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About geeky

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/16/1984
  1. Happy 28th Birthday geeky!

  2. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary geeky!

  3. geeky

    Vegan or Vegetarian

    I am.. mostly vegan. When talking with the dietitian, they said that it isnt a good surgery for vegans simply because you need to start each meal with a Protein, and vegans tend to not be able to get enough protein. Vegetarians are another story because you can eat dairy, cheese, and eggs. As a vegan you are pretty much limited to legumes and nuts... and soy, but soy is really not something that you are supposed to eat if it isnt fermented, and most soy isnt, so I dont recommend to people that they eat it, I sure as hell dont. Which, the idea of Beans 3x a day is pretty gross to most people. My dietary preferences are different, in the sense that I am a celiac and a pescatarian/ vegan, so I eat seafood and fish, no eggs, dairy, soy or wheat/gluten or refined sugars. A typical day of food for me is granola w/ fresh fruit and coconut-milk yogert OR potatoes with sauteed veggies for Breakfast (Will have to change after I get banded) Tuna and salad with hummus and veggies for lunch, dried fruit and nuts as a snack, and shrimp/crab/or fish with sauteed veggies and more salad for dinner. Then I may splurge on coconut-milk ice cream for dessert, which, ironically is pretty high in protein for a vegan and soy free dessert. I assume that I will probably puree up some veggie/bean Soups. I have a recipe for a vegan black bean chipolte corn chowder that is to die for.
  4. geeky

    Online food journals~

    I love the idea of food journals to keep track of calories, however, it is hard for me to maintain. I dont eat a lot of processed or packaged food, which has clear calorie contents, so much as I make my own food from recipes using whole foods, fruits and vegetables. Also I dont measure them. 1 large bell pepper, 1 medium bell pepper, handful of shrimp, half an onion, then I split it with my BF and have left overs for the next day. By the time I have entered in all of the individual ingredients, its been way too much time, and so I just dont ever bother with it again.
  5. I have a very negative and judgmental boss, so I dont think I would tell her or my coworkers. When it comes to people that I don't eat with, or spend my free time with, I would consider it a personal thing, and I dont think I would share it with them. My boyfriend and my mom know that I am going to do it, but even as far as extended family that I dont talk to, I think I would prefer to take the credit instead of giving it away that I cheated :thumbup:
  6. So, I was referred to this program back in '07 but I was dealing with some personal and emotional issues, and getting medication sorted out, so it kind of fell back on my list of priorities. Recently I have been in a more stable situation, I just turned 25, and I feel like its time for me to take responsibility and do something about myself instead of just sitting around and whining about it. I am going through Kaiser Richmond, and I went to an initial orientation back in 07 but now I have a refresher class I am taking on Thursday. So I am excited about that. Um.. a little about me? I was diagnosed with severe depression a while ago, but I am currently off the meds, and happier then I have been in a long time. I was never one of those people to eat fast food/junk food/crap, even tho I was raised on food out of boxes as a child. So its always depressing when my friends say "Oh I quit drinking soda, and lost 40 pounds" And I havent had soda in like... 8 years, but here I am, unable to loose anything it seems! I was diagnosed with Hashimotos Thyroiditis when I was 12, and I have been fighting with my endocrinologist ever since then to get me on anything other then T4, since T4 so obviously hasnt alleviated any of my symptoms in that time. I don't eat very much, or very often as it is, my thyroid is like.. non-existent by now, and I feel like I have zero metabolism. I *Try* to lead an active life, but there is always room for improvement. I am an avid cyclist, and commute 6 miles home a night, as well as run errands and go grocery shopping on my bike, but the real key for me is building muscle. I recently, at the start of this year started going to curves, but the staff kind of annoys me and the music is horrible, so I am usually pretty bad about going. I am working on getting a membership to my local YMCA, because they offer classes I like (like pilates) which I can follow up with strength training on the weight machines. I also probably have fibromyalgia, my mom has it, and I have the same symptoms, but I wont let them diagnose me with it, because I already have enough "pre-existing conditions" to never be able to get medical insurance :thumbup:. I eat a pretty strict diet as a pescatarian-vegan (meaning I eat seafood and fish, but not eggs, dairy, wheat, soy, etc) and I try really hard to limit all processed or fried foods. I am hoping that with the assistance of the Lap-band and maintaining an active life, I can ditch the 75-80 lbs I packed on over the last 5 years of being depressed, and maybe an extra 25, to a weight I havent been since I was in middle school (I havent been under 200lbs since I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism) Hahah, ugh.. thanks for reading my life story??? haha.

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