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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kewi

  1. I had my surgery about year ago and have lost 50+ pounds and have almost that much more to go. I've sailed through with slow, steady, nearly effortless weight loss. But for the past few weeks I can hardly eat anything. It's like my stomach closes and any little bite gets stuck and comes up. Very uncomfortable. My last fill was about 5 months ago and went well. This didn't start until a few weeks ago. I've been under more that the usual amount of stress at work. Has anyone had stress related issues with their band? Could this be an explanation?
  2. I've had my band for about 8 months and am still getting used to it. Right now after a fill about a month ago, I PB every day. I can't figure out what to eat that is healthy. [All that unhealthy stuff goes down fine!!??] No matter how small the bite of food is or how long I chew, it almost always makes me feel unpleasant and eventually come up. I've tried drinking something hot prior to eating and even sip it while I try to eat. The strange thing is after going through this for about 30 minutes, then the food goes down okay. Needless to say eating out with friends and family is not a very satisfying experience. Has anyone had something similar you've dealt with?
  3. kewi

    Tiresome struggle

    I forgot to mention that I get hiccups after the first few bites.
  4. I was banded about 3 months ago. I could eat anythng once I started solids, even after the first fill. Then the second fill was so tight I couldn't swallow. I was slightly unfilled and have what I think is restriction. But the problem is I can't eat most healthy foods - like fresh vegetables, salads, fruit. They make me feel miserable til they come up. I CAN eat bad stuff (ice cream, chips...) and some soups. I get so exhausted and discouraged trying to eat healthy that I eat whatever I can when I'm hungry. I am not losing weight. I feel just as out of control as ever. Is there hope?
  5. Well, I may not need an unfill after all. After reading the comments posted here I have paid much closed attention to how long I chew and how slowly I eat. So I was able eat a small salad and vegies and redfish - small amount of each. I felt great after a couple of balanced meals. It's amazing how I can slide into the bad habits of eating too fast. This band makes me pay though. Thanks again for your help.
  6. Thank you everyone for these kind words of experience and encouragement. I don't think it was an accident I stumbled onto this forum. I will keep you updated. I think until my appt, I will try the warm drink before a meal and think about satiety while eating.
  7. This information really helps. I'm beginning to belive I may be able to work it out. My NP says it often takes a few months to learn about how the band works. MAybe she's right after all.
  8. I drank some coffee in the morning. I tried some gumbo for lunch but it came up after a couple of bites. I had a brownie that went down easily. For dinner I had (tailgating) a small piece of beef (didn't go down), fruit salad (stayed down but made me feel cramped and bad), fritos and dip (went down well). Late to night when I got home was hungry so I ate low fat ice cream bc I knew I wouldn't have trouble with it.
  9. My fill was four weeks ago. It was imediately too tight so I had a slight unfill that same day. It loosens up when I find something that goes down, then I can eat a litttle of something I usually can't. Do you mean I shouldn't be eating oily fish?
  10. Chicken is always agonizing and comes up. Fish sometimes works - espcially oily fish like fresh salmon. Beef is out.
  11. So I need to ask for a slight unfill? I appreciate this help. I was beginning to think this was another dead end for me.
  12. kewi

    Really Disappointed

    I was banded May 31. For the first two months I felt as if nothing was different. I could eat anything and mostly did. I thought I should have had my brain banded instead. THEN the second fill came. It has made a huge impact. I don't take any bite without considering the consequences. I am still trying to experiment to find which foods I can tolerate. I am amazed at the care I have to take - paying attention to Protein intake so I get enough... Maybe after another fill or two you will get to the point that the band is working for you. My nurse keeps telling me that she doesn't pay any attention to what happens the first few months because it's a period of adjustment. She says some people don't begin to seriously lose for several months out. Her attitude has helped me tremendously when my natural inclination is to think that I've once again screwed up another weight loss plan. Don't give up.

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