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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by steveelea

  1. Hi, I just found you all and wanted to introduce myself (if a lil bit nervously). I'm Cath and having RYGB in Ballarat in July... it's been a big decision for me but one I've had to make after diagnosis of IIH in April (though I've needed it for some years now I think, anyway). I'm nervous but equal parts awesome, informed, positive and excited. I was glad to find a forum online that had some Aussies on it... So hi all... I look forward to chatting with you. :)

    Hi Cath and WELCOME :D ......don't be nervous everyone here is so lovely and super supportive.

    So glad you came across us

    Ok this may sound silly but I am unsure of the abbreviations of what you are having done and what you have been diagnosed with...(sorry I am a bit behind with all of that)

    I am so glad that you feel so positive and confident about getting it done

    I have had the lapband and now have the sleeve and I love it.....so in love with my sleeve haha :)

  2. Hey Guys....I agree Chez YAY ITS FRIDAY...such a great meme I would love to put on her from Mr Chow, but I won't its might be too much for some haha....for those of you who love Mr Chow (from the hangover) you can imagine what it says :lol:

    OK Bee.....about your TMI....here goes mine so turn away now peeps if you don't wanna know ;)

    When I got my lapband i then got my period soon after.....and it continued for 12 weeks :blink:

    I had tabs to stop it and full check up etc and was told it was hormones.

    After the sleeve same thing started happening again....within a week of surgery and it kept going so after 4 weeks I went to my Docs and they gave me tabs again and that stopped it.

    Now apparently its because our hormones are all over the place from the surgery AND weight loss.

    Excess of eostrogen (sorry spelling :blush: ) and it is bound to happen to those of us who are sensitive to it.

    If it gets too much just go to your local GP and see what they say but it will probs sort itself out.

    I had to make sure that I got on top of mine as I am extremely low on Iron and take sups already and can't afford for it to get any worse.

    That dinner looks great Bee.....I too LOVE fetta but never tried it with watermellon???? Cool idea

    Is that all you could eat??

    Chez I hope your ears get better and its so good to eat some real food after drinking your meals isn't it :)

    I couldn't do the shakes so went on the food equal and it was still hard but not so bad and its for such a short amount of time in the long run....way to go girl!!!!

    Ok so I have helped my mood a little yesterday.....I went SHOPPING FOR CLOTHES :D

    We all know retail therapy is sooooo much fun!!!

    I had an excuse because it's my friends 21st tonight and she has hired out a bar in the city and all of my clothes are getting too big and look funny now.

    Now this might not sound like such a big deal to some, but what happened to me last night was one of the most exciting things thats happened in a long time......

    Normally when I go into a shop like Autograph (which I love) or any of the stores, I need the biggest size they have (26)

    Most of the time in places like Target the 26 wouldn't even fit me and the stuff that did if any was usually daggy and old fashioned.

    Well, last night....(drum roll please) not only was the sizes 26 too big for me, but I also found that the XL was too big for me.....What The???

    Ok so I went a little crazy and spent way too much but how could I help myself right?????

    I was almost crying in the fitting room that the xl top was too big and the 26 looked like a tent on me.

    So I could actually CHOOSE....I had a CHOICE on what I wanted to buy because everything fit me!!!!

    I didn't just have to grab something utterly daggy just because it was the only decent thing that fit me....I got to choose some really cool clothes

    I know even a lot of people here wouldn't understand that but I have been restricted for so long with not being able to find anything to fit me, that this is massive for me (pardon the pun haha)

    Hubby said, "see I told you you had lost heaps"

    He is so sweet but you see I can't see it.

    I don't look in the mirror and see anything that different.

    To look at myself, I am just not noticing it but the clothes showed me that I have lost weight....bit of a breakthrough I had to share with everyone.

    Small things I know but to me it was AMAZING....now I just wish I could see it when I looked in the mirror but I guess that will come.

    Hope you all have an AMAZING FRIDAY.....Now I just have to decide what I will drink when I go out tonight?? Hmmmm decisions decisions ;)

  3. Hi Bella,

    My dr referred me to him. You could speak to your dr and ask him to refer you specifically. All up I was about $5000 out of pocket but that includes medical appointments, psych, X-rays, bloods and my hotel the night before surgery. I hope that helps.

    Leanne, how are you feeling?? Any better?

    Hey Chez, thanks for asking....yeah getting there....thanks for thinking of me!

    Will feel better when the scales start moving again!

    How are you going with the pre op diet :huh: :( ;)

  4. HI Mick Molloy and Welcome......big decision hey!!

    Ok I went through Lap Surgery Australia and as I have been with them for 4 years (had a lap band done 4 years ago) all my future surgery I didn't have to pay for so I can't tell you the current price, but my mum has been thinking about getting it done as she has diabetes and it should help her, although her BMI is only about 32-35 it's worth it for her health.

    I did some ringing around and there is a group that does both the sleeve and lap band at Knox Hospital and at the moment it's $3,500 for the sleeve and $1,900 for the band.

    Might be worth having a chat with them (link below) although I don't know what they are like as I have had no experience with them.

    Lap Surgery Australia is I think about 6 to 7,000 out of pocket but thats for the entire process and I found them fantastic!

    What area are you in??

    Here is the link for you for the cheaper one: http://www.geobesity.com.au

    Here is the link for Lap Surgery Australia: http://www.lapsurgeryaustralia.com.au/

    Hope this helps and let us know how you go

  5. I'm in the heart of Melbourne, living in Chinatown.

    I'll see my surgeon within the next couple of weeks to book the surgery and discuss the 7kgs that I have to lose, hopefully he will agree that most will drop with the preop diet :)

    I was in time for some "special" when I first saw my surgeon, a summer special or something because I saw him in January of this year. So my actual surgery will be $1,900 and the anaesthetist will be $500. My mums getting lapband at the same time as me but she has to get a revision done because she had a lapband done about 10 or so years ago but it wasn't adjustable.

    And I'm 20 :) I wish I could have had this done earlier but money was just out of the question. But I'm getting it soon so wooooo :D

    Hey nerms, at least you are getting it done while you are still young :)

    Can I ask which surgeon you are going through and which hospital??

    Is the same one doing your mums lapband revision??

    I just have someone interested in getting it done and that price sounds very good.

  6. Hey all, welcome welcome :)

    Bee and Leanne I live in essendon but work in box hill so I'm happy to come out your way to catch up. I'm thinking when i can drive again so probably early July??

    Day 2 is going ok. Ate my bar faster today- still took 30 minutes!! Big change from downing a choccie bar in a minute flat. I'm still tired today. Would love to be home and sleeping instead of work!

    Sorry to hear you are going through a tough time. Leanne do have a councillor or psych you can see? Might help to chat it out. Thinking of you both.

    Seems like some challenges ahead but we will be better for it. Such a big change and soon I'll know what your talking about xx

    Hey Chez yeah wait till your ready to drive and its a good idea to give it a month I think....we could always meet out that way or in the middle and I am happy to drive anyone out this way too if that helps anyone wanting/needing a lift as long as they can navigate for me while I am driving haha

    No Chez I don't have a councillor or a psych but I sure think I need one LOL

    I am just in a rut I think and its such a big change to go through and I think that I am still adjusting.

  7. Hey Leanne!

    Oh man I think the mood swings are normal lol I find I'm fine one minute the next I'm cray cray lol poor hubby he just cops it lol I called Alex yesterday due to the can't do a number two she told me to take coxocyl I took two tabs and bang down to 118.4 today so much for not weighing! I think I feel crappy when I can't go number 2 and if I do t drink enough but Water makes me feel sick now I'm the same babe I feel lethargic and I'm tired my boss gave me the rest of the week off so I can rest up....just keep doing what your doing and it will come off the scales are evil!!!!!

    I live in the dandenong area whereabouts are u guys?

    Hey Chez PMSL so much at your little picture


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Oh thats so funny every time I read it I laugh again haha

    Thats made my day!!

    I am glad that mood swings are normal....I am not the only one then.... my hubby the poor b?%$#@& has put up with a lot from me too haha

    So glad that stuff Alex told you about worked for you.....at least you know thats why you had stopped losing

    I am not too far from Dandenong....in Ferntree Gully, and as I said I am happy to travel to meet up somewhere closer to everyone.

    What area's is everyone else from??

  8. Hi ladies

    I have been lurking reading all the post, I am wanting to get the sleeve done but waiting for my PHI to kick in that's jan 13th 2015 I thought I was covered but my cover was to low!! Dam it!

    Anyway I have a few questions I am currently weighting 90kgs I know it's not huge but it is to me and I am so sick of struggling with weight up and down all my life I am tired of the fighting now that I am 40 I am scared I will just keep getting bigger!! What are my chances you think will the surgeons laugh and turn me away? Also no idea who to go see as in surgeon any recommendations? I live in Essendon and work in the city tell me honestly girls am I crazy!

    Hey Bellarose you are not crazy lol

    If you feel like you need something its worth looking into.

    I am not sure they go on BMI so you would have to have a consult and ask someone about it.

    I love Lap Surgery Australia but they are in Boronia and operate around this side of the city.

    I know that there is a surgeon that will only do lapbands around the city area so if it's the sleeve your after, make sure you go to someone that does them too.

    2 friends of mine needed to lose weight but not a massive amount, so they both opted for the lap band as it's able to be reversed but the sleeve isn't.

    They have been successful with theirs but I wasn't so I can't give you much advice on the band, but it might be good to talk to a surgeon that will tell you all about the different surgeries and advise on which would be best for you personally.

    Also do your research and find out what you think would suit you best.

    I can help with a lot of questions about both the sleeve and the band if you have any that you would like to ask, but only from my personal experience and that of my friends that have had banding done

    Chez may be able to tell you what surgeon she used as I think it was closer to the city???? Is that right Chez??

  9. Hey girls :) I'm from melbourne too!

    I'm seeing my surgeon soon to book a date, I just have to lose a few kilos before I see him so I'm gonna make the appointment mid June so I can hopefully drop some kilos.

    I just think it's crazy that some surgeons want you to lose weight, I mean the whole problem is that I can't lose weight otherwise I wouldn't be getting surgery!! I'm 100kg and have to lose 7 before the surgery. How much did you guys lose on the preop?

    My PHI ticks over on the 22nd of July so hopefully I can be booked in for the 23rd :)

    Hey Nerms....Welcome to the Melbourne Group :D

    Did your surgeon ask you to lose weight first??

    Don't worry, you will on pre-op diet. Most people lose 5kg minimum that I have heard.

    Both times I have done it I have lost 10kg in the 2 weeks so you should be fine

    Just ask him to book you in on or as close to the 23rd of July and you will have incentive to lose the weight :)

  10. I too am in Melbourne. I live over the other side of the city from you steveelea but as I am currently out of work I can meet people anytime.

    A bit about me.... I was sleeved in August 2013 and revised to RNY in March 2014. I have gone from 137.4 to 109.4 so far. Most of that has been this year. Sleeve did sweet f all for me...probably because it wasn't small enough. I stopped loosing weight 3 weeks post op with the sleeve and after confronting the surgeon in tears he ordered a CT which showed my stomach was normal sized. Grrr.

    I have gone from 22-24 down to an 18 :)

    Happy with that but I have been stalled for a few weeks now. All my own fault probably. For some reason I am craving Peanut Butter and nutella. I eat it on a spoon. Not good for weight loss but I just can't seem to stop myself from doing it :( Need a job to keep me busy so I can't eat all day lol

    Hi Bookishfred....Welcome to the Melbourne forum!!

    I am so sorry the Sleeve didn't work for you :( Who did your Sleeve??

    At least you are getting results with bypass. What a lot you have been through you poor thing.

    I was banded 4 years ago and have 5 ops in total with that before I got the sleeve so I feel your pain.

    I also need to go back to work to keep me busy because being at home messes with your mind as you have too much time to think about food.

    So glad you found us here and again , Welcome :D

  11. I feel for you Chez....Bee is right its harder than the surgery but I just slept as much as I could through it.

    Think because I was so stressed I found it so easy to sleep too.

    If you sleep you don't want to eat....that was my logic anyway haha

    Glad you told them where to shove it Bee.....You don't need that crap from people who think they are high and mighty.

    Stalls keep happening with me and then all of a sudden I go down about 1 to 2 kilos so I don't know how long it lasts.....maybe a week??

    I try to weigh only every week but I can't help myself.

    I am stuck in a stall right now!

    I need to work out and get moving more....think I am stuck in a rutt. Just feeling a little down about things lately.

    No regrets on getting the sleeve but just feeling tired, no energy and no weight loss for a while and struggling with head hunger :blush:

    Not sure why I feel like I do but just can't seem to snap out of it at the moment??

    A catch up sounds fantastic Chez.....what area do you guys want to make it and we should make it for 2 to 4 weeks post op for you Chez....what do you guys think?? :)

    I am from near Knox but can go anywhere that suits you guys and am flexible with time too.

  12. Wow Bee you don't need that Facebook crap.....you did the right thing by leaving the group.

    With so many groups there is the ones that like to play Big Brother and think they know everything, and they wait to prey of new people to attack.....swear thats how they get their thrills!!!

    You don't need people like that and I would have reported it to admin (unless it was admin then you have no hope) so that they don't keep getting away with it.....You should have told me or tell me what group and I will go in there and comment.

    I give as good as I get believe me!!

    You will not get an ulcer from a few sips of grog for goodness sake, they are insane!!

    They just wanted to put the fear of god into you for some nasty reason.

    Just relax and listen to your body.

    Just send Alexadria the dietitian an email or give her a call, she is lovely and will tell you what you need to know.

    Way to go under 120!!!! Love that milestone.

    I haven't moved any further down but it's gotta come off sometime hey.

    Can't not lose weight on the amount of food we live on ;)

    Hows the first day going Chez??

    How exciting almost there!!!! :D

  13. Hey Bee....yes I LOVE a drink

    For my fist time that I had a drink after the op, I just took it slow over the night to make sure that I didn't have a bad reaction....something I was paranoid about after not being able to take lactose for a while so it just worried me that I would have pains in my stomach all night, but it went down so well....ahhh my old friend haha

    I love the sound of rasp cordial to make a sunrise...haha can't say that without doing the Katut n Rhonda voice in my head hehe.

    Glad Tiny (haha love it) is coping well with the foods

    As for hair loss I was unaware, but I have always lost heaps of hair and have so much of it, but I must admit I lose less when I get my Vitamin B shots regularly...maybe that helps.

    I opted for the three monthly injections as I have been having them since I got the lapband anyway and its just one less tablet to take :rolleyes:

    Toilet.... :blush: haha....Ok spoke to my nurse about this and everyone is different but, I used to go every day before the band, then every second day with the band, and now I go every second or third day with the sleeve and she said thats fine

    Mind you on the Iron tablets that I have just started back on they make you go every day (some people they do the opposite but mostly they make you go) and they said for me to have 2 per day but i tried that and I am sticking to 1 thank you very much ;)

    So I guess if I every have trouble I will just take 2 Iron tabs haha

    As far as stalling yes I have quite a few times, at 3 weeks then at 6 and now so every few weeks but I think its your way of your body catching up??

    I have been on a big stall and got on the scales this morning and I was 119.7 so just under 120....WOOOHOOOO

    Wish it was more but hey I will take it!!

    I figure I can't not lose weight with the sleeve and it will happen eventually.....just have to make sure I keep active and eat right.

    I went to visit a friend at the hospital yesterday and took the stairs and didn't get puffed out once....something i only noticed when I was walking along looking for her room and I wasn't puffing.

    I know its small but its the little things that make me excited!! :D

    Sleeve.....I am so in love with you :lol:

  14. Chez, Bee is right about the endone......my doc didn't want to write me up a script for it so when the head nurse went down to the chemist to get my other scripts filled he rang my room and said, is it ok with you if I get a dr to write up a script for endone for when you get home and of course i said "Hell Yeah" haha

    I didn't even need it much and it was just for night time when I was the most uncomfortable but it sure is wise to ask for it....why should we feel any discomfort at all and endone is a wonder drug I tell you!!

    Bee I waited about 6 weeks I think before I had my first drink....maybe a bit less than that??

    I know I was almost 8 weeks post op at Easter and we went away camping and boating and I drank every night :blush:

    I have had to change what I drink as I said I can't drink bubbles yet so no scotch and coke or Champers <_<

    BUT i am starting to love vodka and cranberry or oj so thats ok but just not my favorite drink.

    Mind you I think your tastes change a lot.

    As for food I can eat almost anything...except I have trouble when I eat things that are gassy foods like colslaw or cabbage/onions too because I get bad gas pains in my upper stomach under my ribs and it goes to my shoulder.

    I assume that will settle with healing as I swell so easily, I even get stiches in my upper tummy if I have done a lot of driving or wear firm pants around my stomach....it just feels like a stitch from running too much??

    I am a sweller though and it was the same with each op just different places depending on where they operated.

    The other food I try to avoid is fresh bread.....becasue it fills me up too fast and I can't fit anything else in.

    They told me after a year I will be able to eat a small entre' size (like the size of the lapband plate not sure if they showed you that or if you have one) so I assume I will be able to eat like half a sandwich then??

    Anyway it's no big deal I just have toast or crackers and thats my carbs.....or even a mini wrap they are yum too and the wrap bread is ok if I only have half a mini wrap haha

    My weight has stayed the same for about a week but my clothes feel bigger so I think it's just shifting around??

    One thing that I have noticed is that the more often I eat the more weight I lose, but if I eat hardly anything because I forget to eat when I am busy or just not hungry, I don't lose weight. I am starting to think that eating more often works for me and hardly eating at all makes my body think that I have gone into starvation and switches to that mode so it stores everything.....not too sure but it sort of makes sense seeing as we can hardly eat anything now????

    Glad your lovin your sleeve......me too. Its one of the best decisions I have ever made!!!!!

    So much better than the lapbad as I am not restriced to certain foods....I can eat what I want and it doesn't get stuck!!

    That's an amazing feeling I am still trying to get used to....FREEDOM :lol:

  15. Bee its so good to get the staples out isn't it....It all feels so much better after that I remember that feeling :))

    And you weightloss is fantastic!! Well done, it's falling off you!

    Hey Chez I am not back at the surgeons for another 4 weeks yet so I will find out then.

    I think I would be ok to do very light weights and walking but anything more I will just wait I don't want to stuff anything up.

    Even though I feel great, I can still feel that things are healing inside and maybe I am being paranoid, but after having 5 operations with the lapband, I want to be extra cautious with this one and make sure everything is perfect before I push myself.

    3 weeks not long now.....enjoy this last week of eating full meals :D

    A friend of mine has just told me that she wants to get the sleeve done and she is booking in for June for the op with Chris Hensman (same as you Bee)

    She has told me she is going to her favorite places to eat what she wants before it's done.

    I never did that but I don't really miss it anyway.

    Went out for dinner on Saturday night with family and friends and then to watch my dad and brother play (they are in a band) and it was the first time I have gone out to dinner since having the sleeve.

    I just ordered Soup caus it looked so good and I managed 5 spoon fulls.

    Then I had a little bit of hubbys pork ribs and a a couple of chips and it tasted amazing.

    I said oh I am cheap to feed now hey....and he turned to our friends and said "Yeah but she makes up for it with her drinks"

    Haha guess thats a bonus that I get more money to spend on my drinks.....but I miss my scotch and coke because the bubble still bloat me and make me feel uncomfortable, so I have to drink like vodka and cranberry or oj, or wine.

    Tell you what wine hits me hard when you don't have a lot in your stomach its feels a little like drinking on an empty stomach......guess I'm a cheap drunk now too haha :P

  16. Hey Bee

    UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! Your amount of walking astounds me....Way to go, but just remember don't over do things will you.

    You obviously feel fine with the walking?? You Go Girl!!

    As for the puree, how long ago did you start it??

    After I was tolerating things like pureed fruits and vege's, I went on to pureed meals like spag bol and thicker Soups.

    I was told as long as they had no lumps it was all good and as you progress you can make it a little thicker.....just can't remember exactly when in the second week of puree I did that.

    I made a spag bol with a bechamel sauce, pureed it and poured the bechamel sauce over the top and that was yum.

    Once I was tolerating things like that I had tuna and avo but made the tuna mushy with mayo (the nurse at lap surgery game me that idea) and she also said runny poached eggs but no scrambled as that can be too lumpy.

    Also another fantastic idea was to cook up a crumbed fish fillet and then peel off the crumbs and eat the inside of the fish, maybe mash it with mayo or tartar sauce or even just a milky mash potato or pumpkin. (again from the nurse at lap surgery)

    From memory all of this was in the second week of puree I think.....what week are you on??

    I know how you feel you long to just have something tasty but something that I found was that my tastebuds were wrecked for some time.

    I have been addicted to coffee for about 10 years now and after surgery I just couldn't tolerate the smell let alone drink it.

    I became severely lactose intolerant and couldn't have milk or cheese without feeling very sick.

    Apparently this is normal and will pass, and it did.

    I even had trouble with avocado's as they are high in fat and they too made me feel sick but again, all is good now.

    I am better with it all now and one day about 5/6 weeks post op i smelled my husband making a coffee and said.....wow that smells fantastic I would love one, and since then I am back to my morning coffee and maybe an afternoon one but not often.

    Oh how I missed my coffee haha.

    Are you finding things any different??

    Have your tastes changed??

    If you are wanting to try something different and you are not too sure about it, you could always call the nurses and ask (I did that several times and they are always great) or call or email Alexandria...

    When do you have your post op check??

  17. Hey Chez I was the same about the crying bit.....its a massive decision but you will wonder what the fuss was about soon after your done believe me....also made a list and the Sleeve won!!

    The only worry I have now is weather or not I am eating too much as I still get hungry before my period....like i get the constant munchies...BUT...compared to what I used to be like when I really look at it it's nothing and the rest of the time I am not fussed about food.< /p>

    Keeping busy for me is the biggest thing that keeps my mind off of food.....it's not a physical hunger it's a mental one and when I am busy I forget to eat (which isn't good either) but it proves that its head hunger from boredom.

    I really need to go back to work....I have been home with the kids for so long (I have a 20yr old boy, 17 almost 18 year old girl and a 3 yr old boy) and after my lap band I was like as soon as I get healthy I am going back to work.....that was 4 years ago and it never happened.

    I need to keep busy and its so hard starting back in the workforce at 40 when you haven't worked for so long.....anyway enough about me.

    Wow Queen BeeBee "4km".....WHAT THE???????? Well Done!!!!

    How come you have been crappy what's up??

  18. Thats a great idea Chez to catch up with mates and enjoy yourself and surround your life with positive things.....I did all of that and I was the same as you....teary and I also worried all the time, but there was a turning point after I spoke to my surgeon and I was like....LETS DO THIS!!!!

    In a few months time you will look back and wonder what all the worry and tears were for.

    I was tired of being tired too....I fully understand!!!!

    Just think how fantastic this summer will be :D

    I can't wait to go through a Summer where the heat wont make me melt and not cope and I can get out and enjoy life.

    My aim is to be in the double figures by mid Spring.......hope I can do it. ((in kg that is not pounds))

    Just waiting on the all clear to go to the gym.

    Hopefully I will get that on my 4 month post check up.

    I know I can walk etc now but I want to get back into the heavy stuff to help it come off more

    I need to learn patience haha


  19. Hey Chez.....Oh I can understand how you feel

    I just wanted it all over with, and done so I could start my new life.

    It will come around fast believe me!!

    A few weeks out I was feeling good.....I was told that it was a harder operation than the lap band to have done and to recover from, but i found it easier to cope with and recover from than the band.

    Even now I just have to remind myself that I have had major surgery and to take things easier than I used to but really, as long as you listen to your body and take it easy and DO NOT LIFT....you will be fine.

    I felt like I could do more, but did what I was told and its worth it for sure!!

    Just relax and recover and you will do fine....let others wait on you for a change and take advantage of the recovery time because it will be over before you know it and life will be back to it's busy self.

    Most people are back to work after 2 to 3 weeks out....thats the normal time frame but NO Heavy Lifting for some time...just remember that!!

    I am so excited for you......whats the date again??

    You should make yourself a ticker to count down till surgery :D

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