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mom of many

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by mom of many

  1. Ok,

    Finally got the avitar to work and the pic in the corner. If you go to edit siunature and then to edit avitar you can upload a pic or whatever you want.

    Its a bad pic but it will get better, and not to mention I have never put a pic of me anywhere in the house much less on the internet. I do hope to update the pic on christmas. Maybe even a comparison.

  2. Cory, glad to hear everything is going well and the clothes thing is awsome! Not to mention your bp meds! how great is that???? Good luck on the rest of your journey.


    the scale will move!!!! we did'nt gain it over night or in a few months, so it may take a while to lose it, and this time it will be lost F O R E V E R!!!!

  3. Shell,

    From what I know about the band it is common to not lose as much weight as you did just post op. Your body heals and remember there is no restriction post op. I too am in your shoes. I have lost a total of 20 lbs and last week didnt do a darn thing, not to mention I'm hungrier now. I too can not get a fill until 6 weeks post op and yesterday was only 4 weeks. I just know I have to stay on track (no matter what) as hard as it may be at times. I still eat foods from the list my doc gave me, even when I am cooking the regular stuff for my husband and son. A healthy weight loss is 1-2 lbs per week, with a fill or not. So you seem to be on track.

    Faster weight loss creates many other issues, one inparticular is Hair loss, and other can be damaging to the organs. Keep doing what you are doing. You'll be fine.

    I with you Rita Ann, I too have been heavy all my life, well since 10 years of age. I have tried everything and trust me everything, from every weight loss product, diet, program, diet pills, counseling, group counseling, and even a 2 year drug habit, that was'nt prescribed, That was a big monkey, not to mention an X hubby that could'nt handle the fact that I was over weight, which ended a 20 year marriage. Go figure, some people just don't get it.

    My lowest weight was 134 as an adult, and after that it ws steady up constantly battleing the beast. I believe we are here for a reason, we meet here with each other for a reason. I know if I had'nt found all of you my journey would have been very lonely. Thanks you for sharing your stories it makes me remember why I am here today.

    Because each of us understand what the other is going through, I have faith that we will overcome our demons together.

    Keep up the great work kiddos, and thank you all for being there.

  4. Ok have updated the list, and have a couple of new commers. Thanks to everyone for getting me the info.

    To put a pic in the corner you can go to edit signature and look for avitar, thats where you would save it.

    WOW our list is growing!

    Lifelongband if you choose to weight in on Wed. I'm sure thats ok just keep me posted. Post your start weight so I can update.

    Challenger’s Start Weight<O:p</O:p

    Mom of Many 226

    Want2lose 208

    Rita Ann 190

    Jgandg 266

    Valgal1968 252<O:p</O:p

    BJean 192

    Gonnabethin 194

    Em125 217

    Katt 263<O:p</O:p

    MimIN 235

    TruBlueSue 190

    Diane5467 283<O:p</O:p

    Sandranoelle 302<O:p</O:p

    Wantlapband 190<O:p</O:p

    Lamamama 219.5<O:p</O:p

    R2ht4u 180<O:p</O:p

    Tanya67 303<O:p</O:p

    TamifromLA 243

    Cassandra 258

    YellowRoseKnows 272

    Diane5467 283

    Fraleyk 20 lb goal

    Lisalee <O:p></O:p>

    SLHarrison 209

    Bettina 25 lb goal

    Tommygirl 248

    Lapoli7 370

    Lifelongband <O:p></O:p>


  5. Katt,

    I have you updated and I know what it's like driving long distances with family. It can be fun but sometimes you wish your brain would shut down.

    I'll post the list on Monday, after I recieve the weigh in's for the week.

    I do hope everyone the best on the challenge.

    Thought for the day: If you're feeling hungry, try a no or low sugar snack. frozen sugar free popcicles, sugar free Jello, or a small glass of skim milk with a 1/2 of a small banana. Might help hold you over till meal time.

  6. Sandra I suppose we all feel that way at some point and to some extreme. Just remember why you made the decission in the first place. Don't worry as you see the lbs melt away your decission will justify the means.

    Ok kiddos,

    I just got the courage to view a CD my doc gave me. While in surgery he found a cyst on my ovary, and wanted my doc to see it and determine what he wanted to do. It was of my surgery believe it or not!!!! I got to see the band being placed and stiched, and the FAT that has accumulated in my body for all those years.

    It was so strange watching it (and trust me it took me a while to watch it cause I did'nt know what to expect.) It was the strangest thing I ever saw, and what made it more exciting was that it was my body I was viewing.

    I have to say, I have a new respect for my surgeon! He is amazing. After seeing it I remembered why I got it and why I needed to lose the weight. I was amazed, so was my husband. My pouch is so small and trust me, I will not do anything, in the way of overeating again after seeing it. I was fortunate to have the CD and to be able to view it. I have a new respect for all of you on this journey and Now I know why I was so damn sore!!!!

  7. Until you have your first fill don't get discourged about the weigh-ins. Just stay on track and if you feel like you have having trouble come back and check in. I'm sure we all feel the same way when it comes to being here on the forum. I'm here for you so use me!

    Thought for the day: Remember your Water, and just one bite of a brownie, can get stuck and come right back up. Trust me it won't happen again!

    Challenger’s Start Weight

    Mom of Many 226

    Want2lose 208

    Rita Ann 190

    Jgandg 266


    BJean 192

    Gonnabethin 194

    Em125 217


    MimIN 235

    TruBlueSue 190



    Wantlapband 190<O:p></O:p>

    Lamamama 219.5<O:p></O:p>

    R2ht4u 180<O:p></O:p>

    Tanya67 303<O:p></O:p>

    TamifromLA 243

    Cassandra 258

    YellowRoseKnows 272

    Diane5467 283

    Fraleyk 20 lb goal

    Lisalee <O:p></O:p>

    SLHarrison 209

    Bettina 25 lb goal

    Tommygirl 248

    Lapoli7 370

    Got a couple of stragglers that have'nt checked in yet. Come on folks! I'm waiting on ya!

  8. Challenger’s Start Weight

    <O:p 25lbs by the 25th of December Christmas Challenge

    Mom of Many 226

    Want2lose 208

    Rita Ann 190

    Jgandg 266


    BJean 192

    Gonnabethin 194

    Em125 217


    MimIN 235

    TruBlueSue 190



    Wantlapband 190<O:p</O:p


    R2ht4u 180


    TamifromLA 243

    Cassandra 258

    YellowRoseKnows 272

    Diane5467 283

    Fraleyk 20 lb goal

    Lisalee <O:p></O:p>

    SLHarrison 209

    Bettina 25 lb goal

    Tommygirl 148

  9. For those who have not posted their weight or goal, please provide me with the information so I can get it posted. If you do not want to give your start weight, please let me know your challenge goal. Some of you would like to start with the 20lbs and some 25lb's. I weird about details and the list is not complete. Thanks so much for your help and participation, it helps me to keep on track! They do say, Together we can do anything!

    Challenger’s Start Weight<O:p

    Mom of Many 226

    Want2lose 208

    Rita Ann 190

    Jgandg 266


    BJean 192

    Gonnabethin 194

    Em125 217


    MimIN 235

    TruBlueSue 190





    R2ht4u 180


    TamifromLA 243

    Cassandra 258

    YellowRoseKnows 272

    Diane5467 283

    Fraleyk 20 lb goal

    Lisalee <O:p></O:p>

    SLHarrison 25 lb goal

    Bettina 25 lb goal

  10. food for thought.

    A great story to pass on to our kids and a lesson to be learned by us


    One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson

    about a battle that goes on inside people.

    He said, "My son, the battle is between two

    "wolves" inside us all.

    One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow,

    regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment,

    inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

    The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility,

    kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and


    The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his


    "Which wolf wins?"

    The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

  11. Ok kiddo's so far the weigh in's are as follows:

    If you choose not to weigh in, just track weight loss, let me know your goal.

    Challenger’s Start Weight


    Mom of Many 226

    Want2lose 208

    Rita Ann 190

    Jgandg 266


    BJean 192

    Gonnabethin 194

    Em125 217


    MimIN 235

    TruBlueSue 190





    R2ht4u 180


    TamifromLA 243

    Cassandra 258

    YellowRoseKnows 272

    Diane5467 283

    Fraleyk 20 lb goal

    Lisalee <O:p></O:p>

    SLHarrison 209

    Bettina 25 lb goal

    Tomorrow I will check in and see who has posted their weight or joined so I can update.

  12. I have you added to the list and your weigh in's as well I do need lisa lees and the others that are missing.

    A short person following real close!!!! LMAO

    Some have noticed but not everyone. They will dont get discourged.

    I'll post the list again at the end of the day

  13. Hey Everybody!!!!! I'm Officially Banded 9/28 In Langhorne, Pa!!!!!

    The Surgery Went Easy As A Summer Breeze, Scarring A Minimum, Soreness Bearable. The Gas Is A Witch, Let Me Tell You. I Had Found Some Gasx Melting Strips That You Put On Your Tongue......my Savior... That's All I Have To Say About That. I'm On liquids For 10 More Days!!!!! I'm Dying. I Can't Stand All Of These Stinkin Protein Shakes, But What Are You Gonna Do??? Is There Anything Else Besides broth? ???? I Guess Not Huh..... Oh Well.... Anyone Have Any Sugestions????? Thanks For Your Support--- Tracicat

    You might try sugar free Jello, watered down cream of wheat, Campbells Soup, all low cal and sugar free. frozen ptter pops saved me when on the liquid.< /p>

  14. Afternoon Kiddo's,

    Seems like we have a pretty good start with the weigh in. I'm sure many will post later today. Remember weigh in only once a week. Next Monday is weigh day and I'm sure you will all do great!! Drink your Water and sip sip sip! Avoid sugary Snacks and carbs when possible! "thats a danger zone for me!" I believe is all of you and know you will do GREAT!!

    P.S. if everyone meets goal that would equal a total loss of fat of a whopping 520-525lbs !!!!!

    I'm here if you need me!

    Challenger’s Start Weight

    Mom of Many 226

    Want2lose 208

    Rita Ann 190

    Jgandg 266



    Gonnabethin 194



    MimIN 235

    TruBlueSue 190

    Diane5467 283




    R2ht4u 180


    TamifromLA 243

    Cassandra 258

    YellowRoseKnows is starting weight 275?

    Fraleyk 20 lb to go

    When you post your weekly weight make sure you let me know how many pounds lost and current weight. I would like to track the total weigh lost.

    Thanks everyone for joining in and Good Luck!

  15. Okie Dokie,

    Don't be afraid of the scales, they keep you in check. I only get on once a week myself.

    Open challenge till Midnight tonight.

    Remember weigh in Tomorrow! Ticker your weight or list it, I will do my best to keep up. If you would like you can make an extra ticker with a Christmas theme. We will track weight change on every Monday, If I miss something just priviate message me.

    I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mom of Many


    Rita Ann















  16. Eating fresh fish, tuna, yogurt, any veggie you can crush with a fork, egg whites, baked potato, mashed potatos, that's what I eat, I even went to a bar b que last night and ate Beans with a tlbs of potato salad. I just make sure I chew chew chew.

    the list of challengees as of Sunday at 4:23 PM

    Mom of Many


    Rita Ann












  17. Hopeworks,

    I think you would do fine with the Challenge. I too am feeling more hungry but limit myself to small portions. If I am feeling hungry I have a drinkable yogurt or small glass of milk and it seems to help greatly, kinda holds you over till meal time. We would love it if you joined us. All of us will lose at a different rate, and have different reasons for being involved, the challenge just seems to keep me in check. As least thats how it is for me. I feel I need to be accountable (never needed to be or wanted to be in the past) but now all of us have each other going through the same thing, and knowing that each of you are there seems to help me more than anything. I do hope you join in.

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