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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TracyNYC

  1. TracyNYC

    Tasty discovery

    Been using laughing cow lite since right after surgery since it is so mushy. Have to watch b/c they go down so well....I put mine on reduced fat wheat thins.
  2. I have been reading "Hungry Girl's" web site for a while and she always talks about VITATOPS. They are muffin tops. I thought they were only available on line. I found them in Waldbaums. 100 calorie and low fat too. I bought Corn and double chocolate. OMG! so good. I put the corn in the toaster and put a little margarine and was it GOOD! They are in the frozen section. They are slightly gummy in the center, but a few extra chomps and it went down like a dream! HG uses the chocolate ones with FF cool whip for a dessert. Waiting to try that too.
  3. TracyNYC

    Yummy discovery

    Take a look at the web site. Has all the nutritional info and I discovered some are sugar free too.
  4. I am struggling too. It is only 4 months and I am not doing the right thing all the time. Very frustrating. Must delve into this in therapy more....Are there therapists who work with food issues as a specialty???
  5. TracyNYC

    Hit Goal....Now What!

    Congrats on meeting goal!
  6. AAHHH revinge is a great motivator for exercise.....'Just too fat', at least you can diet away your issue. There is no known cure for a$$hole-itis. Best of luck.
  7. TracyNYC

    relationship changes

    My friends, also obese, have joked that if I am successful with my loss, I will not be invited to the pool parties anymore. As if I am interested in their husbands.... I also told them and others that I will NOT date someone who knew me before and couldn't be bothered once I am thinner. They think that is awful. I feel it would be like winning LOTTO and then suddenly being asked out. My one friend said "maybe they couldn't see past the fat' My response was, "Exactly. Who wants someone so limited?".....So I told them that if they knew someone with a secret crush on me, they better move fast or it will be too late. LOL
  8. Why does the world think they can tell me I am fat? It is not like I don't know. Today I was in the teachers' lounge and the gym teacher was wearing her heavy coat. The custodian was teasing her about being cold. She and I always joke back and forth b/c she is from Jamaica and always cold, and I don't wear a coat until at least December. Anyway, the custodian asked me if I was cold and I said no. Well this teacher says, "That is because you have all that extra flesh." I was so mad. I have told her that I was mad that another teacher handed me a diet on the first day of school and always comments on my weight. I really expressed my annoyance. She also has told me that I look like Roseanne and Rosie. The kids have picked up on this and I don't like it. I have had people I barely know say things to me. What right does anyone have to say anything about my size? Thanks for letting me vent, LOL
  9. TracyNYC


    There is no happy medium....sometimes they look like old fogey clothes or they make minis in the plus size that end up wider than they are long. Or halter tops and belly shirts in size 20+ . I mean really....
  10. TracyNYC


    The day I can walk into a Macy's and not have to trudge to the 4 th floor or the depths of the basement hidden behind Maternity to find the "fat" (womens') department, I will be so happy. Ever stand in Juniors or Misses and ask a size 2 associate or a male one where "womens" is and they say, "You're in it". ? They think you mean female clothes. How humiliating that I have to say, No, I mean the larger sizes or fat sizes. and they sau OOOOOHHH!
  11. TracyNYC


    The only new thing I bought were 2 pairs of jeans. They are the same size as my old ones, but just fit better as they are not stretched out.. I think this is part of the reason not one person has noticed a near 35 lb. loss-I am still wearing same clothes. I refuse to buy new stuff in all the same size. I can't get into anything smaller in the stores though. I have always been funny with sizes in clothes. Like I was a 14 in 12th grade 25 years ago, gained 100+ pounds and was at most a 20....go figure,,,,
  12. Thin attractive people are always treated better. They don't know it though. Saw an OPRAH years ago that stuck with me: They hired thin attractive models to drop folders, ask for directions and even money out on Chicago Streets. Everyone of them was helped including getting cab fare. They did the same scenarios with heavier less attractive people and far fewer of them were helped. On lady asked directions to a building she was standing in front of and a man who just exited same building ignored her. The kicker was the reaction of the "pretty" people as they watched the video. They were shocked and never knew that everyone was not treated kindly. The less attractive ones knew though. So sad. I look forward to being treated nicely as I grow thinner. I am generally a nice person, and many people feed off that, but I have been treated poorly due to appearance.
  13. I think it is funny that some of us feel fat all the time and others are quite surprised when they see themselves. I have also had quite a few experiences over the years where people (strangers and people I know) feel the need to tell me I am fat, As if I ever need reminding. My fat friend at work and I just confronted a group of women who always make comments about our weight/what we eat and how we look. It was quite liberating.
  14. I wouldn't know what it is NOT to feel or look fat. I have never NOT been fat. I think i will think I am skinnier than I really am because, even after I lose 100 pounds, I will still be overweight. I saw a picture of myself from 10 years ago and i was probably 70 lbs. lighter back then and am HUUGE! I will Never be skinny in my head or in person. I will be thinnER and HEALTHIER though.
  15. I have been having bouts of green bowel movements. I keep trying to think if anything I am eating would cause it. I did add eggplant to my diet, but that was a bit before the green appeared. I googled it and it mentioned something about bile and the food passing too quickly. Which seemed odd. Any thoughts?
  16. TracyNYC

    Green (sorry) Poop

    Mimi, Yes, I do still have it. I hope, through the band and work, that I will avoid the Triple F that causes Gallbladder probs: Fat, Fertile and Forty!
  17. TracyNYC

    Green (sorry) Poop

    THAT'S IT! I have been drinking A LOT of Target brand crystal Lite in Grape. It is sooooo good. Phew! Glad about that! Thanks!
  18. TracyNYC

    Poop Question....

    When I can go it is fairly normal, I had a bout of diarrhea yesterday for the firs time since surgery. 10/5/09. The calcium was killing me. I need calcium with magnesium, but have a hard time finding it.
  19. TracyNYC

    I really wish...

    I too hate yogurt. I have tried all brands and flavors. BLECH I also hate Tuna. Two diet staples and I dislike them both.....SMH
  20. What a good idea for the chocolate protein powder. Will have to try that! MMM Good.
  21. I have had 2 fills since my surgery in October. I now have restriction when I eat and drink. BUT I am never not hungry. Yes, some of it is head hunger (how I hate that term) but much of it hunger-rumbling tummy, and an emptiness. I have been very diligent about not drinking and washing the food through. I am having some trouble with solid protein like chicken and beef, but can have quite a bit of semi mushie, like turkey chili. I know I am over eating b/c the snacking is ridiculous. I eat and am hungry as I am eating and still hungry a 1/2 hour later. Very frustrating..... :biggrin: I am down 30 lbs. officially and 34 on my scale right now!
  22. Thank you all for your responses. I only received a notice about the last post or else I would have responded sooner. The last post was quite informative. I understand about the soft slider foods not helping hunger. I just had a fill January 7th and have had a decent amount of restriction. I have been working on chewing and chewing and chewing and it has helped quite a bit with meat and solid Protein. I am a gobbler and have to really work on that. As a teacher I often eat and read papers or grab a bite and make copies and don't really sit and eat. I also am called to meetings constantly on my lunch period and find I can not eat like that. I always get stuck, so I often skip lunch which is awful. Not to mention we only get 42 minutes, so by the time I clean up my room, heat my food and use the BR I barely have 20 minutes, never mind the suggested 1/2 hour to eat. I have been banded since 10/5/09 and am still making peace with my band. I will check out the Lap band for life book. It seems very helpful. Glad to know I am not alone. I will monitor this and see what changes I can make along the way. I also will discuss with Physician's assistant when I go in February. Thank all!
  23. TracyNYC

    Slime Time!

    I get tight in the band, hiccup and or burp. But have had "one more bite" a few times and then......slime. Nasty!
  24. TracyNYC

    Pre Op Questions

    The GasX did help! As for side sleeping, I was able the second day to prop a sofa pillow under my belly while on my side. (I have seen pregnant people do this on TV) It helps hold that tummy up so you don't feel the pulling as much. It was almost as good as when I got on my belly to sleep. Walk every 2 hours for the gas. I did this in the hospital and my first 2 nights home. I got up all night too. It helps. Good luck. You just started an awesome journey!
  25. Upon re-reading my response I thought: HMM Angry much!! Did not mean it to sound as nasty as I fear it comes across. Sorry if it was..... :biggrin:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
