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Posts posted by steveelea

  1. Hey Chez sorry I haven't replied sooner but have been flatout this weekend.

    The gas pains can last a while and I found that taking degas as well as an anti inflam like nurofen helps with the gas pain.

    Are you taking nurofen??

    I found that my pain got worse at the end of the day and after I had been moving around a bit too.

    What pain relief did they send you home with??

  2. @@chez Hey hope you got to go home today....been thinking of you it's all so fresh in my mind so I can almost feel what your going through

    Just an idea on what sort of surgery it is and the recovery time.....

    Went to see my surgeon yesterday and he was so pleased with me and told me he could tell that I have lost weight and asked me to hop on the scales and I was down 6kg from my recent visit.

    Looking at my graph he said I am just about at my lowest weight from with the lap band and that took me 2 years....this has taken me 4 months!!!!!! He was super excited for me but then we had the talk on exercise.

    He said to be sensible and no over doing it yet. He said he doesn't think it will make a big difference to my weight loss and that if I want to join the gym light cycling and teadmill are fine and also light weights but not heavy ones and not too often.

    He said you can't go out tomorrow and start doing backflips on the trampoline haha (as if I could, I wish :P )

    He said not to put strain on my stomach and If I feel that I have to do something then to walk is the best at this stage.

    After having so many problems with my lapband, and I did push myself with that and try to get back into things quickly, I am going to take his advice and just walk and light weights for some time.

    It's not worth any risks to my stomach.

    After having 4 reoperations with the band I guess I am a little more nervous than most but so is my husband and he agreed with my surgeon. Not worth the risk.

    So I am not going to look at joining the gym until late this year maybe next year but I am going to keep active which he said is good to keep up a great fitness level.

    Also he warned me about drinking my calories over winter.....he said most often people can drink Soup then eat a meal and thats double the calories so just to watch that so that was good advice.

    He said that he expects that I will be in double figures before Christmas and I really hope to be in double figures by the next time I see him in another 4 months.

    @@QueenBeeBee sounds like a wonderful surprise and a great weekend you have planned

    I am sure with the way your weight loss is going that you will be in double figures in no time at all.....such an exciting goal to be in double figures hey!!!!

    Oh and another thing my surgeon reminded me is that especially while my weight loss is rapid it's extra important that I take all of my Vitamins every day which I am doing.....feel like I rattle when I walk there are so many :lol:

    Hope everyone is going well

  3. Oh @@Chez I forgot to say aren't icypoles the best!!!!

    I didn't get given any in hospital but I lived on ice in hospital which I love too.....but when I got home I loved the Frosty Fruits icy poles. I could never eat a whole one but I just kept putting it back in the freezer and having bits every now and then and it's such a great way to get your fluids in isn't it!!!!

  4. Hey Chez Sooooo Happy for you it feels so much better when the drain is out doesn't it.

    Yes main thing is no leaks so thats the worst fear over and done with and having the drain out you will feel better again :)

    Home tomorrow that is great.....are you still on oxygen or has that improved now??

    So glad your up and walking now bet you feel better that you are xox

  5. @@Cath I didn't have a barium swallow so I can't help you with that....not all surgeons do that but some do.

    I think it shows if there is a leak or not.

    They just get you to drink a milky coloured liquid and then I think they xray or scan you to make sure there is no leaks.

    @@nerms Thats great you have been doing steps on your Wii Fit....I love that I have one too.

    I know how you feel about being to scared to do classes.....I am the same.

    I am like that with gym in general.

    I really love to swim too but get too embarrassed to because of my weight

    I will they had a gym for overweight people haha...I would go to that one

    @@Bee Where are you getting weighed?? I have an appointment tomorrow for my 4 month check up.....I hope I have been losing enough :unsure:

    Love that Sweat is Fat Crying haha Suffer Fat :P LMAO :lol:

  6. Hey Chez....so sorry to hear that your on oxygen still.

    I was too but I was with each surgery but I was like you are when I got my lap band.

    I think it's from all of the swelling and they kept telling me to breath deeper but it was hard to.

    Don't worry about being up and walking it will come.

    I was only shuffling around when I say I was up and walking anyway.

    This is the time you get to take it easy and there is no rush.

    Everyone recovers at their own pace and you my dear just need to focus on feeling better.

    When you body is ready you will be able to get up and walk around.

    Remember it is major surgery you have just been through and you need to listen to your body

    It took me several days to get up and walk after my lap band and I also had the oxygen but the lady in the bed next to me looked like she hadn't even had surgery she will up showering walking around and drinking away and I couldn't.

    I was different with the sleeve but my body (and my stomach in particular) had been through 6 surgeries by then so it was used to it.

    The first is the worst and everyone is different.

    Take your time and relax and let them look after you and take it easy.

    It's all done now and you just need to recover....You will be up and about before you know it ;)

    Take it easy Chez and let everyone wait on you for a change and enjoy not having to do everything :D

    OH PS: "De Gas" which you can get from the chemist or most supermarkets is fantastic for Gas Pain....Ask the nurses for it they should give it to you.....I lived on that stuff and it really helped me with that awful gas pain.

  7. How is everyone on this rainy Melbourne morning??

    I have my 4 month check up later this week with my surgeon so I am looking forward to that to see how I have been progressing and hope to get the all clear for the gym so I can start to build up to some intense workouts to help get the weight loss moving.

    What sort of exercise have you been doing??

    Would love to get some ideas to change things up a bit

    Also..... thinking of you Chez and sending hugs and healing vibes your way :)

  8. Nerms......ts horrible that your BF's Family are rude to you too...get him to tell them that it offends both of you and see if they stop.

    5.5kg lost in my first week to get down to 92 from 99, so that makes me 93.5! I don't need to worry at all now, 8 and a half weeks to go woohoo

    Some people have no clue.

    So pleased for you with your weight loss....way to go you have lost heaps already!!!!

    You Go Girl :D

  9. Hey there,

    Leanne I'm doing really well. 5 shakes to go lol. But I'm just taking it as it comes. To be honest I'm surprised at how well I'm doing. A few years ago I'd be an emotional wreck. But all good to go. Hospital bag packed, just bag to pack fur my stay at mums and I'm on my way :))

    Hope you are all well. I might not be on before so if I'm not, thanks for all your support and I'll see you on the sleeved side ;) x

    Thinking of you Today Chez....I bet you are now in recovery and relaxing with all that pain medication they give you.

    Can't wait to hear all about it.

    Just remember when you get to drink teeny tiny fairy sips....sending BIG HUGZ :)

  10. Nerms I tried to write back to you last night and my computer froze......What The Hell?????

    Nasty person where the hell does she get off???

    I think you just need to tell her straight....just say "excuse me but the way you are talking to me is making me upset" or words to that effect. Just be polite but straight to the point.....stuff them where do they get off talking to anyone like that.

    Nasty piece of work.

    So sorry to hear your going through that....I feel for you but I think you should politely set them straight.

    My boss made a joke in front of everyone about me one day and I said that really hurt my feelings and he appolagised and never said anything again

    OR....maybe just say Excuse me but how would you feel if every time I saw you I told you how butt ugly you are would that hurt your feelings?? Well I don't because even though you are so very ugly I choose not to tell you about it so kindly refrain from telling me about my weight!!

    Hahahah no don't really say that you might get yourself in trouble haha but it's something that I would love to say.

    We used to have a pony when the kids were young, and one day I was giving her a run with the kids on her trying to get a bit of weight off her. It was Spring and she loved all the fresh green grass.

    My sister in law came up to me in front of my kids and said "Why don't you get the kids to ride you around the paddock so you can lose some weight....well I have never spoken to her since.

    Coming from a skeleton of a woman that looks like a she-man and is as ugly as a hat full of *ass holes *please excuse my french as I was being extra polite about her there, I later thought of many things I could have said to her but didn't.......I just know that she is a miserable person and all she has in her life is money and loneliness so no wonder she is bitter

    And Hey, at least I can lose weight, she can't fix her face or her bitter nasty personality.

    We don't have money at all but we have a beautiful and happy close family and I think thats what she is so bitter about.

    Rather that any day over money and no friends or no life!

    Sorry Nerms now it's my rant over haha.....but seriously don't let it get you down they are not worth it and you vent anytime sweetheart....its better than holding it in

    Cath.....GO PIES...what a win last night hey!!!!!!

    Mick WAY TO GO AGAIN......you are smashing this!!!!

    Chez........so good you are at 8.15 no waiting around just getting in there and getting it done.

    2 more sleeps!!!!!!!! How are you feeling??

    Oh and i hopped on the scales this morning......117.5 and I have to say I am one happy girl. Yay Me :D

  11. Leanne the NUT is Alex Hoare lovely little thing I told her I had been walking and my pain is pretty much gone and she said when I hit six weeks I can start my yoga and body pump

    The catch up sounds good to me we can order one plate and eat it together all of us and I bet there will still be left overs hahahahhaa

    Yeah babe I'm all for the brainwashing too lol

    Awww thanks ladies do u really think I look different? U guys are too kind! I have a wedding to go to on the 7th and I wanted to weigh 110 bit that's not gonna happen stupid stall lolllll

    So what's wveryone upto this weekend?

    Hey Bee....she is so lovely isn't she....hey just check with the nurses before you do your classes.

    I don't mean to sound like I am paranoid and maybe it was just me but I know that Fiona (nurse at LSA) said to me that I could only do basic stuff and to wait to do gym....she told me that at my 6 week check up so just double check incase.

    Mind you I also told her that I wanted to go wakeboarding and on the biscuit on the back of my boat and she said no way but I guess thats understandable haha

    Bella I know that they take medical conditions into account as well as your BMI too if that helps at all??

    Chez.......last weekend before your sleeved...EXCITING TIMES!!!!

    What time on Monday are you getting done??

    Bee apart from watching the game tonight of course....I am doing something really exciting this weekend

    ,,,,,SPRING CLEANING haha woo hoo :(

    I am trying to get a head start so I can be done by the end of Spring :unsure: Hope I can get there

    Not only have we been renovating our house for the past 20 years and every few years redo something else that needs to be done....long story but we got flooded on the back of the yasi storm and lost a lot of precious keepsakes and photo's/video's and it took the insurance almost 3 years to settle so we are still on the tail end of fixing a lot of things as in the end they just paid us money and said we had to fix it and it wasn't nearly enough. Typical insurance companies. That has all held us back but I am going to get it sorted this winter.

    I am determined to get this house sorted so my daughter can have her 18th here in September and rebuild our outdoor room so our 20 year old can have his own space again.....this time we will build it a lot higher so it can't get flooded (I hope)

    What we copped in that storm was nothing compared to others with that horrible storm so we are very lucky and I count my blessings every day

    My Aunty and cousins were in the heart of it and my Aunty lost most of her house.

    So many other poor people lost their lives

    Such a horrible thing :(

    Hey Bee you never know you might be able to get down to 110 in a months time is it??

  12. Hey everyone

    Aussielady we are planning a catch up for July to give Chez enough time to recover from her sleeve which she is getting done in just 4 days!!!!!

    We are going to try to make it somewhere central and I am out near knox / Ferntree Gully and have said I am happy to take anyone this side that cant drive or would like to come with.

    Think Chez is in Essendon and Bee is in Dandenong and Nerms is in the city (is that right girls???).....can't remember the others but let me know times and dates and I will try to fins something that suits everyone.

    Where abouts are you Mick, Bella, Aussielady and Bookishfred....have I forgotten anyone??

    Also is weekdays, weekends or weeknights best for everyone??

    Maybe a bit closer to Chez as she will be not long out of surgery?? Thats what I have been planning but I am open to suggestions....just would like it to suit everyone if I can

    Bee...Haha yes I can imagine the household with the tigers supporters....bet you love the tigers v carlton games haha

    I am all for the brainwash Bee its fantastic haha

    I am just trying to keep active as much as I can and not really doing any particular work out just trying to keep active....I want to go to the gym though so might take up that offer for the 1 month membership and see how I go.

    Chez soooo excited for you not long and it's exciting getting organized :)

    Bella weigh was with clothes on and your husband sounds like a great man going for the mighty maggies :D

    Mick Well Done and so good that you only had a little bit....thats the way I'm sure you won't gain weight from that. Just keep going with it and you will keep the weight loss going. Man it's more than 1kg per day you lucky thing!!!!

    Bookishfred good luck with your job interview...do let us know

    Hey Bee who's the NUT???

    Thats great your allowed to start gym in 2 weeks......why couldn't I???? :unsure:

  13. Oh and I think I am going to do what you said Chez and take a photo every 2 weeks or maybe even every month as I think I will notice more of a difference that way.

    I love that light and easy add when they show her over a year with all of the different clips in the same clothes......and what a transformation too.....wish I could do that somehow

  14. Chez.......Bloody Brisbane supporter :rolleyes: haha ;)

    Oh and I have to say Bee, my son goes for Tigers too so I love them because he does haha

    Little traitor I bought that kid everything collingwood from the time he was born then he gets to school and says "Mum I go for the Tigers" :o

    It's ok I am 'almost' over it now that he is 20 years old....and my 13 year old boy goes for the pies so gotta be happy with 1 out of 3 although it would have been nice to have 100% of them with me.

    My daughter (almost 18) hates football but says she goes for Collingwood unless she is angry with me in which case she says she thinks she will go for Carlton or Essendon :P.

    So funny when we first met her boyfriend last year football came up and I said who do you barrack for and he said no one.....my daughter says wrong answer you are supposed to say Collingwood..... bwaahahahaha

    She knows me so well so now every time I ask him he says Oh Yeah Collingwood :D

    Brainwashing much lols

    And my husband.....well he goes for the Hawks shame to say haha

    Sorry I digress.....Ok back to weight loss :blush:

    Good idea Bee trick your body

    117.5 isn't that 1kg down from last week??

    You are going so well....What was your starting weight again??

    Chez it's already Tuesday........not long now.....so exciting :D

  15. 8kg down in 5 days :) very happy and still not hungry, missing some Proteins but, chicken, red meat etc.

    Found a great blender to have shakes with, rocket blender from Sam's Warehouse, same as bullet on Tv but only $30

    Hey Mick WOW WAY TO GO!!!! It's falling off you well done!

    Can you eat Proteins? ?

    I know that with most Optifast type things you can have lean Protein and some types of veg/salad with it....just not the starchy ones so would be worth looking into.

    Thanks about the photos Bee and Chez, The one with Mick Malthouse was years ago as I said I had it on here and its the only way I could get the other one on.....still trying to work out the album thing.

    The kids are saying that I should take a photo a week so I can start to see the difference.....sounds like it might be a good idea.

    CHEZ How Could You Go For Carlton???????? Hahahaha Love my footy....a pies girl through and through but don't hold that against me guys.

    Oh and Mick nice fish in your profile pic......I LOVE fishing although am new to it I love going out on my boat and having a fish....but still learning.

    Where abouts do you fish?

  16. Help dont know what I have done but it uploaded my album haha

    I think if you click on it you can see the photo from Friday night mind you it's a bad photo with those pissed eyes haha. Too many wines :blush: Sorry it's all I had from the night.

    Think thats half the reason I chopped my sons head off in the pic....its of me and his partner.

    I have always hated photo's of myself and avoided the camera.

    I just cringe when I see pics of me so I don't have many

    That other one of me was taken a long time ago.....and yes I am a Collingwood supporter NOT a carlton supporter so you can see that was taken some time ago although I still love him and wish he was coaching us -_-

    For those of you not into football that is Collingwood's X coach Mick Malthouse

  17. Hey Chez yeah you will get tired....I know I did but then Im always tired haha.

    I know it's a lot that your going through and your probably going through every emotion under the sun right now, but in a months time you will feel so good and it will be all done :D

    We are all excited enough for you haha

    Bee you poor thing being sick from snacking....see I have never had that only when I trie to take a Vitamin in the early days and it didn,t want to go down so almost came up but I fought it lol

    I think I have more stretch and give in my stomach being that I have had the band.

    Apparently it's works better for you if you have never had the band done in the first place.

    HAHA about the smokin hot lols.....not at all but I didn't feel insecure about myself which I havent been like that in the longest time so that was good.

    Only have 1 photo of myself that I tried to take of me my son and his partner but it ended up just me my sons partner and half of my sons head haha...will try to upload see if it works????

  18. Thanks again for all the info.

    Day three of the VLED (optifast) and I have lost 5.5 kg :D I sure most of the is in pee.

    Not too hungry just missing foods I like taste wise. I am only able to eat about 75% of what was recommended, too full other wise.

    Way to Go Mick :D .......Great Start and what a massive amount to lose in 3 days even if it is Fluid, its still weight your losing and I bet you feel better for it

    Thats the thing when you are on the shakes or a Protein diet, at least once you detox you don't feel hungry.

    When I was on the pre op Optifast I could only have about 300 calories a day.....just didn't feel hungry but I felt tired because of it though but if your eating 75% thats great.

    My first preop for the lapband that I had I lost either 10 or 14kg in the 2 weeks (cant remember which it was it was 4 years ago) so you will do it easy!

    Keep us posted Mick and let us know how your going :)

    CHEZ......ITS THE FINAL COUNTDOWN....tomorrow is your 1 week to go....so exciting!!!!

    See your already 1 week down :D Your Rockin It Chez

  19. Ok Still trying to work out how to multiquote and its bloody frustrating!!

    Hi Everyone!

    Welcome Cath! you will find that we are positive and supportive and no judgement feel fee to ask us anything :)

    Nerms congratulations on making the decision on the band! how exciting :)

    Leanne!! OMG YOUR AMAZING!!!!! that is soo good babe! Im really happy for you! I know how exciting it is when things fit!! good on you you deserve it! Babe the path we have chosen is not easy seriously the people that say surgery is easy have no idea what they are talking about lol

    So i bet you were looking smoking hot at the 21st! well done on breaking the stall girlie! apparently upping the calories is the way to go.....dunno how im going to do that though lol

    so im off to the movies today would normally enjoy some popcorn and a choc top now no idea what i can snack on any ideas lovelies?

    oh and about the TMI T.O.M i wish it would end! If its not gone by wed im going to the docs i want that pill lol :)

    hope you all have a great weekend!

    Chez how are you going babe? nearly over!!!!!!!! Have you jumped on the scales yet?

    Thanks so much Bee....I actually got a lot of compliments at the party so that was a nice surprise and a bit of a confidence boost haha

    Soooo good breaking that stall!

    Oh and I just have popcorn still......just went to the movies last week and shared some popcorn and it was great....not heaps but its so good to snack on......

    Everytime I eat something thats not great for me I think of what I heard a mum say to her little girl as she was eating a chocolate bar......."This is a sometimes food not an everyday food" and I figure thats so true and at the time I thought Oh here we go with all of that new age parenting stuff, but then I thought well that one is a good thing to drum into kids heads.

    So much better than saying that stuff is bad and you should never eat it because we all know that if you say NO to kids they want it all the more.

    Thats my motto with comfort food from now on...."This is a sometimes food not an everyday food"

    Oh and about the party.....still paying for it today haha

    I was asked out to a club last night and I just said, This chicky can't party hard 2 nights in a row (im keeping what I said nice for the forums sake ;) )

  20. Thanks @@QueenBeeBee I'm pretty chuffed to be here. Congrats on your sleeve btw... was the first post I read.

    @@steveelea thanks for that! the IIH is idiopathic intracranial hypertension.. too much cerebral spinal Fluid (CSF) which causes headaches. which I ignored for years. It was only after losing some of my vision in right eye that I started looking into it and after a bucketload of tests got diagnosed in April. I'm on tablet to reduce Fluid but neurologist is hoping that rapid weight loss with cure it and hopfeully give me back the perception in my right eye (reversing the optic nerve damage) and I'm having the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass op which I have seen abbreviated to RYGB and which I have nicknamed rainbow bypass because it reminds me of the colours (red yellow green blue lol)

    I was going with the sleeve but after speaking with my surgeon have decided on the bypass as it better suits my needs and is a better resolution for the IIH long term we think. I'm really happy with choice, now just getting head around all the new information.

    Anyway, hope that answered your query. I'll be around and about... stalking all the posts on the forums *evil chuckle*

    Thanks for explaining that Cath.....as I said I am hopeless with abbreviations but thank you for explaining

    I am so glad you have made the decision to get something done and I know it can be scary but it's also exciting to think of the end results :D

  21. Chez.....Only 9 days how exciting,,,,hows the preop diet going??

    Its not long now hey

    And thanks yeah I am pretty excited....especially since I went out last night and had a just a few (haha) wines and vodka/cranberries.

    Seems when I don't have many calories I stall and when I have more calories I loose....go figure :blink:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
