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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by toribug1234

  1. I have fallen off the wagon so badly:cursing:. But thats okay I am not going to beat myself up over it. I will go get a fill this week and GET things going again. I have lost 50 lbs so far and I would love to lose another 30 - 40 lbs. I haven't been to workout in over a month...... Hubby has been in the hospital . But you can bet I WILL be working out starting Monday. I just needed to vent a little !!!!! Good luck to everyone and remember don't beat yourself up over a little slip just start right back where you stopped.......

  2. Well I was banded 11-12-09. I have had 2 fills ,have a 10cc band and Im at 5cc now. I watch what I eat and work out 4 days a week. Everything seems to be going good. Im down from 215 to 184. The doctor said I was loseing at the right rate.

    What Im not to sure is how much fats , carbohydrates, and calories you are suppose to have a day. How much is to much or to little? Any help will be great. Thanks. Good luck to everyone!!!!

  3. I really need some one to help me with putting a WL ticker-tape on my profile. If you would ,I need step by step on how to put it on profile. I have my pic on here and even got the ticker-tape on one of my post but don't ask me how I did it. It is so crazy, I can do it one time but not the next. Thanks everyone for the help!!!!!!

  4. WOW !!!! that is great , I hope I can be down 50 lbs when I hit 2 1/2 months. I just need to stay OFF the scale , I get on it every morning. ( I know I know STOP!!!!) But the thing is I don't really get upset if it don't move. But I do get excited if it does!!! I was banded 11-12-09. Good luck keep up the good work!!!!

  5. OK I m in , I would love to lose 20lbs . I was baned on 11-12-09. I have lost 27ish , had first fill Dec. 16th but it just seems like the weight lost has just STOPPED:cursing:. I really think I need another fill , I don't go back till Jan. 12th but I think I need to call for another fill before then.. Good Luck to everyone .


  6. I don't want to sound mean or cold hearted... but I see people on here saying they can't be around people eating food , well this is life it is going to be here and you need to just get used to it. Just tell yourself NO !! I know it is very hard but you can do it , you did it at first and now you can keep doing it. Just belive in yourself . I have a long way to go myself, but I would never stop cooking for my husband or have him to eat in another room. That would be like putting on blinders for the rest of your life. That's life and we just have to adjust to it. We may lose 10 lbs and then gain 1 or 2 lbs back but just look ahead and Never look back. I am so sorry if I sound cold hearted. I am very proud of every one on here .

  7. I went for my first fill. Well let me start with ..... I weighed 215 when I first started , I was band on 11-12-09 weighing 200 at that time. Today I weighed 192 .....man it's been years sense I had see below 200. Well back to the fill , it wasn't that bad.I had 2cc in the band and they added 2cc today. I feel good. I have to do liquids for 2 days then 1 day soft, then reg. food. My doctortold me if I think I need another fill befor the time come , then just call and they will do another fill. He said I was the only one that would know if the band was working. ......It has been 5 weeks and I can't wait to see how I do the next 4 weeks!! I was proud and had to let everyone on here know how I did.

  8. Frist I wuld like say ...WAY TO GO GIRL:thumbup: Not ento months and your down 46 lbs. I was band Nov. 12th and I m down about 23 lbs. I don't think u did any harm , just don't kick yourself. We all fall off the wagon sometimes. Just tell your self that OK that was just a little stumble and I can do this . Hek if you can lose 46 lbs. in that short of time then you don't have any thing to worry about. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!!!! and congrats:thumbup:

  9. here are a few I have hope you like them!!!

    chocolate Monkey

    8 oz. Water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. Water

    1 scoop chocolate Protein

    1/2 a banana

    Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.

    Strawberry Banana Smoothie

    8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water

    1 scoop vanilla Protein

    1/2 banana

    3 whole frozen strawberries

    Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.

    Banana Split

    8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water

    1 scoop of vanilla Protein Powder

    1/2 banana

    1/4 cup chopped pineapple

    2 frozen strawberries

    Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.

    Blueberry Bonanza Smoothie

    8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water

    1 scoop of vanilla protein powder

    1/2 cup frozen or fresh blueberries

    Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.

    Silky Mocha

    4 oz. Silk brand Mocha soy milk

    4 oz. water

    1 scoop chocolate protein powder

    2-3 ice cubes

    Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.

    Mint Chocolate Chip Protein Smoothie

    4 oz. Vitasoy Peppermint Chocolate soy milk

    4 oz. water

    1 scoop chocolate protein powder

    2-3 ice cubes

    Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.

  10. yes it was the liver > He is doing good. I say good as we speak he is here at the hospital , because his liver numbers are up a little they just want to check him out. Now as for me I m doing real good. I hurt a little after the surgery but by day 3 it was nothing. I m on ful liquids right now and I go to mushie food on thanksgiving day.....yea for me. I guess I just have it in my head I really want to do this so it's not so hard . I know you will do what your heart says to do. Don't worry if the surgeons say it OK to do this then I would . I have been overweight for almost 33 years and I was sooooo ready for it. Good luck to you and let me know what you do.

  11. Hey ConB113 my husband just had a transplant may2009 and he is doing so well. Have you talked to you liver doctor yet? (I'm sure you have) I know my husband was on Prednisone and they say it will make you gain weight. Is your liver doctor on you to lose the weight ? I know they told us that it would be very hard on my husband if they had to open him up for anything else. Where did you have your transplant done? My husbad had it done in Houston Tx. at Methodist hospital. Sorry don't mean to focus on your transplant. It just amazes me your liver doctor says it is OK. If you do go on with having the lap-band I do wish you all the luck. I just had the lap-band done on nov. 12th . I know if you can go through the transplant you can go through this!!Good Luck and let me know how you did!!!!!!

  12. Good luck on tomorrow you will be fine. I was band on 11/12/09 and I am doing good I didn't have to have any pain meds. I was sore and it did hurt but it was nothing I couldn't handle. I started walking 1 mile the next day. When you get or feel like you need to burp just walk,rock, or the best thing I found was someone on here said to lean forward and the air will work it's way out. Belive me after the first day it does get better.Just hang in there. See you on the flip side!!!:thumbup:

  13. I have a question about pills, I know everyone says to crush them. I take metformin and you can't crush them and lipitor also. The Metformen isn't so big but the lipitor is. I was just band on nov. 12th so I havent had no fills or anything. I'm so scared to try to take them because I don't want them to get stuck. If anyone can help that would be great thanks.

  14. First I want to say congrats to you and all of us here!!!! I was lucky with the gas but I have a tickle in my throat that hits me just when i'm off gard:eek:. I heard if you have a rocker you need to rock and rock as much as you can. It works the gas up and out . Hope it helps

  15. Well I did it... I went in at 730 am this morning and they took me back for surgery about 1020am . I feel good but the DRY mouth sucks big time:cursing: I got home about 400pm I had a chicken Soup (broth) everthing is going good. I just knew everything was going to go good because I had a talk with God and it just made me feel so at ease.:thumbup: I think you just have to belive in your self and know you are worth it!!!

    Hey by the way I did fine some new ways to make the Protein shake 1- add 1-2 t instant S/F banana pudding to the shake its like a banana shake VERY YUMMY!!!!!

    2- get the single instant coffee reg or Decaf add half a poch to the chochlate Protein Shake. WOW thats all I can say about that...lol

    I am 49 yrs old

    Weight started - 213

    Meet / doctor- 206

    Surgery day- 201

    Goal weight- 130

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
