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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Chickychoo

  1. My surgery was 10/19 I weighed myself just minutes before I left my house to go to the hospital for surgery. I weighed 229. I came back home on Wednesday(had to stay a day longer than expected, had hiatal hernia repair also, and pain was very intense) and when I weighed myself I was 244. That's 15 lbs gained, and that isn't from eating. I never touched the broth they brought me. I had maybe three sugar free popsicles and water. That was it. I'm assuming it was the fluids they were pumping in me and the swelling. I am now at 225-226. I have hunger issues, but I've been doing pretty good at not eating very often. SF popsicles are a savior, and SF Kool-aid!. Did anyone else gain that much weight post op??
  2. mine is on the right side, and my bra underwire rests on top of it :drool: very uncomfortable. i was banded on 10/19. I hope the pain with my bras gets better. going back to work monday :scared2:
  3. I Feel for you. I went into the hospital weighing 229 on a Monday, got home on Wednesday and I had gained 16lbs!! Yes! I said 16lbs!....All I had was maybe 3-4 SF popsicles and Water. Someone said it was probably the fluids and the swelling. Two weeks later yesterday and I am now at 226. Still aggravated about the wt gain, but at least its gone! I hope it stays that way!!
  4. Chickychoo

    Problems with taking vitamins?

    I've been taking Viactiv(?Spelling) chocolate chews. They aren't bad, but not sure this is the best thing to take.
  5. Chickychoo

    I did not sign up for this!

    I was the same, but I also had a hiatal hernia repair done also. But I can tell you the pain was 10x worse than I expected. I was barely able to get out of bed to go to the bathroom, and it hurt so bad to stand upright. It does get better, but it has been much slower than I expected also. I think I had so much swelling that caused it to be worse because i gained 16 lbs while in the hospital, and all I had was SF Popsicles and water.
  6. Chickychoo

    October 2009 Surgery Date?

    I weighed myself today, and I was 226. So I guess I'm right there with you. I have only lost 3 lbs since I gained weight after the surgery(even though all I had was Water and popsicles, grrr). I am not really hungry all the time though, I can get by with just eating a small amount....so far. Hope it stays this way.
  7. Chickychoo

    October 2009 Surgery Date?

    My surgery was also on 10/19 and I also had to have hernia repair. I have days where I think I feel better, then there are days like today when I have practically slept ALL day. Not sure why this is, other than I was feeling better yesterday and did more than I have been doing lately. Hoping tomorrow is a better day. MaryBeth? When are you planning to go back to work? and what kind of work is it? I had originally planned to only take two weeks. But I honestly at this point don't think I can go back to work Monday. My job is pretty physical though. I work as an xray tech, so there is tons of lifting, pushing and pulling on patients. Carrying heavy cassettes, and on my feel all the time. If I had a desk job, I think I could do it. But with the physicality of my job, I just don't think it possible. My co-worker had the surgery two days after I did(although not the hernia repair) and she is doing so much better than I am. I think she is going back Monday, but she does have a desk job. She is our secretary, so her job though probably more mentally stressful, is not as physical. Arrgh, I don't know what to do. Jill
  8. Chickychoo

    October 2009 Surgery Date?

    Did he have a hiatal hernia? I had that repaired too, and I think that is what hurts so freaking bad. My coworker had her surgery two days after me, and she was doing great, but she didn't have hiatal hernia repair. And it seems I can't stay awake, but I think the pain medicine is doing that. Still having trouble finding a comfortable way to sleep though. But I think in the end the surgery will definitely be worth it! Jill p.s. Oh, I forgot! Like you soexcited and xmagirl, my original surgery date was postponed from sept 28 to oct 19. I was soooo discouraged that it was very hard to follow the pre op diet. But I muddled through it, and got my surgery done, and I don't regret it at all! Jill
  9. Chickychoo

    October 2009 Surgery Date?

    I agree with Danyett, post op diet at this point, isn't that bad. I don't really get hungry right now, although I admit I can't wait to move on to mushies!!!
  10. Chickychoo

    October 2009 Surgery Date?

    Now I know that I am only 6 days post op. But I weighed myself before I left home to go to hospital. And I weighed 229. I weighed myself Wednesday when I got home from hospital and I weighed 244. People have said this is probably normal, due to fluid and swelling, blah blah blah. Weighed myself yesterday and I was at 238.4. I just weighed myself and now I am at 239.4. I am starting to get pissed off. Shouldn't I be losing instead of gaining?? Ugh, I'm starting to freak out. Maybe I shouldn't worry about it, but I am beginning to feel like I am suffering for nothing ! :blushing: grrr. I am just aggravated! Seems like everyone else is losing just fine. Why does everything have to be 10 times difficult for me :laugh: :Banane20: Jill
  11. Chickychoo

    October 2009 Surgery Date?

    Don't cancel! Seriously, I think the pre op diet was worse than the post op diet. I mean I know I am only 6 days after surgery, but still. I really haven't been that hungry. I feel hunger pains, fix me a little something liquid, then I am satisfied. Sometimes I just drink some water, and That is enough to satisfy me. I think you have probably worked to hard to give up just before your surgery. And remember, it is reversible. I mean, if you think you can lose the weight without the band, then by all means, do it on your own. Or if you don't really have that much weight to lose, then reconsider. But if you are doing it to be healthier, like I am doing it. Then I think you should go through with it. Jill
  12. Chickychoo

    October 2009 Surgery Date?

    I am 5 days post op. Today, my hands started tingling. Could this be vitaman deficiency?? I wouldn't say I am having more pain than normal. I haven't been taking as much lortab because I have been doing alternating motrin as an alternative to get rid of fever. Any ideas?? Jill
  13. Chickychoo

    October 2009 Surgery Date?

    I also had horrible diarrhea on the pre op diet, and now also on the post op diet. Just be lucky that you can go!! I have diarrhea, but sometimes it is hard to actually go, because the pain to push is so bad. sorry if too much info! Jill
  14. Chickychoo

    October 2009 Surgery Date?

    Thanks! for the words of encouragement. My follow up appointment isnt until Nov 12th. I ran a fever all day today, but they said that could be somewhat normal, and told me to alternate my lortab with motrin. Sucks especially considering I am still in considerable amount of pain. Mostly mid upper abdomen, and so freaking gassy! haha. Still not able to sleep lying down. Been upright all the time and so now I am having back pain. Its never-ending it seems. A co worker of mine had her surgery yesterday and they said she walked to xray for her swallow study, and went home today(btw we both work in xray at the hospital we had our surgery). I live alone, but have not been home since sunday night because its been difficult to get around. My poor cats are going to stalk me when I get home, my friends are checking on them, but still I feel guilty leaving them sooo long by themselves. :seeya: I'm hoping that tomorrow I feel better so I can stay home for a change. But honestly...I just don't know. Jill
  15. Chickychoo

    October 2009 Surgery Date?

    Thanks Nooshie. I had a catheter the two days in the hospital, but still you could be right. Thanks again for the kind words. Jill
  16. Chickychoo

    October 2009 Surgery Date?

    Hey everyone! I was banded on Monday. I ended up having a hiatal hernia that I was completely unaware of. So I'm not sure if it is the hernia repair, or the banding that has caused this pain. Pain is worse than I expected, but as of today, I have been able to get out of bed without help and so the Dr. finally released me from the hospital. I really haven't had so much gas pain, just alot of pain under both breasts. One doesn't realize how much one uses the abdominal muscles on a daily basis, and even for the smallest actions. On day 2, my IV sites infiltrated, and I went about 2 hours without anything for pain(was on pain pump, I could dose myself every 6 minutes as needed). Those two hours were horrendous. Finally got decent IV after several failed attempts. My arms are black and blue. Here's a question I have for everyone, that I haven't noticed being asked before. I weighed myself Monday just before I went in to have my surgery and I weighed 229. I got released today(Wed.) and weighed myself on the same scale and I weighed 244. Is this normal? From the swelling perhaps?? Because other than Water and SF popsicles I have not had anything to eat. I didn't even drink more than a few sips of broth. I am happy to say though, that i don't seem to have the horrible gas pains, no nausea, no vomiting. Other than the pain, its been fairly well! Thanks Jill
  17. Chickychoo

    October 2009 Surgery Date?

    My surgery is tomorrow. I posted before, I was originally scheduled for Sept 28th, but because of diverticulitis the day before, it was rescheduled. It is just now sinking in that tomorrow is the big day. I am getting nervous. I have to be at the hospital at 1:30, so nothing after midnight tonight. I am working on my last glass of diet coke now. Wish me luck! :confused: Jill
  18. Hi! Wow, sorry it took so long time to get back w/ you, but I just realized I had a message. I was supposed to be banded on 9/28. But unfortunately I got sick on the 27th & was hospitalized for 4 days. Now I am sched. to have surg on the 10/19 & am struggling w/ liquid diet this time because I think the diet caused me to get ill in the 1st place. After starting my 10 day liquid diet, I had 6 days of horrible diarrhea. On day 8, my sugar dropped, i got really sick, vomiting, nausea, back pain & Left lower abd pain. Day 9, while working, nearly passed out, vomiting, nausea, back & abd pain. Went to ER, my potassium was really really low, & CT later, I have diverticulitis.I had not had corn, seeds or nuts. I think diarrhea inflamed my bowels. So, considering I believe the liquid diet made me sick to begin with, it is really hard for me to get into it. I lost 12 lbs originally doing the liquid diet. & I have not gained any back. So how much weight have you lost so far?:)

  19. Chickychoo

    October 2009 Surgery Date?

    Hi Everyone, I am new to the October Bandster's. I was originally scheduled to be done on September 28th. I had started my 10 day liquid diet and was working a twelve hour shift on Sept. 27th when I nearly passed out(also had same episode the day before). Luckily I work at a hospital(xray tech) and I went to the emergency room. Turns out my sugar had dropped, my potassium was extremely low and I had diverticulitis, which is bizarre, considering I had been on liquids for 9 days. After being in the hospital for 4 days(night one, I was overdosed on meds, my O2 level in my blood dropped down to 30%) I was finally released, but Dr. wouldn't agree to do my surgery until I had another Cat Scan done. So as of now, I am scheduled for October 19th. I have to say though, this time around, I cannot get my head into this liquid diet. The first time around, I lost 12lbs. I have yet to gain any weight back, but I am the first to admit, I have not been on liquids like I know I should be. In my mind, the liquid diet is what I think messed me up to begin with. I didn't want broth, so I just wouldn't eat. I know this isn't the way to do it, but I did. And I think this is what made me sick to begin with. I had 6 days of horrible diarrhea, then two days of nearly passing out and vomiting, then 4 days in the hospital. So I just can't get into this liquid diet. I am REALLY going to try harder tomorrow. The part that really sucks is that instead of just having two weeks off work, I will be off a whole month. Which means I am REALLY going to struggle trying to pay bills. But I know in the end, it will all be worth it. If I don't have my health, what else matters? I am adding myself to the list. :thumbup: Thanks for reading. Happyloser 10/1 heyred1 10/1 bethany329 10/1 Timmers 10/1 Lindac80 10/1 Marfar7 10/1 Ca7696 10/2 Opus03 10/2 RedboneLA 10/3 ihavehope3 10/3 Viking_girl 10/5 leetie 10/7 Jtreece 10/8 MommyOf1 10/8 Suz-Q 10/9 Noodles 10/9 SharPei 10/13 Guy 10/13 Cshytle 10/13 MoniqueD 10/14 Jenfromtheburg 10/14 ncarreras 10/14 angela677 10/15 Kme 10/15 Nooshie 10/15 munkee'smommy 10/15 Oliverdog 10/16 danyett 10/16 We3601 10/19 Onikenbai 10/19 Thegerm 10/19 Chickychoo 10/19 kcg 10/20 Mzcancer 10/20 Soexcited 10/21 erenstar983 10/21 pina3940 10/21 jenrobbar951 TBA HDmama 10/22 Cindylou00 10/23 Crazychica133 10/26 Idahlem72 10/27 Daria77 10/27 Barley 10/28 4girlfamily 10/29 Tina 10/29
  20. Chickychoo

    September 2009 Band Date

    Thanks for the responses and well wishes. I am still in the hostpital getting fluids and antibiotics. I'm really not having any pain, but the nausea is horrible. My Dr said today, they will probably band me on Monday, and I imagine I will go home tomorrow. I miss my dog soooo bad, so I really cannot wait to go home! Thanks again! Jill
  21. Chickychoo

    September 2009 Band Date

    Well, today is the 28th, and at 2pm, I was supposed to be among the "banded". Unfortunately, this didn't happen. I started my liquid diet 10 days ago, 2 fridays ago. On the night before I started my liquid diet, i started having horrible horrible horrible diarrhea. I have gallbladder dumping syndrome, so this really wasn't out of the ordinary. Fast forward to six days later, and I still had the horrible diarrhea. Yes, for 6 days straight. But I thought maybe it was because I had not had any solid foods, maybe I wouldn't have a solid poo(TMI, sorry). I had to work twelve hours Saturday at work(xray tech) and it was soo busy, and while at work I was having left lower abd pain(felt like a gas pocket), horrendous back pain(i have bulging disks) and then I felt like my sugar dropped. Well, we were so busy I didn't get to eat lunch and so I figured that my sugar had dropped so I drank some chocolate milk and felt better. Still had back pain and abd pain. Which i thought could be a ovarian cyst or diverticulitis, but i figured diverticulitis was out of the question because i had been on liquids for so long. So while at work Saturday, i threw up. I went home, ran a fever all night. 6am the next morning i felt better so i went to work. While at work, my pain got worse. By 11am I decided to go to emergency room. One CT scan later, and I have an ovarian cyst and diverticulitis. So i get my antibiotics in the ER and I got admitted. Apparently my Potassium levels were really low because they pumped me full of potassium which hurt my IV site like you would not believe. About midnight i was given 2 of dilaudid(i had only been given one in the ER) and not long after I started vomiting. So then my nurse gave me IV Phenergen. Apparently i am a cheap drunk, because i knocked me so hard on my ass that i quite breathing in my sleep repeatedly. My pulse ox dropped int the 30% range and they had a horrible time getting me to stay awake to breath on my own. I apparently gave them quite a scare. Eventually I was given Narcan to reverse the effects of the narcotics and was doing better, but still by pulse ox levels were dropping into the 60% range. Today, I have been receiving IV antibiotics, and still getting potassium. I am having to stay overnight again, and I have no idea when they will do the surgery. I am so upset, I was so excited to have the surgery and now all this BS happens. :tongue2: I am hoping that maybe tomorrow they will tell me I can still have the surgery this week. I am keeping my fingers crossed!!! I hope the others that were supposed to have their surgery today had a better day than me!
  22. Chickychoo

    September 2009 Band Date

    I started my liquid diet on Friday. I have had horrible, and I do mean horrible, diarrhea since Friday. At first I thought it was because of my period, but here it is Tuesday, and I still have it. The hunger pains have been terrible, and i broke down and had a scrambled egg today. Does anyone know if a liquid diet would cause the diarrhea? Or perhaps it is like a cleansing of the colon type thing?? Today, before I ate the scrambled egg. I was so hungry that i was nauseous and really just couldn't eat the soup that I had taken for lunch. I barely ate anything, and felt terrible. Weak, almost feverish, but I'm not running a fever. After I ate the scrambled egg, I felt a little better, not so weak, but still feverish. Took my temp again, and nothing, no temp. Any ideas?? Thanks Jill
  23. Chickychoo

    September 2009 Band Date

    My pre op diet starts on the 18th, and my surgery is scheduled for the 28th. My pre op diet is basically a clear liquid diet with milk products in moderation. I have noticed these last few days that I am wanting to eat all my favorite things, as if I will never get to eat them again, which I know to be untrue. I don't think i have gained any weight because of this, but I certainly wouldn't be suprised if I have. I have considered starting my liquid diet earlier, but not sure if that is such a good idea either. I am disappointed in myself for these last few days. I just need to get back on track, I know. But the disappointment weighs heavily.
  24. Chickychoo

    September 2009 Band Date

    September Band Dates Soco 9/01/09 Amandakrangel 9/1/09 Coloradomom (Gen) 9/1/09 ms_Hart37 9/1/09 mosean6278 09/01/09 ivy76 9/02/09 Jmtmb (JoLynne ) 9/4/09 JLDChester(Jamie)9/4/09 Cortney75 (Cortney) 9/4/09 tzn (Karena) 9/8/09 Jules 09/09/09 Soldiersgem(ginna) 9/9/09 pr8453(Pam) 9/9/09 bradybrat 09/09/09 Nawlinzlady (Dee) 9/15/09 Anni80 (annie) 9/15/09 smallerj (jes) 9/16/09 Hardygostlin (Jody) 9/17/09 Loveslady(Tawonda) 9/17/09 Gatorgirl1024 (Shelley) 9/17/09 MishiB (Michelle) 9/17/09 Sharie3 9/21/09 leigna 09/24/09 Chickychoo (Jill) 09/28/09 Soexcited 9/30/09 just adding myself to the September band list :thumbup:
  25. Chickychoo

    September 2009 Band Date

    Hi everyone! I'm new here! I am having my surgery on Sept 28th, and start my liquid diet on September 18th. I am scared, excited, nervous!! Its nice to come here and hear the positive things everyone is having so far so soon after their surgery. I'll keep you guys updated.

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