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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by AE09

  1. I'm so glad I found this post. I had my band placed 5 years ago never lost more than 30 lbs, was frustrated and angry, then I gained 20 back and have been in limbo of 5 lbs up and down. I started to suffer from horrible reflux, I vomited every day. I finally went back to the surgeon I was sure my band had slipped. NOPE! all my fault I was making poor choices and had thrown my diet plan to the wind....no wonder I failed. I had some Fluid removed yesterday, and really reflected about my journey. I'm currently on liquids todsay, Protein Shakes andsoups. I'm trying to pretend its 5 years ago and the journey is just beginning. I had no reflux last night which is phenomenal. MD appt again in 6 weeks. I spent a year afraid of going to MD because I had gained most weight back......I needed the help of my team to succeed.

  2. Scale's still not moving. Well, thats not exactly true, today it moved up 3 pounds. I should change my tracker, but I'll worry about that later. So, I had to sit back and take a good look at myself. What am I doing? Am I doing all I can to make this work? To make the band work for me, with me? What can I do better? And honestly, there is so much I can do better!! This weekend I'm going to measure myself, as I never have prior, and I think that I will be able to get a better picture of where I stand. I've noticed with all the holidays, Valentine's, Easter....we have a TON of crap food and candy lying around the ER. Last night, I wasn't even paying attention and next thing I knew, I had 4, yes 4 Dove chocolate Egg wrappers in front of my station, sure...whats 4 tiny chocolate eggs? Who/what is that going to hurt really? Well....thats 4 more than I need and 4 more that are slipping right through the band and not allowing me to move forward because I "slipped" My husband and I have had pizza a few times, go figure tuna and chicken get stuck and are hard to eat but pizza slides right through!

    So, I go for my second fill on 3/23 and I want to be able to walk in that office with my head held high. I don't want to go in and not have lost a single pounds or heaven forbid...gained again. I gained 1 pound before my first fill, I don't want to do that again.

    Here is my plan:

    1) Back to basics, write down and be absolutely aware of everything thing that goes into my mouth

    2) Continue my exercise path. No more, "I'm too tired" Whats a 20 minute walk even when exhausted, 20 minutes is nothing!

    3) Weigh in every Monday am....and only Monday am, as the scale is enough to drive me batty!!! I've been known to get on that damn thing 5 times in a day and obsess like crazy

    4) Take measurements of arms, legs, hips, belly, bust once a month

    5) Start a photo journal of my journey.

    6) Follow the diet plan my doc gave me. I did this to make my life better and by cheating, I'm only cheating myself.

    On a positive note, I've been working out regularly. Doing about an hour 3-4 times a week with wii fit plus or biggest loser on wii fit. Recently I began the couch to 5 K running program. Today I completed Week 4, day 1. It was cold outside and I was tired as I worked all night, but I did it.

    Thank you all for your support, I read this forum almost daily and I wouldn't be able to admit my faults if I didn't see we all struggle daily with the same problems. You are all my saviors daily in this journey and I truly am thankful. Thank you!!

  3. it's normal!!! :cursing: My surgeon made sure i fully understood that inches would come off first..i lost 30 pounds in the first few weeks after surgery (which was 7/7/09) and then the scale just stopped...however, by 6 weeks out of surgery, i was down 4 inches on EACH MEASUREMENT of my torso..chest -4, hips -4, bust -4, waist -4...so even though the scale wasn't moving anymore my clothes were still getting way too big and everyone kept saying how much smaller I was getting...but i was getting frustrated at the same time because as THRILLED as i was, i wanted to see that damn scale MOVE DOWN!

    Now i'm 7 1/2 months post-op, i've had my 4th fill in January and i'm LOSING EASILY AGAIN!!!!!!! :crying: After each fill i would drop a few pounds the next day and then the scale would just stop again..this time i dropped 8 pounds in 3 days and it's slowed down but i'm still losing!! :wink:

    Dont' get discouraged...the scale WILL start moving again! Just try to believe everyone when they tell you that they see the difference...it took me awhile to really believe it but i do now!

    Thank you, I neede that very much. I need to know that it's normal. I too have pants I can no longer wear. I actually lost my pants they fell to my ankles on our way back in after our anniversary dinner!! So, I know it's working...

  4. Hey y'all! Hope everyone is doing well!

    Does anybody else actually "feel" lighter? Like when I workout and get up off the floor after stretching, I actually just get up instead of the one knee up, ok, brace self, grunt, push, grunt some more, etc, lol. And when I do my lap around the office (it's a pretty big office) I go so fast (compared to before) I feel like going "zoooommm!".

    Anybody else feeling that way? Feels good!

    Off to workout...zoooommm! :-)

    I do know what you're talking about. I don't dread getting on the floor for ab work, for fear I might not get back up!!! :cursing:

  5. I love wii fit plus. I pick several exercise sets and do 3 of each, it's ends of being about 55 minutes of exercise. I get my heartrate up and break a sweat. I also have biggest loser for wii....that also gets me workin!

  6. Has anyone else found that they are losing inches, but the damn scale won't budge?? My scale appears to be stuck...and it's not just mine, it's the one at work too!!! However, my clothes are fitting better, I bought a smaller pair of pants, people are commenting on how much weight I've lost. People tell me they can see it in my belly and my face that I've lost weight. Why won't the scale move? Am I just rearranging? I eat right, and I work out, I know muscle weighs more than fat, but I'm selfish and I want to move that ticker!!!!! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

  7. I just got home from my first fill. What an interesting experience. The MD was delayed in surgery, so they asked if I minded if the NP did the fill I said no problem. I gained 1.5 lbs since my last MD appointment one week post surgery. They said they don't consider it a gain until you have at least 3 pounds. I guess 1.5 pounds really isn't that bad, but it was almost enough to not get a fill because I maintained!! I was like, yes, I maintained at 225 lbs for 6 weeks with no restriction. The point was to lose weight, not maintain at this point, can I please have a fill?? Little did I know that I would be a difficult patient!! I had two NP's try and miss, before they finally got the doc and he missed too!! I was starting to worry I had a flipped port or something. Then the doc said...I got it! Next time tell me I need the long needle!! I guess my port just sits a little deeper, or I just have that much more stomach fat :) I got 2 cc's, so we'll see how it goes! I don't go back for a second fill for 6 weeks.

  8. I had to replace a pair of dress pants already as the pair I had fell down as I was walking into my apartment. Literally had a wardrobe malfunction! I felt them going, then they were around my ankles!!!! :thumbup: My jeans are next, they are from Lane Bryant and a size 20, but I can pull them on and off without unbuttoning them! I wore them to work the other night and they were sliding fast!! I found a big good will store near me that is in a very nice neighborhood, aka wealthy neighborhood....I found a pair of nine west dress pants in size 18 for $3.99, and in phenomenal shape!! I plan to buy resale clothes until I'm down all the way because I truly can't afford to keep replacing my clothes temporarily.

  9. AM proud to report, I began logging my food intake again at sparkpeople.com, and really paying attention, making sure I drink enough fluids, not drink with my meals....it's so easy to say just one sip won't hurt! Although I've not lost that pesky 5 pounds, I'm sitting steady at 227 which is 3 pounds down from that 230 mark.

  10. I am one month and 5 days post op. I made it successfully through the week of liquids, week of pureed foods, and week of soft foods. I'm on regular food and have not been filled, not until 2/4. I have no restriction, I have found there are foods that don't agree with me. I'm stuck. I'm not losing any more weight, at first I attributed this to going on my vacation, and not being as diligent as I could be. But I've been home almost 2 weeks, I'm really watching what I eat, I've upped my exercise. I'm not losing a pound. In fact I'm bouncing back and forth with 3-5 pounds. I bounce between 225-230. I work nights, and I try to avoid snacking, if I need something, I keep 100 calorie packs of almonds in my bag, and low fat cheese sticks. I'm obsessed with the darn scale. Which I know is part of my problem. UGH!!!

    Any suggestion?? I just don't know what to do! Help please!!!!

  11. I pureed a can of peas and added a packet of unjury Protein powder which added 20 g proten this yeilded 4 - 2 oz servings

    Made a tuna salad with albacore tuna and 1 tsp of reduced fat mayonaise

    pureed chicken

    Pureen a can of pears, added the Unjury unflavored Protein powder.

    My doc told me to use canned fruits/veggies as they would be easier on the stomach. Make sure you drain the majority of the liquid out otherwise it's a mess!!

    unsweetened applesauce wth added protein

    sugar free pudding with added protein

    Best of luck!!!

  12. My doctor doesn't want me to get my Protein from liquids he wants me to get my protein through solid foods only, 3 meals a day with maybe a snack. This is really really hard!!! I eat a lot of chicken with about 7 g or protein per ounce, but I'm not getting enough protein in. I can't eat eggs. For some reason my band has rejected them and I gag, so I gave them up for now. I am trying to take a Protein Shake every day, in the morning. I'm still using the Bariatric Advantage Protein Shakes, that yeild 27 g of protein plus the 8 g from a cup of milk. So, 35 g of protien in a shake works out well for me. Thanks for posting this and letting me know it might just work!!

  13. My hospital gave me a "Bari Bear" it was a Teddy Bear that was very firm, it was a splinting pillow. Try splinting the incision sites when you cough and deep breath. Did they give you an incentive spirometer to help with your breathing. Keep doing that!! Use the GasX strips, I liked the cinnamon ones, and keep walking. I'm 1 months post surgery today and I still had gas pains in my shoulder upto last week, but I know it will get better. I actually felt worse 3-4 days out then I did the day of surgery. Best of luck to you!!!!

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