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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by btrieger

  1. Thank you and congratulations on yours as well!
  2. btrieger


    Because they are misinformed dolts with attitudes. Have you read some of the posts on this site? There are still thousands that think the lapband is a quick fix and in denial that they will have to do anything to lose the weight. People should have to read a post like this over and over and over to make them eligible for surgery. I still am curious as Hell as to how the original poster is doing today.
  3. btrieger

    Spring into March 2010 Bandsters

    I got to 9cc in my 14cc band about 3 months ago and haven't needed a fill since.
  4. I should have said rethink fills. I was not being sarcastic. If you fear that you won't be able to eat something that makes you happy. Then make sure you aren't adjusted too tightly.
  5. btrieger

    I miss some favs

    I drink socially and tend to over-socialize all of the time.
  6. btrieger

    Effectiveness of LapBand on men

    I eat out 6 to 7 days a week. That means a lot of fried food. It also means man size portions. I don't think the fried food has hindered my weight loss at all. It is keeping my cholesterol a little on the high side though. As for portions, I sometimes either move what I plan on eating to the bread plate or ask for a to-go box early and put what I am not going to eat in that before I start eating. I haven't had soda in about a year and I don't miss it. I was a Diet Dr. Pepper addict and surprise myself that I don't even crave the crap. I drink socially and tend to oversocialize quite often. On those weekends that I do go on a bender, I usually lose weight because I forget or am not in the mood to eat.
  7. I had no doubt I could lose the weight. I also have no faith in myself keeping it off. I've gained it back every time before. I got banded to keep it off, not to take it off. I lost 95 pounds during the 5 months from my initial consultation until surgery. I questioned my surgeon's office at least once a month to ensure that it was my consultation stats they were forwarding to the insurance company. Even if it weren't; I'd rather lose the weight and jeopardize the insurance company footing the bill than sit around and stuff my face until surgery.
  8. btrieger

    I miss some favs

    There thousands of varieties of lettuce. Which ones have you tried that don't work for you? Have tried a few? I'm partial to romaine but eat a lot of iceberg (Boston) lettuce.
  9. btrieger

    Questons re: Panniculectomy...

    Tell us about the pain. How much does it hurt on a scale of 1 to 10.
  10. btrieger

    Spring into March 2010 Bandsters

    Why were you vomiting? Was it because you ate too much or too fast? I too have an issue with vomiting but it is ALWAYS my fault. If you can honestly say that it is not your fault then I bet she is right and you are overfilled. Good luck and keep us up to date.
  11. Somebody has to play the devil's advocate and it is usually me. I agree with the rest that your doctor is a jerk and you should find another. However, you mentioned that you've tried diet and exercise but didn't mention what kind of diet or ever meeting with a nutritionist to learn to eat right and you are just now joining weight watchers. The lapband is only a tool for portion control but if you don't learn how to eat right then it may not work. On the other hand, if you learn how to eat right, you may not need the lapband at all. Also, find out why you are overweight. It may not be your diet. You may have a thyroid issue. If it is emotional, a therapist can help you get to the root of it. Surgery is a drastic step and all other means should be exhausted before undergoing surgery. It's great that you have your mom's support and there are plenty of us here that support you no matter your decision but please do plenty of research and don't rush into this thinking it is a panacea.
  12. Your dad sounds like a real jerk. It is idiot parents like that that are the cause of so much emotional eating in the first place. Good luck with your journey and keep us up to date. We are all in your corner.
  13. btrieger

    Questons re: Panniculectomy...

    I met with 3 plastic surgeons. The consultations were free; they all provided quotes and assured me there would be no hidden costs. I am having an umbilical hernia corrected simultaneously and insurance covers that 100%. So, the quotes were between $4,870 and $5,250. All 3 came highly recommended and were very personable. I went with the first one I talked to because he required I stay the first night. The others treat it as out-patient surgery and I think that shows a little less caring about my well-being than I am comfortable with. Surgery will be in December. The PS and general surgeon are coordinating when they can do me together. Hopefully, I will have a definite date by Friday.
  14. I'm in the "you're not eating enough crowd" here. I don't count calories per se but I estimate I am getting 1,500 to 1,800 most days. I do have my 900 calorie days but those are not the rule. Think of your metabolism as a bon fire. You can't get a good fire burning with just kindling. You need to throw a few good size logs in once in a while.
  15. btrieger

    A year in review

    After years of contemplating surgery; it was one year ago today that I first met with my surgeon, Dr. Kim. I was about 200 pounds overweight; my 45th birthday was fast approaching and I felt like shit. I told Dr. Kim that I wasn't one of the confused fatties that he was used to seeing that thought surgery was a panacea. I was an educated fatty. I had done my research. The LAP-BAND® was the tool that would help me keep the weight off if I did my due diligence and lost it through hard work and determination. He agreed and told me I was the perfect candidate for LAP-BAND® surgery. I was skeptical of his attitude because I was sure he fed that same line to everybody that walked through his door but none the less, I knew I was the perfect candidate and was ready to prove it to him and the world. A week to the day later, I suffered a heart attack at 44. It was an epiphany (I've had a few epiphanies recently). I needed to heal myself and fast. I immediately modified my eating habits and lifestyle. I didn't continue to stuff my face like some moron that thought, "I better eat all I can before the magical LAP-BAND® was installed and kept me from doing so." I stopped eating fast food; cut my portions down and began walking my dogs daily instead of just tossing them in the backyard. If I was going to have to exercise, they were too. Whenever I thought I was hungry, I would ask myself if the feeling was real or just my gluttonous appetite trying to lead me astray yet again. Aetna required me to do a 3 month supervised diet in order to get approved for surgery, this included meeting with a nutritionist once a month. I didn't whine about the waiting like so many retards do. I took complete advantage and learned even more about what I can do to gain my health and prepare for surgery. I paid it forward by sharing what I had learned and experienced here. I received many thank yous from grateful people and that convinced me I wasn't wasting my breathe. Although, I did have a couple of jerks, like whatshername on a journey with her bible tell others that I had no clue what I was talking about because I wasn't banded yet. I dropped 50% (95 pounds) of my excess weight by the time I had surgery five and a half month later. Surgery went smoothly and there were no nasty surprises. A few of the good surprises are that rice and bread are not taboo with the LAP-BAND®. I'm down 153 ugly pounds and I'm preparing for my panniculectomy. I fear the pain a lot but I need the surgery. My clothes are way too big for me and I refuse to buy any new pants until this pannis is gone. I'm going to lose my belly button but I figure I haven't used it in 46 years except to store lint. So, who needs it. I can always get a tattoo of a belly button if I miss it. I should have a date by the end of next week. I am aiming for December. The liquor is wearing off and I need to get to bed. I'll probably have to edit this when I'm sober. :thumbup:
  16. btrieger

    Questons re: Panniculectomy...

    I'm at the same point you are. I am having the panni in December. Just waiting on a date now. I'm not expecting a 6 pack either. I just want to be able to wear jeans that aren't way too big for me or have this thing bouncing around when I exercise.
  17. btrieger

    OT Request

    I'm partial to mastiffs but I voted for you anyways. :thumbup:
  18. btrieger

    Spring into March 2010 Bandsters

    I've lost 58 pounds since surgery on March 2nd. That same weight has bounced up and down for almost 2 months. I am in the midst of scheduling my panniculectomy in December.
  19. btrieger

    A year in review

    Thanks all. I didn't edt when I was sober and am yet trashed again. I set such a great example for bandsters all over. Just stay drunk and life will be fine. Just so nobody gets the wrong idea, I did walk my dogs for 3 miles today and put them in the house then walk another 3 on my own before imbibing in Irelands greatest gift to mankind, Guinness. It's all about about accountability.
  20. btrieger


    Holy crap!! I could have written this myself. I am in agreement 100%. I wonder where Paul is these days?
  21. btrieger

    Need some advice, inspiration.. anything!

    I had that much to lose and did it. My first consultation was a year ago today and I am currently scheduling the surgery to remove my excess skin. You can do it. Anything is possible with the right attitude. Surgery is not a quick-fix. You are going to have to willing to work hard. The lapband is just a portion-control tool.
  22. Ditto on the "reading daily, never posting" thing. Today is the anniversary of my first consultation with Dr. Kim and that hideous, smiley face, t-shirt picture. I am in the midst of scheduling my panniculectomy. I should have a date by the end of the week. The thought of the pain is scaring the shit out of me. I love the adrenalin rush from the fear. So, it all balances out.
  23. btrieger


  24. I chose 1 because there was no 0 option.
  25. If eating "normal" foods is more important to you than your health and well-being, then you should rethink surgery and not have any fills until you are ready to accept that fact that you may miss out on something you "love" to eat. As sarcastic as it sounds, I am not being facetious. You have the rest of you life to set priorities and sometimes there is a very gray line between happiness and health.

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