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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TracyNYC

  1. I apologize to those in bandster hell...but I actually forgot to eat today...It is 11:30 and not until I logged on here did it occur to me that I had not eaten.... I just had a fill Thursday, so I am tight and full. Yipee
  2. Yes: Eye to Band ratio is exactly as you defined it. I made that up...LOL
  3. About 6ccs. She said something about 5.5 and then gave me a 1/2cc fill, so I am not sure if I went in with 5.5 or left w/ 5.5. I always forget to ask. I think my band is 12 cc total. I am quite tight and have not gotten "stuck" but have brought up some stuff. I have to re-adjust my eye-to band ratio again after the fill on Thursday for a while. I have lost 3 pounds since Thursday! It will level out after I get used to the fill.
  4. I would read other posts and woulds be like "yeah, right"....Having my protein shake as I type.
  5. I let waaaaaaaay too many people know. I wish I had zipped up. After losing 30lbs., one woman at work who has always made remarks about my weight, said something to the effect of "Too bad the surgery did not take. You are bigger than ever." I informed that she needed an eye-surgeon as I was losing and pretty much shut her up! I am not ashamed of doing it and will share, but wish I had been more discreet.
  6. TracyNYC

    Never wake up...

    It's funny, while I knew that could be an issue and I am a BIG worrier by nature, I was not afraid of that. My friends tell me that is b/c I have no family. ( assume they meant children/hubby or I guess my sister and brother don't count LOL). I was oddly at peace going in. I did pray the night before, but was not overtly worried. You know the surgeon and his results and just have to have faith. Don't work yourself up and raise your BP...then they will post-pone, and you don't want that! Best of Luck
  7. WOW, I had a fill 4 weeks out, but I have learned on here that all docs are different. Until I got good restriction (at fill #4) I was overeating. As much as I tried to adhere to the eating 3x a day with NO SNACK, I was overdoing it and my weight loss was very slow. The restriction does help. Perhaps call surgeon and see what they think, maybe you are losing at the rate they want and are satisfied with it. Some people have restriction right after surgery or their doc puts some fill in the time the band is placed. I had a small amount but little restriction after healing took place. Best of Luck.
  8. TracyNYC

    Only eat 3x/day???

    I was surprised by this too, however, once you start getting fills it gets a lot easier and you learn head vs. real hunger. I have had 5 fills and really have not had much hunger since my 4th fill in May. Do I still pick and graze sometimes? yeah....not good, but I have lost the last 15 since May, so the loss has picked up since I really cut down on stupid snacking. I was like 3 1/2 cup meals a day? are they nuts, but the food plan does work.....
  9. TracyNYC

    I love my band!

    Great story! Congrats! (I am now yelling at my band for not bringing me a man!!!!)LOL You should advertise for your surgeon: Get a man with each lapband!
  10. Call doc soon. I was told if I had ANY weirdness or pain in my legs to let them know ASAP. They worry about blood clots in the legs which can occur after surgery especially in the overweight.
  11. Hang in there. You are not alone. It is sooo discouraging at times. I agree, your doc is not being helpful at all. I finally started losing well after fill #4. I just had my 5th this week. It takes a few to get good restriction. I envy your work out regime. I can not get that going.... Check in here a lot and keep doing what you are doing. Track your food and exercise so you can show a doctor. Then maybe they can point out suggestions. Good Luck!
  12. While I love my band and the lost weight, I find that it causes me stress. I went away for 3 days and was in a panic about eating out and what I was bringing and not wanting to be a pain in the rear to my friends. They are tolerant to a point, but I made this choice. I know being more aware of the food is the point, but I am going to a BBQ/party tomorrow after having a fill yesterday and am bummed. I have my soft food ready to go, but then I get stuck eating alone so as not to make a big deal and sitting around all the "good stuff" is very tough. I have found joy in other things:walking, new clothes, no swollen ankles this summer, etc, but I MISS EATING WITH ABANDON......sometimes. I know that abandon got me to 289 lbs. but still at times I miss it!!!!:biggrin:
  13. TracyNYC

    Goodbye 200's

    I am jealous! I am 10 months out and just broke into 239......Awesome......
  14. TracyNYC

    looking for a thread

    Thank you so much!
  15. When I was waiting for my surgery I joined this forum. I believe I read a post where someone listed all the things they won't do: I will not have to hide what's in my shopping cart I will not have to stand at BBQs b/c the yard furniture is too weak I will not have to satnd at teacher conferences becausr I can't fit in the desk..... and things like that. Other people added on. I had copied and pasted it into one document, but lost it when my computer died. Anyone remember this thread? I have no idea what it was titled. It is a long shot and probably almost a year old if not older. Any help will be greatly appreciated Tracy
  16. I share your joy. As of today down 50.5 lbs. I am 10 1/2 months out and very pleased too. However, my sizes have barely budged...Still in 20/22 on top b/c of sausage like arms and dropped 1 size in pants (sometimes)..... It feels great! Go US!
  17. I think it lasted about 4 or 5 days after I finished with it. I also had a steroid inhaler that I used as needed. I tried to quell the hunger with hot drinks like tea, hot chocolate. I did not always win...LOL I tried to stick with higher protein "cheats", LF string cheese, a slice of deli meat and things like that. Sometimes we just have to ride it out.:smile2:
  18. I too was on it for sinus infection and had the same problems listed here: eating and irritability. Worked like a charm on the infection, but wreaked havoc with my hunger....
  19. Was reading this just being nosey as I have had another doc (not my bariatric one) leave a practice and finding her was like a needle in a haystack. The internet sure does make the world a small place. Good Luck to you all!
  20. I find that when I check in here on the boards I stay more on track and motivated. I was worried about being home all summer and eating my way through the vacation, but I have lost 15 lbs. since May. I really think checking in here daily helps a lot. I can not make the support group my surgeon has, so this is a great daily "check in". Thanks for all the posts and support. I like that most people are gentle but firm when we need it! I don't know anyone else who has the band so it is great to share this with others in the same boat. Thanks!
  21. TracyNYC

    Banded and feeling sad?

    I think the build up and the procedure itself are like a "high" and then......you are home w/ this thing in you and it's like "UMMM Now what?". I had post band blues too. It passed. Keep an eye on yourself and like Bree said, call the doc if it lingers. In another post we were discussing how we had attitude changes too after starting to lose a bit. You can look forward to that too. It is awesome. Best wishes!!! It is an amazing ride.
  22. I have been reading a lot of posts about fills and the barium swallow. I had one done in the hospital before I could be discharged from the hospital. I have had 3 fills in surgeon's office and the only test I get is to drink a cup of water. Does anyone else just get the water test?
  23. TracyNYC

    Open Procedure

    I had a 1 cut procedure, but had to sign a release that if they needed to open me up they could. I believe it has to do with liver and ease in which the cameras and instruments can move around in there. As much pre-testing as we go through, I guess they don't know what is really going on in there until they get inside.
  24. I know sizes vary greatly. Does anyone think manufacturers have changed their sizing charts too as we grow more obese as a country? I was a 14 in HS, 25+ years ago and 100+ pounds ago. At my heaviest I was mostly in an 18. Sometimes a 20, sometimes a 16 due to varying stores and brand, but mostly an 18. I have only bought 1 new pair of pants that is a 16. Anything else new is STILL a DAMN 18 and I am down just shy of 50lbs. I am a slow user and have always carried my weight well. But when I was 160 lbs. in HS I was a 14. By today's sizing, it would be a smaller #. ODD
  25. Multi Vitamin from surgeon's office (cheaper than drugstore)Vitamin D and 2 chewable tums 750 for the calcium. The D and calcium are from my GYN as I am on DEPO Provera BC and she said "at my age" I need the supplements. I was bad about Vitamins and now have been taking them religiously. sleeping better too.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
