day even though I think by now I should be closer to 80 - especially with all the exercise!! Can I ask about how many calories you're eating a day at this point? My NUT didn't give me calorie guidelines and just said to make sure to get enough protein and that's my primary focus, but I've been trying to stick to 600-800/day, although there have been one or two days that I did like 900! :/ Anyway, thanks for the post! Love to see how everyone's doing!!!
  9. Wonderful post! Thanks for this! Good work & keep it up! You're an inspiration to the rest of us! <3
  10. Great job! What a wonderful and super fun way to celebrate and treat yo-self!
  11. Have a grown up party at a trampoline bounce gym! Go sunset kayaking with friends! Go backpacking! Splurge on something pretty and go dancing! I am far, far from my one year surgiversary, but I'd like to think that it would be a super fun treat to do a silly and active activity with friends to celebrate.... or mark off a bucket list item!!
  12. swizzle

    Keto Help Needed

    I'm curious what the ratio should be as well! I also am around 600-800 calories per day, and on MFP's daily nutrition goals I am at 50% Protein 30% fat and 20% carbs, (80g protein, 30g fat, 50g carbs) but looking at that, I'm not sure it's right :/
  13. swizzle

    high protein ice cream...recipes?

    Here's that link! http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/2010/02/protein-ice-cream-101.html
  14. swizzle

    Coffee Question

    I've never used this product, but I can tell you that I absolutely love cold press coffee versus a regular drip or americano. I think it's a lot smoother and less hard on the tummy, and I really can't be the type of bariatric patient that completely gives up coffee!
  15. Hiya bariatric babes I need workout advice... I'm less than 2 months out from RNY GBP, and I've been feeling pretty good and doing moderate workouts for several weeks now, including tennis and some moderate stuff like jog/walking, planks, squats, etc... I just got the courage to go back to Crossfit tonight but I have no idea how to get enough juice for a tough workout like that! I about died! Lol! With tennis I just make sure to have a Powerade Zero and that usually has been keeping my energy up and me hydrated, but with more intense workouts, I am at a loss! I can't "chug" anything prior, having food in my stomach never turns out well during a workout, and I can't have sugar (like Sports Beans or Gu or Blocks) so I don't know how to not run out of steam! Does anyone have any advice? I was on the smaller end of the spectrum pre-surgery, and have always kept pretty active, but it's been really hard adjusting to my new body's needs and I'm just hoping for some tips! I definitely feel up to the workout, so it's not that, I just need some bariatric friendly workout and energy tips!! Thanks guys! I love this site ❤️
  16. swizzle

    Pre Workout....powders Or Food?

    I know this is an old thread, but I wonder what you found to work best? I am similar to where you were when you posted this (several years ago, lol!) But I'm about 6 weeks out and have been working out mildly for the last few weeks, but yesterday I tried going back to CrossFit and it just kicked my ass! I was wondering the same thing, regarding what kind of food / powder / energy supplements work for us bariatric patients, since we can't do Sports Beans or Blocks or Gu or anything like that. I do use Powerade Zero when I do lighter workouts (like tennis) but that didn't seem to get me through yesterday and I'm just hoping for some good tricks to get energy moving forward! Thanks!!!
  17. I wonder if this was only in my head... seems like no one is having the same energy issues with workouts. I just wonder how to still have steam on the low calorie intake we have in this early stage. I see people on Instagram all the time working out post-surgery and it seems like they must know something I don't
  18. swizzle

    Does your stomach growl?

    I'm still new (only 1 1/2 month out) and I have YET to feel an iota of hunger sensations! It blows my mind every day! My stomach makes crazy noises sometimes (likely gas) but it's not growling.
  19. swizzle

    Feeling like CRAP

    I could definitely see that being a need for the vitamins! You should try and pick some up as soon as you can. My doc said to immediately after surgery take 2 daily if not bariatric specified, or 1 daily if they are. Also I've heard the Patches don't absorb well enough for most bariatric patients, so just heads up on that! Hope you feel better!! I remember the first few weeks were legitimately miserable, and I just felt drained all the time! Good luck!
  20. Wowowow! I am feeling wonderful! I've been home for 5 days, had my surgery 7 days ago, and I've already lost almost 15lbs! I just felt like sharing... I'm feeling pretty amazing, to be honest! I didn't have a perfect surgery. I had spleen bleeding, doc had to "shave" my liver for fat, and I had a hernia that I didn't even know about, so she fixed that too! I am beyond shocked that the pain only lasted a few days, and now I'm just managing being a bit tired, and making sure to get all my liquids and protein! (Sunday was the first day I could do this!) To all of you who are pre-op and were nervous, like me, BREATHE EASY! It gets better!! The first few days are pretty brutal, in full honesty, but life is what you make of it and those days pass and then it's all uphill from there!! ... now if only I could figure out a way to stop craving "real food" like chicken and Beans and veggies and stuff! Oh I cannot WAIT until pureed phase, when I can move from my all sweet Protein shake and liquids diet! <3 <3
  21. I say invest in an additional armoire
  22. @Alphabetize I thought the same thing about pureed meat, but OMG I was the happiest camper ever once I could switch up from the Protein shakes a little bit! And my doc said things like tuna and scrambled eggs and things that are soft are fine once you're in the pureed phase, so it's not as limiting as I thought! Good luck!!! And heck yes, Netflix!
  23. @Djmohr Thank you! That's awesome news! I really can't stand having to use the shaker and the potential for the clumps. I've had the Premier Protein and it's delicious! I think I'll give that a go for a while since it seems to work for so many people! Also thanks about the heads up for the calories. I think I'm just going to chill out and not worry about it and just follow what my NUT said. It's working, obviously, but I just was worrying myself about it so I am just going to step back and take a deep breath and keep on keeping on Great job at getting to goal! I can't WAIT!!! :) PS: I JUST remembered that today is officially my one monthaversary! Down 32lbs since surgery date! Ridiculous!!!
  24. I need some advice from some bariatric veterans out there...I am almost 4 weeks out and worry that I'm already doing this wrong. I've been following my NUT's instructions, and am on the soft food stage (scrambled eggs, purees, tuna, yogurt, etc). She told me to continue doing the Protein shakes (60-80g daily) and incorporate two or three 2-4 tbsp meals in addition to this. She did not mention the amount of calories I should be getting daily. Well. I worry because it's already about 400 with the Protein Shakes (sometimes more if I use almond or skim milk), and then adding the small meals per day I am nearing 700 calories daily, and a lot of things I've read and heard is to try and stay between 300-600 calories per day. And this is at the very minimum amount of food, so I worry I'm already messing up! So my question is, what calorie range should I be within at this point, and how do people get all their protein without going over? (Some of the meals I make are 1 scrambled egg, salsa and cheese with a tiny bit of avocado mushed in / tuna and hardboiled egg with mustard and paprika / oikos triple zero greek yogurt / tilapia and mushed cauliflower) What sort of daily meals do you guys do? ***ALSO, as it gets further down the road, say 6 months+, how many tablespoons or ounces of food would you say you eat in a meal? I'm just hoping to get a frame of reference THANKS!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
