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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BayougirlMrsS

  1. BayougirlMrsS

    Help!! Please.....fill Won't Go In Or Come Out.....?

    that is a very good point.... never know. But what i do know is, i'm sticking with my doctor from now on.... Free or not.
  2. BayougirlMrsS

    Humiliated At Work Today! Omg!!!!!

    Sexy.... So i'm just reading this blog and have to say that im mad for you. I only told two people at work about my Lb surg.... one of which is one of my closest friends and the other was my Mentor in the LB process. She had had it done the year before and was very instrumental in my getting the LB. With out her i know i would still be 223Lb or more by now. Any-who.... i was able to keep my secret from co-workers because the day i went back.... i got laid off from my job... So i started cleaning house with a friend... So when people asked, i said it was the constant moving that was helping me lose... Which was true. Now 2 1/2 years later, most everyone knows... I came to realize that, having the LB was not something i should be embarrassed about... it took me a while though.... I felt like people would think i was weak and could do it on my own.... which is partly true.. So now i have a prepared speech when i get asked... so i don't get caught off guard again. On the other hand, the Bi&*h in me would have to pull this person aside and say.... Well you really caught me off guard yesterday.... why did you say what you said? And how did you know when i have only told two people...? The hubby thing.... my hubby didn't want me to have the LB surg.... but, i did it anyway. He still has some issues with it and sometimes makes hurtful commits that i have a "surgical" body now.... In fact last night, i told him that my LB dr. wants me to be one of his "testimonials" and he said.... why, he didn't give you that body... the PS did.... I set up in the chair and told him.... well you d**k an't getting hard either with out Cialis. So i guess we can thank the doctor for that.... boy that really got to him.... hehehehehe.. He said, i don't what you taking pictures in a swim suit for everyone to see.... i said... no dumbass... reg. clothes... who said anything about swimsuits.... He then apologized. I know he's just scared that one day i will leave because of my "new Body", even though i tell him all the time... if i ever leave, it will be because of your attitude.. not my body. But for the most part he has been supportive and i agree that you should sit him down with all your info on the band and tell him... He will figure it out and then you will have to tell him you have not been 100% honest with him. It will make you feel better to get that load off your shoulders. I wish you continued success....
  3. BayougirlMrsS

    Things I Can No Longer Eat Comfortably....

    I was banded in 11/09/09 and same thing... but i have the 14cc band. but at 7.5.. that's when i really started feeling the difference and things started to really not agree with me. And it's when the weight started coming off in June also. I'm back at 9cc in my band after a complete unfill for my Tummy Tuck. Got 5 put back at 8wk post op and another 4cc yesterday. Keep up the great work.
  4. B..... where are you... haven't heard from you in a while.... must be hitting the gym hard...

  5. BayougirlMrsS

    Help!! Please.....fill Won't Go In Or Come Out.....?

    you sure did... I can always count on you... Thanks again. Last night was good. Drank my smoothie and tried to eat a couple bite of a tamale... got one bite down... but it stayed. Also, Guys.... i didn't say anything to my dr. I just felt like if i would have, it would be like telling him i thought he was not a good doctor. And that is so far from the truth. He is a great doctor, his office manager on the other hand... yuck. I was doing it cuz it was free.... and i really trust this other doctor. But, just goes to show you that this fill thing is harder than it look..... I would have said something if the same problem would have happened.
  6. BayougirlMrsS

    Help!! Please.....fill Won't Go In Or Come Out.....?

    Ok..... UPDATE!!! Went today for a fill with MY LB surg.... No problems at all..... YEAH!! Guess the other Doctor didn't know how to access my kind of port. So he put in 4cc today. That brings me back to 9cc in my 14cc band. Hoping for the best. Haven't eaten much today.... couple bites of potato, tonight sticking with a smoothie... Thanks for all advice and well wishes....
  7. BayougirlMrsS

    Help!! Please.....fill Won't Go In Or Come Out.....?

    I haven't gone back yet. Too many things going on and i have put it on the "middle" burner so to speak. I really hope it was just the dr. and not something wrong with my band. My insurance that i have now doesn't cover LB or anything associated with it. Question: If my PS moved my port and was the cause of the problem.... should he be responsible for the repair? On another note: i have been able to keep the weight gain at bay and even lost one .... this makes me happy.
  8. BayougirlMrsS

    Help!! Please.....fill Won't Go In Or Come Out.....?

    well i'm going to my dr. next week and we shall see. I will not tell him what happen. I want to see if he can access with out prob.
  9. BayougirlMrsS

    To Tell Or Not To Tell

    I told the people in my life that meant the most and that would support me. Did they all support me at first.... No... but when it all comes down to it... the only person that matters is ME. You tell who you want to tell.... just be sure your ready for some good and not so good responses... Good luck
  10. BayougirlMrsS

    2012-----> 6 years after Lap Band @ 150 lbs

    Holy mother of God...... you look fabbbbuuuullluuusss Way to go
  11. BayougirlMrsS

    Help Think Ive Got A Problem!

    beth... i think your going to heal very well. your scar doesn't look bad at all. hope thing go great today
  12. I agree with jachut.... wait and do both at the same time.... i sure wish i would have done both at the same time.... now i have to go back and get my breast done. I was going to get both, but i read tooooo much on the internet and scared myself right out of it. I really thought the TT was going to be a lot harder than it was..... NOT!!! I was back to work in 12 days. I had little to no pain at all. Would the end of this year be an option? If i had to do over i would have done this in Octoberishhhh. But that's just me. This Wednesday will be 14 weeks out for me and i still have some swelling and numbness in the area. I also, developed a skin ulcer on my left hip that took about 4-5 weeks to heal. The rest healed very well. My dr. did a great job on the cut. He did exactly what i asked for.... i didn't want a straight across cut, i wanted it to dip into my pubic area. If you think you may want to do this now, and don't have the money..... This is what i did. I of course looked into the care credit and all the rest and even a personal loan, but decided to do this instead. I went to Chase and opened a Slate Card. I got approved for exactly what i needed for the surgery, not a penny more. It was a 15 month 0% interest card and no annual fee. So at the end of 13 or so months what ever i have left i'm going to switch to another 0% interest card. that way i pay no interest on the surgery at all and my monthly note is only 10% of the balance..... $8000... = $80. ...... i'm at 7900 so this month's minim. is $79..... but i pay more to get the balance down.
  13. BayougirlMrsS

    Help Think Ive Got A Problem!

    I thought it was just me. I have gained 7lb since Tummy tuck 13 weeks ago. I did go back at week 8 and my LB dr. put back 5cc in my 14cc band.... which did practically nothing to stop my hungry and the fact that i can eat ANYTHING... So i will be going back soon. My wound on my left hip is completely healed..... took 5 week for it to close up. Scar on the hip is larger and darker, but the rest is healing perfectly. i'll take a scar over the huge fat roll any day. Probably going to get a tat to cover it up anyway.
  14. BayougirlMrsS

    Help Think Ive Got A Problem!

    Beth.... just wondering what the dr. said?
  15. BayougirlMrsS

    Help Think Ive Got A Problem!

    ok... so my tummy tuck did the same thing on my left hip.... what happened was i picked up on something and popped an inside stitch. But because the outside was glued it didn't open... but what happened was the Fluid built up... got very sore and tender... then it opened and started to drain... Called the dr. and texted him a picture of the opening. He called in Antibiotics and some silvadene 1 cream. Said to not steri strip it close.... apply the cream and put a sterile non-stick cover. Let it heal from the inside out. Drainage is good... as long as it has no odor. That was at week 8 and now i'm at week 13 and it is now closed completely.... Keep us posted
  16. BayougirlMrsS

    If You Can Dream It You Can Do It

    it absolutely drives me crazy when people say that having surgery was the "easy way out".... ughhh i could just punch them in the face. You own no one any explanation as to why you chose to have the LB surgery. This was your choice and your health. I know in my experiences the people that said that too me... were one of a couple things.... Fat and didn't want me to lose weight, they wanted to keep their "fat" buddy..... or very thin and didn't want the competition.... I did what made me happy.... even my husband didn't want me to have it done...but i did it anyway... You keep on doing what makes you happy and the next time someone tells you that. Say ohhh really.... when was the last time you at a hamburger on bun, pizza, hot dog.... drank while eating a meal... ...tell them to then go one week with out all the things i have to give up and see how "easy" it is. Ask them what they think of Weight watchers, jenny Craig, nutra-system.... then say, would you join any of them and not follow the program.... would you join WW and not count the points... or the other and not eat the meals...... LB is the same... it's a tool just as those other are... then if the keep on ... tell them to screw off... Keep up the great work....
  17. BayougirlMrsS

    Supportive Friends

    Thanks i need encouraging words right now. Banded Nov. 09. It has been a battle and right now i'm battling again. When i had my TT 12 weeks ago they took out all my fill, so i went 8 week with out anything, now i have 5cc, but i need another 5 to get me back not eating all the bad stuff i can eat right now. I was down to 139, now i'm at 144. I need to get my a$$ back into the gym.... crap just keeps coming up. Wish i was a morning person...
  18. BayougirlMrsS

    Tt Scar Suggestions

    i had talked to my PS about scaring and he said they really don't have anything over the counter that will help scars and/or stretch marks. They all pretty much are gimmicks. He said a good moisturizing cream is the best thing... keep it moistened. I'm lucky that i scar well. I'm now going into week 12 since my TT and i did have a spot on my left hip that opened and i'm having to let heal from the inside out... it is thicker. But i rather have the scar than the roll of fat and skin.... Oh... my aunt swears by coconut oil.... Good luck
  19. BayougirlMrsS

    Supportive Friends

    lol.... you guys are great.... thanks for the nice words.... they do mean a lot. If i would have known then what i know now.... i would have had the breast reduction and lift when i had the Tummy Tuck.... 11 weeks ago. And what i mean by that is.... if i would have know the pain was going to be that minimal... i would have done both at the same time. Went bathing suit shopping and still can find anything large enough in "regular" stores to fit them. I tried on top after top and boobie-spillage... every where... was not pretty site.... So now i have to travel an hour and a half to a special store in Mandeville, la to buy a top to go with my new bikini ....... that i will be wearing in public this summer.... for the first time in over 20 years..... i'm so proud of me... i know that sounds bad... but i really am. Everyone should feel this great about them selves and do what ever they have to to feel amazing. WE ALL DESERVE IT.....
  20. BayougirlMrsS

    Supportive Friends

    lost 80 and mine went from 44H.... to 36FF-G. So not that much change either.
  21. BayougirlMrsS

    Do I Need Lipilsuction On Top Of Tt?

    ok... NY... i just updated my story, so i copied and pasted this. Yesterday was my 11th week post op from my Tummy Tuck/Lipo. Went in for my Free consultation in January. Dr. said that because i was a few pounds from being in the normal BMI range and because i had a stable weight for more than six months, i was an excellent candidate for a Tummy Tuck. Said that he could tell that i had been working out and that my muscle tone was pretty good. My problem area was the lower stomach. After two c-sections, hysterectomy, gallbladder and LB.... my stomach was shot. He said he could give me great results... so on February 15th I went in. All fill was removed from my LB and surgery lasted two hours, i stayed over night with a morphine pump. Incision is from hip to hip with a down-word dip. He pulled down the top part of my stomach, re-positioned my port, tightened up the stomach musicle, pulled up from the bottom (about 2-3lbs of skin removed). Lipo'ed on the back, sides and hips (one liter of fat removed). Stitched the inside and glued the outside. No drain tubes. Went home with percocets and lovonox injections. Pain meds as needed and injections twice a day to prevent blood clots. FYI... they burn like fire.... My wonderful Daughter in law (LPN) came twice a day to give them to me. Had my BFF stay with me for the first couple nights then i was on my own. Slept in my comfy recliner for the first few night. My hubby was working. He was able to be with me the day of, but had to leave the next day. By day three I was walking down the block and back.... and at day 12 i went back to work. Took me a few more weeks before i was walking like a "normal" person. Swelling, numbness, and tightness is still around but the pain was gone by day 3-4. Pain was what i equated to my C-sections. Hurt to cough or laugh, but other than that it was not bad at all. At about week 8 thought i was super-woman and was doing too much and popped one of my inside stitches. I felt when it happen. Because the outside was glued, it didn't open. But fluid built up and because it was right on my hip bone, i developed a skin ulcer. It opened, but with antibiotics and antibiotic cream, it is healing very well and the rest of the scar is also. Total cost for doctor with all follow up and hospital with over night stay..... out of pocket (insurance would not cover) $8800..... and worth every cent....!!!!
  22. BayougirlMrsS

    Is It Really Bad To Eat Right After A Fill?

    there comes a time when you can just eat more and the weight loss decreases or stalls. Anyway this is why you got the band to be able to adjust it. I never went in for an "unfill". My dr. always put in the right amount after about 4 fills. I also have the 14cc band. I have 5cc in it now and i'm going next week for 5 more. I had all my fill removed 11 weeks ago for my Tummy tuck. So now i have to start over... but at least he is filling like i want him too.
  23. BayougirlMrsS

    Surgery Thursday!!!!

    Today is 11 week after having my TT. They removed all my fill for the very reason you said.... I stayed 8 weeks with out anything in my band. I did get 5cc put back in and i'm still hungry all the time and i can eat anything. I have gained 5lb in the past 11 weeks and i'm not happy at all. So next week i'm going get another 4-5cc put in.... i was at great restriction at 10.... we shall see. good luck with your surgery.
  24. BayougirlMrsS

    Is It Really Bad To Eat Right After A Fill?

    i have always been able to eat after my fills..... dr. just says to don't push it.
  25. BayougirlMrsS

    Need Exercise Support....help!!!

    So today i have decided to get back to what i know works. After not going to the gym for the past 10 weeks after the tummy tuck i have really gotten lazy. To top it off, my plastic surgeon removes all the fill and for 8 weeks i had nothing. Talk about getting knocked off my high-horse. For the past two years i had it in my head that should anything happen to my band that i could do it on my own.... boy was i wrong. My hunger came back with a vengeance. I'm hungry all the time and i can eat ANYTHING... since my TT i have gained back 5lbs.... and i'm not happy about that. Now i have 5cc in my band and i'm still hungry. So this week i'm going back for 5 more. I need help with keeping me on track. Two weeks ago i started back at zumba, but i need more. So today i'm going to strap my boobs down and attempt the c25k. I have NEVER ran before. Anyone interested in helping me keep accountable... we can keep each other accountable. Report back either here or via messages on our day. How we did with food and exercise... I don't know about you all.... but i sure could use the help. Let me know..... Thanks everyone and have a wonderful day.

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