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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TracyNYC

  1. I too can feel it pass through if it is not chewed properly. It is almost like a "click". I feel very cold or hot liquids in the morning a lot.
  2. TracyNYC

    Feedback Please!

    Pain was only "there" when I changed positions like from sitting to standing. I only took 1 pill the first night and woke myself everytime I moved, so then I took 2 pills (mashed up) for 3 or 4 nights. The extended sleep went a long way in helping the healing. I could not do lifting for 6 weeks. It was such a hardship having my sister do my laundry. Tee-Hee. At worst pain was a 3 or 4.
  3. The hunger before reaching a decent restriction was surprising. Known as bandster-hell. The mental impact has been the most shocking. I am much less of a doormat. I am now "The Bitch" at work. ( I really want to be "The SKINNY Bitch though :redface:) It is empowering and I never realized by being "the fat one" how much I let people crap on me. My friends have had mixed response: One is very happy and encouraging, the other immediately joined WW -again-the week I was banded. I know that she wanted to "out-lose" me so she could say she did it w/o a crutch. That failed again, as it did for me so many times. I am much less sensitive and more likely to tell you about yourself. I LOVE IT! Side note: The male, sexy, young gym teacher at school said he thinks my new attitude is sexy! LOL He was just humoring an old lady, but it felt good!
  4. I was nervous too, but do not have children or hubby, so the fear is different. I was so busy preparing my work and lesson plans that that kept me very occupied. (Have a nazi principal). I was more anxious than scared. Go through with it. It will be OK. Share your fears with your husband and doctor. My pre-surgery education class helped A LOT! Good Luck!
  5. Are you really hungry or is it head hunger? Sometimes I have to stop and really think about it. I also sometimes think about what it is I REALLY am craving"sweet, fatty, crunchy etc, and then have a small amount of that. The Light Laughing Cow cheese (35 cal each) are good too. They have new flavors too. Sometimes I forget to "stop" and just eat. Still leftover behaviors from pre-band days. A fill may also be in order. I had my last one in May and have really not been hungry. Thankfully. Good Luck
  6. How do you "feed" the cravings for: SWEET: Over the Moon chocolate Milk or Chocolate VitaTop CRUNCH: Reduced Fat Wheat Thins SALT: ?? Just looking for good ideas..... Thanks, Tracy
  7. Yes, the pillow is a must. I learned that trick when my mother had a hysterectomy. I don't remember if they told me to use the pillow in the car, but we brought one. Also I sort of used a pillow at home to prop up my belly when I was on my side, to prevent my incision from pulling too much.
  8. Hi, I stayed overnight and once I was settled in my room I walked every hour. They woke us all night every single hour. I was told it was not so much the gas as fear of blood clots which are common after surgery in the morbidly obese. Finally a t 4 am we asked to be left alone until 7. The nurse agreed, but the aid woke me 2x in that 3 hours bugging me a bout a flu shot! I was not happy. The gowns were plenty big, as were the beds, since I was in a section just for wls patients. I was getting tangled in the robe it was so big. Going home I wore the sweats and tee shirt I had worn in the day before sans bra. Not out of pain, but I did not care. Bring lip balm. I was very dry and was glad they told us that. I also thought the temp was just fine, which means others will be cold. ( I am 41 and swear I have been in menopause since I was 10-always dying of the heat) We had a 5 hour class in the hospital the week before which was amazingly informative and detailed everything from where to park to exactly what we would be fed after the surgery. They said discharge was at 2pm and it was. Good luck. Try to find someone here who had the procedure done in the same place to get the "skinny" (haha) on the routine. Best of luck.
  9. TracyNYC

    Oh these bat wings!!!

    I am interested to see what others say. I am about a third way to goal and know my 'bat wings' are a problem already. My arms are actually bigger than when I started. When I would workout pre-surgery they would grow and grow. I am hesitant to work them too hard now. I have read that they have made some progress in the procedure and that it can be less invasive through the armpit.
  10. TracyNYC

    Drug interactions

    Funny you post this. I went on antibiotics last Thursday and have gained 6 pounds! I was away over the weekend and did eat more/worse choices than usual, plus some alcohol. However, I was thinking this seemed a bit high for a 2 and 1/2 day trip. ( I wasn't chugging cases of beer LOL) I am now wondering if the Amoxicillian has something to do with it....
  11. I have been doing well lately. 10 pounds since mid-may. I have been at 244 for almost 2 weeks. 244.8, 244.2, 244.3. I have been more active than usual, painting, renovations. (not formal exercise) and really doing well with my eating. More fruit than before, less carbs. Do any of you have a food trick that is guaranteed to drop a pound or 2? maybe I need to start watching my Protein again. I have 5 more to reach my 50 Lb. mark and buy myself a Pandora Bracelet and 1 charm. Was hoping to be there August 1, but don't think so. Thanks
  12. TracyNYC

    Need a jump start

    Thanks. Guess what? I got on the scale this morning and was down 2 lbs. I am going away for 3 days w/ "the girls". Hope to hold steady. I am sure there will be some "liquid calories" consumed. LOL I WILL EXERCISE! I WILL EXERCISE!
  13. TracyNYC

    Need a jump start

    Thanks. Good idea.
  14. Keep it up! Great job!
  15. I agree with Jachut--not so much hurting as an awareness. Sometimes it borders on uncomfortable. I have had only 2 really bad "stuck" episodes. Apparently I put my hand to my chest when I get "that" feeling of "Will it go down or not"? Or at least that is what my family tells me. So, hurt? no, but it definitely is different.
  16. No kids myself, but just wanted to comment kids are amazed by adults and boo boos. My sister and her daughter live with me. She was 7 last october when I was banded, so I showed her the pics of a band on line and explained. When I cam home she thought I was going to be skinny, so a 2nd round of explanations was in order. She was amazed that I only had a small butterfly bandage, she was hoping for big gaping booboos like my mom had with her cancer surgeries! She likes to feel my port and walks around sticking her belly out saying, "Feel my port"! If you don't make it scary, they won't be scared and at 3 I think your daughter will like to be your "nurse". Good suggestion about the car seat. Congrats on taking this step. I am happy most days with the decision. So glad I did it.
  17. TracyNYC

    weird cravings!

    I have developed a crazy sweet tooth. I liked cake before the surgery, but now I want sweets, sweets, sweets. I have a 60 cal Jello pudding or a Vita top chocolate top. I also have the salt thing at times...
  18. Great word. Tiny! My pinky toe isn't even tiny! LOL Keep up the good work!
  19. Banded since October 2009 Since my last fill in May I PB 3x a week and have had some PB/throwing up combo about once a week. I too have the stuck feeling that usually passes with movement. I had a really bad stuck incident in April by eating a Triscut. God, It was hours before that thing passed/came up! Like others, most "incidents" are self inflicted by rushing, over eating or a stupid choice. Annoying that a 'good' food can suddenly become a 'bad' one.
  20. I flew Memorial Day weekend about 10 days after a fill. I was tight already and probably should have had a slight un-fill. I had a rough time for about 2 days after each flight, but had been throwing up anyway, so am not too sure which it was. and.....the more I am rambling here, I realize I am not helping....I think it is a case by case thing.
  21. Thanks KCG-I have been filled since my ticker was posted. I can not figure out how to update the damn thing....My last fill was in May. The doc's office cancelled my last 2 appts. The 45 lbs is by my scale. I am waiting to hit 50 and then am treating myself to a Pandora Bracelet and 1 charm. For each ten I lose after I will buy a charm. 20 of the 45 was in the first month, so I feel really slow compared to others here. (I also am in the throws of a bad break up so am quite down on myself.) I will stay the course and need to get back to my doc!
  22. I was banded 10/06 and have lost 45 lbs as of today. Too slow and a disappointment. Have started exercising so hopefully that will help. I lose very slowly and b/c of that I get frustrated and then cheat. Vicious cycle.
  23. LOL Thanks for that. This woman is certainly no stick figure either.
  24. I am not married, but have been called a Bitch by people at work since the surgery. I think it has to do with taking control of your life in a big way. That extends to other parts of our lives:relationships, work, etc. One friend at work tells me "Eat Bread" when I need to dial it down and am in risk of putting my foot in my mouth. The sexy PR teacher said, "You are nasty this year! I like it!" LOL We are reclaiming ourselves.
  25. TracyNYC

    Broke my foot today :(

    Oh no! Hang in there!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
