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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Teryn

  1. I've had some times when I've been uncomfortable in my port. It's happened a few times when I've maybe eaten a little too much. Sometimes even ONE too many bites can cause it.

    I know what you mean about being able to feel it now though, lol. I'm at goal after losing 80lbs and can even feel my ribs again lol

  2. It was 2 years on Oct 13th since my LB, and my doctor suggested I lose 60lbs. And I've actually lost 78 lbs!!!! And I'm so happy and feel soo much better Healthwise. My doctor (who is wonderful) thought because of other health problems thought that 60lbs would probably be all I could lose. I have MS so am not able to do much exercise. But I tried to adapt to my situation, and did as much as I was ABLE to exercise. On my way to the surgery I was 204lbs and am now 128lbs!! It's been 30yrs since I've weighed this. I've never considered myslef thin cause I'm only 5ft tall lol. When I've checked, I'm still considered overweight, but kinda doubt I'll lose anymore.

    Anyway, alot of you here were very encouraging to me when I would hit my lows and was frustrated cause I didn't think I was losing fast enough. Wanted to say a big THANK YOU for that.


  3. Yes, I'm losing slowly also. I was banded in December 2008 and I've lost 64 lbs. That's probably somewhere in the neighborhood of a pound per week. My doctor seems to be very pleased with my progress. When I mentioned it to him, he reminded me that I'm 59 and that it's safer to lose it slowly anyway. So if he's happy, I'm happy. Like you, I thought it would be faster but, hey, I figure losing 64 pounds is sure a whole lot better than gaining 64 pounds -- or even staying the same.

    TY ptmyers for your response. My doc says it will take a year to lose 60lbs, but I expected it to be a little faster. Hate those reminders that I'm a little older now, lol. Course when ya think of the alternative, is a good thing.

  4. I don't know about the prior poster. I went in today and was told I have dilation. They said your pouch should be the size of an egg, but mine is the size of a small tangerine. They unfilled me completely. They said I didn't need to do a liquid diet or anything, just be careful about how much I was eating.

    I got mine from vomiting due to gall bladder issues.

    I have some tenderness at my port site and it seems swollen to me. Was just wondering what symptoms you had. I did find out last week that I have many gall stones, some nausea with it but no vomiting.

  5. Yes I did tell my doctor about the tenderness but seems he thought that was "normal". If it still hurts on Mon though, I'll give him a call.

    And I didn't mean to complain really about the slow weight loss and I shouldn't just go by the scale. It's time to buy some new clothes but was trying to wait till I've lost a little more. Thank you for replying.


  6. lost weight as slow as I am right now? I was March, and I've only lost 30lbs!!! I know I can't do much exercise because of another physical condition, but 30lbs in 6mths isn't what I was expecting. I've had 2 fills, the last one 10 days ago, and am having some soreness at the port site right now also. Has anyone else had this problem?

  7. Sorry so graphic...I am 3 days post op and have been having very frequent (up to 10-12 times a day!) episodes of diarrhea since day 1!! The churning in my stomach is awful as well. I called my surgeon and he said I can try liquid Immodium or Kaopectate, which have both done nothing to help the situation. I'm still on the clear liquid phase of my diet. Has anyone else had this situation? If so, what helped you and how long did it last? Thank you for any input!

    I had the same problem for the 3 weeks after surgery. Was horrible but gradually started going away as I started soft then solid food. I actually lost 14lbs during those first weeks, lol. Hang in there and hope you're feeling better soon.

  8. Does anyone out there have any tips or words of wisdom for those of use whose loss seems to be going at a snail's pace? I'm happy to be headed in the right direction and I'm thrilled over the pounds I've dropped, but I'm frustrated by the rate of loss. Are there things I can/should do to speed things along - or should I just settle in, get used to it, and let things work over time? I'm 3 months out from surgery and I guess I expected to feel and look different by now, so it's a little disappointing...but far less disappointing than gaining 20 pounds would've been! :confused: I suppose I should mention that my ticker includes weight lost prior to the surgery. I've dropped about 20 lbs since my 10/28/09 surgery.

    I had my surgery on 10/13, so not long before you. I've only lost 25lbs and it's driving me crazy!!! I was supposed to have a fill on my last appointment but the doc wouldn't do it cause he says I'm losing at the perfect rate. He says that I'd also put my body into "starvation mode" lately and thats why I'm at a standstill. I eat between 600-800 cals. a day, but if I eat more, I know I won't lose. Because of a medical illness, I can't exercise much so that's part of it too I know. Just getting pretty frustrated here.

  9. I have a lot of fatigue mostly. I get tired very easily. I also have an extreme amount of pain in my neck, shoulders, back, knees, just about every where. Sometimes massage works, but sometimes it makes it worse. Heat helps a lot. I find that when I don't get enough sleep, the pain is worse, especially in my neck and shoulders. I have never tried any medications, and to be honest, I don't go to the doctor for it, because I am afraid they won't do anything for me anyway. I guess I am afraid they will tell me it's all in my head.

    My back and knees are where I have the most pain. But like you, I'm afraid the doc will say it's all in my head. I'm going to have to have knee replacement surgery in a few months though, so am hoping I feel alot better after that.

  10. Another nurse here. I worked for over 20yrs in different areas, though my fav was working for a nurse midwife. Had to quit 10yrs ago due to my MS, and though I miss it some, I enjoy having time to spend with my grandbabies.

  11. Teryn, don't beat yourself up. There's always going to be a few set-backs. But you're not at restriction yet at 3ccs. So you don't have the added help of the restriction to help with the bad eating habits that got all of us in trouble to begin with. It will get better. Before my last fill, it was a wonder I lost any weight. I had very little if no restriction, so I could just eat anything I wanted, as fast and as much as I wanted. Like I said, it's amazing I lost any, but knowing the band was there guilted me into not eating 3 tacos...lol.

    I do understand missing your child. Mine is 39 and I'm just now having the empty nest syndrome, even though she's been out of the home for years. When I first moved back here (east coast from the west coast), I would see her maybe three weekends out of the month. She lives in NYC. Now that she's lost all of her weight from being banded, she now has a significant other. So I'm lucky to see her once a month and then it's only for a night because she's running off to Philly to see him. So the holidays were especially hard really for both of us. It's an adjustment for her, too. But had I not had the restriction from the band, me and the tortilla chips and salsa would have caused some trouble...

    So hang in there. Keep yourself busy and those few pounds will be gone. With pretzels, most of that is probably from all the sodium and retaining Water.

    Good luck and it will get better with each fill.


    Thank you for the encouraging words Trish. I didn't realize that 3cc wasn't a restriction yet. When was it that you're finally starting to make a difference.

    Yes, it really is hard when you're away from family. They actually lived WITH us for a few years, and though it's nice to have the house to ourselves again, 4hrs away is too far. Just wish they could visit, go home, then visit again soon after. Congrats to your daughter for being succesful with her band. I bet she feels so much better and it nice she has a relationship now.

    I see that you're in the poconos, we lived close to hershey. We're almost neighbors, haha.

  12. Over the holidays, I actually lost 5lbs, and was so proud of myself. WAS being the important word here. My daughter and my grandchildren moved to another part of the state last summer, and they were here visiting for a week. When they left again, my old eating habits have seemed to take over. I'm depressed cause I miss them so much and not sleeping a whole lot. And one of my troubles has always been mixing up being tired and hungry. So, after eating more since they left, I really blew it last night. I stayed up too late watching tv and of course started eating...UGH. It was just pretzels, but eating alot of them sure adds up. I got on the scale this morning and seems I've gained 2 of those pounds back. I'm trying not to feel guilty about it but thats hard. I've just had one fil so far and that was 3cc. I'm due for another one in a few weeks and am hoping that helps. Please wish me luck.

  13. My sex drive has increased 100 times. I never wanted sex when I was fat and now that I am close to goal I never say no and most often are the one initiating sex. It may be that I am also 42 and feel at my peak.

    Never the less, I have a smile on my face every day.

    Transition is always harder mentally than physically. You may need just a little time for your head to catch up with your body.:unsure:

    Oh I remember my 40's (I'm 52 now) and I was in overdrive. Wore my hubby out, lol. I'm hoping after losing more weight, some of that will come back.

  14. Hello, I do not have fibromyalgia but I was recently, in May, diagnosed with MS. I was the same way, I knew nothing about the disease and researched it like mad and cried and learned that I had been suffering from it a lot longer than I had known. What made it even tougher for me was my husband leaving me only months earlier, which caused stress and lead to my episodes. I feel like I have to face it on my own. Actually the main reason I have decided to get the band is because I was diagnosed and I think it will help with the episodes in the future. Good luck to you and I am sorry for your diagnosis. You have to stay as positive as possible and find support in your friends and family. Best wishes to you :unsure:

    Hi Tam.

    I was banded in Oct, and like you, I have MS. I know there are some things unique to us, and was wondering if I could email you


  15. I have never been formally diagnosed with it, but I have all the symptoms. Massage seems to help me more than anything. Exercise helps too. I have a lot of fatigue. I have never tried any medications for it, but I used to work in a doctor's office and we had a lot of patients that were on lyrica for it.

    I've not formally been diagnosed either, but from what I've read, I think it's very possible. May I ask what kinds of symptoms you have?


  16. I'm not close (Poconos, PA) but had surgery 6/1/09 at Geisinger in Danville, PA. Loved my surgeon but Geisinger is still of the thinking that the band is not the best route to go. They are very much of the mind that bypass is the only way to go and do not like to do the band on anyone with more than a hundred pounds to lose. I was at 90 lbs and really had to jump through hoops. NO REGRETS!!

    Good luck.


    I've heard a few people who think the band isn't the right way to go. I did think about GB at first, but my doctor didn't feel it was right for me. I had my band placed 10/13/09 and so far have lost 20lbs. Even that much makes me feel better, just wish it wasn't so slow lol

  17. Hi there...I'm not in York, but close enough...I'm in Hummelstown (close to Hershey Park). My mom lives in York, so I get down there a few times a month. If you want, you can add me as a friend...we could exchange email addresses and at least keep in touch that way...let me know if you're still looking for a buddy. :rolleyes:

    Hi. I live between E Town and Middletown and was banded 10/13/09. And looks we we both go to the same practice, Dr. Davidson is my doctor. Is so nice to see someone from my area. Do you know if there's a support group there?


  18. Wow, that's pretty intense follow up.

    1. My band helps control my GERD, so I am not eating thousands of calories worth bread and crackers to reduce the symptoms.

    2. If I overeat, I feel like my abdomen is being shoved into my chest.

    3. I don't feel deprived and can still eat pretty much whatever I want, just in smaller portions. I don't touch bread, Pasta or rice and lettuce isn't working well either. I have learned to like Yoplus yogurt. Before, I couldn't stand yogurt.

    I would say exercise, but due to a series of health problems (unrelated to the band), I haven't been able to start yet.

    Also, having someone, whether it be a friend or group (LAP-BAND®, not bypass patients) or provider who can listen to your problems, questions and fears is really necessary.

    Yea, that's more than three.

    I also can't exercise because of other health problems. Have you been able to lose weight without exercising?

  19. Ok...my .02. Is the band about how fast we can lose the weight...or losing the weight and actually keeping it off this time?

    I'm almost 4 weeks post op and I've only lost 4 pounds in that time *but* my clothes are hanging on me (so is the skin) and I've lost several inches from my hips, waist and belly...oh and feet. Best of all my sugar levels have come down from a morning reading of 350 to 145!

    That number on the scales has been the demise of most people's diets because when it doesn't come down as fast as they think it should considering how they've 'deprived' themselves...or worse yet they gain a pound or two...they head to the fridge for comfort.

    I have a very expensive triple beam balance scale that is very accurate so I know it's not the scale. I have no clue why the scales aren't reflecting what my clothes are, but that's ok. At some point they're going to have to drop because I don't know of any size 12 that weighs 240 lbs. :rolleyes:

    Do yourself a favor. Kick the scales to the curb. In the grand scheme of things that number doesn't mean anything.


    Congrats ElfiePoo. Especially with your sugar level, that's so very important. I was a nurse and have seen how that affects people.Guess I got spoiled cause I lost so much right away but not now. Have been trying to find some exercises that I can do besides walking. I'm sure that would help with my weightloss.

  20. I am at a bit of a stand still too. My friend re-joined WW the week I had my first fill and we have been losing about the same. I am still 'ahead' because of the liquids and mushies, but it is annoying hearing how we are losing at same pace. I know I am eating way less than she is b/c I too went to WW a million times and know what I would be eating there.

    I'm sure you're frustrated. Hang in there though, I bet it works for us in time.

  21. Hi Scooter,

    I had my surgery on Oct. 13th and wrote almost the same exact letter as your a few weeks ago. I love 14lbs in 14 days, and since then only 2 more lbs. I'm so frustrated right now and am hoping my 1st fill will help. When some of my friends see me I think they're wondering why I've not lost more weight than I have. Maybe thats all in my mind, lol. Anyway, didn't want you to feel alone with this.

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