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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by steveelea

  1. Hi Everyone

    I am from Melbourne and am starting a support group.

    Sometimes you can feel alone not knowing many or any other people that have had weight loss surgery, and there are always so many questions that we have and support that we need.

    Sometimes it helps just to talk to someone that can relate to you

    I would love to hear from others in Melbourne, Victoria that are interested in this support group.

    Hope to hear from you soon


  2. Hey u 2 how are you both going......Bee as long as you have done what they told you with the pre op your liver will be teeny tiny HAHA....how can it not be...I was worried about that with the lapband op and Ray said to me "don't you worry about that it will be fine"....just love that man he is soooo reassuring :)) especially for a nervous wreck like me!

    OK Bee food that I was having (if you can call it that) was just my Protein drink and juices/cordials.

    Also I ate frosty fruit icy poles to help get my fluids in....also gatorade is good too if you like it (I don't but they recommend that to help with hydration)

    You will find you can only have the tiniest amounts it will freak you out but don't stress.....it gets easier believe me!

    Chez I am going ok now.....want to get to the gym but they told me no not yet as its major surgery and I felt fine but they said take it easy till all is healed properly.

    I find I am getting stitches in my stomach sometimes when I have overdone it and just twinges now and then and I know I inflame easily from all past surgeries but they did say that I will still feel it this long after....no pain relief is needed so don't worry it's not still painful, but I think that its my body telling me to slow down and I need to listen.

    Bee I want to wish you all the best for tomorrow......it's the start of a new life for you and you will do so well!!!!

    I am so excited for you.

    Just deep breath and think of all of the positives and remember you are in the very best hands.....they will look after you and have the best team to get the best results.

    This is the best thing for my weight that I have ever done.

    I know that I got all emotional and had my times over the first month where I thought was this the best thing as it's scary being only able to have fairy sips of everything then teeny baby spoons of everything, but it gets better so don't freak out.......Take care of yourself and keep us posted won't you (of course when you feel up to it which wont be long at all)

    Can't wait to hear how well you went....You will ROCK THIS!!!!!



  3. Hey Queen BeeBee....I just took in loose fitting things which I needed.

    You don't want anything tight around your stomach thats for sure and a loose top is great for when you are trying to move around with the tube still in.

    I also took a tight fitting tank top/singlet thingy caus I couldnt wear a bra and I hate that so I wore that under my top to give me some sort of support and it helped with the tube too to sort of support it if that makes sense....

    I took my iphone too needed that for sure haha

    The hardest part for me was pre op for sure.....the fear of the operation and the diet etc

    Afterwards I was lucky I had hubby home for 2 weeks and I didn't have to do anything which was great!!

    Have you got your fluids prepaired for after surgery?? Like the Protein drinks etc??

  4. Sorry for the late reply guys I have been away over the long Easter break

    Hey Chez.....I drove after about 3 weeks I think maybe even 4 but I could do it fairly easily at that stage.

    I have a 17 year old daughter on her L's so she drove me to my appointments but of course I felt fine to drive I was just taking it easy whilst I had help.

    I would say 2 weeks to make sure but your surgeon will tell you for sure.

    I have to say now still if I am driving for long periods I get a pain in my tummy up the right side. I think that its the breaking etc in traffic as you are using the right leg to drive and it just pulls a bit.

    8 weeks down and I feel like I can do most things but I wanted to start at the gym and they said no just wait as it has been major surgery and not to rush things.

    Queen BeeBee never too many questions!! I was just the same :))

    OK the tube out of the stomach looks gross but its not painfull at all.

    They leave a drainage tube in for 3 to 4 days to keep an eye on the output of the discharge (blood and fluids)

    You just have to carry it with you like a little handbag haha

    I was sweating bricks about it coming out but hey.....that was easy.

    It did feel weird as you could feel it coming out but it wasn't painfull just a funny feeling.....mind you I said I wanted pain relief and they gave me 2 endones about 1/2 an hour before they took it out and that would have helped so make sure you ask for them before they take it out and if they say no you dont need them, you need to insist and ask them to come back in half an hour after you have taken them.

    The pre admission nurse told me to do that and the nurses were fine with it.

    I have zero pain tolerance and I was fine so you will be fine too!!

    I was soooo scared before I went in and I told the anithasist that I was really scared and he gave me a pre med.....wow it was bloody fantastic and I remember nothing after that haha!!! Hope I didn't embarress myself self LOL as the last thing I remember was the nurses asking me if I thought it was working and just being all warm and fuzzy and saying that it was great and then nothing after that! So tell them talk to them and ask them as they are there to help and believe me those anithasists are usually great!

    What time r u going in??

    Where are u on his list?? You can ask the hospital or you can ring lap surgery and ask them and they will tell you.

    I went in at 11am and knew that there was a couple of big cases that were complicated before me (they do bowl surgery and everything so I am assuming it was something big like that) and I was taken off about 3 to 4pm so that was what I had expected as I was 3rd on the list.

    Yes I had the sox and these great fantastic massage wraps around my legs (had them each surgery and hubby is always jelly and wants them for himself for home ) they are like air being pumped around your legs and so relaxing.

    I think I left my stockings on for about 3 to 4 weeks and they say till your back to being active again and not sitting for long periods. They never bother me and especially when the weather is cooler.

    I am loving my sleeve yes......still trying to get used to the small amounts I am able to eat.......its the head hunger thing thats the hardest as I still want to keep eating but I cant!! Pathetic I know right??

    Oh and pain managment was great......endone etc they work well and I asked for my panadol through my drip as its more effective and easier to take that way as tablets are suddenly massive when you have a tiny stomach.

    If they wont do it through the drip or when they stop the drip I asked them to crush my tablets and just mixed them with Water to take as I found it easier.

    Have I forgotten anything??

    Just ask

  5. Hey QueenBeeBee and Chez.....so glad someone started posting again I had no luck here just before I went for my sleeve and was freiking out big time so I feel your fear.....

    Let me give you a bit of info and I will try to keep it short for you

    Lapbanded November 09 by Ray McHenry Lap Surgery Australia Starting weight was 150kg

    Port replaced 3 further times...

    Band worked just OK for about a year and then not so well

    Got down to 103kg with loads of hard work and feeling hungry all the time so once I stopped strictly dieting I put most of my weight back on

    Band Removed by Ray on 27th November 2013

    Sleeved 27th Feb 2014 by My McHenry again and Chris Hensman was assisting starting weight was 140kg (just before I started pre op diet from HELL!!!!!!)

    It has been almost 8 weeks and I am down to 122kg so have lost 18kg so far.

    Info on the operation itself:

    Was done at Knox Hospital (my preference as I have had great experiences there)

    Was done late arvo Thursday and got my stomach tube out on the Sunday and home Sunday as well.

    Pain compared to band....so much easier but not gonna lie it was still a big op, but one that I felt like I was coping with the pain etc and I am a sooky lala when it comes to pain...believe me!!!!

    I have 3 Children and I was so scared that I was going to die......Ray put everything into perspective for me.

    He said he would be more concerned if I didnt get the operation than the risk of getting it.

    Yes its a major operation but they do them all the time....its what they specialise in.

    It is just like going in for any other surgery....yes there are risks BUT.....you are with surgeons that are skilled at what they do and do it well....have a wonderful success rate and look after every patient extremely well and have great back up.

    Just ask Chris and tell him you are scared.

    My mum came with me to my pre op appt as hubby was working and Ray held her hand and said....dont worry we will look after her and she will be fine!!!!

    I felt so good after chatting with him about my concerns and the fact that he understood but assured me was what I needed.

    I am loving having the sleeve although sometimes I just wish I could dive into a big fat burger or souvlaki haha

    But hey thats what got me into this problem in the first place :unsure:

    If you guys have ANY questions please just ask....I know how it feels to have no one to ask and talk to about it.

    Im here for you and you guys will blitz this!! :D

    Leanne xox

  6. Hi guys. Sleeved the other day on the 27th Feb and feeling pretty good so far. Finding it hard to drink enough but that should come easier when the swelling goes down. Hope to get my stomach tube out today and home tomorrow.

    Recovery feels a little easier to the band I think

  7. gypsygirl I am not worried about losing the weight and I have never been skinny either, but, I did lose almost 50kg (half of what i needed to lose) with the lapband before it stopped working, and I can tell you the feeling is amazing. Even though I still had almost 50kg still to go till my goal weight my life was so much easier and so much better. I have put a lot of that back on now unfortunately :(

    Jlperalta I feel your nervousness. I am off for my pre visit tomorrow morning with my surgeon so I will be asking loads of questions.

  8. How is everyone going??

    I had my lapband in November 2009 and had it taken out November 2013

    I had to wait 3 months and am going in on the 27th Feb to get sleeved.

    Am so scared and nervous....

    Would love to know how the surgery went for those already had it.

    BTW the pre diet sucks!!!! I forgot how bad it actually was :P

  9. You are so lucky to have a neighbor to go through this with....my mum is doing the pre diet with me which is helping her as she has diabeties.........I want to stay positive but sometimes I get scared and think the worst. I have heard of a few people having life long problems from the sleeve and am scared about that but I am also scared to stay at the heavy weight that I am so I need to try to stay positive!

  10. Haha love it blondebanshee.......That's GOLD!!!!

    I feel your nervousness Maggieb11.....i am in tears almost every night thinking what if something goes wrong but I am trying to think like Dignity......Time to change our lives for the better guys......this time next year I wonder how we will all be doing. I am sure it will be FANTASTIC!!!!

  11. Hi guys and thanks for the replies....it is so exciting and the diet is a pain but its only 2 weeks and I have done it before 2 weeks before I got my lapband 4 years ago....I remember being more excited then but this time I am getting all worried and teary at night, thinking about things that can go wrong with the surgery.

    I need to try and focus more on the positives!!!!

    You guys MUST keep me posted as to how you all get on and we should all keep in touch and share our progress.....not long to go now!!!!

  12. Ray is my surgeon.

    I had a lap band through him in November 09 and its now out and going in to get sleeved 2 weeks from today with him.

    I am so scared but excited at the same time......

    Edited to add Sorry just realized that this was an old post

  13. Wow mystysj you have done so well in the time you have been sleeved.....WELL DONE :D

    I love that you have said if you have what you are craving, a small portion is all you need.

    That's what this weight loss surgery is supposed to be like and to help us with.

    Without the band I could overeat as much as I wanted of any foods including the wrong foods but when my band was working for me I was eating a balanced diet and more satisfied so didn't need much of the wrong foods and if I felt like a little chocolate I would have a small piece and be happy with that. That is exactly what I want to get back to but its so hard when your hungry to resist the wrong easy foods as I was never full :unsure:

    After all of this positive feedback I am so excited about going to the sleeve....only scared about the 3 months without anything at all. That's going to be hard!!!! I know I can do it and I am so looking forward to it now.

    I will try to find the thread about the foods with the sleeve section mystysj....thanks again for that :)

  14. Thanks TanyaB and Kerd

    Way to go Tanya I am so glad you are so happy with your decision thats wonderful to hear.

    Kerd I am the same as you I did well in the beginning but have had so many issues along the way its been so hard and its so very true what you say the band is a lot of work too. I am sure most of us are not here for the easy way out as this is fzr from it, but we know that we cant go on without any tool at all and you are finding that out with your unfill waiting for your surgery to come. I had to have my band unfilled for 6 months and gained 30kg so that was a disaster and I learnt I can't be without anything....I need something!!!!

    I am comfortable with my decision to go ahead now and I can't wait to stop the discomfort of eating with the band, among so many other issues.

    I know a lot of people are successful with the band and that's fantastic but its also not for everyone......not a one size fits all operation.

    I am booked in to get the band out on the 27th of November and then will book in for 3 months after that to get the sleeve done. I am so looking forward to this new part of my journey and I can't wait to get this weight off me and start being able to do things more easily in every day life that healthy weight people can do.

    Thanks to all for your advice and support :)

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