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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by steveelea

  1. Thanks so much slikchick...this is what I was hoping to hear!!!! :D

    I have never been truly FULL with the band except for duiring about a week after a fill, and due to all the complications I have had with my port I have had many fills.

    The feeling that I get for that week after is what I expected the band to feel like all the time. During that time when I do feel that I can easily reject all foods that I shouldn't have as I do feel satisfied and genuinely NOT HUNGRY and that is what I thought the band would be like having MOST OF THE TIME.....instead I am constantly fighting hunger especially later in the day when my band loosens up and I can eat as much as I want and whatever I want and am not satisfied without eating large amounts.

    I lost a lot of weight with the band in the first 2 years, about 45kg (100 pounds) and then was so hungry I couldn't help myself like before I had the band. My hunger was increasing all the time and it was so hard. My portion sizes are my biggest downfall, not the crappy foods but the amount of food and the constant hunger.

    I want it to get back to feeling full and most importantly satisfied after a meal and to stop feeling hungry all the time.

    I think that the sleeve will be the right thing for me and hopefully will do what I thought the band was supposed to do all the time.

    If that happens and I can get that satisfied feeling, it will make eating smaller amounts a whole lot easier for me!!!!

  2. Thanks Christina.Rose I am so pleased for you that its started to work again....that's fantastic news!!!!

    For me I have had no end of frustrations and complications and I am now getting severe reflux when my band is filled to a semi restrictive level. I have had "3" port revisions and I still have trouble eating with my bra on as the port is now under my bra line (4th spot they had put the port and only successful spot too)

    I had lost a lot of weight but then I think I have had a slip as I started to get really hungry all of a sudden and started gaining weight slowly but surely. Not long after that my reflux got to a point where it was so bad prescription meds couldnt help me so I had to have it let out and am almost back to square 1.

    My specialist wants me to have it out to prevent any or any further damage.

    I just dont think that the band likes me haha

    In all seriousness I think that my body is not agreeing with the foreign bodies (band and port) and is rejecting them.

    I have given it 4 years but now there seems to be a better option for me I think.

    SleeveConvert.......I know that the band and sleeve are only a tool and are not an easy answer.

    Anyone who has gone through what I have gone through to try to lose weight can not say I am taking the easy road.

    There is no magic thing that will make it work I know, and there are a lot easier ways to lose weight than what I personally have been through with 5 surgeries (and counting) so far for weight loss. but......I need this or it will never stay off

    This is because I am committed and by having to have my band unfilled for 6 months due to complications and gaining 30 kilos in that short time confirms to me that I can't do this forever without my tool for weight loss that is the band/sleeve.

    I am taking the hardest road possible and trying my best with every effort and I do get upset when all that I have been through people comment that I am taking the 'easy way out' I wish some could see/feel what I have been through to know its been a nightmare and something that I have to do in order to live life normally.

    I am morbidly obese and need help and this is my last resort.

    Something that made me feel a little better and understand obesity a lot better and may help some of you:

    I went to visit my surgeon after gaining back my 30 kilo's in 6 months.

    I said to him "I am so dissapointed with myself and embarressed that I have allowed myself to gain so much weight so quickly......I don't know how I let myself get to this"

    He quickly said

    "Do not ever say that about yourself, I do not ever want to hear you speak like that again. Obesity is a DISEASE! Just like diabeties etc........its most often genetic and such a terrible disease.

    There is no magic pill only help to control it. One day there might be but now and in the near future there is not so the best way we can help people with this disease it to give them as much control as possible.

    Do not feel guilty or embarressed about it EVER.....this 'is a disease' and we will help you with that the best way we can."

    Right then and there something clicked and I cried and understood my life long battle then and there.

    I am trying not to beat myself up about my weight gain and rather focus on the success to come with lots of hard work and determination I know I will get there and they will help me through every step of the way.

    Just to let you know he is not getting any money from me for this at all.

    When I got the lapband, they guaranteed in writing that they would help me lose weight and that any other surgery, if ever needed, even years down the track is free. What I paid for the fist surgery is all I will ever have to pay with them and they will work with me and do whatever it takes to help me get to a healthy weight. They are committed to helping people with this Disease that is Obesity.

    Gamblers can never gamble again, Alcoholics can never drink again but Obese people have to eat to survive...... and then we have some of the hardest obstacles to overcome

  3. Your right Sleeve master......there are a few negative comments which doesnt help when you are trying your best to do the right thing. Its not like you can undo it if you make the wrong choice.

    I was hoping to compare the 2 with people who have had the band before or know of people who have had the band before to see what it will be like with the sleeve.

    I trust my surgeon and he says it is the best thing for me so I do believe that.

    I have struggled with the band and its problems for 4 years and also never feeling satisfied with what I was eating (or very rarely was i satisfied)

    I was told that by removing the hormone that creates the hunger sensation it will make it a lot easier for me which I am looking forward to.

    If anyone thinks that I think that I am taking the easy way out then they dont know what I have been through....in and out of hospital for constant revisions not to mention the discomfort with the band.

    I know I can't live with the band but I know I can't live without some form of restriction......that was proven when they let my band out for 6 months and I gained a stack of weight as my hunger was out of control.

    The more I research the more I know that I have to get the sleeve.....I just want to know what to expect when I have it done.

    I didn't know about all the things getting stuck etc before I got the band (something I wish I had have known before hand) and also how hard it would be to eat a good variety of foods and healthy foods.

    I hope the sleeve is different, I just don't know anyone with the sleeve that I can ask about it.

    Junior Guru that is what I hope will happen with me

    Garliegirl my surgeon told me that they will keep me is hospital for 5 days and if a leak was to happen it would happen in the first few days and they would be monitoring me closely to fix the problem IF it happened......he also said if it doesn't leak at the start it will NEVER leak. That put my mind at rest.

    He also said that they trialed doing band to sleeve revision surgery in one operation for 6 months and they have decided that it is more successful and less complications letting the stomach heal in between taking the band out and then doing the sleeve. I have also heard from people that it can be more successful but every surgeon has different ideas so its best to check with yours.

    I have been very happy with the group that I go through even with all of my problems with my body rejecting the foreign body of the band

    The other thing that i loved the sound of is that there is no dumping syndrome as there is with bypass......I love the sound of the sleeve and not to have this stupid port in me anymore. Its under my bra line (as they were running out of new places to put each new port) and so uncomfortable!!!!

  4. Get mentally ready or you will blame non loss on sleeve failure...... It's not WLS failure... It's us as humans! Sorry to burst your hope bubble, you have to prepare... It was the biggest mental screwing of my life to do both WLS..... Until I fixed my head...... Someways it breaks and I have to patch it! Good luck?

    Maybe I should just stick with the band then and try to make it work again

  5. Hi Guys

    I have been told by my specialist that I need to have my band out and then a sleeve done.

    I have had non stop problems with the band and lost almost 50kg which was great, but then started to put weight back on due to hunger and had severe reflux with restriction.....not to mention I have had 3 extra port replacements in the first 2 years of having the band.

    My body just doesn't seem to like it and at this point, neither do I.

    I do have a few questions that I am finding hard to find answers to (maybe I have been looking in the wrong places which is highly likely knowing me :rolleyes: )

    Anyway my main question is what are the foods that you can eat with the sleeve compared to the band and what is dumping syndrome??

    Do you still need to take teeny bites like with the band??

    I find that I have trouble eating breads and gluggy foods with the band but I am hopeless at trying to eat teeny tiny mouth-fulls which i know is wrong with the band but I am hungry with it and its hard.

    Also do you find that your hunger is greatly reduced compared to the band??

    I just hope that the revision works for me and its not a mental thing and the sleeve will fail too.....I know thats negative thinking but I am over being operated on. Oh I am getting the band removed end November and have to wait 3 or so months to heal before the sleeve surgery.......my surgeons have done trials on waiting and doing them all in one operation and have found them to be more successful waiting to heal first. Its a pain but its only 3 months to wait.

    Any other info on going from sleeve to band that you think of would be fantastic as I am a bit nervous about the entire thing and it took me 8 years to decide to definately go ahead with the band and now this is sudden and unknown so scary

  6. HI Livelyterry

    I am getting my band removed on the 27th of November and my surgeon said that in the past they have tried band to sleeve in one surgery before in patients, and now they always have a healing period in between taking the band out to doing the sleeve. much better success rate letting the stomach get back to normal then doing the sleeve he said so I too am having a 2 part surgery. I have had the band for 4 years this month so whats another 3 to 6 months. Better to be safe than sorry

  7. Hey there

    I havent been back to the forum for a while but I just feel so down at the moment and needed to vent.

    I was banded in November 09, had 3 follow up sugeries for new ports over the first year and lost 35kg but am at a stand still almost 3 years on.

    I was hoping to be under 100kg by my 40th birthday which wasnt an unreasonable goal at all and I am way off.

    I feel like I have failed the lap band and just feeling really down about things and needed to vent.

    I know I need to go back to the surgeons office but honestly I am just fed up with the entire thing,,,,,,,i feel like I lived there for 2 years the amount of fills and adjustments I had to get not to mention the muck up with the ports and the in and out of hospital.

    In the morning and at lunch time I struggle to eat but by night time I can eat what I want.

    Depending on my cycle depends on if my band feels too tight or not tight enough and it varies from day to day......some days I can eat hardly anything and others I could eat a house!!!!!

    Is it just me or does the band not work for everyone?????

    How do I get back on track????

    I still have at least 50kg to lose :(


  8. Hey guys know this was an older topic but had to post too.

    I am the same....almost three years on and nothing but willpower for the entire time. I am starting to wonder if its all worth it as when my willpower ebs I gain and then I have to DIET to lose a little weight again.

    I lost 35kg in the first year and still have almost 50kg to go and cant lose any more. Tight in the morning eat what I like at night......starting to wonder if it is worth looking into the sleeve.

    I am not giving up.....I didn't go through the surgery and 3 re surgeries to get ports replaced for nothing but it sure isnt working like a lot of peoples are that I know have been totally successful

    I was hoping to be near my goat weight 3 years on for my 40th birthday next week but alas I am no wear near it....sometimes it just gets you down so I know how you all feel

  9. Sounds nice doesn't it? I'd love that- IF I wasn't also constantly getting stuck or PBing or sliming. If all of that comes with feeling STUFFED, I think I'd rather stay on the loose side...

    Too true Rachel....it is so nice to be able to still eat a nice variaty of foods and not have to stress about things getting stuck so much....then I know if its too tight we tend to go for the easy option of junk that slides down and then you have the weight gain.....like someone said on the video on the sight you suggested "If only they could come up with a band for the brain" ....hey then I would be set :lol:

  10. Glad to hear that all is working well for you now Brendan...I know that I have to have only liquids on the day of the fil and soft foods the next day or 2 then start eating slowly

    I have been told that I am only aloud to eat bite sizes the size of a 5cent piece (I am in Australia so probably doesn't help you when I say that) but its not a lot bigger than a pea....maybe 2 peas size per bite, chew chew chew then put my cutlery down in between each bite so as I don't scoff it in....I still find this so difficult and its harder when I am really hungry, but it does help me to feel fuller if i eat slowly.

    Thanks for the info Rachel, as I said I am supposed to take teeny bites and chew well so I probably consume about 2 cups of food which is what our surgeon says is the right size that we should be eating. I still find at night though I am always looking for more food....not sure if its that I am hungry or its a bad habbit as I have trouble walking away from food especialy when there is leftovers and I have enjoyed it so much! dinner is my favorite meal of the day!

    I am going to my surgeon and dietition next week and am not sure if I should ask for another fill or not....they generally go by weight loss but I have been working out at the gym pretty hard and also have been sick with the flu for a couple of weeks so lost a few kilos just with that.....i certainly dont want to be overfilled but I am just not sure what to do :unsure:

    HOw come so many on this forum say that they just cant overeat???? What is with that????

    I have known people that can eat a meal like half a cup of food and be totally full on that till there next meal????? I dont think I will ever know that feeling.

    I have a 14cc band and have 11.25cc in it so I dont know if thats normal either or if its a lot of fill. So many questions LOL

  11. l32' timestamp='1309712761' post='1634570']

    Rachel-you are absolutely right! I had a really BAD weekend too. I ate the Ultimate Feast at Red Lobster (yes the bisquits too)! I mean seriously! How depressing is that??!!

    When I was first filled I feltthat sensation and knew I could only eat a small amount of food and was happy with the small portion, but times have changed in just a week or so!! I had a taste of what the band can do - I do need a fill to bring back that feeling of having enough with a smaller portion.

    It is a downer to think you underwent surgery have 6 incisions on your belly and can still eat an entire mea! WTH?! Not a good weekend, BUt I am trying to regroup and think through what I could have done differently and how to handle potential roadblocks in the future.

    NJGirl I too was like you and after about a week after each fill I too could go on to eat massive portion sizes....I have just read the link that Rachel had added to her signature and wow it helped me a lot thank you so much Rachel....I have been banded since November and have had several re operations due to faulty ports and am determined to make this work for me even after all of my setbacks and reading that link that Rachel has just made it all click into place for me.

    The only thing that I dont understand about it is that it says you should stop when you get that gentle nudge or feeling, which i get, but my surgeon and dietition say that I should eat tiny bites for a full 20 mins then stop or I am less likely to have satiety between meals...anyone have any ideas on this??

  12. What a shame i dont have an i phone :(

    I would love this

    I recently found that my wii fit has been tracking my weight loss and could have also tracked my inches/cm lost too if i had been inputting them.....I must ask my surgeon if he took all those details when i was first banded as I know that he has a graph with my weight loss that he shows me when i go in.

    They need one online that everyone can use....cool idea though with the app for the iphone :)

  13. Hi everyone....I know that I havent reached my total goal yet, i have so much to lose that I havent set myself a total goal yet just a series of mini goals, but this one is significant to me.....I was banded in November 09 and have had a total of 4 new ports in the first year of the band so needless to say I have had a lot of setbacks......but I have still been trying really hard the entire time even though its needed a LOT of will power for the times when i go back in for a re op and start again almost from scratch with my fills!!!!!

    For anyone who says that this is the easy option, tell them to talk to me and I will let them know how hard it can really be!!!!

    Anyway I started at 150 kg (pre band) and have set a lot of mini goals for myself and I am so proud that when i hopped on the scales today I weighed in at 108.5kg.....under 110 I can't believe it!!!! Over 40kg in total lost now and I am so so plesed.....I am now full steam ahead on getting into double figures (under 100kg)

    I havent weighed under 110 in over 15 years or more and havent been able to fit into a size 20 jeans since bfore i had children almost 18 years ago

    I LOVE MY BAND!!!!!

    Thaks for listening :D

  14. My doctor told me no physical restrictions!!! However, considering your history I would listen to your nurse! Good luck!

    Thanks for that info....yeah i was told no physical restrictions also normally...... but maybe i will just take it easy with the stomach strengthening and not do that, and keep up the cardio and light arm leg weights for now

  15. Just a quick overview.....I had 4 port replacements last year due to faulty ports, leaking flipping and slow leaks etc....(how lucky am I LOL) I have only had my lap band since November 09 and I am just now at a good fill level for the first time ever, due to many interuptions with the ports as when they replace them you pretty much have to start all over again. Needless to say its been a long and at times painfull process...but I can add well worth it being 36.5 kilos down to date.....still more to go but hey im on my way :D

    Anyway I have been out from my last surgery almost 6 months and I have just started at the gym and seem to be going well but......when it comes to any strength workout with my stomach involved, the pain it gives up near my port makes me feel physically sick!

    I am just on cardio for a week to give my tummy a break but I am sooooo scared that I have or will do something to my port. I am petrafied that I will flip it or damage it in some way.

    How likely is something like this?? My nurse said to me that its probably just all the scar tissue surrounding it that is hurting but to be on the safe side I should take it easy as I don't seem to be the "usual case type" :rolleyes: LOL

    Anyone had similar feelings when they excersize or had any good bad experiences that they want to share???

    Any info and advice that people can give me is welcome :D

  16. momdukes56, I know what your saying about your weight loss stabalising....I have lost 35 kilos (about 70 pounds???) since my banding in November 2009 and I am quite a high fill level (11.25cc in a 14cc band). I have come to a standstill and my dr sent me to my dietition, and she said to me once your body loses a certain amount of weight it gets comfortable and likes to stay there....she said when that happens its time to make some changes in diet and excersize to start to kick the weight loss off again.

    My problem with my band is that I cant eat anything till lunch time as its too tight in the am, but by night time I am starving.

    She told me to eat tiny mouthfulls and take 20 mins to eat my meal and I will notice a difference. I tried that for the past 2 days and noticed a massive difference in that I felt really full! Amazing to me as I don't normally feel that at night.

    She also said that sometimes when we feel hungry we are really thirsty, that our bodies can mimick the same feelings for hunger eg: mouth increasing with saliva and feeling hungry in the tummy so when you feel that make sure you have a drink of Water to see if that helps. ( I couldnt believe that it worked for me as I was sure that couldn't be right and that I was really hungry) Also she reminded me not to drink for 15 mins after a meal and to have a drink of Water 10 mins before my meal to help with hydration.

    I know those things are back to basics, but it really did help me.....hope this helps :)

    This is my first time on lapbandtalk. I have a question similar. There are times when I cannot get hardly anything down. And other times I can eat fairly easily. I am eating the same amount and type of food since I really began losing. I have not lost any weight for the last three months and my doctor has asked me the last couple months if I feel that I need a fill. My answer would be yes (during the times when my food goes down easily) but no when nothing will go down. I am afraid that if I get a fill that I will be one of those people who have the problem that not even their spit will go down. I am really confused as to whether I should get a fill or not. I have lost 60 lbs but it has taken since Jan, 2010. Any advice?

  17. WELL DONE!!!!!!! What a fantastic job you have done you should be very proud!!!!

    LOL dk4k :lol: I know what you mean.....although now I just go to the shops and find some new clothes to fit into to make myself feel even better!!!!

  18. lunch went well: Soup & some soft pork. And, I stayed full for 6 hours!!!:D I often notice my longest stretch is in the evening ... I just had greek yogurt with granola for dinner and it went ok too.

    Thats great news MarcyLoo......do you find that you can eat less for a while after a fill??

    Just curious as that is what happens to me but not sure if it happens to others too.

    Every day is different with me too like yesterday I was hungry and today I can eat hardly anything (although today I am a little stressed so maybe that is affecting me too??)

  19. Honestly I feel hungry but I know I am eating too much. Maybe I need to slow down. I guess I expected that I would feel full longer. If I last 2 hours on a meal that is alot. I was hoping to get 4 hours out of a meal. If I have dinner at 6 by 8 I feel hungry. :(.

    Oh I feel for you......I have a 14cc band with 11.5cc fill in it and I cant eat break or rice but can eat almost everything else.......you know the best advice which I am sure you have heard before is to take 20 mins to eat your meal then stop (apparetly it takes that long for our brain to realise that we are full) and to take tiny bite sizes.

    You know I got a plate just after I had my surgery, and on it it has a spot in the middle with a circle that says take bites this size and the circle is about the size of 2 peas (maybe a little less). I find it very had to take bites that small but when I do the fullness lasts.

    Also dont drink for about 20 mins after a meal as it will wash it through the band and stop you feeling full.

    I have a big drink before a meal, then no fluids again till about 20 mins after I have eaten and if I do all those things I have just said I last till my next meal.

    You probably already know these things and somedays work better than others for me for some reason.

    Good luck :)

  20. I dont know if this helps you but I get this way sometimes that I feel completely satified and then other days (when I have my period usually) i can eat all day just snack all the time.

    I too am on 2 weekly visits until they get me to my sweet spot and it is just right.....

    Maybe you could put your visit off for a couple more weeks and see how you go....if your appetite increases then you prob need another fill but if it stays good then you might not.

    Its so hard to know what to do isnt it......I have heard (like one of the other posters said) that it can take 2 weeks for the fill to kick in but i have never had that. I am tighter for the first few days to a week after my fill then it gets easier to eat after the swelling goes down ( I must swell easily)

  21. Hey missjoany...No news is good news so they say :lol:

    You have done so well already to have lost so much.....itsn't it fantastic when you can see it in your clothing....thats so exciting for you ;)

    It's almost Summer here is Australia, and I went to put on some pants from Summer 09 and I looked like I was on one of those diet adds where they show you by wearing their old clothes what they have lost....I could fit an extra 2 arm widths around the waist and they didnt stay up...I almost passed out from excitement LOL

    I still have a long way to go, about another 50kg but I am getting there and I am just over 1/3 of the way there so getting closer every day to half way.

    It sure is no quick fix like some people say, the people that have no idea what we go through, but its for the long term.

    On my pre testing for the lap band I was diagnosed with Diabeties type 2. I knew it was comming as my mum has it.

    Just by losing my first 15 to 20kg it is now gone and my blood sugar levels are completely normal.

    Even with all the setbacks I have been through since having my band, I would do it all again in a heatbeat. Its the best thing I have ever done for myself.

    I am humbled to think that you think of me as an inspiration.....speechless which is almost unheard of for me LOL:laugh:

    I am so pleased that you are going so well..... keep it up and just think by your Summer time you will be so much lighter and able to enjoy life so much more and do so much more.

    Keep in touch and let me know your results.

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