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Posts posted by steveelea

  1. Oh I am so sorry to hear that you are still in pain missjoany:frown:

    Did they check your lap band or port, or both with the ct scan???? Maybe you just have a lot of swelling and its taking some time to settle down????

    I know with my op's, I have swallen so badly I can't sleep in bed for ages afterwards. I have to sleep reclined on a lounge chair as I can't lay flat for a long time.

    What did they say after your CT scan????

    I am still loving my band even though I have had some setbacks....I am so excited to have lost now 29.5kg in 1 year (still have to update my ticker LOL) I know its all scarry at the start (even during sometimes like for me) but you know once you start losing and see results you will remember its all worth every bit of it :thumbup:

  2. Hi All

    Just a question....I have just been in for my 4th Port replacement in a year, (I was banded on the 9th of November 09) so as I am sure you can understand I am just a little stressed about making sure that my new port stays in perfect condition :).

    All the replacements have been for different reasons, and I have just been extremely unlucky...BUT I went into my specialist for a fill yesterday and as I am only 4 weeks post op (from my port replacement) I am still too swallen for them to find the port on ultrasound and do a fill for me. Needless to say they do not want to risk any further complications with my port so they have sent me off for a fill under fluoroscopy. I have had 1 fill under fluroscopy before but my question is........as I am still swallen is there any risk of it being difficult to fill under fluoroscopy or any risk of damage to the port....should I wait until my internal swelling goes down or is it safe to get it done now????

    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated :crying:

  3. Just wanted to find out how many others have had port replacement surgery/surgeries out there.

    I was banded in November 09 (almost a year now) and have since had 2 port replacements, one for leakage and one because it flipped.

    I had been having reasonable success with my newest port only to go for a fill today to find that I have yet ANOTHER possible leak. If I need to get this one replaced that will mean that I have had 4 ports in a year! (counting my origional one)

    Has this happened to anyone else like this or am I the only one????

    I am seariously wondering if I can go through another surgery again.

    I am being double checked on Monday am, but I had a check of the total done 4 weeks ago and I had 8cc in my band, since have had 3 further fills and today I had only 5cc in my band. My surgeon said to be optimistic but I ask you, where could the other 3cc's plus the further 1.5cc in fills I had had since a few weeks ago have gone if it didn't leak out????

    Stressed, Sad and Tired :):thumbup::)

  4. My sister and I were banded on july 30 and she has lost 10 pounds! I have lost 4!

    Sorry to hear that you haven't lost as much as your sister l0ser2010, but you know I bet there will be times that you lose more than her. It just goes to show that 2 people doing the same thing can have such different results!

    I remember I used to get so disheartened when I went to weight watchers with my mum and my friend, and we all did the same thing and ate the same thing throughout the week, and I gained 1kg and they lost 1kg....NOT FAIR :thumbup: but, with the band I think almost everone will lose weight, some faster than others but try to stay positive, at least you have still lost which is the best news...well done :unsure:

    I get down because I have only lost 24 kilos in 9 months, but then I look at it that at least I have lost and not gained even if it is slower, and I am still 24 kg lighter than I was this time last year so yay me, and no sign on diabete's in my system anymore at all :tongue2:

    It's taking me longer too but I am getting there slowly, and I know that it will stay off. It didnt go on overnight and it wont come off overnight....but it WILL come off!

    Keep up the great work!!!! :thumbup:

  5. I found Hot black tea was so soothing...I really feel for you Nicole74 and the others that have just been done and are in pain too. I was done in November 09 and I had pain for a good 2 weeks and wasn't back to doing my normal thing for about 5 weeks maybe 6.

    Some people swell more than others and I had major swelling for quite some time.

    I had a lot of pains in my shoulders due to gas but like someone else just said they muck around a lot inside your stomach and its not exactly minor surgery either. You just take the time you need to get over this and just do what you feel you can.

    If you are concerned about the pain can you call your Dr or nurse and ask them if it is normal, and if so can they give you anything stronger for the pain to help get you through??

    I know I have had to have another 2 op's since then and I have been a real sook with my pain, but I take panadene max (probly diff in the states I am from australia) and with my most recent surgery I was given a script for pain relief panadene forte to help me through when the pain was the most intense.

    I think you will find that it will settle after a few weeks but if you are concerned call your Dr....thats what he/she is there for and what you pay them for too :wub:

    Take care and hope it eases for you soon (hugs feel better)

  6. Thats fantastic Nean4488, sounds like its perfect for you.

    2 pounds a week is so perfect you are going really well:thumbup:

    When I posted this a week ago I thought I had hit my sweet spot as I was only eating 3 meals a day and small portion sizes, now I am hungry in between meals again and my portion sizes are getting bigger.....just cant wait till I get that 'full feeling' after only a small meal again and it stays with me instead of slowly dissapearing only for the hunger to come back.

    1 more week today till I get to see my Dr and I will get him to do a check on how much fill I have in my band. I am supposed to have 8cc in a 14cc band.

  7. Hi Mel54, As far as testing for a leak I think that they need to inject a contrast dye and then xray to see if its leaking but I am not 100% sure....my Dr just kept checking the level of Fluid in my band when I went for fills and he detected the leak in my port tubing that way, and by the fact that I was getting a little restriction and then all of a sudden I could eat anything and was starving. Those 2 things combined told him that there was a leak but I have never been tested so to speak with a dye injection.

    I think that if you just have your fill done under fluro, they can see the port placement and gauge exactly where to insert the needle so they don't miss but I am certainly no expert as I have only had the 1 fill by fluro.

  8. I am no expert but I would be getting another fill asap!

    I have to keep going back every month until I am at my correct amount of fill, have great restriction and am losing good amounts of weight (I am not there yet) but 7 months is way too long.....get another appointment asap and discuss it with them.

    Good luck

  9. Thanks again Astrasmom, and can I just say a huge CONGRATULATIONS to you for losing all of your weight and just about to hit your goal....you look fanstastic (I checked out your blog and its great) Well Done! :w00t:

    Sad thing for me about reading it is that I was banded in November 09 and weighed 150kg (330 pounds) and now still weigh 126.5kg (278.3 pounds) because I have had to have 2 surgeries to correct a non working leaking port in that time, and havent ever been properly at the correct restrictions so basically, it hasnt been working for me yet and I am doing all of this on sheer will power!!!! Just imagine all of the weight I could have lost if it was working properly :w00t:

    I definately have less restriction again so if I have less Fluid in my band than what is supposed to be in there when I go for my next appointment, which isnt for another week and a bit, I will be demanding that they check the band, tubing and port with the dye that I have heard of that shows leaks, and that I never ever get another blind fill that I am only ever to get my fills by fluroscopy.

    My stomach looks like a war zone with all of the new scars they make in every surgery and I just don't know if I have the emotional strength to go through a 4th surgery for the same thing in such a short time again....sorry thats my vent and me wishing I could acheive what others have....On the upside at least I am not gaining :rolleyes2:

  10. Thank you so much for all of that info Astrasmom....thats what I thought it should feel like.

    Since writing my first post on this about a week ago, I have slowly been able to eat more and more :smile2:

    I am petrified that I have another leak (3rd time) but maybe its in my mind :(

    Anyway I was getting everything stuck before this fill but now I am not and I just feel full after not so much food.< /p>

    As far as portion sizes go I am eating way too much though.

    I have to ask you Astrasmom....did you ever get food stuck, then after a fill it got better and went down easier but you just felt fuller quicker????

    I have a 14cc (ml) band in and am supposed to have 8ml of fill in.....do you know what you have in your band and what its capacity is??

    Sorry for the million and one questions :thumbup:

  11. Well Said Lisa73 :)

    I am of the same opinion that you eat when you are hungry and if you are not losing weight then the band isn't right and you need more fill!!!!

    My Dr's go by results on the scales too.

    The only reason I would reccomend a fill under fluro is so that they can find the port and are not doing a blind fill.

    When I had my fill done under fluro I didn't have a barium swallow they just found my port and filled it and didn't check anything else, and it was so much easier for me than a blind fill as that is how I had damage done to my port twice by a very experienced well respected specialist. Then again I am really big and have a lot of tummy fat so mine is probly a lot harder to find than others.

    I am sure that many people get blind fills done and are fine but after what I have been through I would rather pay more money and have a fill under fluro than risk a blind fill and more surgery.

  12. Hi all

    I think that I may have finally reached my sweet spot with my most recent fill.

    I was wondering out of interest how much other bandsters are able to eat when they feel like they are at the correct amount of fill in the band.

    Another question is what does your restriction feel like????:) Do you feel full after eating your food, does it feel like it is sitting in your throat when you have had enough?? OR does it get stuck often????

    How different does it feel when you have reached that perfect fill, like my Nurse calls it 'my sweet spot'

    Sorry for all the questions but I have found this forum to be fantastic and I love to hear about others experiences so I can get an idea of what others are going through.

    Sometimes just talking to your Dr and Nurse isn't enough as they haven't had the band and dont know what it really all feels like themselves.

    I have had non stop problems since I got my lap band (only 8 months ago) and have just recently had 2 port replacements within a couple of months of each other. My band/port has never worked properly (due to leaks etc) and to this stage and I thought that I would never get there....but I think I am close now maybe even there finally or very very close :ohmy:

    By my Dr I have been told that I should be able to eat a plate the size of a bread and butter plate (5.5 inches sround the inside of the plate) The one my dr gave me is divided up into sections of Protein, carbs and vegetables (non starch) and at the moment I can eat just a little more than is on the plate and I am satisfied until my next meal.

    I am not sure weather to risk them fiddling around and getting a little more fill or just to leave it so I am keen to hear others stories on how they knew they were there at the right fill level.


  13. Thank you for your kind words KimmyTx :smile2:

    The Dr that I see has one of the best reputations, and so many other patients I have met that have been through him are fine and have done so well, so at first I thought it was just my bad luck....I am now starting to wonder :sad:. There are a few Dr's in this group so I think I might have to go ahead and try another one.

    This group is the founding group in Australia and are the most popular and certainly not the cheapest, but what they do is cover you for life so you pay once and thats it. If anything goes wrong your covered for any other surgery or surgeries that are needed for life. At the time I thought 'oh I won't need any other surgery I will be fine' :bolt: Famous last words!

  14. I was banded in November 09 and have had 2 port replacements since due to a leak and the port flipping.

    I went in for my first fill since my most recent surgery and they poked around a lot still not finding the port. So my dr eventually sent me off for a fill under fluro but to a place that had never done them before.

    While they were trying to fill my band the tube popped off the needle and saline went everwhere, but I am assuming that it was what was about to go into my band not what was already in my band as I don't know if saline could escape from inside my band while they were trying to fill me, anyway I now feel a lot less restriction and I am not sure if the fill wasn't done properly or if they have yet again for a third time, puncured my tubing :smile::frown::ohmy::frown:

    I now want to find out how I can tell if I have any punctures or leaks in my port, my tubing or my lab band.....does anyone know if there is a way they can test to see this????

    I can't just do the wait and see game anymore....I am soooo very stressed and just want to know whats happening and if I will need yet another surgery (I pray I dont and its all ok)

    Stressed, upset and very worried :smile2:

  15. I have always had ports that are hard to find.

    I say port'sss becuase I have had 2 port replacements since my first lap band surgery 7 months ago....still my specialist tried to do my most recent fill blind and after trying many many times eventually sent me for a fluro fill.

    I would reccomend it for a first fill so that they know where it is as long as they are experienced and know what they are doing.

  16. cshylton no wonder you are hungry, you have no restriction yet you poor thing.....I am sure in time the swelling will come down or they will take more out to ease it for you.

    Can you tell them that its uncomfortable for you and can they take more out earlier than your next appointment??

    La Gordita I am so sorry to hear that your port has flipped.

    I hadn't hear about it before it happened to me and since have heard of a couple of people that it has happened to, even one of the nurses that works with my surgeon, her port flipped so it must be more common than we think.

    If you have pain and are at all worried I would make an appointment to see them again asap, as you don't want to feel uncomfortable.

    CharmedMist I too think that some Dr's do fills better than others in the way that they are with all the poking and prodding. Some are so rough and some are gentle....things we go through.

    danielle b sounds like your first fill will be easy as pie :)

    I know that more than a few of us have had setbacks, and sometimes I feel like when amd I ever going to get started....but I am trying to find the 'silver lining' as Sidney says.

    I am trying to look at my issues this way:

    In my 7 months of having my band on the down side I have had 2 port replacements and haven't even been up to excersising in between surgeries.... but....on the up side I have lost 22.5 kilos ( equal to 49.5 pounds ) so I can't wait to see what happens when I actually get started :thumbup:

    I still have a long way to go but I am on the right track!!!

    I find that this site helps so much talking to people about thier journy with thier band and the support has been amazing. Just goes to show that you are never really alone and you should ask for support when you need it, because it really helps you to get through these tough times and you realise that you are not alone :drool:

  17. Hey Sherry

    I had a Seroma around my port that they had to drain, but it did take a few visits over time for them to get most of the Fluid out.

    My Dr explained it to me in this way: He said it is a liquid bruise that can develop after surgery, that takes time to go down and sometimes they have to drain fluid, but that it should go down in time. I think from memory he said around 6 weeks. I was told that it does happen and they do see it. It's not overley common but it does happen and it's not usualy an issue.

    I am sure that your dr will be able to drain some more fluid soon and then hopefully they will be able to give you a fill.

    Keep up the fantastic work, you are going so well on your own....way to go what a great start :)

  18. clhendrix2 I am soooooo sorry to hear you have to go through surgery again :thumbup:

    Firstly I can tell you it's not as bad getting the port replaced as it is having the entire procedure.

    I know how you feel that heart sinking awful feeling when you think about going through it again, but you know you have been going so well and just look at it as a minor setback.

    I have heard of ports flipping before, sometimes for whatever reason they just dont take?? Not sure why but my specialist said to me "her up thier (god) didn't mean for us to have foreign objects in our bodies, and our bodies are trying to heal what isn't ment to be there, so sometimes it just goes wrong but we can fix it"

    So guess our bodies are strong but, WE want our ports to stay put :angry:

    After my port flipped I was thinking about leaving mine as it was and trying to cope on what restriction I already had, but then I thought if my port ever needs to be accessed for anything else, then I will need to have it operated on then. So I figured I was putting off the inevitable and just got it done asap.

    You will be fine I am sure after this one.

    Doesn't your specialist cover the cost of any further operations you need done?? After all it was something that he did so he should cover it I would have thought :)

    I paid all upfront and have a garantee with mine for life so am lucky in that respect, and my specialist says we are responsible so we will fix it you don't need to pay anything further....maybe its worth having a look around at some other surgeons or having a chat with yours and seeing if they will do the same.

    Good luck and my thoughts and prayers will be with you

    Please let us know how you go :seeya:

  19. 48 hours after I start to really feel it for about 3 days then I seem to start to go on the mend. Everyone is different though and I guess the worse the swelling is the worse the discomfort.

    It takes me so long just to get over the after effects of the anisthetic though....I have foggy brain for ages, which I guess is nothing new really LOL

    I had my second port put in the same place as the first but it didnt take well as the operations were fairly close together, so thats why he has moved mine to a new spot this time.

    I am sure yours will be fine as you had a fair while inbetween your band and this port replacement by the sounds.

    I still had scar tissue there from the first port so it wasnt taking properly.

    I feel like frankensteins bride when I look at my tummy.....but people tell me that the scars will fade and its only been almost 7 months since I got the lap band in the first place, so I am optimistic that they will dissapear a lot more over time

  20. Hi Everyone

    Hope your all going well

    Just an update to post.....I have had my new port (3rd and hopefully final time) put in the other day (15th June)

    I am still in a fair bit of discomfort and out of it on pain relief.

    I have now got 2 more scars and in total 3 inscisions this time (2 are 3 inches in length and the other is small nearer my belly button)

    I am trying to be positive but sometimes I just have my scared times when I am worried something else will go wrong again, but I think 3rd times the charm and I will blitz it from here on in :thumbup:

  21. Thats fantastic news lotzasunshine....way to go:thumbup:

    I got out of hospital the other day but am still in a lot of pain.:thumbup:

    I had my 3rd port put into a new place and now I have 3 incisions to heal this time....2 of them are 3 inches long and one is smaller.

    I am in a lot of discomfort but hopefully that will be over soon and it was 3rd times a charm.

    Take care

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