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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TracyNYC

  1. TracyNYC

    Slow losers lol

    I am losing slowly too. Am I working my band 100%? No. About 80%. I always lost slowly. Even on WW I would track to last oz for weeks and weeks and gain 3 pounds. Then, suddenly I'd lose 8....I am banded since October and down 35. 20 was lost in first month. I have just had my 4th fill and have not been hungry since then. I had to Make myself eat earlier. Very odd.
  2. I was out doing Saturday errands and went to pizza place with 8 yr old niece for lunch. I decided on a panini since the bread is very thin and toasted and I could see the chicken meat was shredded. When the sandwich came I even scraped off some of the cheese. I took 2 bites and chewed and chewed and really enjoyed them. They went down with no problem. I took the third and felt that "stop" feeling. I did. 2 seconds later I coughed and slimed horribly. Thank God I had the napkin in my hand. There was no warning. It has been 2 months since I had a fill and am doing Ok on soft solids and have had wraps and quesadillas with no problems. I was so angry and embarrassed. The little one grabbed me more napkins and I left her in the booth while I went to restroom to continue bringing up the rest. I ma very, very sore and have awful headache ever since, but am afraid to try tylenol. I am so frustrated with the band right now and with myself for being so out of control for needing it in the first place. I thought I found a decent choice for being out. I felt like a "normal" person for those first 2 bites and then the "incident" was like a slap reminding me that I will never be and never was normal around food. So annoyed.....
  3. TracyNYC

    public vomit.....SMH

    Liquid Benadryl...interesting. would not have thought of that for that type of swelling. I guess I missed that day in Med school. LOL I have been having tea and broth and will try mushy/soft late tomorrow.
  4. TracyNYC

    Renewed thinking...

    Oh yeah, you have what I called the "Nasties". It takes a while for it to pass. My good friend at work would say "eat bread" when I had them. She knew I couldn't but it was our code for me to chill. I am not the greatest success (banded 10/6/09 and only down 35 lbs.) and I believe it is because of the head/addiction to food thing. I am in therapy and am reading a lot about food addiction. I hate my band today . However, when I have these times I realize that it is anger and frustration at myself that I am at this point. I was almost 300 lbs at the start and wonder how the hell I got there. Every meal is a chance to do the right thing and work the band. Let the feelings flow. Explain to hubby that cookies are hard to face right now, maybe you could take a walk for a family activity instead of a food centered thing. Good Luck and hang in there.,.,.,
  5. My workday breakfast is Kashi warm cinnamon cereal with 3/4 cup Almond breeze unsweetened vanilla almond milk. I usually add a splenda. On weekends where i can be adventurous I may have a Vita top or an egg in a wrap. Sometimes I get stuck with it, so I stick with cereal during the week as it always goes down. BTW The almond milk is very good. It is not soy either.
  6. I am 6 months out and have done this too. You can't keep beating yourself up over it. Get to a support group or start seeing counselor. My therapist, while not an eating specialist, has been very helpful during my self sabotage times. There really are few things I can't get down anymore, but I try to avoid the ones I shouldn't eat. (I am addicted to tomato/basil wheat thins- They are my crack) I can't have it in the house at all. Let each meal be a chance to eat properly. Good Luck
  7. TracyNYC


    So Happy For you!!!!!! I am so jealous! I am down 35 pounds and am still in same clothes and size! guess I was stuffing myself into those 18/20.LOL I think I am bordering on dropping a size and need about 10 pounds to go! This is why no one has noticed any weight loss I guess since I am in the same old outfits!!!! Keep it up. The day I can't shop in the Avenue will be a very happy day for me!! Hate that store!
  8. I lost 4 pounds this month!! I have not lost since January. I am down a total of 35 pounds since October. Not great, but better than up 35. LOL My last fill FINALLY gave me decent restriction and the horrid hunger is gone. I am hoping for at least 5 lbs. by next weigh on May 6th. Yeah Me!
  9. TracyNYC


    Thanks everyone! It is good to share all the highs and lows on here. I do not know another person who has been banded, so it is hard for people to 'get it'. I have had 3 fills. No fill yesterday, since I am feeling restriction! Good Luck to everyone!
  10. TracyNYC


    Most times I feel at peace with my band, however, there are times I resent it and have even thought "I am taking It Out!". I do believe there is a mourning period and after the initial excitement wears off we have to deal with it all. I really hate going out to eat and socializing. I say No more than yes these days because I am not strong enough to resist appetizers and bad things that slide down(mozzarella sticks anyone?) I need to get to a support group meeting, I have never gone as they are far and late. (excuses, excuses). Someone from my church was just banded by my surgeon, so Maybe he and I can go and motivate. I know no one going through this. Perhaps being w/ others in a similar situation (like when WW) will be helpful... Good Luck!
  11. I was down 7 pounds from my last fill in March. I had good restriction. Then.....I went to a party Saturday and Easter dinner on Sunday. I gained it ALL back from Friday morning. How is that possible? Did I over-indulge? YES! but 7 pounds worth? In 3 days? I am sooooooo mad. My weigh in is Thursday.I should have weighed in last Thursday, but they were closed for Holiday. AARRGH!
  12. TracyNYC

    Rapid Gain?

    A lot was salty: hot finger foods, ham for Easter, regular cheese, etc. I know it is not TOM. (Don't have that due to Birth control) I have been drinking, but will step it up. I weighed myself Friday morning and was 252. I have been trying so hard to get to 249 as that will make 40 lbs and put me below 250 for the first time in 10 years. I was so excited to be so close. Last night and this morning I was 259 again. Really being extra diligent today and will keep drinking and drinking. I am on a steroid inhaler again this week due to bronchitis that will not go a way! That may be part of it too. TX for the responses.
  13. I wondered about this myself...my friend and I have visions of them seeing the tube and port and thinking it is some type of detonator. LOL I will be flying over the summer months so am curious how it works with the body scans.
  14. TracyNYC

    I'm going to need...

    Sign me up!! I already see the saggy pooch and I am nowhere near goal. Def lost the "muscle tone" behind the flab,,,(If that is possible)
  15. I was visiting my brother and sister in law for a few days and she put out FF cheddar and reduced fat triscuits in an effort to have something for me. I ate 2 triscuits and was stuck like never before. I PB and "brought up" stuff for 1 1/2 hrs. FINALLY it came back and I was unstuck. I was so sore the next day. I thought they would go down as they are crumbly. I guess it is live and learn On a happy note, we ate out every meal for 3 days and I did not gain a pound!! I am VERY VERY happy. Anyone else have a bad time with triscuits?
  16. TracyNYC

    Triscuit equals "tsk-it"

    Funny thing is, I really don't like them. Should have had the cheese with no crackers.
  17. Yeah! It is never dull. The best part is discovering the things you CAN eat that taste good instead of concentrating on what you CAN'T! Speedy recovery.
  18. Interesting, My worst saboteur has been a failed bypass patient. She is now selling tastefully simple and keeps inviting me. "Just Visit" it will be fun. First of all the Snacks for any of those selling parties are my downfall, dip, cheese and crackers. and then at a Tastefully Simple Party it is even worse. This is the 'friend' I've mentioned before who was sneaking Diet Pepsi in the hospital before being discharged. She now claims she never it was "damaging" her pouch. She thought they sais no soda b/c it was unhealthy not harmful! My 2 BFF who NEVER socialize without their kids, have now begun having kid-free cocktail parties complete w/ booze and snacks. The first one was 2 weeks after my surgery! But, I do OK and they try to be inclusive with the foods they offer or I bring band friendly snacks for all. Some people mean well other not so much. I just keep it moving either way.
  19. I teach HS and have my lunch at a principal designated period. I teach 2 classes before and 2 classes after. My principal constantly holds meetings during this time as it is when the kids are at lunch. For some teachers this is not their designated lunch so they must attend. I have been refusing to go b/c after the 1st few times I found I was getting stuck and upset during the meetings (things are not good there) so I have been taking my "duty free contractual lunch". Now I am being 'uncooperative' and he is telling the kids that I won't give up my lunch to help them. I really need the calm, slow time to eat. I tried not eating at the meetings, but can not go from 7am until 3:30 w/o eating. We are not allowed to eat unless it is on our "lunch", so I can not get caught eating on my prep period later in the day. I really do not want to bring a letter from the surgeon since they do not know why I was out in October. I just said surgery. Not sure how to handle this. The band is making work very difficult for me. I need to eat at my 10:30 lunch. I went to a meeting yesterday and had string cheese and turkey pepperoni(one of my staple lunches) and b/c of the aggravation and talking while eating I had to leave and throw up. Not attending the meetings also stresses me out b/c I know I am putting nails in my coffin by not going. Any ideas? Like I said part venting, part problem Tracy
  20. Since many of us admitted scale whores, I was wondering how much does your weight fluctuate in a day? I have been desperately trying to break below 255. I am 253.5 in the morning and even on a really good food day, by the end, I am up. Sometimes 5 or 6 pounds!! My next fill is April 8th and I want to be 249. It will mark 40 lbs. and put me below 250. Is there a norm as to how the weight jumps and drops?
  21. Betsy, I like the way you worded that. Perhaps it is time to be a little forthcoming with him. Part of it is that by giving up the lunch pd. as scheduled is that I would be from 8:50 until 1:10 with no 'break'. For those not in the classroom that means no bathroom, no trip to the Water cooler, no trip to the fax machine or supply closet to get away from the desk for 3 minutes. People don't realize that part of it either. But, mainly it is the 'eating' time I need. Thanks for the input. On break now until a week from Wednesday!
  22. Thanks guys- The union is well aware of his violations. He has never "Made" me give up the lunch, but I get called in often when ever I choose to take the lunch. He targets those who are not "team players". I am glad that I am not the only one with this problem. Well, not that others have trouble, but I thought maybe I was being a baby about it. The politics in the schools is crazy.
  23. TracyNYC

    Fluctuating Weight

    Thanks Guys. I think it is crazy that you can gain 6 pounds in a day when eating properly.
  24. Ihad my 3rd fill in February, was banded in Oct. This last one really helped a lot. I am not really hungry. I want things that I shouldn't, but it really curbed the hunger.

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